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4 years ago
* Created by PanJiaChen on 16/11/18.
* Parse the time to string
* @param {(Object|string|number)} time
* @param {string} cFormat
* @returns {string | null}
export function parseTime(time, cFormat) {
if (arguments.length === 0) {
return null
const format = cFormat || '{y}-{m}-{d} {h}:{i}:{s}'
let date
if (typeof time === 'object') {
date = time
} else {
if ((typeof time === 'string') && (/^[0-9]+$/.test(time))) {
time = parseInt(time)
if ((typeof time === 'number') && (time.toString().length === 10)) {
time = time * 1000
date = new Date(time)
const formatObj = {
y: date.getFullYear(),
m: date.getMonth() + 1,
d: date.getDate(),
h: date.getHours(),
i: date.getMinutes(),
s: date.getSeconds(),
a: date.getDay()
const time_str = format.replace(/{([ymdhisa])+}/g, (result, key) => {
const value = formatObj[key]
// Note: getDay() returns 0 on Sunday
if (key === 'a') { return ['日', '一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六'][value ] }
return value.toString().padStart(2, '0')
return time_str
* @param {number} time
* @param {string} option
* @returns {string}
export function formatTime(time, option) {
if (('' + time).length === 10) {
time = parseInt(time) * 1000
} else {
time = +time
const d = new Date(time)
const now =
const diff = (now - d) / 1000
if (diff < 30) {
return '刚刚'
} else if (diff < 3600) {
// less 1 hour
return Math.ceil(diff / 60) + '分钟前'
} else if (diff < 3600 * 24) {
return Math.ceil(diff / 3600) + '小时前'
} else if (diff < 3600 * 24 * 2) {
return '1天前'
if (option) {
return parseTime(time, option)
} else {
return (
d.getMonth() +
1 +
'月' +
d.getDate() +
'日' +
d.getHours() +
'时' +
d.getMinutes() +
* @param {string} url
* @returns {Object}
export function param2Obj(url) {
const search = url.split('?')[1]
if (!search) {
return {}
return JSON.parse(
'{"' +
.replace(/"/g, '\\"')
.replace(/&/g, '","')
.replace(/=/g, '":"')
.replace(/\+/g, ' ') +
* @param {Function} func
* @param {number} wait
* @param {boolean} immediate
* @return {*}
export function debounce(func, wait, immediate) {
let timeout, args, context, timestamp, result
const later = function() {
// 据上一次触发时间间隔
const last = +new Date() - timestamp
// 上次被包装函数被调用时间间隔 last 小于设定时间间隔 wait
if (last < wait && last > 0) {
timeout = setTimeout(later, wait - last)
} else {
timeout = null
// 如果设定为immediate===true,因为开始边界已经调用过了此处无需调用
if (!immediate) {
result = func.apply(context, args)
if (!timeout) context = args = null
return function(...args) {
context = this
timestamp = +new Date()
const callNow = immediate && !timeout
// 如果延时不存在,重新设定延时
if (!timeout) timeout = setTimeout(later, wait)
if (callNow) {
result = func.apply(context, args)
context = args = null
return result