3 years ago
96 changed files with 6684 additions and 19377 deletions
File diff suppressed because it is too large
@ -1,211 +0,0 @@ |
<!--氨检漏试验报告--> |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<sticky style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<btn ref="btn" /> |
</sticky> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>基本信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="报告编号" prop="baogaobianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.baogaobianhao" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="试验压力" prop="shiyanyali"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shiyanyali" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
MPa |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="氨浓度" prop="annongdu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.annongdu" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="压力表量程" prop="yalibiaoliangcheng"> |
<el-input v-model="param.yalibiaoliangcheng" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
MPa |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="压力表精度" prop="yalibiaojingdu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.yalibiaojingdu" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
级 |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="环境温度" prop="huanjingwendu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.huanjingwendu" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
℃ |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="试纸(试剂)" prop="shizhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shizhi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="保压时间" prop="baoyashijian"> |
<el-input v-model="param.baoyashijian" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
min |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="试验部位" prop="shiyanbuwei"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shiyanbuwei" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>试验部位图</legend> |
<span v-if="state === 'create'" style="color: red;font-size: 26px;">请在原始报告保存后上传部位图</span> |
<pictureUpload v-else ref="picture" :info="info" @changed="changed" /> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>检验信息</legend> |
<el-form-item label="试验结果" prop="jiaohejieguo"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiaohejieguo" :disabled="edit" type="textarea" rows="4" style="width: 800px;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item label="备注" prop="beizhu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.beizhu" :disabled="edit" type="textarea" rows="2" style="width: 800px;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item label="" prop="jianyanrenyuan" style="display: none;"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.jianyanrenyuan" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import pictureUpload from '@/components/Upload' |
import btn from '@/views/common/FxButton' |
export default { |
name: 'GdZbgAjlsy', |
components: { Sticky, btn, pictureUpload }, |
data() { |
return { |
ysjl: {}, |
param: {}, |
chTableData: [], |
delRowIndex: [], |
dialogImageUrl: '', |
dialogVisible: false, |
fileList: [], |
upLoadData: { |
ysjlId: '' |
}, |
state: '', |
edit: false, |
info: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
} |
}, |
watch: { |
state: function(val) { |
this.$refs.picture.stateChange(val) |
} |
}, |
created() { |
this.getInfo() |
}, |
methods: { |
getInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/fx', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
this.state = 'create' |
if (data.param !== null && data.param !== undefined) { |
// 有无损原始报告参数 |
this.state = 'update' |
this.param = data.param |
this.upLoadData.ysjlId = data.ysjl.id |
this.fileList = JSON.parse(data.param.imagePath) === null ? JSON.parse('[]') : JSON.parse(data.param.imagePath) |
if (this.fileList.length > 0) { |
for (let i = 0; i < this.fileList.length; i++) { |
this.fileList[i].url = process.env.VUE_APP_IMG_URL + '8000/ajlsy/' + this.fileList[i].name |
} |
} |
} |
if (this.ysjl.flowstatus === 4) { |
this.state = 'finish' |
this.edit = true |
} |
this.$refs.btn.getParentInfo(this.ysjl, this.param, null, null, this.state, this.$route.query.jyxm) |
this.$refs.picture.getChange(this.ysjl.shebeizhongleidaima, this.state, this.fileList, 1) |
}) |
}, |
addChRow: function() { |
const d = { |
} |
this.chTableData.push(d) |
setTimeout(() => { |
this.$refs.chTableData.setCurrentRow(d) |
}, 10) // 用于延时渲染后选中这行 |
}, |
delChRow: function() { |
if (this.delRowIndex.length === 0) { |
this.$message({ |
type: 'error', |
message: '请选中需要删除的数据!' |
}) |
return false |
} else { |
// 对delRowIndex进行排序,因为删除一个元素后index值会变 |
this.delRowIndex.sort(function(x, y) { |
if (x < y) { |
return 1 |
} |
if (x > y) { |
return -1 |
} |
return 0 |
}) |
for (let i = 0; i < this.delRowIndex.length; i++) { |
this.chTableData.splice(this.delRowIndex[i], 1) |
} |
this.$refs.chTableData.clearSelection() |
this.delRowIndex = [] |
} |
}, |
changed(item) { |
this.param.imagePath = item |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
@ -1,602 +0,0 @@ |
<!-- 安全附件分项页面 --> |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<sticky style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<btn ref="btn" /> |
</sticky> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>基本信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="报告编号" prop="baogaobianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.baogaobianhao" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道名称" prop="shebeimingcheng"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shebeimingcheng" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道编号" prop="guandaobianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaobianhao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道级别" prop="guandaojibie"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaojibie" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
MPa |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道规格" prop="guandaoguige"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaoguige" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
MPa |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="设计压力" prop="shejiyali"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shejiyali" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="最高工作压力" prop="gongzuoyali"> |
<el-input v-model="param.gongzuoyali" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="设计温度" prop="shejiwendu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shejiwendu" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
℃ |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="工作温度" prop="gongzuowendu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.gongzuowendu" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
℃ |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="工作介质" prop="gongzuojiezhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.gongzuojiezhi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>压力表检查</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="设计规定数" prop="ylbshejiguidingshu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.ylbshejiguidingshu" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="实际安装数" prop="ylbshijianzhuangshu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.ylbshijianzhuangshu" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="安装位置" prop="ylbanzhuangweizhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.ylbanzhuangweizhi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="有效期" prop="ylbyouxiaoqi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.ylbyouxiaoqi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="量程" prop="ylbliangcheng"> |
<el-input v-model="param.ylbliangcheng" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="精度" prop="ylbjingdu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.ylbjingdu" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="表盘直径" prop="ylbbiaopanzhijing"> |
<el-input v-model="param.ylbbiaopanzhijing" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
mm |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="外观质量" prop="ylbwaiguanzhiliang"> |
<el-input v-model="param.ylbwaiguanzhiliang" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>测温仪表检查</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="设计规定数" prop="cwyshejiguidingshu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.cwyshejiguidingshu" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="实际安装数" prop="cwyshijianzhuangshu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.cwyshijianzhuangshu" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="安装位置" prop="cwyanzhuangweizhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.cwyanzhuangweizhi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="有效期" prop="cwybyouxiaoqi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.cwybyouxiaoqi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="量程" prop="cwyliangcheng"> |
<el-input v-model="param.cwyliangcheng" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="精度" prop="cwyjingdu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.cwyjingdu" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="外观质量" prop="cwybwaiguan"> |
<el-input v-model="param.cwybwaiguan" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>安全阀设计要求</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="数量" prop="aqfshuliang"> |
<el-input v-model="param.aqfshuliang" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="型号" prop="aqfxinghao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.aqfxinghao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="公称压力" prop="aqfgongchengyali"> |
<el-input v-model="param.aqfgongchengyali" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
mm |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="公称通径" prop="aqfgongchengtongjing"> |
<el-input v-model="param.aqfgongchengtongjing" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
mm |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>安全阀检查情况</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="数量" prop="aqfsjshuliang"> |
<el-input v-model="param.aqfsjshuliang" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="型号" prop="aqfsjxinghao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.aqfsjxinghao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="公称压力" prop="aqfsjgongchengyali"> |
<el-input v-model="param.aqfsjgongchengyali" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
mm |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="公称通径" prop="aqfsjgongchengtongjing"> |
<el-input v-model="param.aqfsjgongchengtongjing" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
mm |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="开启压力" prop="aqfkaiqiyali"> |
<el-input v-model="param.aqfkaiqiyali" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
MPa |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="工作温度" prop="aqfgongzuowendu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.aqfgongzuowendu" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
℃ |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="工作介质" prop="aqfgongzuojiezhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.aqfgongzuojiezhi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="外观质量" prop="aqfwaiguanzhiliang"> |
<el-input v-model="param.aqfwaiguanzhiliang" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
mm |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="有效期" prop="aqfyouxiaoqi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.aqfyouxiaoqi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="铅封" prop="aqfqianfeng"> |
<el-input v-model="param.aqfqianfeng" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="安装位置" prop="aqfanzhuangweizhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.aqfanzhuangweizhi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="合格证编号" prop="aqfhegezhengbianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.aqfhegezhengbianhao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="制造许可证" prop="aqfzhizaoxukezheng"> |
<el-input v-model="param.aqfzhizaoxukezheng" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>爆破片装置检查设计要求</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="数量" prop="bppshuliang"> |
<el-input v-model="param.bppshuliang" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="型号" prop="bppxinghao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.bppxinghao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="规格" prop="bppguige"> |
<el-input v-model="param.bppguige" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="爆破应力" prop="bppbaopoyingli"> |
<el-input v-model="param.bppbaopoyingli" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
MPa |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="公称直径" prop="bppgongchengzhijing"> |
<el-input v-model="param.bppgongchengzhijing" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
mm |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="材料" prop="bppsjcailiao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.bppsjcailiao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>爆破片装置检查情况</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="数量" prop="bppsjshuliang"> |
<el-input v-model="param.bppsjshuliang" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="型号" prop="bppsjxinghao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.bppsjxinghao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="规格" prop="bppsjguige"> |
<el-input v-model="param.bppsjguige" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="公称直径" prop="bppsjgongchengzhijing"> |
<el-input v-model="param.bppsjgongchengzhijing" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
mm |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="外观质量" prop="bppwaiguanzhiliang"> |
<el-input v-model="param.bppwaiguanzhiliang" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="有效期" prop="bppyouxiaoqi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.bppyouxiaoqi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="安装位置" prop="bppanzhuangweizhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.bppanzhuangweizhi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="合格证编号" prop="bpphegezhengbianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.bpphegezhengbianhao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="制造许可证" prop="bppzhizaoxukezheng"> |
<el-input v-model="param.bppzhizaoxukezheng" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>紧急切断装置</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="制造厂家" prop="jjqdzzchangjia"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jjqdzzchangjia" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="制造许可证号" prop="jjqdzzxukezhenghao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jjqdzzxukezhenghao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="合格证编号" prop="jjqdzzhegezhengbianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jjqdzzhegezhengbianhao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="型式及规格" prop="jjqdzzxingshiguige"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jjqdzzxingshiguige" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="切断时间" prop="jjqdzzqieduanshijian"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jjqdzzqieduanshijian" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
秒 |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="有效期" prop="jjqdzzyouxiaoqi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jjqdzzyouxiaoqi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="耐压试验" prop="jjqdzznaiyashiyanyali"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jjqdzznaiyashiyanyali" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="密封压力试验" prop="jjqdzzmibishiyanyali"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jjqdzzmibishiyanyali" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="铅封" prop="jjqdzzqianfeng"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jjqdzzqianfeng" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset style="display: none;"> |
<legend>检验信息</legend> |
<el-form-item label="" prop="jianyanrenyuan"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.jianyanrenyuan" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import btn from '@/views/common/FxButton' |
export default { |
name: 'GdZbgAqfj', |
components: { Sticky, btn }, |
data() { |
return { |
ysjl: {}, |
param: { |
bppxinghao: '—', |
bppshuliang: '—', |
bppguige: '—', |
bppgenghuanzhouqiyaoqiu: '—', |
bppgenghuariqi: '—', |
bppanzhuangweizhi: '—', |
jjqdzzxingshiguige: '—', |
jjqdzzshuliang: '—', |
jjqdzznaiyashiyanyali: '—', |
jjqdzzmibishiyanyali: '—', |
jjqdzzqieduanshijian: '—', |
jjqdzzjianxiujilu: '—', |
jjqdzzanzhuangweizhi: '—', |
jjqdzzwaiguan: '—', |
ywjxingshi: '—', |
ywjshuliang: '—', |
ywjrongqichongzhuangliang: '—', |
ywjanzhuangweizhi: '—', |
ywjwaiguan: '—', |
ywjwucha: '±', |
cwybxinghao: '—', |
cwybyouxiaoqi: '—', |
cwybwaiguan: '—', |
qxrgshiyanyali: '—', |
qxrgshiyanjiezhi: '—', |
qxrgbaoyashijian: '—', |
yxrgshiyanyali: '—', |
yxrgshiyanjiezhi: '—', |
yxrgbaoyashijian: '—', |
kuaikaimenjianyanjieguo: '合格' |
}, |
state: '', |
edit: false, |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
info: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
ysjl: this.ysjl, |
param: this.param, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm, |
state: this.state |
} |
} |
}, |
created() { |
this.getInfo() |
}, |
methods: { |
getInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/fx', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
this.state = 'create' |
if (data.param !== null && data.param !== undefined) { |
// 有无损原始报告参数 |
this.state = 'update' |
this.param = data.param |
} |
if (this.ysjl.flowstatus === 4) { |
this.state = 'finish' |
this.edit = true |
} |
this.$refs.btn.getParentInfo(this.ysjl, this.param, null, null, this.state, this.$route.query.jyxm) |
}) |
}, |
// 表格单击选中行 |
onRowClick(row) { |
this.$refs.tableData.toggleRowSelection(row) |
}, |
tableRowClassName({ row, rowIndex }) { |
row.index = rowIndex |
}, |
handleSelectionChange(val) { |
this.delRowIndex = [] |
for (let i = 0; i < val.length; i++) { |
this.delRowIndex.push(val[i].index) |
} |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
@ -1,274 +0,0 @@ |
<!--壁厚测定--> |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<sticky style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<btn ref="btn" /> |
</sticky> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>基本信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="报告编号" prop="baogaobianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.baogaobianhao" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道名称" prop="shebeimingcheng"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shebeimingcheng" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道规格" prop="guandaoguige"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaoguige" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
(mm) |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道编号" prop="guandaobianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaobianhao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道材质" prop="guandaocaizhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaocaizhi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道级别" prop="guandaojibie"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaojibie" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="表面状态" prop="biaomianzhuangkuang"> |
<el-input v-model="param.biaomianzhuangkuang" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="测量仪器型号" prop="celiangyiqixinghao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.celiangyiqixinghao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="测量仪器精度" prop="celiangyiqijingdu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.celiangyiqijingdu" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
(mm) |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="弯头测量比例" prop="guanjianceliangbili"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guanjianceliangbili" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管子测量比例" prop="guanziceliangbili"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guanziceliangbili" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="实测点数" prop="shicedianshu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shicedianshu" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="实测最小壁厚" prop="shicezuixiaobihou"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shicezuixiaobihou" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
(mm) |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>测厚点部位图</legend> |
<span v-if="state === 'create'" style="color: red;font-size: 26px;">请在原始报告保存后上传部位图</span> |
<pictureUpload v-else ref="picture" :info="info" @changed="changed" /> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>测厚报告</legend> |
<el-button type="success" icon="el-icon-download" size="mini" style="margin-right: 10px;" @click="common.downloadTemplate('压力管道壁厚检测报告表.xlsx')"> |
下载导入模板 |
</el-button> |
<el-upload |
:show-file-list="false" |
:before-upload="uploadTableData" |
style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;" |
action="" |
> |
<el-button type="primary" size="mini" icon="el-icon-upload" :disabled="edit"> |
导入数据 |
</el-button> |
</el-upload> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="success" size="mini" icon="el-icon-circle-plus-outline" :disabled="edit" @click="tableJs.addRow($refs.tableData)"> |
添加 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="danger" size="mini" icon="el-icon-remove-outline" :disabled="edit" @click="tableJs.delRow($refs.tableData)"> |
删除 |
</el-button> |
<el-table id="myTable" ref="tableData" :data="tableData" :row-class-name="tableRowClassName" border stripe style="width:100%;margin-top: 5px;" @row-click="onRowClick"> |
<el-table-column type="selection" width="40" /> |
<el-table-column type="index" width="50" label="序号" align="center" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C1" label="测点编号"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C1" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C2" label="厚度(mm)"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C2" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C3" label="测点编号"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C3" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C4" label="厚度(mm)"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C4" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C5" label="测点编号"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C5" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C6" width="115px" label="厚度(mm)"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C6" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C7" width="115px" label="测点编号"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C7" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C8" width="115px" label="厚度(mm)"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C8" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>检验信息</legend> |
<el-form-item label="备注" prop="beizhu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.beizhu" :disabled="edit" type="textarea" rows="4" style="width: 800px;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item label="" prop="jianyanrenyuan" style="display: none;"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.jianyanrenyuan" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import pictureUpload from '@/components/Upload' |
import btn from '@/views/common/FxButton' |
export default { |
name: 'GdZbgBhcd', |
components: { Sticky, btn, pictureUpload }, |
data() { |
return { |
ysjl: {}, |
param: { |
guanjianceliangbili: ' % 个', |
guanziceliangbili: ' % 个', |
yijingguanceliangbili: ' % 个', |
qitaceliangbili: ' % 段', |
jiancejieguo: '符合设计规定/ 需强度校核' |
}, |
tableData: [], |
fileList: [], |
state: '', |
edit: false, |
info: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
} |
}, |
watch: { |
state: function(val) { |
this.$refs.picture.stateChange(val) |
} |
}, |
created() { |
this.getInfo() |
}, |
methods: { |
getInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/fx', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
this.state = 'create' |
if (data.param !== null && data.param !== undefined) { |
// 有无损原始报告参数 |
this.state = 'update' |
this.param = data.param |
this.tableData = JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) === null ? JSON.parse('[]') : JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) |
this.fileList = JSON.parse(data.param.imagePath) === null ? JSON.parse('[]') : JSON.parse(data.param.imagePath) |
if (this.fileList.length > 0) { |
for (let i = 0; i < this.fileList.length; i++) { |
this.fileList[i].url = process.env.VUE_APP_IMG_URL + '8000/bhcd/' + this.fileList[i].name |
} |
} |
} |
if (this.ysjl.flowstatus === 4) { |
this.state = 'finish' |
this.edit = true |
} |
this.$refs.btn.getParentInfo(this.ysjl, this.param, null, this.tableData, this.state, this.$route.query.jyxm) |
this.$refs.picture.getChange(this.ysjl.shebeizhongleidaima, this.state, this.fileList, 1) |
}) |
}, |
// 表格单击选中行 |
onRowClick(row) { |
this.$refs.tableData.toggleRowSelection(row) |
}, |
tableRowClassName({ row, rowIndex }) { |
row.index = rowIndex |
}, |
changed(item) { |
this.param.imagePath = item |
}, |
uploadTableData(file) { |
this.common.uploadTableData(file, this.tableData) |
return false |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style> |
#myTable .el-input__inner{ |
padding: 0px 5px; |
text-align: center; |
} |
</style> |
@ -1,166 +0,0 @@ |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<sticky style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<btn ref="btn" /> |
</sticky> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>基础信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="使用单位代表"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shiyongdanweidaibiao" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="日期"> |
<el-date-picker v-model="param.daibiaoriqi" value-format="yyyy年MM月dd日" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>工作安全确认表</legend> |
<el-table :data="tableData" border stripe style="width: 100%;"> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C1" width="100" label="项次" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C2" width="500" label="内容"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<span v-if="scope.row.C1 !== '其他'">{{ scope.row.C2 }}</span> |
<el-input v-else v-model="scope.row.C2" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C3" width="400" label="检查结果"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-checkbox-group v-model="scope.row.C3" @change="change"> |
<el-checkbox v-for="item in scope.row.C3" v-show="item.label" :key="item.key" :label="item.label" /> |
</el-checkbox-group> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import btn from '@/views/common/FxButton' |
export default { |
name: 'GdZbgGzaqqrb', |
components: { Sticky, btn }, |
data() { |
return { |
ysjl: {}, |
tableData: [], |
edit: false, |
state: '', |
param: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
} |
}, |
created() { |
this.getInfo() |
}, |
methods: { |
getInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/fx', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
this.state = 'create' |
if (data.param) { |
this.state = 'update' |
this.param = data.param |
this.tableData = JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) === null ? JSON.parse('[]') : JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) |
this.formatterJG() |
} else { |
this.getDicJyxm() |
} |
if (this.ysjl.flowstatus === 4) { |
this.state = 'finish' |
this.edit = true |
} |
this.$refs.btn.getParentInfo(this.ysjl, this.param, null, this.tableData, this.state, this.$route.query.jyxm) |
}) |
}, |
/** |
* 从字典中获取检验项目 |
*/ |
getDicJyxm() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/jyxm/getCyJyxm', |
method: 'post', |
data: { |
templateId: this.ysjl.modelId, |
order: 1 |
} |
}).then(data => { |
data.forEach((v) => { |
this.tableData.push({ |
C1: v.jianyanxiang, |
C2: v.jianyanneirong, |
C3: v.jianyanjieguo |
}) |
}) |
this.formatterJG() |
}) |
}, |
/** |
* 将检验结果字符串转换成适应单选框的所需数据 |
* 最后一个变量为选中的label |
* [{label:'a', key: '0_0'},{label:'b', key: '0_1'},{label:'c', key: '0_2'},'d'] |
*/ |
formatterJG() { |
for (let i = 0; i < this.tableData.length; i++) { |
const temp = this.tableData[i].C3.split(';') |
const C3Array = this.tableData[i].C3.replace(/□/g, '').replace(/☑/g, '').split(';') |
let C3Check = '' |
for (let j = 0; j < temp.length; j++) { |
if (temp[j].indexOf('☑') !== -1) { |
C3Check = C3Array[j] |
} |
C3Array[j] = { |
label: C3Array[j], |
key: i + '_' + j |
} |
} |
C3Array.push(C3Check) |
this.tableData[i].C3 = C3Array |
} |
}, |
/** |
* 因为最后一个变量为被选中的变量,那么将删除最后一个变量的前一个变量 |
* 需要保证被删除的变量必须是上次选中的数据,因为每个选项都存在label,所以判断label是否存在 |
*/ |
change(row) { |
if (!row[row.length - 2].label) { |
row.splice(row.length - 2, 1) |
} |
}, |
beforeSaveBuildData() { |
for (let i = 0; i < this.param.fubiao.length; i++) { |
let tempC3 = '' |
for (let j = 0; j < this.param.fubiao[i].C3.length - 1; j++) { |
if (this.param.fubiao[i].C3[j].label === this.param.fubiao[i].C3[this.param.fubiao[i].C3.length - 1]) { |
tempC3 += this.param.fubiao[i].C3[j].label + '☑' |
} else { |
tempC3 += this.param.fubiao[i].C3[j].label + '□' |
} |
if (j !== this.param.fubiao[i].C3.length - 2) { |
tempC3 += ';' |
} |
} |
this.param.fubiao[i].C3 = tempC3 |
} |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
@ -1,175 +0,0 @@ |
<!--氦、卤素检漏试验报告--> |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<sticky style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<btn ref="btn" /> |
</sticky> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>基本信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="报告编号" prop="baogaobianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.baogaobianhao" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="仪器型号" prop="yiqixinghao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.yiqixinghao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="仪器编号" prop="yiqibianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.yiqibianhao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="仪器精度量程" prop="yiqijingduliangcheng"> |
<el-input v-model="param.yiqijingduliangcheng" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检测方式" prop="jiancefangshi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancefangshi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="示漏气体" prop="shilouqiti"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shilouqiti" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="试验压力" prop="shiyanyali"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shiyanyali" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
MPa |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="保压时间" prop="naiyashijian"> |
<el-input v-model="param.naiyashijian" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
min |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="泄漏率" prop="xieloulv"> |
<el-input v-model="param.xieloulv" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
Paml/s |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="试验部位" prop="shiyanbuwei"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shiyanbuwei" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>试验部位图</legend> |
<span v-if="state === 'create'" style="color: red;font-size: 26px;">请在原始报告保存后上传部位图</span> |
<pictureUpload v-else ref="picture" :info="info" @changed="changed" /> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>检验信息</legend> |
<el-form-item label="试验结果" prop="shiyanjieguo"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shiyanjieguo" :disabled="edit" type="textarea" rows="4" style="width: 800px;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item label="备注" prop="beizhu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.beizhu" :disabled="edit" type="textarea" rows="4" style="width: 800px;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item label="" prop="jianyanrenyuan" style="display: none;"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.jianyanrenyuan" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import pictureUpload from '@/components/Upload' |
import btn from '@/views/common/FxButton' |
export default { |
name: 'GdZbgHlsjl', |
components: { Sticky, btn, pictureUpload }, |
data() { |
return { |
ysjl: {}, |
param: {}, |
dialogImageUrl: '', |
dialogVisible: false, |
fileList: [], |
upLoadData: { |
ysjlId: '' |
}, |
state: '', |
edit: false, |
info: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
} |
}, |
watch: { |
state: function(val) { |
this.$refs.picture.stateChange(val) |
} |
}, |
created() { |
this.getInfo() |
}, |
methods: { |
getInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/fx', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
this.state = 'create' |
if (data.param !== null && data.param !== undefined) { |
// 有无损原始报告参数 |
this.state = 'update' |
this.param = data.param |
this.upLoadData.ysjlId = data.ysjl.id |
this.fileList = JSON.parse(data.param.imagePath) === null ? JSON.parse('[]') : JSON.parse(data.param.imagePath) |
if (this.fileList.length > 0) { |
for (let i = 0; i < this.fileList.length; i++) { |
this.fileList[i].url = process.env.VUE_APP_IMG_URL + '8000/hlsjl/' + this.fileList[i].name |
} |
} |
} |
if (this.ysjl.flowstatus === 4) { |
this.state = 'finish' |
this.edit = true |
} |
this.$refs.btn.getParentInfo(this.ysjl, this.param, null, this.tableData, this.state, this.$route.query.jyxm) |
this.$refs.picture.getChange(this.ysjl.shebeizhongleidaima, this.state, this.fileList, 1) |
}) |
}, |
changed(item) { |
this.param.imagePath = item |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
@ -1,193 +0,0 @@ |
<!--化学成分分析--> |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<sticky style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<btn ref="btn" /> |
</sticky> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>基本信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="报告编号" prop="baogaobianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.baogaobianhao" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道编号" prop="guandaobianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaobianhao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道规格(外径mm×壁厚mm)" label-width="200px" prop="guandaoguige"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaoguige" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
(mm) |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道名称" prop="shebeimingcheng"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shebeimingcheng" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道材质" prop="guandaocaizhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaocaizhi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道级别" prop="guandaojibie"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaojibie" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="取样方法" prop="quyangfangfa"> |
<el-input v-model="param.quyangfangfa" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检测部位" prop="jiancebuwei"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancebuwei" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="试件编号" prop="shijianbianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shijianbianhao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="执行标准" prop="fangfabiaozhun"> |
<el-input v-model="param.fangfabiaozhun" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>化验结果报告</legend> |
<el-table id="myTable" ref="tableData" :data="tableData" :row-class-name="tableRowClassName" border stripe style="width:100%;margin-top: 5px;"> |
<el-table-column type="selection" width="40" /> |
<el-table-column type="index" width="50" label="序号" /> |
<el-table-column prop="C1" align="center" label="A"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C1" :disabled="edit" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C2" label="B"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C2" :disabled="edit" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C3" label="C"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C3" :disabled="edit" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C4" label="D"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C4" :disabled="edit" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C5" label="E"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C5" :disabled="edit" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C6" label="F"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C6" :disabled="edit" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>检验信息</legend> |
<el-form-item label="评定意见" prop="fenxijieguo"> |
<el-input v-model="param.fenxijieguo" :disabled="edit" type="textarea" rows="4" style="width: 800px;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item label="" prop="jianyanrenyuan" style="display: none;"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.jianyanrenyuan" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import btn from '@/views/common/FxButton' |
export default { |
name: 'GdZbgHxcf', |
components: { Sticky, btn }, |
data() { |
return { |
ysjl: {}, |
param: {}, |
tableData: [], |
state: '', |
edit: false, |
info: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
} |
}, |
created() { |
this.getInfo() |
}, |
methods: { |
getInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/fx', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
this.state = 'create' |
if (data.param !== null && data.param !== undefined) { |
// 有无损原始报告参数 |
this.state = 'update' |
this.param = data.param |
this.tableData = JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) |
} |
if (this.tableData.length === 0) { |
this.tableData = [{ C1: 'C', C2: '', C3: 'Mo', C4: '', C5: 'Ti', C6: '' }, { C1: 'Si', C2: '', C3: 'V', C4: '', C5: 'Nb', C6: '' }, |
{ C1: 'Mn', C2: '', C3: 'Al', C4: '', C5: 'Cu', C6: '' }, { C1: 'S', C2: '', C3: 'Cr', C4: '', C5: '', C6: '' }, |
{ C1: 'P', C2: '', C3: 'Ni', C4: '', C5: '', C6: '' }, { C1: '', C2: '', C3: '', C4: '', C5: '', C6: '' }, { C1: '', C2: '', C3: '', C4: '', C5: '', C6: '' }] |
} |
if (this.ysjl.flowstatus === 4) { |
this.state = 'finish' |
this.edit = true |
} |
this.$refs.btn.getParentInfo(this.ysjl, this.param, null, this.tableData, this.state, this.$route.query.jyxm) |
}) |
}, |
// 表格单击选中行 |
onRowClick(row) { |
this.$refs.tableData.toggleRowSelection(row) |
}, |
tableRowClassName({ row, rowIndex }) { |
row.index = rowIndex |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style> |
#myTable .el-input__inner{ |
padding: 0px 5px; |
text-align: center; |
} |
</style> |
@ -1,180 +0,0 @@ |
<!--金相分析--> |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<sticky style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<btn ref="btn" /> |
</sticky> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>基本信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="报告编号" prop="baogaobianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.baogaobianhao" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道名称" prop="shebeimingcheng"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shebeimingcheng" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道规格(外径mm×壁厚mm)" label-width="200px" prop="guandaoguige"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaoguige" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道编号" prop="guandaobianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaobianhao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道材质" prop="guandaocaizhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaocaizhi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道级别" prop="guandaojibie"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaojibie" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="热处理状态" prop="rechulizhuangtai"> |
<el-input v-model="param.rechulizhuangtai" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="取样部位" prop="quyangbuwei"> |
<el-input v-model="param.quyangbuwei" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="试样编号" prop="shiyangbianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shiyangbianhao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="仪器型号" prop="fenxiyiqixinghao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.fenxiyiqixinghao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="放大倍数" prop="fangdabeishu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.fangdabeishu" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="腐蚀方法" prop="fushifangfa"> |
<el-input v-model="param.fushifangfa" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="抛光方法" prop="paoguangfangfa"> |
<el-input v-model="param.paoguangfangfa" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="执行标准" prop="zhixingbiaozhun"> |
<el-input v-model="param.zhixingbiaozhun" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>金相照片或分析部位</legend> |
<span v-if="state === 'create'" style="color: red;font-size: 26px;">请在原始报告保存后上传部位图</span> |
<pictureUpload v-else ref="picture" :info="info" @changed="changed" /> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>检验信息</legend> |
<el-form-item label="分析结果" prop="jiancejieguo"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancejieguo" :disabled="edit" type="textarea" rows="4" style="width: 800px;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item label="" prop="jianyanrenyuan" style="display: none;"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.jianyanrenyuan" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import pictureUpload from '@/components/Upload' |
import btn from '@/views/common/FxButton' |
export default { |
name: 'GdZbgJxfx', |
components: { Sticky, btn, pictureUpload }, |
data() { |
return { |
ysjl: {}, |
param: {}, |
fileList: [], |
state: '', |
edit: false, |
info: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm, |
limit: 1, |
multiple: false |
} |
} |
}, |
watch: { |
state: function(val) { |
this.$refs.picture.stateChange(val) |
} |
}, |
created() { |
this.getInfo() |
}, |
methods: { |
getInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/fx', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
this.state = 'create' |
if (data.param !== null && data.param !== undefined) { |
// 有分项原始报告参数 |
this.state = 'update' |
this.param = data.param |
this.fileList = JSON.parse(data.param.imagePath) === null ? JSON.parse('[]') : JSON.parse(data.param.imagePath) |
if (this.fileList.length > 0) { |
for (let i = 0; i < this.fileList.length; i++) { |
this.fileList[i].url = process.env.VUE_APP_IMG_URL + '8000/jxfx/' + this.fileList[i].name |
} |
} |
} |
if (this.ysjl.flowstatus === 4) { |
this.state = 'finish' |
this.edit = true |
} |
this.$refs.btn.getParentInfo(this.ysjl, this.param, null, null, this.state, this.$route.query.jyxm) |
this.$refs.picture.getChange(this.ysjl.shebeizhongleidaima, this.state, this.fileList, 1) |
}) |
}, |
changed(item) { |
this.param.imagePath = item |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
@ -1,159 +0,0 @@ |
<!--性能参数一览表--> |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<sticky style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<btn ref="btn" /> |
</sticky> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>参数报告</legend> |
<el-button type="success" icon="el-icon-download" size="mini" style="margin-right: 10px;" @click="common.downloadTemplate('压力管道明细检测报告表.xlsx')"> |
下载导入模板 |
</el-button> |
<el-upload |
:show-file-list="false" |
:before-upload="uploadTableData" |
style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;" |
action="" |
> |
<el-button type="primary" size="mini" icon="el-icon-upload" :disabled="edit"> |
导入数据 |
</el-button> |
</el-upload> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="success" size="mini" icon="el-icon-circle-plus-outline" :disabled="edit" @click="tableJs.addRow($refs.tableData, { C1: true })"> |
添加 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="danger" size="mini" icon="el-icon-remove-outline" :disabled="edit" @click="tableJs.delRow($refs.tableData)"> |
删除 |
</el-button> |
<el-table id="myTable" ref="tableData" :data="tableData" :row-class-name="tableRowClassName" border stripe style="width:100%;margin-top: 5px;" @row-click="onRowClick"> |
<el-table-column type="selection" width="40" /> |
<el-table-column type="index" prop="C1" width="50" label="序号" align="center" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C2" width="115px" label="管道名称"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C2" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C3" width="115px" label="管道编号"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C3" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C4" width="130px" label="起止点"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C4" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C5" width="115px" label="规格/(外径mm×壁厚mm)"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C5" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C6" width="80px" label="管道级别"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C6" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C7" width="90px" label="设计/工作压力MPa"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C7" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C8" width="90px" label="设计/工作温度℃"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C8" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C9" width="115px" label="工作介质"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C9" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C10" width="115px" label="管道材质"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C10" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C11" width="70px" label="长度m"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C11" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C12" width="105px" label="安全状况等级"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C12" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C13" width="130px" label="注册登记证书编号(或注册代码)"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C13" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import btn from '@/views/common/FxButton' |
export default { |
name: 'GdZbgMxb', |
components: { Sticky, btn }, |
data() { |
return { |
ysjl: {}, |
param: {}, |
tableData: [], |
state: '', |
edit: false |
} |
}, |
created() { |
this.getInfo() |
}, |
methods: { |
getInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/fx', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
this.state = 'create' |
if (data.param !== null && data.param !== undefined) { |
// 有无损原始报告参数 |
this.state = 'update' |
this.param = data.param |
this.tableData = JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) === null ? JSON.parse('[]') : JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) |
} |
if (this.ysjl.flowstatus === 4) { |
this.state = 'finish' |
this.edit = true |
} |
this.$refs.btn.getParentInfo(this.ysjl, this.param, null, this.tableData, this.state, this.$route.query.jyxm) |
}) |
}, |
// 表格单击选中行 |
onRowClick(row) { |
this.$refs.tableData.toggleRowSelection(row) |
}, |
tableRowClassName({ row, rowIndex }) { |
row.index = rowIndex |
}, |
uploadTableData(file) { |
this.common.uploadTableData(file, this.tableData) |
return false |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style> |
#myTable .el-input__inner{ |
padding: 0px 5px; |
text-align: center; |
} |
</style> |
@ -1,137 +0,0 @@ |
<!--壁厚测定--> |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<sticky style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<btn ref="btn" /> |
</sticky> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>基本信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="报告编号" prop="baogaobianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.baogaobianhao" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道名称" prop="shebeimingcheng"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shebeimingcheng" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道规格" prop="guandaoguige"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaoguige" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
(mm) |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道编号" prop="guandaobianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaobianhao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道材质" prop="guandaocaizhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaocaizhi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道级别" prop="guandaojibie"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaojibie" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>测厚点部位图</legend> |
<span v-if="state === 'create'" style="color: red;font-size: 26px;">请在原始报告保存后上传部位图</span> |
<pictureUpload v-else ref="picture" :info="info" @changed="changed" /> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import pictureUpload from '@/components/Upload' |
import btn from '@/views/common/FxButton' |
export default { |
name: 'GdZbgBhcd', |
components: { Sticky, btn, pictureUpload }, |
data() { |
return { |
ysjl: {}, |
param: { |
guanjianceliangbili: ' % 个', |
guanziceliangbili: ' % 个', |
yijingguanceliangbili: ' % 个', |
qitaceliangbili: ' % 段', |
jiancejieguo: '符合设计规定/ 需强度校核' |
}, |
fileList: [], |
state: '', |
edit: false, |
info: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
} |
}, |
watch: { |
state: function(val) { |
this.$refs.picture.stateChange(val) |
} |
}, |
created() { |
this.getInfo() |
}, |
methods: { |
getInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/fx', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
this.state = 'create' |
if (data.param !== null && data.param !== undefined) { |
// 有无损原始报告参数 |
this.state = 'update' |
this.param = data.param |
this.fileList = data.param.imagePath ? JSON.parse(data.param.imagePath) : [] |
if (this.fileList.length > 0) { |
for (let i = 0; i < this.fileList.length; i++) { |
this.fileList[i].url = process.env.VUE_APP_IMG_URL + '8000/bhcd/' + this.fileList[i].name |
} |
} |
} |
if (this.ysjl.flowstatus === 4) { |
this.state = 'finish' |
this.edit = true |
} |
this.$refs.btn.getParentInfo(this.ysjl, this.param, null, null, this.state, this.$route.query.jyxm) |
this.$refs.picture.getChange(this.ysjl.shebeizhongleidaima, this.state, this.fileList, 1) |
}) |
}, |
changed(item) { |
this.param.imagePath = item |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style> |
#myTable .el-input__inner{ |
padding: 0px 5px; |
text-align: center; |
} |
</style> |
@ -1,262 +0,0 @@ |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<sticky style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<btn ref="btn" /> |
</sticky> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>基本信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="报告编号" prop="baogaobianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.baogaobianhao" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道名称" prop="shebeimingcheng"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shebeimingcheng" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道规格" prop="guandaoguige"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaoguige" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
(mm) |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道编号" prop="guandaobianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaobianhao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道材质" prop="guandaocaizhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaocaizhi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道级别" prop="guandaojibie"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaojibie" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="最高工作压力" prop="shiyongyali"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shiyongyali" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
MPa |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="试验介质" prop="shiyanjiezhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shiyanjiezhi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="试验压力" prop="shiyanyali"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shiyanyali" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
MPa |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="介质温度" prop="jiezhiwendu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiezhiwendu" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
℃ |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="环境温度" prop="huanjingwendu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.huanjingwendu" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
℃ |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row v-if="ysjl.jianyanxiangmu === 'nysy'" :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="机泵出口压力表规格" label-width="160px" prop="yalibiaoguige"> |
<el-input v-model="param.yalibiaoguige" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
MPa |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="机泵出口压力表精度" label-width="160px" prop="yalibiaojingdu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.yalibiaojingdu" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
级 |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row v-if="ysjl.jianyanxiangmu === 'xlsy'" :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="压气设备出口压力表规格" label-width="160px" prop="yalibiaoguige"> |
<el-input v-model="param.yalibiaoguige" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
MPa |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="压气设备出口压力表精度" label-width="160px" prop="yalibiaojingdu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.yalibiaojingdu" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
级 |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管线压力表规格" prop="guanxianyalibiaoguige"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guanxianyalibiaoguige" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
MPa |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管线压力表精度" prop="guanxianyalibiaojingdu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guanxianyalibiaojingdu" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
级 |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col v-if="ysjl.jianyanxiangmu === 'nysy'" :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="机泵型号" prop="jibengxinghao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jibengxinghao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col v-if="ysjl.jianyanxiangmu === 'xlsy'" :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="压气设备型号" prop="yaqishebeixinghao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.yaqishebeixinghao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="执行标准" prop="zhixingbiaozhun"> |
<el-input v-model="param.zhixingbiaozhun" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>实际试验曲线</legend> |
<span v-if="state === 'create'" style="color: red;font-size: 26px;">请在原始报告保存后上传检测部位图</span> |
<pictureUpload v-else ref="picture" :info="info" @changed="changed" /> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>检验信息</legend> |
<el-form-item v-if="ysjl.jianyanxiangmu === 'nysy'" label="压力试验结论" prop="shiyanjielun"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shiyanjielun" :disabled="edit" type="textarea" rows="4" style="width: 800px;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item v-if="ysjl.jianyanxiangmu === 'xlsy'" label="泄漏性试验结论" prop="shiyanjielun"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shiyanjielun" :disabled="edit" type="textarea" rows="4" style="width: 800px;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item label="" prop="jianyanrenyuan" style="display: none;"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.jianyanrenyuan" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import btn from '@/views/common/FxButton' |
import pictureUpload from '@/components/Upload' |
export default { |
name: 'GdZbgNysy', |
components: { Sticky, btn, pictureUpload }, |
data() { |
return { |
ysjl: {}, |
param: {}, |
dialogVisible: false, |
edit: false, |
fileList: [], |
state: '', |
info: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm, |
limit: 1, |
multiple: false |
} |
} |
}, |
watch: { |
state: function(val) { |
this.$refs.picture.stateChange(val) |
} |
}, |
created() { |
this.getInfo() |
}, |
methods: { |
getInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/fx', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
this.state = 'create' |
if (data.param !== null && data.param !== undefined) { |
// 有无损原始报告参数 |
this.state = 'update' |
this.param = data.param |
this.fileList = JSON.parse(data.param.imagePath) === null ? JSON.parse('[]') : JSON.parse(data.param.imagePath) |
if (this.fileList.length > 0) { |
for (let i = 0; i < this.fileList.length; i++) { |
this.fileList[i].url = process.env.VUE_APP_IMG_URL + '8000/nysy/' + this.fileList[i].name |
} |
} |
} |
if (this.ysjl.flowstatus === 4) { |
this.state = 'finish' |
this.edit = true |
} |
this.$refs.btn.getParentInfo(this.ysjl, this.param, null, null, this.state, this.$route.query.jyxm) |
this.$refs.picture.getChange(this.ysjl.shebeizhongleidaima, this.state, this.fileList, 1) |
}) |
}, |
changed(item) { |
this.param.imagePath = item |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
@ -1,215 +0,0 @@ |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<sticky style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<btn ref="btn" /> |
</sticky> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>基本信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="报告编号" prop="baogaobianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.baogaobianhao" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="设计压力" prop="shejiyali"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shejiyali" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
MPa |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="允许/监控使用压力" prop="shiyongyali"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shiyongyali" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
MPa |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="气密性试验压力" prop="qimishiyanyali"> |
<el-input v-model="param.qimishiyanyali" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
MPa |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="试验介质" prop="shiyanjiezhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shiyanjiezhi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="介质温度" prop="jiezhiwendu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiezhiwendu" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
℃ |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="环境温度" prop="huanjingwendu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.huanjingwendu" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
℃ |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="压力源" prop="yaliyuan"> |
<el-input v-model="param.yaliyuan" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="试验部位" prop="shiyanbuwei"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shiyanbuwei" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="压力表量程" prop="yalibiaoliangcheng"> |
<el-input v-model="param.yalibiaoliangcheng" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
MPa |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="压力表精度" prop="yalibiaojingdu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.yalibiaojingdu" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
级 |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="" prop="jianyanrenyuan" style="display: none;"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.jianyanrenyuan" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>试验程序报告</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="2" style="font-size: 18px;font-weight: bolder;padding-left: 25px;"> |
缓慢升至试验压力: <el-input v-model="param.huanshengyali" :disabled="edit" class="underlines" /> MPa, |
保压 <el-input v-model="param.baoyashijian" :disabled="edit" class="underlines" /> min; |
检查容器及连接部位:<el-input v-model="param.jyrqxielou" :disabled="edit" class="underlines" /> 泄漏。 |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>人员固定图</legend> |
<span v-if="state === 'create'" style="color: red;font-size: 26px;">请在原始报告保存后上传检测部位图</span> |
<pictureUpload v-else ref="picture" :info="info" @changed="changed" /> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>检验信息</legend> |
<el-form-item label="试验结果" prop="shiyanjieguo"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shiyanjieguo" :disabled="edit" type="textarea" rows="4" style="width: 800px;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item label="备注" prop="beizhu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.beizhu" :disabled="edit" type="textarea" rows="2" style="width: 800px;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import btn from '@/views/common/FxButton' |
import pictureUpload from '@/components/Upload' |
export default { |
name: 'GdZbgQmxsy', |
components: { Sticky, btn, pictureUpload }, |
data() { |
return { |
ysjl: {}, |
param: {}, |
dialogVisible: false, |
dialogImageUrl: '', |
edit: false, |
state: '', |
info: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
} |
}, |
watch: { |
state: function(val) { |
this.$refs.picture.stateChange(val) |
} |
}, |
created() { |
this.getInfo() |
}, |
methods: { |
getInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/fx', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
this.state = 'create' |
if (data.param !== null && data.param !== undefined) { |
// 有无损原始报告参数 |
this.state = 'update' |
this.param = data.param |
this.fileList = JSON.parse(data.param.imagePath) === null ? JSON.parse('[]') : JSON.parse(data.param.imagePath) |
if (this.fileList.length > 0) { |
for (let i = 0; i < this.fileList.length; i++) { |
this.fileList[i].url = process.env.VUE_APP_IMG_URL + '8000/qmxsy/' + this.fileList[i].name |
} |
} |
} |
if (this.ysjl.flowstatus === 4) { |
this.state = 'finish' |
this.edit = true |
} |
this.$refs.btn.getParentInfo(this.ysjl, this.param, null, null, this.state, this.$route.query.jyxm) |
this.$refs.picture.getChange(this.ysjl.shebeizhongleidaima, this.state, this.fileList, 1) |
}) |
}, |
changed(item) { |
this.param.imagePath = item |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style> |
.underlines{ |
width:100px; |
height: 40px; |
} |
.underlines .el-input__inner{ |
border-top-style: none; |
border-left-style: none; |
border-right-style: none; |
border-radius: 0px; |
text-align: center; |
} |
</style> |
@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ |
<!--射线检测分包--> |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<sticky style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<btn ref="btn" /> |
</sticky> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>基本信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="报告编号" prop="baogaobianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.baogaobianhao" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="设备名称" prop="shebeimingcheng"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shebeimingcheng" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道规格(外径×壁厚)" label-width="150px" prop="shebeiguige"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shebeiguige" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
(mm) |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="产品编号" prop="chanpinbianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.chanpinbianhao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="主体材质" prop="zhuticaizhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.zhuticaizhi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检测技术等级" prop="jishudengji"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jishudengji" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检测部位" prop="jiancebuwei"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancebuwei" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检测比例" prop="jiancebili"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancebili" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检测数量(焊口/底片)" label-width="160px" prop="jianceshuliang"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jianceshuliang" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="检测标准" prop="jiancebiaozhun"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancebiaozhun" :disabled="edit" :rowspan="2" type="textarea" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>化验结果报告</legend> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="success" size="mini" icon="el-icon-circle-plus-outline" @click="addRow()"> |
添加 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="danger" size="mini" icon="el-icon-remove-outline" @click="delRow()"> |
删除 |
</el-button> |
<el-table id="myTable" ref="tableData" :data="tableData" :row-class-name="tableRowClassName" border stripe style="width:100%;margin-top: 5px;" @row-click="onRowClick" @selection-change="handleSelectionChange"> |
<el-table-column type="selection" width="40" /> |
<el-table-column width="120px" prop="C1" label="序号" align="center"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C1" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C2" width="120px" label="焊口编号"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C2" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C3" width="120px" label="底片编号"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C3" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="right" prop="C4" width="120px" label="安全状况等级"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C4" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C5" width="120px" label="序号"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C5" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C6" width="120px" label="焊口编号"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C6" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C7" width="120px" label="底片编号"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C7" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C8" width="120px" label="安全状况等级"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C8" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>检验信息</legend> |
<el-form-item label="备注" prop="beizhu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.beizhu" :disabled="edit" type="textarea" rows="2" style="width: 800px;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item label="" prop="jianyanrenyuan" style="display: none;"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.jianyanrenyuan" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import btn from '@/views/common/FxButton' |
export default { |
name: 'GdZbgSxjcfb', |
components: { Sticky, btn }, |
data() { |
return { |
ysjl: {}, |
param: { |
jiancebili: '抽查 100%', |
jianceshuliang: '个 / 张', |
jiancebiaozhun: 'NB/T47013.2-2015、《压力管道安全技术监察规程—工业管道》(TSG D0001)\n' + |
'《压力管道定期检验规则—工业管道》(TSG D7005)质检特函[2013]61号', |
beizhu: '(分包单位: 分包报告编号: )' |
}, |
tableData: [], |
delRowIndex: [], |
state: '', |
edit: false, |
info: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
} |
}, |
created() { |
this.getInfo() |
}, |
methods: { |
getInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/fx', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
this.state = 'create' |
if (data.param !== null && data.param !== undefined) { |
// 有无损原始报告参数 |
this.state = 'update' |
this.param = data.param |
this.tableData = JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) |
} |
if (this.ysjl.flowstatus === 4) { |
this.state = 'finish' |
this.edit = true |
} |
this.$refs.btn.getParentInfo(this.ysjl, this.param, null, this.tableData, this.state, this.$route.query.jyxm) |
}) |
}, |
addRow: function() { |
const d = { |
C1: (this.tableData.length * 2) + 1, |
C5: (this.tableData.length * 2) + 2 |
} |
this.tableData.push(d) |
setTimeout(() => { |
this.$refs.tableData.setCurrentRow(d) |
}, 10) // 用于延时渲染后选中这行 |
}, |
delRow: function() { |
if (this.delRowIndex.length === 0) { |
this.$message({ |
type: 'error', |
message: '请选中需要删除的数据!' |
}) |
return false |
} else { |
// 对delRowIndex进行排序,因为删除一个元素后index值会变 |
this.delRowIndex.sort(function(x, y) { |
if (x < y) { |
return 1 |
} |
if (x > y) { |
return -1 |
} |
return 0 |
}) |
for (let i = 0; i < this.delRowIndex.length; i++) { |
this.tableData.splice(this.delRowIndex[i], 1) |
} |
this.$refs.tableData.clearSelection() |
this.delRowIndex = [] |
} |
}, |
// 表格单击选中行 |
onRowClick(row) { |
this.$refs.tableData.toggleRowSelection(row) |
}, |
tableRowClassName({ row, rowIndex }) { |
row.index = rowIndex |
}, |
handleSelectionChange(val) { |
this.delRowIndex = [] |
for (let i = 0; i < val.length; i++) { |
this.delRowIndex.push(val[i].index) |
} |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style> |
#myTable .el-input__inner{ |
padding: 0px 5px; |
text-align: center; |
} |
</style> |
@ -1,197 +0,0 @@ |
<!--硬度检测--> |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<sticky style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<btn ref="btn" /> |
</sticky> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>基本信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="报告编号" prop="baogaobianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.baogaobianhao" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道名称" prop="shebeimingcheng"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shebeimingcheng" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道规格(外径mm×壁厚mm)" label-width="200px" prop="guandaoguige"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaoguige" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
(mm) |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道编号" prop="guandaobianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaobianhao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道材质" prop="guandaocaizhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaocaizhi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道级别" prop="guandaojibie"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaojibie" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="热处理状态" prop="rechulizhuangtai"> |
<el-input v-model="param.rechulizhuangtai" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="仪器型号" prop="celiangyiqixinghao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.celiangyiqixinghao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="测定部位" prop="jiancebuwei"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancebuwei" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="评定标准" prop="jiancebiaozhun"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancebiaozhun" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>测点报告</legend> |
<el-button type="success" icon="el-icon-download" size="mini" style="margin-right: 10px;" @click="common.downloadTemplate('压力管道硬度检测报告表.xlsx')"> |
下载导入模板 |
</el-button> |
<el-upload |
:show-file-list="false" |
:before-upload="uploadTableData" |
style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;" |
action="" |
> |
<el-button type="primary" size="mini" icon="el-icon-upload" :disabled="edit"> |
导入数据 |
</el-button> |
</el-upload> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="success" size="mini" icon="el-icon-circle-plus-outline" :disabled="edit" @click="tableJs.addRow($refs.tableData)"> |
添加 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="danger" size="mini" icon="el-icon-remove-outline" :disabled="edit" @click="tableJs.delRow($refs.tableData)"> |
删除 |
</el-button> |
<el-table id="myTable" ref="tableData" :data="tableData" :row-class-name="tableRowClassName" border stripe style="width:100%;margin-top: 5px;" @row-click="onRowClick" @selection-change="handleSelectionChange"> |
<el-table-column type="selection" width="40" /> |
<el-table-column type="index" prop="C1" width="80px" label="序号" align="center"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C1" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C2" label="硬 度 值(HB)"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C2" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C3" label="硬度测定部位"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C3" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>检验信息</legend> |
<el-form-item label="评定意见" prop="pingdingyijian"> |
<el-input v-model="param.pingdingyijian" :disabled="edit" type="textarea" rows="4" style="width: 800px;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item label="" prop="jianyanrenyuan" style="display: none;"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.jianyanrenyuan" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import btn from '@/views/common/FxButton' |
export default { |
name: 'GdZbgYdjc', |
components: { Sticky, btn }, |
data() { |
return { |
checkedTab: 'first', |
ysjl: {}, |
param: {}, |
tableData: [], |
delRowIndex: [], |
state: '', |
edit: false, |
info: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
} |
}, |
created() { |
this.getInfo() |
}, |
methods: { |
getInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/fx', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
this.state = 'create' |
if (data.param) { |
// 有无损原始报告参数 |
this.state = 'update' |
this.param = data.param |
this.tableData = JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) ? JSON.parse('[]') : JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) |
} |
if (this.ysjl.flowstatus === 4) { |
this.state = 'finish' |
this.edit = true |
} |
this.$refs.btn.getParentInfo(this.ysjl, this.param, null, this.tableData, this.state, this.$route.query.jyxm) |
}) |
}, |
// 表格单击选中行 |
onRowClick(row) { |
this.$refs.tableData.toggleRowSelection(row) |
}, |
tableRowClassName({ row, rowIndex }) { |
row.index = rowIndex |
}, |
uploadTableData(file) { |
this.common.uploadTableData(file, this.tableData) |
return false |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style> |
#myTable .el-input__inner{ |
padding: 0px 5px; |
text-align: center; |
} |
</style> |
@ -1,349 +0,0 @@ |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<sticky style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<div class="sub-navbar"> |
<el-button v-if="state === 'create'" type="success" icon="el-icon-edit" size="medium" @click="saveYsjl('create')"> |
保存 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state === 'update'" type="success" icon="el-icon-edit" size="medium" @click="saveYsjl('update')"> |
更新 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state === 'update'" type="success" icon="el-icon-upload2" size="medium" @click="saveYsjl('build')"> |
生成报告 |
</el-button> |
</div> |
</sticky> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>基本信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="报告编号" prop="baogaobianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.baogaobianhao" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道名称" prop="shebeimingcheng"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shebeimingcheng" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道规格(外径mm×壁厚mm)" label-width="200px" prop="guandaoguige"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaoguige" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道编号" prop="guandaobianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaobianhao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道材质" prop="guandaocaizhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaocaizhi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道级别" prop="guandaojibie"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaojibie" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="表面状况" prop="biaomianzhuangkuang"> |
<el-input v-model="param.biaomianzhuangkuang" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="使用仪器" prop="jianceyiqixinghao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jianceyiqixinghao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检测部位" prop="jiancebuwei"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancebuwei" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检测比例" prop="jiancebili"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancebili" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="prepend"> |
% |
</template> |
<template slot="append"> |
mm |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="标准试块" prop="biaozhunshikuai"> |
<el-input v-model="param.biaozhunshikuai" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="磁粉类型" prop="cifenleixing"> |
<el-input v-model="param.cifenleixing" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="安匝数" prop="anzashu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.anzashu" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="磁粉时间" prop="cihuashijian"> |
<el-input v-model="param.cihuashijian" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="磁粉方法" prop="cihuafangfa"> |
<el-input v-model="param.cihuafangfa" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="磁粉电流" prop="cihuadianliu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.cihuadianliu" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="喷洒方式" prop="pensafangfa"> |
<el-input v-model="param.pensafangfa" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="执行标准" prop="jiancebiaozhun"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancebiaozhun" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>检测报告</legend> |
<el-button type="success" icon="el-icon-download" size="mini" style="margin-right: 10px;" @click="common.downloadTemplate('压力管道磁粉检测报告表.xlsx')"> |
下载导入模板 |
</el-button> |
<el-upload |
:show-file-list="false" |
:before-upload="uploadTableData" |
style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;" |
action="" |
> |
<el-button type="primary" size="mini" icon="el-icon-upload" :disabled="edit"> |
导入数据 |
</el-button> |
</el-upload> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="success" size="mini" icon="el-icon-circle-plus-outline" :disabled="edit" @click="tableJs.addRow($refs.tableData)"> |
添加 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="danger" size="mini" icon="el-icon-remove-outline" :disabled="edit" @click="tableJs.delRow($refs.tableData)"> |
删除 |
</el-button> |
<el-table id="myTable" ref="tableData" :data="tableData" :row-class-name="tableRowClassName" border stripe style="width:100%;margin-top: 5px;" @row-click="onRowClick"> |
<el-table-column type="selection" width="40" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C1" width="80px" label="序号"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C1" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C2" width="150px" label="缺陷位置"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C2" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C3" width="120px" label="缺陷长度(mm)"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C3" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C4" width="120px" label="备注"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C4" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C5" width="80px" label="序号"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C5" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C6" width="150px" label="缺陷位置"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C6" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C7" width="120px" label="缺陷长度(mm)"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C7" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C8" width="120px" label="备注"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C8" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>检验信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检验人员" prop="jianyanrenyuan"> |
<el-input v-model="jianyanrenyuan" disabled /> |
<el-input v-show="false" v-model="ysjl.jianyanrenyuan" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col v-if="state !== 'bgView'" :span="9"> |
<sign-name :ysjl="ysjl" :jianyanrenyuan="jianyanrenyuan" @setSignValue="singNameValue" /> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="检验日期" prop="jianyankaishiriqi"> |
<el-date-picker v-model="ysjl.jianyankaishiriqi" :disabled="edit" type="date" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd" placeholder="选择日期" /> |
至 |
<el-date-picker v-model="ysjl.jianyanjieshuriqi" :disabled="edit" type="date" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd" placeholder="选择日期" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import SignName from '@/views/common/SignName' |
import Utils from '@/utils/contact' |
export default { |
name: 'GdZbgCfjc', |
components: { SignName, Sticky }, |
data() { |
return { |
ysjl: {}, |
param: {}, |
tableData: [], |
state: '', |
edit: false, |
departmentId: this.$route.query.departmentId, |
jianyanrenyuan: '', |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
info: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
} |
}, |
created() { |
this.getInfo() |
}, |
methods: { |
// 签名方法 |
singNameValue(data) { |
this.jianyanrenyuan = data.name |
this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan = data.id |
if (this.state !== 'create') { |
this.common.signName(this.ysjl.id, this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan) |
Utils.$emit('ysjl-list') |
} |
}, |
getInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/wusun', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
this.state = 'create' |
if (this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan !== null && this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan.length > 0) { |
this.jianyanrenyuan = this.common.convertCnName(this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan) |
} |
if (data.param !== null && data.param !== undefined) { |
// 有无损原始报告参数 |
this.state = 'update' |
this.param = data.param |
this.tableData = data.param.fubiao ? JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) : [] |
} |
if (this.ysjl.flowstatus !== null) { |
this.state = 'finish' |
this.edit = true |
} |
}) |
}, |
// 表格单击选中行 |
onRowClick(row) { |
this.$refs.tableData.toggleRowSelection(row) |
}, |
tableRowClassName({ row, rowIndex }) { |
row.index = rowIndex |
}, |
saveYsjl(state) { |
let url = '' |
if (state === 'build' && (this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan === null || this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan === '')) { |
this.$message({ message: '请先签名再生成报告!', type: 'error' }) |
return false |
} |
url = '/wusun' |
this.$refs['ysjl'].validate(valid => { |
this.param.ysjlId = this.$route.query.id |
this.param.fubiao = this.tableData |
if (valid) { |
this.api({ |
url: url, |
method: 'put', |
data: { |
ysjl: this.ysjl, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm, |
wsObj: this.param, |
state: state |
} |
}).then(data => { |
Utils.$emit('ysjl-list') |
Utils.$emit('modifyMajorInspectionItemBySub') |
this.state = 'update' |
if (state === 'create') { |
this.$message({ message: '保存成功', type: 'success' }) |
} else if (state === 'update') { |
this.$message({ message: '更新成功', type: 'success' }) |
} else { |
Utils.$emit('bggl-daiban-list') |
this.$message({ message: '生成报告成功', type: 'success' }) |
this.$store.dispatch('delCurrentViews', { |
view: this.$route, |
$router: this.$router |
}) |
} |
}) |
} |
}) |
}, |
uploadTableData(file) { |
this.common.uploadTableData(file, this.tableData) |
return false |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style> |
#myTable .el-input__inner{ |
padding: 0px 5px; |
text-align: center; |
} |
</style> |
@ -1,389 +0,0 @@ |
<!--超声检测--> |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<sticky v-if="state !== 'finish'" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<div class="sub-navbar"> |
<el-button v-if="state === 'create'" type="success" icon="el-icon-edit" size="medium" @click="saveYsjl('create')"> |
保存 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state === 'update'" type="success" icon="el-icon-edit" size="medium" @click="saveYsjl('update')"> |
更新 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state === 'update'" type="success" icon="el-icon-upload2" size="medium" @click="saveYsjl('build')"> |
生成报告 |
</el-button> |
</div> |
</sticky> |
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<fieldset> |
<legend>基本信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="报告编号" prop="baogaobianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.baogaobianhao" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道名称" prop="shebeimingcheng"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shebeimingcheng" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道规格(外径mm×壁厚mm)" label-width="200px" prop="guandaoguige"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaoguige" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道编号" prop="guandaobianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaobianhao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道材质" prop="guandaocaizhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaocaizhi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道级别" prop="guandaojibie"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaojibie" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="表面状态" prop="biaomianzhuangtai"> |
<el-input v-model="param.biaomianzhuangtai" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="坡口型式" prop="pokouxingshi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.pokouxingshi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检测部位" prop="jiancebuwei"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancebuwei" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="测试仪器型号" prop="jianceyiqixinghao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jianceyiqixinghao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="探头类型" prop="tantouxinghao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.tantouxinghao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="标准试块" prop="shikuaixinghao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shikuaixinghao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="灵敏度" prop="pingdinglingmindu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.pingdinglingmindu" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="耦合剂" prop="ouheji"> |
<el-input v-model="param.ouheji" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="耦合补偿" prop="buchang"> |
<el-input v-model="param.buchang" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
DB |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检测比例" prop="jiancebili"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancebili" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="prepend"> |
% |
</template> |
<template slot="append"> |
mm |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="执行标准" prop="jiancebiaozhun"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancebiaozhun" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>超声波检测结果评定表</legend> |
<el-button type="success" icon="el-icon-download" size="mini" style="margin-right: 10px;" @click="common.downloadTemplate('压力管道超声检测报告表.xlsx')"> |
下载导入模板 |
</el-button> |
<el-upload |
:show-file-list="false" |
:before-upload="uploadTableData" |
style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;" |
action="" |
> |
<el-button type="primary" size="mini" icon="el-icon-upload" :disabled="edit"> |
导入数据 |
</el-button> |
</el-upload> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="success" size="mini" icon="el-icon-circle-plus-outline" :disabled="edit" @click="tableJs.addRow($refs.tableData)"> |
添加 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="danger" size="mini" icon="el-icon-remove-outline" :disabled="edit" @click="tableJs.delRow($refs.tableData)"> |
删除 |
</el-button> |
<el-table id="myTable" ref="tableData" :data="tableData" :row-class-name="tableRowClassName" border stripe style="width:100%;margin-top: 5px;" @row-click="onRowClick"> |
<el-table-column type="selection" width="40" /> |
<el-table-column type="index" width="50" label="序号" align="center" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C2" width="120px" label="缺陷位置"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C2" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C3" width="170px" label="缺陷埋藏深度(mm)"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C3" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C4" width="120px" label="缺陷长度(mm)"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C4" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C5" width="120px" label="缺陷高度(mm)"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C5" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C6" width="120px" label="缺陷波反射区域"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C6" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C7" width="120px" label="评定级别"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C7" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C8" width="120px" label="备注"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
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</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>检验信息</legend> |
<el-form-item label="说明" prop="beizhu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.beizhu" :disabled="edit" type="textarea" rows="3" /> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检测人员" prop="jianyanrenyuan"> |
<el-input v-model="jianyanrenyuan" disabled /> |
<el-input v-show="false" v-model="ysjl.jianyanrenyuan" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col v-if="state !== 'bgView'" :span="9"> |
<sign-name :ysjl="ysjl" :jianyanrenyuan="jianyanrenyuan" @setSignValue="singNameValue" /> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检验日期" prop="jianyanjieshuriqi"> |
<el-date-picker v-model="ysjl.jianyanjieshuriqi" :disabled="edit" type="date" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd" placeholder="选择日期" style="width: 100%;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import SignName from '@/views/common/SignName' |
import Utils from '@/utils/contact' |
export default { |
name: 'GdZbgCsjc', |
components: { SignName, Sticky }, |
data() { |
return { |
checkedTab: 'first', |
ysjl: {}, |
param: {}, |
tableData: [], |
delRowIndex: [], |
edit: false, |
dialogImageUrl: '', |
fileList: [], |
dialogVisible: false, |
departmentId: this.$route.query.departmentId, |
jianyanrenyuan: '', |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
state: '', |
info: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
} |
}, |
watch: { |
}, |
created() { |
this.getInfo() |
}, |
methods: { |
// 签名方法 |
singNameValue(data) { |
this.jianyanrenyuan = data.name |
this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan = data.id |
if (this.state !== 'create') { |
this.common.signName(this.ysjl.id, this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan) |
Utils.$emit('ysjl-list') |
} |
}, |
getInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/wusun', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
this.state = 'create' |
if (this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan !== null && this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan.length > 0) { |
this.jianyanrenyuan = this.common.convertCnName(this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan) |
} |
if (data.param !== null && data.param !== undefined) { |
// 有无损原始报告参数 |
this.state = 'update' |
this.param = data.param |
this.tableData = data.param.fubiao === null || data.param.fubiao === undefined ? [] : JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) |
this.fileList = JSON.parse(data.param.imagePath) === null ? JSON.parse('[]') : JSON.parse(data.param.imagePath) |
if (this.fileList.length > 0) { |
for (let i = 0; i < this.fileList.length; i++) { |
this.fileList[i].url = process.env.VUE_APP_IMG_URL + '8000/csjc/' + this.fileList[i].name |
} |
} |
} |
if (this.ysjl.flowstatus !== null) { |
this.state = 'finish' |
this.edit = true |
} |
}) |
}, |
addRow: function() { |
const d = {} |
this.tableData.push(d) |
setTimeout(() => { |
this.$refs.tableData.setCurrentRow(d) |
}, 10) // 用于延时渲染后选中这行 |
}, |
delRow: function() { |
if (this.delRowIndex.length === 0) { |
this.$message({ |
type: 'error', |
message: '请选中需要删除的数据!' |
}) |
return false |
} else { |
// 对delRowIndex进行排序,因为删除一个元素后index值会变 |
for (let i = 0; i < this.delRowIndex.length; i++) { |
this.tableData.splice(this.delRowIndex[i], 1) |
} |
this.$refs.tableData.clearSelection() |
this.delRowIndex = [] |
} |
}, |
// 表格单击选中行 |
onRowClick(row) { |
this.$refs.tableData.toggleRowSelection(row) |
}, |
tableRowClassName({ row, rowIndex }) { |
row.index = rowIndex |
}, |
handleSelectionChange(val) { |
this.delRowIndex = [] |
for (let i = 0; i < val.length; i++) { |
this.delRowIndex.push(val[i].index) |
} |
}, |
saveYsjl(state) { |
let url = '' |
if (state === 'build' && (this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan === null || this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan === '')) { |
this.$message({ message: '请先签名再生成报告!', type: 'error' }) |
return false |
} |
url = '/wusun' |
this.$refs['ysjl'].validate(valid => { |
this.param.ysjlId = this.$route.query.id |
for (let i = 0; i < this.tableData.length; i++) { |
this.tableData[i].C1 = this.tableData[i].index + 1 |
} |
this.param.fubiao = this.tableData |
if (valid) { |
this.api({ |
url: url, |
method: 'put', |
data: { |
ysjl: this.ysjl, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm, |
wsObj: this.param, |
state: state |
} |
}).then(data => { |
Utils.$emit('ysjl-list') |
Utils.$emit('modifyMajorInspectionItemBySub') |
this.state = 'update' |
if (state === 'create') { |
this.$message({ message: '保存成功', type: 'success' }) |
} else if (state === 'update') { |
this.$message({ message: '更新成功', type: 'success' }) |
} else { |
Utils.$emit('bggl-daiban-list') |
this.$message({ message: '生成报告成功', type: 'success' }) |
this.$store.dispatch('delCurrentViews', { |
view: this.$route, |
$router: this.$router |
}) |
} |
}) |
} |
}) |
}, |
uploadTableData(file) { |
this.common.uploadTableData(file, this.tableData) |
return false |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style> |
#myTable .el-input__inner{ |
padding: 0px 5px; |
text-align: center; |
} |
</style> |
@ -1,347 +0,0 @@ |
<!--渗透检测--> |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<sticky v-if="state !== 'finish'" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<div class="sub-navbar"> |
<el-button v-if="state === 'create'" type="success" icon="el-icon-edit" size="medium" @click="saveYsjl('create')"> |
保存 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state === 'update'" type="success" icon="el-icon-edit" size="medium" @click="saveYsjl('update')"> |
更新 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state === 'update'" type="success" icon="el-icon-upload2" size="medium" @click="saveYsjl('build')"> |
生成报告 |
</el-button> |
</div> |
</sticky> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>基本信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="报告编号" prop="baogaobianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.baogaobianhao" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道名称" prop="shebeimingcheng"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shebeimingcheng" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道规格(外径mm×壁厚mm)" label-width="200px" prop="guandaoguige"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaoguige" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道编号" prop="guandaobianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaobianhao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道材质" prop="guandaocaizhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaocaizhi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道级别" prop="guandaojibie"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaojibie" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="表面状况" prop="biaomianzhuangkuang"> |
<el-input v-model="param.biaomianzhuangkuang" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检测方法" prop="jiancefangfa"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancefangfa" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检测部位" prop="jiancebuwei"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancebuwei" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="环境温度" prop="huanjingwendu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.huanjingwendu" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
℃ |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检测比例" prop="jiancebili"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancebili" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="prepend"> |
% |
</template><template slot="append"> |
mm |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="观察方式" prop="guanchafangshi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guanchafangshi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="对比试块" prop="duibishikuai"> |
<el-input v-model="param.duibishikuai" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="清洗剂型号" prop="qingxijixinghao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.qingxijixinghao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="渗透剂型号" prop="shentoujixinghao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shentoujixinghao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="显像剂型号" prop="xianxiangjixinghao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.xianxiangjixinghao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="执行标准" prop="jiancebiaozhun"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancebiaozhun" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>检测结果评定表</legend> |
<el-button type="success" icon="el-icon-download" size="mini" style="margin-right: 10px;" @click="common.downloadTemplate('压力管道渗透检测报告表.xlsx')"> |
下载导入模板 |
</el-button> |
<el-upload |
:show-file-list="false" |
:before-upload="uploadTableData" |
style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;" |
action="" |
> |
<el-button type="primary" size="mini" icon="el-icon-upload" :disabled="edit"> |
导入数据 |
</el-button> |
</el-upload> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="success" size="mini" icon="el-icon-circle-plus-outline" :disabled="edit" @click="tableJs.addRow($refs.tableData)"> |
添加 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="danger" size="mini" icon="el-icon-remove-outline" :disabled="edit" @click="tableJs.delRow($refs.tableData)"> |
删除 |
</el-button> |
<el-table id="myTable" ref="tableData" :data="tableData" :row-class-name="tableRowClassName" border stripe style="width:100%;margin-top: 5px;" @row-click="onRowClick"> |
<el-table-column type="selection" width="40" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C1" width="80px" label="序号"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C1" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C2" width="200px" label="缺陷位置"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C2" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C3" width="200px" label="缺陷长度(mm)"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C3" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C4" width="80px" label="序号"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C4" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C5" width="200px" label="缺陷位置"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C5" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C6" width="200px" label="缺陷长度(mm)"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C6" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>检验信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20" style="height: 90px;"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="说明" prop="beizhu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.beizhu" :disabled="edit" type="textarea" rows="3" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检验人员" prop="jianyanrenyuan"> |
<el-input v-model="jianyanrenyuan" disabled /> |
<el-input v-show="false" v-model="ysjl.jianyanrenyuan" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<sign-name :ysjl="ysjl" :jianyanrenyuan="jianyanrenyuan" @setSignValue="singNameValue" /> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="检验日期" prop="jianyankaishiriqi"> |
<el-date-picker v-model="ysjl.jianyankaishiriqi" :disabled="edit" type="date" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd" placeholder="选择日期" /> |
至 |
<el-date-picker v-model="ysjl.jianyanjieshuriqi" :disabled="edit" type="date" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd" placeholder="选择日期" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import SignName from '@/views/common/SignName' |
import Utils from '@/utils/contact' |
export default { |
name: 'GdZbgStjc', |
components: { SignName, Sticky }, |
data() { |
return { |
checkedTab: 'first', |
ysjl: {}, |
param: {}, |
tableData: [], |
state: '', |
edit: false, |
fileList: [], |
departmentId: this.$route.query.departmentId, |
jianyanrenyuan: '', |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
info: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
} |
}, |
watch: { |
}, |
created() { |
this.getInfo() |
}, |
methods: { |
// 签名方法 |
singNameValue(data) { |
this.jianyanrenyuan = data.name |
this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan = data.id |
if (this.state !== 'create') { |
this.common.signName(this.ysjl.id, this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan) |
Utils.$emit('ysjl-list') |
} |
}, |
getInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/wusun', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
this.state = 'create' |
if (this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan !== null && this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan.length > 0) { |
this.jianyanrenyuan = this.common.convertCnName(this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan) |
} |
if (data.param !== null && data.param !== undefined) { |
// 有无损原始报告参数 |
this.state = 'update' |
this.param = data.param |
this.tableData = this.param.fubiao ? JSON.parse(this.param.fubiao) : [] |
} |
if (this.ysjl.flowstatus !== null) { |
this.state = 'finish' |
this.edit = true |
} |
}) |
}, |
// 表格单击选中行 |
onRowClick(row) { |
this.$refs.tableData.toggleRowSelection(row) |
}, |
tableRowClassName({ row, rowIndex }) { |
row.index = rowIndex |
}, |
saveYsjl(state) { |
let url = '' |
if (state === 'build' && (this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan === null || this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan === '')) { |
this.$message({ message: '请先签名再生成报告!', type: 'error' }) |
return false |
} |
url = '/wusun' |
this.$refs['ysjl'].validate(valid => { |
this.param.ysjlId = this.$route.query.id |
this.param.fubiao = this.tableData |
if (valid) { |
this.api({ |
url: url, |
method: 'put', |
data: { |
ysjl: this.ysjl, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm, |
wsObj: this.param, |
state: state |
} |
}).then(data => { |
Utils.$emit('ysjl-list') |
Utils.$emit('modifyMajorInspectionItemBySub') |
this.state = 'update' |
if (state === 'create') { |
this.$message({ message: '保存成功', type: 'success' }) |
} else if (state === 'update') { |
this.$message({ message: '更新成功', type: 'success' }) |
} else { |
Utils.$emit('bggl-daiban-list') |
this.$message({ message: '生成报告成功', type: 'success' }) |
this.$store.dispatch('delCurrentViews', { |
view: this.$route, |
$router: this.$router |
}) |
} |
}) |
} |
}) |
}, |
uploadTableData(file) { |
this.common.uploadTableData(file, this.tableData) |
return false |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style> |
#myTable .el-input__inner{ |
padding: 0px 5px; |
text-align: center; |
} |
</style> |
@ -1,445 +0,0 @@ |
<!--射线检测--> |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<sticky v-if="state !== 'finish'" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<div class="sub-navbar"> |
<el-button v-if="state === 'create'" type="success" icon="el-icon-edit" size="medium" @click="saveYsjl('create')"> |
保存 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state === 'update'" type="success" icon="el-icon-edit" size="medium" @click="saveYsjl('update')"> |
更新 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state === 'update'" type="success" icon="el-icon-upload2" size="medium" @click="saveYsjl('build')"> |
生成报告 |
</el-button> |
</div> |
</sticky> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>基本信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="报告编号" prop="baogaobianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.baogaobianhao" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道名称" prop="shebeimingcheng"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shebeimingcheng" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道规格(外径mm×壁厚mm)" label-width="200px" prop="shebeiguige"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shebeiguige" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道编号" prop="guandaobianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaobianhao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道材质" prop="guandaocaizhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaocaizhi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道级别" prop="guandaojibie"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaojibie" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="源种类" prop="yuanzhonglei"> |
<el-input v-model="param.yuanzhonglei" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检测部位" prop="jiancebuwei"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancebuwei" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检测比例" prop="jiancebili"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancebili" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="prepend"> |
% |
</template><template slot="append"> |
mm |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="执行标准" prop="jiancebiaozhun"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancebiaozhun" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>检测条件</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="6"> |
<el-form-item label="仪器型号" prop="yiqixinghao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.yiqixinghao" :disabled="edit" class="jiancetiaojian" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="6"> |
<el-form-item label="增感法" prop="zengganfangshi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.zengganfangshi" :disabled="edit" class="jiancetiaojian" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="6"> |
<el-form-item label="透度计类型" prop="toudujileixing"> |
<el-input v-model="param.toudujileixing" :disabled="edit" class="jiancetiaojian" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="6"> |
<el-form-item label="仪器规格" prop="yiqiguige"> |
<el-input v-model="param.yiqiguige" :disabled="edit" class="jiancetiaojian" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="6"> |
<el-form-item label="管电压" prop="guandianya"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandianya" :disabled="edit" class="jiancetiaojian"> |
<template slot="append"> |
KV |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="6"> |
<el-form-item label="管电流" prop="guandianliu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandianliu" :disabled="edit" class="jiancetiaojian"> |
<template slot="append"> |
mA |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="6"> |
<el-form-item label="象质计指数" prop="xiangzhijizhishu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.xiangzhijizhishu" :disabled="edit" class="jiancetiaojian" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="6"> |
<el-form-item label="透照方式" prop="touzhaofangshi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.touzhaofangshi" :disabled="edit" class="jiancetiaojian" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="6"> |
<el-form-item label="曝光时间" prop="baoguangshijian"> |
<el-input v-model="param.baoguangshijian" :disabled="edit" class="jiancetiaojian"> |
<template slot="append"> |
min |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="6"> |
<el-form-item label="底片类型" prop="dipianleixing"> |
<el-input v-model="param.dipianleixing" :disabled="edit" class="jiancetiaojian" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="6"> |
<el-form-item label="焦距" prop="jiaoju"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiaoju" :disabled="edit" class="jiancetiaojian"> |
<template slot="append"> |
mm |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="6"> |
<el-form-item label="黑度" prop="dipianheidu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.dipianheidu" :disabled="edit" class="jiancetiaojian" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="6"> |
<el-form-item label="底片长度" prop="dipianchangdu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.dipianchangdu" :disabled="edit" class="jiancetiaojian"> |
<template slot="append"> |
mm |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="6"> |
<el-form-item label="有效长度" prop="youxiaochangdu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.youxiaochangdu" :disabled="edit" class="jiancetiaojian"> |
<template slot="append"> |
mm |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>检测报告</legend> |
<el-button type="success" icon="el-icon-download" size="mini" style="margin-right: 10px;" @click="common.downloadTemplate('压力管道射线检测报告表.xlsx')"> |
下载导入模板 |
</el-button> |
<el-upload |
:show-file-list="false" |
:before-upload="uploadTableData" |
style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;" |
action="" |
> |
<el-button type="primary" size="mini" icon="el-icon-upload" :disabled="edit"> |
导入数据 |
</el-button> |
</el-upload> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="success" size="mini" icon="el-icon-circle-plus-outline" :disabled="edit" @click="tableJs.addRow($refs.tableData)"> |
添加 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="danger" size="mini" icon="el-icon-remove-outline" :disabled="edit" @click="tableJs.delRow($refs.tableData)"> |
删除 |
</el-button> |
<el-table id="myTable" ref="tableData" :data="tableData" :row-class-name="tableRowClassName" border stripe style="width:100%;margin-top: 5px;" @row-click="onRowClick" @selection-change="handleSelectionChange"> |
<el-table-column type="selection" width="40" /> |
<el-table-column type="index" align="center" width="70px" label="序号" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C2" width="100px" label="底片编号"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C2" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C3" width="140px" label="缺陷位置"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C3" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C4" width="140px" label="缺陷性质"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C4" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C5" width="120px" label="缺陷长度(mm)"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C5" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C6" width="120px" label="缺陷高度(mm)"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C6" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C7" width="120px" label="评定级别"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C7" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C8" width="150px" label="备注"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C8" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>检验信息</legend> |
<el-form-item label="说明" prop="beizhu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.beizhu" :disabled="edit" type="textarea" rows="3" /> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检验人员" prop="jianyanrenyuan"> |
<el-input v-model="jianyanrenyuan" disabled /> |
<el-input v-show="false" v-model="ysjl.jianyanrenyuan" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<sign-name :ysjl="ysjl" :jianyanrenyuan="jianyanrenyuan" @setSignValue="singNameValue" /> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检验日期" prop="jianyanjieshuriqi"> |
<el-date-picker v-model="ysjl.jianyanjieshuriqi" :disabled="edit" type="date" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd" placeholder="选择日期" style="width: 100%;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import SignName from '@/views/common/SignName' |
import Utils from '@/utils/contact' |
export default { |
name: 'GdZbgSxjc', |
components: { SignName, Sticky }, |
data() { |
return { |
checkedTab: 'first', |
ysjl: {}, |
param: {}, |
tableData: [], |
delRowIndex: [], |
state: '', |
edit: false, |
fileList: [], |
departmentId: this.$route.query.departmentId, |
jianyanrenyuan: '', |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
info: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
} |
}, |
watch: { |
}, |
created() { |
this.getInfo() |
}, |
methods: { |
// 签名方法 |
singNameValue(data) { |
this.jianyanrenyuan = data.name |
this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan = data.id |
if (this.state !== 'create') { |
this.common.signName(this.ysjl.id, this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan) |
Utils.$emit('ysjl-list') |
} |
}, |
getInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/wusun', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
this.state = 'create' |
if (this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan !== null && this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan.length > 0) { |
this.jianyanrenyuan = this.common.convertCnName(this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan) |
} |
if (data.param !== null && data.param !== undefined) { |
// 有无损原始报告参数 |
this.state = 'update' |
this.param = data.param |
this.tableData = data.param.fubiao ? JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) : [] |
} |
if (this.ysjl.flowstatus !== null) { |
this.state = 'finish' |
this.edit = true |
} |
}) |
}, |
addRow: function() { |
const d = {} |
this.tableData.push(d) |
setTimeout(() => { |
this.$refs.tableData.setCurrentRow(d) |
}, 10) // 用于延时渲染后选中这行 |
}, |
delRow: function() { |
if (this.delRowIndex.length === 0) { |
this.$message({ |
type: 'error', |
message: '请选中需要删除的数据!' |
}) |
return false |
} else { |
// 对delRowIndex进行排序,因为删除一个元素后index值会变 |
for (let i = 0; i < this.delRowIndex.length; i++) { |
this.tableData.splice(this.delRowIndex[i], 1) |
} |
this.$refs.tableData.clearSelection() |
this.delRowIndex = [] |
} |
}, |
// 表格单击选中行 |
onRowClick(row) { |
this.$refs.tableData.toggleRowSelection(row) |
}, |
tableRowClassName({ row, rowIndex }) { |
row.index = rowIndex |
}, |
handleSelectionChange(val) { |
this.delRowIndex = [] |
for (let i = 0; i < val.length; i++) { |
this.delRowIndex.push(val[i].index) |
} |
}, |
saveYsjl(state) { |
let url = '' |
if (state === 'build' && (this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan === null || this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan === '')) { |
this.$message({ message: '请先签名再生成报告!', type: 'error' }) |
return false |
} |
url = '/wusun' |
this.$refs['ysjl'].validate(valid => { |
this.param.ysjlId = this.$route.query.id |
for (let i = 0; i < this.tableData.length; i++) { |
this.tableData[i].C1 = this.tableData[i].index + 1 |
} |
this.param.fubiao = this.tableData |
if (valid) { |
this.api({ |
url: url, |
method: 'put', |
data: { |
ysjl: this.ysjl, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm, |
wsObj: this.param, |
state: state |
} |
}).then(data => { |
Utils.$emit('ysjl-list') |
Utils.$emit('modifyMajorInspectionItemBySub') |
this.state = 'update' |
if (state === 'create') { |
this.$message({ message: '保存成功', type: 'success' }) |
} else if (state === 'update') { |
this.$message({ message: '更新成功', type: 'success' }) |
} else { |
Utils.$emit('bggl-daiban-list') |
this.$message({ message: '生成报告成功', type: 'success' }) |
this.$store.dispatch('delCurrentViews', { |
view: this.$route, |
$router: this.$router |
}) |
} |
}) |
} |
}) |
}, |
uploadTableData(file) { |
this.common.uploadTableData(file, this.tableData) |
return false |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style> |
#myTable .el-input__inner{ |
padding: 0px 5px; |
text-align: center; |
} |
.jiancetiaojian { |
width: 150px; |
} |
</style> |
@ -1,204 +0,0 @@ |
<!--工业管道定期检验明细表--> |
<template> |
<div> |
<el-form class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="140px"> |
<el-row :gutter="24"> |
<el-col :span="12" style="height: 60px;"> |
<el-form-item label="表格内容转换粘贴板"> |
<el-input v-model="paste" type="textarea" placeholder="粘贴表格内容后会自动清空此输入框内容(列名从序号开始)" @change="gsh" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</el-form> |
<el-button type="success" icon="el-icon-download" size="mini" style="margin-right: 10px;" @click="common.downloadTemplate('压力管道明细检测报告表.xlsx')"> |
下载导入模板 |
</el-button> |
<el-upload |
:show-file-list="false" |
:before-upload="uploadTableData" |
style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;" |
action="" |
> |
<el-button type="primary" size="mini" icon="el-icon-upload" :disabled="edit"> |
导入数据 |
</el-button> |
</el-upload> |
<el-button type="success" size="mini" icon="el-icon-circle-plus-outline" :disabled="edit" @click="tableJs.addRow($refs.tableData, { C1: true })"> |
添加 |
</el-button> |
<el-button type="danger" size="mini" icon="el-icon-remove-outline" :disabled="edit" @click="tableJs.delRow($refs.tableData)"> |
删除 |
</el-button> |
<el-table id="myTable" ref="tableData" :data="tableData" :row-class-name="tableRowClassName" border stripe style="width:100%;margin-top: 5px;" @row-click="onRowClick"> |
<el-table-column type="selection" width="40" /> |
<el-table-column type="index" prop="C1" width="50" label="序号" align="center" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C2" width="115px" label="管道名称"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C2" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C3" width="115px" label="管道编号"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C3" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C4" width="130px" label="起止点"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C4" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C5" width="115px" label="规格(外径×壁厚mm)"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C5" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C6" width="90px" label="管道级别"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C6" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C7" width="90px" label="设计/工作压力MPa"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C7" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C8" width="115px" label="设计/工作温度℃"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C8" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C9" width="70px" label="介质"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C9" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C10" width="115px" label="管道材质"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C10" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C11" width="80px" label="长度m"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C11" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C12" width="105px" label="安全状况等级"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C12" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C13" width="130px" label="注册登记证书编号(或注册代码)"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C13" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
export default { |
name: 'GdZbgMxb', |
data() { |
return { |
ysjl: {}, |
param: {}, |
tableData: [], |
edit: false, |
paste: '' |
} |
}, |
methods: { |
// 表格单击选中行 |
onRowClick(row) { |
this.$refs.tableData.toggleRowSelection(row) |
}, |
tableRowClassName({ row, rowIndex }) { |
row.index = rowIndex |
}, |
uploadTableData(file) { |
this.common.uploadTableData(file, this.tableData) |
return false |
}, |
/** |
* 获取明细表数据 |
* @param ysjlId 主原始记录Id |
*/ |
getMxbInfo(ysjlId) { |
this.api({ |
url: '/fx/getFxByParentId', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
parentId: ysjlId, |
jyxm: 'mxb' |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
this.ysjl.flowstatus = 4 |
if (data.param) { |
this.param = data.param |
// 有无损原始报告参数 |
this.tableData = this.param.fubiao ? JSON.parse(this.param.fubiao) : [] |
} else { |
this.param.ysjlId = this.ysjl.id |
} |
}) |
}, |
/** |
* 创建明细表 |
* @param ysjlId 主原始记录Id |
*/ |
createMxb(ysjlId, templateId) { |
this.api({ |
url: '/ysjl/addJyfa', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
bglx: '3', |
ysjlId: ysjlId, |
type: '工业管道明细表报告', |
jianyanxiangmu: 'mxb', |
userId: this.$store.getters.userId, |
templateId: templateId, |
defaultStatus: true |
} |
}).then(() => { |
this.getMxbInfo(ysjlId) |
}) |
}, |
/** |
* 保存明细表 |
*/ |
saveMxb() { |
this.param.fubiao = this.tableData |
this.api({ |
url: '/fx', |
method: 'put', |
data: { |
ysjl: this.ysjl, |
jyxm: 'mxb', |
fxObj: this.param |
} |
}) |
}, |
gsh(val) { |
const array = val.split('\n') |
array.forEach(arr => { |
const row = {} |
const cells = arr.split('\t') |
let i = 1 |
cells.forEach(cell => { |
row['C' + i] = cell |
i++ |
}) |
this.tableData.push(row) |
}) |
this.paste = '' |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style> |
#myTable .el-input__inner{ |
padding: 0px 5px; |
text-align: center; |
} |
</style> |
@ -1,799 +0,0 @@ |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<sticky style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<div class="sub-navbar"> |
<el-button v-if="state === 'create'" type="success" icon="el-icon-edit" size="medium" @click="saveYsjl('add')"> |
保存 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state === 'update'" type="primary" icon="el-icon-edit" size="medium" @click="saveYsjl('upd')"> |
更新 |
</el-button> |
<!--<el-button v-if="state === 'update'" type="primary" icon="el-icon-circle-check-outline" size="medium" @click="toAddJyfa"> |
添加检验方案 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'create'" type="info" icon="el-icon-info" size="medium" @click="getJyfaInfo"> |
查看同类报告 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state === 'update'" type="success" icon="el-icon-upload2" size="medium" @click="saveYsjl('build')"> |
生成报告 |
</el-button>--> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'create'" type="warning" icon="el-icon-view" size="medium" @click="common.viewYsjl(ysjl.id, 'JYBG')"> |
预览 |
</el-button> |
</div> |
</sticky> |
<el-tabs v-model="checkedTab" type="card"> |
<el-tab-pane label="基本信息" name="first"> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>基本信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col v-if="state === 'create' || ysjl.baogaobianhao === null || ysjl.baogaobianhao === ''" :span="13"> |
<el-form-item label="报告编号"> |
<el-input v-model="bgbh1" style="width:80px" disabled /> |
<el-input v-model="bgbh2" style="width:80px" disabled />- |
<el-input v-model="bgbh3" style="width:80px" @blur="judgeRepeat(bgbh1 + bgbh2 + '-' + bgbh3 + '-%', ysjl.id)" />- |
<el-input v-model="bgbh4" style="width:80px" @blur="judgeRepeat(bgbh1 + bgbh2 + '-' + bgbh3 + '-%', ysjl.id)" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col v-else :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="报告编号" prop="baogaobianhao"> |
<el-input v-if="state !== 'create'" v-model="ysjl.baogaobianhao" :disabled="edit" @blur="judgeRepeat(ysjl.baogaobianhao.substring(0, ysjl.baogaobianhao.lastIndexOf('-') + 1) + '%', ysjl.id)" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col v-if="isRepeat" :span="2"> |
<span style="color:red">编号重复</span> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道名称" prop="shebeimingcheng"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shebeimingcheng" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道级别" prop="guandaojibie"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaojibie" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="起始—终止位置" prop="qizhiweizhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.qizhiweizhi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="单位内编号" prop="danweineibubianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.danweineibubianhao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="装置名称" prop="zhuangzhimingcheng"> |
<el-input v-model="param.zhuangzhimingcheng" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="使用登记证编号" prop="shiyongdengjibianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shiyongdengjibianhao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="使用单位名称" prop="shiyongdanwei"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shiyongdanwei" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="管道使用地点" prop="shiyongdanweiDizhi"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shiyongdanweiDizhi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="安全管理人员" prop="anquanguanlirenyuan"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.anquanguanlirenyuan" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="联系电话" prop="anquanguanlidianhua"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.anquanguanlidianhua" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检验金额(元)" prop="jianyanheding"> |
<el-input-number v-model="ysjl.jianyanheding" :disabled="ysjl.retreatState === 2 && ysjl.jfState" :controls="false" style="width: 100%;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>允许监控使用参数</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="压力" prop="yali"> |
<el-input v-model="param.yali" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
(MPa) |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="温度" prop="wendu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.wendu" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
(℃) |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="介质" prop="jiezhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiezhi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="其他" prop="qita"> |
<el-input v-model="param.qita" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>检验信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18" style="height:90px"> |
<el-form-item label="检查依据" prop="jianyanyiju"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.jianyanyiju" :disabled="edit" :rows="3" type="textarea" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20" style="height:60px"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="问题及其处理" prop="wentijizai"> |
<el-input v-model="param.wentijizai" :disabled="edit" type="textarea" placeholder="[检验发现的缺陷位置、性质、程度及处理意见(必要时附图或者附页)]" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20" style="height:60px"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="说明" prop="beizhu"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.beizhu" :disabled="edit" type="textarea" placeholder="(监控运行需要解决的问题及完成期限)" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检验结论" prop="jianyanjielun"> |
<el-select v-model="ysjl.jianyanjielun" :disabled="edit" type="text" placeholder="请选择" style="width: 100%;" value=""> |
<el-option label="符合要求" value="符合要求" /> |
<el-option label="基本符合要求" value="基本符合要求" /> |
<el-option label="不符合要求" value="不符合要求" /> |
</el-select> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检验开始日期" prop="jianyankaishiriqi"> |
<el-date-picker v-model="ysjl.jianyankaishiriqi" type="date" placeholder="选择日期" style="width: 100%;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检验结束日期" prop="jianyanjieshuriqi"> |
<el-date-picker v-model="ysjl.jianyanjieshuriqi" type="date" placeholder="选择日期" style="width: 100%;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="安全状况等级" prop="anquanzhuangkuangdengji"> |
<el-select v-model="ysjl.anquanzhuangkuangdengji" type="text" placeholder="请选择" style="width:232px" value=""> |
<el-option label="1级" value="1级" /> |
<el-option label="2级" value="2级" /> |
<el-option label="3级" value="3级" /> |
<el-option label="4级" value="4级" /> |
<el-option label="5级" value="5级" /> |
<el-option label="-" value="-" /> |
</el-select> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="下次年度检查日期" prop="xiacijianyanriqi"> |
<el-input v-if="ysjl.jianyanjielun === '不符合要求'" v-model="ysjl.xiacijianyanriqishuoming" type="text" disabled="true" /> |
<el-date-picker v-else v-model="ysjl.xiacijianyanriqi" :disabled="edit" type="date" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd" placeholder="选择日期" style="width: 100%;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="10"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检验人员" prop="jianyanrenyuan"> |
<el-input v-model="jianyanrenyuan" disabled /> |
<el-input v-show="false" v-model="ysjl.jianyanrenyuan" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col v-if="state !== 'bgView'" :span="9"> |
<sign-name :ysjl="ysjl" :jianyanrenyuan="jianyanrenyuan" @setSignValue="singNameValue" /> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
</el-tab-pane> |
<el-tab-pane label="工业管道年度检查报告附页" name="second"> |
<el-table :data="bgfyData" :span-method="tableJs.mergeColRows" border stripe style="width:80%"> |
<el-table-column type="index" align="center" width="50" label="序号" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" label="检验项目"> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="jianyanxiang" label="检验项" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="jianyanneirong" label="检验内容" /> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="jianyanjieguo" label="检验结果"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-select v-model="scope.row.jianyanjieguo" :disabled="edit" type="text" placeholder="请选择" style="width: 100%;" value=""> |
<el-option label="√" value="√" /> |
<el-option label="×" value="×" /> |
<el-option label="/" value="/" /> |
</el-select> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="beizhu" label="说明"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.beizhu" :disabled="edit" placeholder="请输入内容" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</el-tab-pane> |
<el-tab-pane label="工业管道安全管理情况检查表" name="third"> |
<el-table :data="glqkData" :span-method="tableJs.mergeColRows" border stripe style="width:80%"> |
<el-table-column type="index" align="center" width="50" label="序号" /> |
<el-table-column align="left" prop="jianyanxiang" label="检验内容" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="jianyanjieguo" label="检查结果"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-select v-model="scope.row.jianyanjieguo" :disabled="edit" type="text" placeholder="请选择" style="width: 100%;" value=""> |
<el-option label="√" value="√" /> |
<el-option label="×" value="×" /> |
<el-option label="/" value="/" /> |
</el-select> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="beizhu" label="备注"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.beizhu" :disabled="edit" placeholder="请输入内容" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</el-tab-pane> |
<el-tab-pane label="工业管道运行状况检查表" name="forth"> |
<el-table :data="yxzkData" :span-method="tableJs.mergeColRows" border stripe style="width:90%"> |
<el-table-column type="index" align="center" width="50" label="序号" /> |
<el-table-column align="left" prop="jianyanxiang" label="检验内容" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="jianyanjieguo" label="检查结果" width="350"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-select v-model="scope.row.jianyanjieguo" :disabled="edit" type="text" placeholder="请选择" style="width: 100%;" value=""> |
<el-option label="√" value="√" /> |
<el-option label="×" value="×" /> |
<el-option label="/" value="/" /> |
</el-select> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="beizhu" label="备注"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.beizhu" :disabled="edit" placeholder="请输入内容" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</el-tab-pane> |
<el-tab-pane label="工业管道定期检验明细表" name="fifth"> |
<span v-if="state === 'create'" style="color: red;font-size: 26px;">请在保存后编辑明细表</span> |
<mxb v-show="state !== 'create'" ref="mxb" /> |
</el-tab-pane> |
</el-tabs> |
<!--<el-dialog :visible.sync="jyfaDialogVisible" title="添加检验方案" width="600px" @close="closeJyfaDialog"> |
<jyfa ref="jyfa" :info="info" @childMethod="getJyxm" /> |
</el-dialog> |
<el-dialog :visible.sync="similarVisible" title="同类报告查看" width="800px" @close="closeJyfaDialog"> |
<el-table ref="similarTable" :data="similarTableData" border style="width: 100%;" height="350"> |
<el-table-column align="center" label="报告类型" prop="bglx" min-width="50" /> |
<el-table-column align="left" label="检验项目" prop="jyxmLabel" width="200"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<div style="text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;" @click="editChild(scope.row.id, scope.row.jianyanxiangmu, departmentId)"> |
{{ scope.row.jyxmLabel }} |
</div> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" label="处理人" prop="renlingren" min-width="40" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" label="检验人员" prop="jianyanrenyuan" min-width="40" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" label="办结状态" prop="flowstatus" min-width="30"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-tag v-if="scope.row.flowstatus==='未办结'" type="danger"> |
未办结 |
</el-tag> |
<el-tag v-else type="success"> |
已办结 |
</el-tag> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column property="" label="操作" align="center" width="95"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-button type="primary" size="mini" title="删除检验方案" circle icon="el-icon-delete" @click="delYsjl(scope.row.jyxmLabel, scope.row.bglx, scope.row.id)" /> |
<el-button v-if="scope.row.bglx ==='分项检测' && scope.row.flowstatus === '未办结'" type="primary" size="mini" title="办结" circle icon="el-icon-check" @click="bjYsjl(scope.row.id, '1')" /> |
<el-button v-if="scope.row.bglx ==='分项检测' && scope.row.flowstatus === '已办结'" type="primary" size="mini" title="取消办结" circle icon="el-icon-close" @click="bjYsjl(scope.row.id, '0')" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</el-dialog>--> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
// import jyfa from '../../addJyfa' |
import SignName from '@/views/common/SignName' |
import Utils from '@/utils/contact.js' |
import mxb from '../mxb' |
export default { |
name: 'GdNdReport', |
components: { SignName, Sticky, mxb }, |
data() { |
return { |
// 预定义值 |
edit: false, // 页面编辑状态 |
bgfyData: [], |
glqkData: [], |
yxzkData: [], |
aqfjData: [], |
bgbh1: 'GD', |
bgbh2: '(' + (new Date().getFullYear()) + ')', |
bgbh3: '', |
bgbh4: 'GC', |
// 检验人员 |
jianyanrenyuan: '', |
defaultParam: {}, |
// 接收传入该页面的值 |
// 页面状态 {create=> 创建,update=> 更新} |
state: this.$route.query.state, |
ysjl: {}, |
departmentId: this.$route.query.departmentId, |
param: {}, |
checkedTab: 'first', |
// 表格合并相关 |
// 参与列合并的字段,在这里增加即可 |
cols: [ |
{ |
name: 'jianyanxiang', // 参与计算的列名,必须和el-table-column prop=''值一致 |
getValue(row) { // 该列用于比较的值的获取方法 |
return row.jianyanxiang |
} |
}, |
{ |
name: 'jianyanneirong', |
getValue(row) { |
return row.jianyanneirong |
} |
} |
], |
// 参与行内合并的字段 |
rows: [ |
{ |
name: 'jianyanxiang', |
getValue(row) { |
return row.jianyanxiang |
} |
}, |
{ |
name: 'jianyanneirong', |
getValue(row) { |
return row.jianyanneirong |
} |
} |
], |
info: { |
modelId: this.$route.query.templateId, |
sbzldm: this.$route.query.sbzldm, |
sblbdm: this.$route.query.sblbdm, |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
departmentId: this.$route.query.departmentId, |
jylb: this.$route.query.jylb, |
nblb: this.$route.query.neibuleibie, |
type: 'JYBG' |
}, |
// jyfaDialogVisible: false, |
// similarVisible: false, |
// similarTableData: [], |
isRepeat: false, |
tableData: [], |
yxzkHtml1: '' |
} |
}, |
computed: { |
baogaobianhao: function() { |
if (this.state !== 'create') { |
return this.ysjl.baogaobianhao |
} |
return this.bgbh1 + this.bgbh2 + '-' + this.bgbh3 + '-' + this.bgbh4 |
} |
}, |
created() { |
if (this.state === 'create') { |
this.initYsjl() |
} else { |
this.getYsjl() |
this.getParam() |
} |
const jyxmtable = [1, 2, 3] |
for (let i = 0; i < jyxmtable.length; i++) { |
this.getJyxm(jyxmtable[i]) |
} |
}, |
methods: { |
initYsjl() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/ysjl/initYsjl', |
method: 'post', |
data: { |
templateId: this.$route.query.templateId, |
renwuId: this.$route.query.renwuId, |
neibuleibie: this.$route.query.neibuleibie, |
sblbdm: this.$route.query.sblbdm, |
sblbmc: this.$route.query.sblbmc, |
sbpzdm: this.$route.query.sbpzdm, |
sbpzmc: this.$route.query.sbpzmc |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
this.param = data.param ? data.param : {} |
// 设置初始值 |
const tempTime = new Date() |
this.ysjl.flowStatus = 1 |
this.ysjl.jianyankaishiriqi = this.formatter.dateFormat('YYYY-MM-dd', tempTime) |
this.ysjl.jianyanjieshuriqi = this.formatter.dateFormat('YYYY-MM-dd', tempTime) |
let xcjyrq = (tempTime.getFullYear() + 2) + '-' + (tempTime.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + tempTime.getDate() |
xcjyrq = new Date(xcjyrq) |
xcjyrq.setDate(xcjyrq.getDate() - 1) |
this.ysjl.xiacijianyanriqi = this.formatter.dateFormat('YYYY-MM-dd', xcjyrq) |
this.ysjl.jianyanjielun = '符合要求' |
this.ysjl.xiacijianyanriqishuoming = '/' |
this.ysjl.shebeizhongleidaima = '8000' |
this.$set(this.param, 'zhuangzhimingcheng', this.ysjl.shebeimingcheng) |
this.ysjl.shebeimingcheng = '' |
this.ysjl.shejiriqi = ' 年 月' |
this.$set(this.param, 'yanshouriqi', ' 年 月') |
this.$set(this.ysjl, 'shejiriqi', ' 年 月') |
this.$set(this.param, 'qizhiweizhi', '') |
this.$set(this.param, 'zhongzhiweizhi', '') |
this.$set(this.param, 'anquanzhuangkuangdengji', '1级') |
this.$set(this.param, 'fangfucengcailiao', '油漆') |
this.$set(this.param, 'shangciwentijizai', '有年度检查报告') |
this.$set(this.ysjl, 'shejishiyongnianxian', '图纸未注明') |
this.$set(this.param, 'qita', '无') |
this.param.wentijiqichuli = '注:检查发现的缺陷位置、性质、程度及处理意见(必要时附图或者附页,也可直接注明见某单项报告)' |
this.getMaxBh() |
}) |
}, |
getYsjl() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/ysjl/getYsjlById', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
if (this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan) { |
this.jianyanrenyuan = this.common.convertCnName(this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan) |
} |
if (this.ysjl.baogaobianhao.indexOf('COPY') !== -1) { |
// 如果时复制报告自动获取最大编号 |
this.getMaxBh() |
} else if (this.ysjl.baogaobianhao) { |
this.judgeRepeat(this.ysjl.baogaobianhao.substring(0, this.ysjl.baogaobianhao.lastIndexOf('-') + 1), this.ysjl.id) |
} |
this.$refs.mxb.getMxbInfo(this.$route.query.id) |
}) |
}, |
getParam() { |
// 根据原始报告id查询参数 |
this.api({ |
url: '/ysjl/getParamByYsjlId', |
method: 'get', |
params: { ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, sbzldm: this.$route.query.sbzldm } |
}).then(data => { |
this.param = data |
}) |
}, |
// 签名方法 |
singNameValue(data) { |
this.jianyanrenyuan = data.name |
this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan = data.id |
if (this.state !== 'create') { |
this.common.signName(this.ysjl.id, this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan) |
Utils.$emit('ysjl-list') |
} |
}, |
// 查询最大报告编号 |
getMaxBh() { |
const aheadPart = this.bgbh1 + this.bgbh2 + '-' |
this.api({ |
url: '/ysjl/gainCurrentBh', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
aheadPart: aheadPart, |
hinderPart: '', |
nblb: this.ysjl.neibuleibie |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.bgbh3 = data |
}) |
}, |
// 查询检验项目 |
getJyxm(sort) { |
let url = '' |
let data = {} |
if (this.state === 'create') { |
url = '/jyxm/getCyJyxm' |
data = { |
templateId: this.$route.query.templateId, |
order: sort |
} |
} else { |
url = '/jyxm/getCyJyxmByYsjl' |
data = { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
isReport: true, |
order: sort |
} |
} |
this.api({ |
url: url, |
method: 'get', |
params: data |
}).then(data => { |
switch (sort) { |
case 1: |
this.bgfyData = data |
break |
case 2: |
this.glqkData = data |
break |
case 3: |
this.yxzkData = data |
break |
} |
this.tableJs.getData(this.cols, this.rows, data) |
}) |
}, |
// 获取表格中的id, 不为空的检验结果和备注 |
getProp: function(data) { |
data.forEach((row) => { |
if (!row.jianyanjieguo) { |
row.jianyanjieguo = '' |
} |
if (!row.beizhu) { |
row.beizhu = '' |
} |
}) |
return data |
}, |
/* toAddJyfa() { |
this.jyfaDialogVisible = true |
}, |
// 查询同类报告 |
getJyfaInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/ysjl/getJyfaInfo', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.ysjl.id |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.similarTableData = data |
this.similarVisible = true |
}) |
}, |
closeJyfaDialog() { |
this.jyfaDialogVisible = false |
}, |
// 删除检验方案 |
delYsjl(jianyanxiangmu, bglx, ysjlId) { |
this.$confirm('原始报告删除后将无法恢复,是否确认删除?', '提示', { |
confirmButtonText: '确定', |
cancelButtonText: '取消', |
type: 'warning' |
}).then(data => { |
this.api({ |
url: '/ysjl/delJyfa', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: ysjlId, |
bglx: bglx, |
jianyanxiangmu: jianyanxiangmu |
} |
}).then(data => { |
Utils.$emit('modifyMajorInspectionItemBySub') |
this.$message({ message: '删除成功', type: 'success' }) |
this.getJyfaInfo() |
this.$refs.jyfa.getJyfaInfo() |
}) |
}).catch(e => { |
this.$message({ message: '删除失败', type: 'error' }) |
}) |
}, |
// 办结分项原始报告 status:0:取消办结,1:办结 |
bjYsjl(ysjlId, status) { |
this.api({ |
url: '/fx/endFx', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: ysjlId, |
status: status |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.getJyfaInfo() |
if (status === '0') { |
this.$message({ message: '取消办结成功', type: 'success' }) |
} else if (status === '1') { |
this.$message({ message: '办结成功', type: 'success' }) |
} |
this.$refs.jyfa.getJyfaInfo() |
}) |
},*/ |
editChild(id, jianyanxiangmu, departmentId) { |
this.$router.push({ path: '/ysjl/' + this.ysjl.shebeizhongleidaima + '/nd/' + jianyanxiangmu, query: { id: id, jyxm: jianyanxiangmu, departmentId: departmentId }}) |
this.similarVisible = false |
}, |
saveYsjl: function(operation) { |
this.tableData = [] |
this.tableData.push(this.getProp(this.bgfyData)) |
this.tableData.push(this.glqkData) |
// 工业管道运行状况检查表 |
this.tableData.push(this.yxzkData) |
let type = '' |
if (operation === 'add') { |
type = 'post' |
this.ysjl.baogaobianhao = this.bgbh1 + this.bgbh2 + '-' + this.bgbh3 + '-' + this.bgbh4 |
this.ysjl.bglx = 1 |
this.ysjl.flowStatus = '1' |
this.ysjl.cjState = 'bggl' |
this.ysjl.jigouhezhunzhenghao = process.env.VUE_APP_HZZBH |
this.ysjl.jlprintState = 0 |
this.save(operation, type) |
} else if (operation === 'build') { |
if (this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan === null || this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan === '') { |
this.$message({ |
type: 'error', |
message: '请先签名再生成报告!' |
}) |
return false |
} |
// 判断分项原始报告是否办结 |
this.api({ |
url: '/ysjl/judgeState', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlIds: this.ysjl.id, |
bglx: '2,3' |
} |
}).then(data => { |
if (data === 0) { |
this.$message.error('请先办结无损分项原始报告再生成报告!') |
return false |
} else { |
type = '/put' |
this.save(operation, type) |
} |
}) |
} else if (operation === 'upd') { |
type = 'put' |
this.$refs.mxb.saveMxb() |
this.save(operation, type) |
} |
}, |
save(operation, type) { |
// 判断报告编号是否重复 |
if (this.isRepeat) { |
this.$message({ message: '报告编号重复,请先修改报告编号再保存', type: 'error' }) |
return false |
} else { |
if (!this.ysjl.baogaobianhao) { |
this.ysjl.baogaobianhao = this.bgbh1 + this.bgbh2 + '-' + this.bgbh3 + '-' + this.bgbh4 |
} |
this.$refs['ysjl'].validate(valid => { |
if (valid) { |
this.api({ |
url: '/ysjl', |
method: type, |
data: { |
ysjl: this.ysjl, |
param: this.param, |
bgjyxm: JSON.stringify(this.tableData), |
flag: operation |
} |
}).then(data => { |
// 刷新任务列表,原始报告待办,原始报告已办,检验报告 |
Utils.$emit('task-list') |
Utils.$emit('bggl-daiban-list') |
if (operation === 'add') { |
this.ysjl.id = data |
this.param.ysjlId = data |
this.$refs.mxb.createMxb(this.ysjl.id, 155) |
this.$message({ message: '保存成功', type: 'success' }) |
// 刷新路由网址 |
this.$store.dispatch('delCurrentViews', { |
view: this.$route, |
$router: this.$router |
}) |
this.$router.push({ |
path: '/bggl/8000/dj/nd/edit/' + this.ysjl.id, |
query: { state: 'update', id: this.ysjl.id, departmentId: this.ysjl.departmentId, sbzldm: this.ysjl.shebeizhongleidaima } |
}) |
} else if (operation === 'upd') { |
this.$refs.mxb.saveMxb() |
this.$message({ message: '更新成功', type: 'success' }) |
} |
this.info.ysjlId = this.ysjl.id |
this.state = 'update' |
this.$route.params.state = 'update' |
}) |
} |
}) |
} |
}, |
judgeRepeat(bianhao, id) { |
this.api({ |
url: '/ysjl/judgeRepeat', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: id, |
bianhao: bianhao, |
nblb: this.ysjl.neibuleibie |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.isRepeat = data > 0 |
}) |
}, |
uploadWsFxFile(file) { |
this.common.uploadWsFxFile(file, this.ysjl) |
return false |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style> |
.el-input__inner { |
border: 1px solid #00000075; |
border-radius: 4px; |
} |
.el-textarea__inner { |
border: 1px solid #91393975; |
border-radius: 4px; |
} |
.el-form-item__error { |
padding-top: 0; |
position: absolute; |
} |
.el-input.is-disabled .el-input__inner { |
color: #606266; |
} |
.el-textarea.is-disabled .el-textarea__inner { |
color: #606266; |
} |
.el-dialog__body { |
padding-top: 10px; |
} |
.myTable .el-input__inner{ |
padding: 0 5px; |
text-align: center; |
} |
</style> |
@ -1,123 +0,0 @@ |
<!-- 年度检验安全附件 --> |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<sticky style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<btn ref="btn" /> |
</sticky> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>检验信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检验日期" prop="jianyanjieshuriqi"> |
<el-date-picker v-model="ysjl.jianyanjieshuriqi" type="date" placeholder="选择日期" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>检验项目</legend> |
<el-table id="myTable" ref="tableData" :span-method="tableJs.mergeColRows" :data="tableData" border stripe style="width:100%;margin-top: 5px;"> |
<el-table-column type="index" prop="C1" align="center" width="50" label="序号" /> |
<el-table-column align="left" label="检验项目"> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C2" label="检验项" /> |
<el-table-column align="left" prop="C3" label="检验内容" /> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C4" label="检查结果"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C4" :disabled="edit" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import btn from '@/views/common/FxButton' |
export default { |
name: 'GdNdAqfj', |
components: { Sticky, btn }, |
data() { |
return { |
ysjl: {}, |
param: {}, |
state: '', |
edit: false, |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
info: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
ysjl: this.ysjl, |
param: this.param, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm, |
state: this.state |
}, |
// 表格合并相关 |
// 参与列合并的字段,在这里增加即可 |
cols: [ |
{ |
name: 'C2', // 参与计算的列名,必须和el-table-column prop=''值一致 |
getValue(row) { // 该列用于比较的值的获取方法 |
return row.C2 |
} |
} |
], |
tableData: [] |
} |
}, |
created() { |
this.getInfo() |
}, |
methods: { |
getInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/fx', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
this.state = 'create' |
if (data.param !== null && data.param !== undefined) { |
// 有无损原始报告参数 |
this.state = 'update' |
this.param = data.param |
this.tableData = JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) === null ? JSON.parse('[]') : JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) |
this.tableJs.getData(this.cols, null, this.tableData) |
} else { |
this.getJyxm() |
} |
if (this.ysjl.flowstatus === 4) { |
this.state = 'finish' |
this.edit = true |
} |
this.$refs.btn.getParentInfo(this.ysjl, this.param, null, this.tableData, this.state, 'ndAqfj') |
}) |
}, |
getJyxm() { |
// 查询检验项目 |
this.api({ |
url: '/jyxm/getCyJyxm', |
method: 'post', |
data: { |
templateId: this.ysjl.modelId, |
order: 1 |
} |
}).then(data => { |
data.forEach((v, i) => { |
this.tableData.push({ |
C1: i, |
C2: v.jianyanxiang, |
C3: v.jianyanneirong, |
C4: v.jianyanjieguo |
}) |
}) |
this.tableJs.getData(this.cols, null, this.tableData) |
}) |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
@ -1,268 +0,0 @@ |
<!-- 年度测厚报告 --> |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<sticky style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<btn ref="btn" /> |
</sticky> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>基本信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道名称" prop="shebeimingcheng"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shebeimingcheng" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道规格" label-width="150px" prop="guandaoguige"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaoguige" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
(mm) |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道编号" prop="guandaobianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaobianhao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道材质" prop="guandaocaizhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaocaizhi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道级别" prop="guandaojibie"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaojibie" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="表面状态" prop="biaomianzhuangkuang"> |
<el-input v-model="param.biaomianzhuangkuang" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="测量仪器型号" label-width="160px" prop="celiangyiqixinghao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.celiangyiqixinghao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="测量仪器精度" label-width="160px" prop="celiangyiqijingdu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.celiangyiqijingdu" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
(mm) |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="弯头\三通\变径测量比例" prop="guanjianceliangbili" label-width="200px"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guanjianceliangbili" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管子测量比例" prop="guanziceliangbili"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guanziceliangbili" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="实测点数" prop="shicedianshu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shicedianshu" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="实测最小壁厚" prop="shicezuixiaobihou"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shicezuixiaobihou" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>测厚点部位图</legend> |
<span v-if="state === 'create'" style="color: red;font-size: 26px;">请在原始报告保存后上传部位图</span> |
<pictureUpload v-else ref="picture" :info="info" @changed="changed" /> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>测厚报告</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="10"> |
<el-col :span="2" style="width: 150px;"> |
<el-button type="success" icon="el-icon-download" title="下载导入模板" size="mini" @click="common.downloadTemplate('压力管道壁厚检测报告表.xlsx')"> |
下载导入模板 |
</el-button> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="10" style="width: 300px;"> |
<el-upload |
:show-file-list="false" |
:before-upload="uploadTableData" |
style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;" |
action="" |
> |
<el-button type="primary" size="mini" icon="el-icon-upload"> |
导入数据 |
</el-button> |
</el-upload> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="success" size="mini" icon="el-icon-circle-plus-outline" @click="tableJs.addRow($refs.tableData)"> |
添加 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="danger" size="mini" icon="el-icon-remove-outline" @click="tableJs.delRow($refs.tableData)"> |
删除 |
</el-button> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-table ref="tableData" :data="tableData" :row-class-name="tableRowClassName" class="myTable" border stripe style="width:100%;margin-top: 5px;" @row-click="onRowClick"> |
<el-table-column type="selection" width="40" /> |
<el-table-column type="index" width="50" label="序号" align="center" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C1" width="120px" label="测点编号"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C1" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C2" width="120px" label="测点厚度"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C2" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C3" width="120px" label="测点编号"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C3" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C4" width="120px" label="测点厚度"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C4" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C5" width="120px" label="测点编号"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C5" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C6" width="120px" label="测点厚度"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C6" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C7" width="120px" label="测点编号"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C7" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C8" width="120px" label="测点厚度"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C8" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>检验信息</legend> |
<el-row> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检验日期" prop="jianyanjieshuriqi"> |
<el-date-picker v-model="ysjl.jianyanjieshuriqi" type="date" placeholder="选择日期" style="width: 100%;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-form-item label="备注" prop="jiancejieguo"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancejieguo" :disabled="edit" type="textarea" rows="4" style="width: 800px;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import pictureUpload from '@/components/Upload' |
import btn from '@/views/common/FxButton' |
export default { |
name: 'GdNdBh', |
components: { Sticky, btn, pictureUpload }, |
data() { |
return { |
ysjl: {}, |
param: {}, |
tableData: [], |
fileList: [], |
state: '', |
edit: false, |
info: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
}, |
upLoadData: { |
ysjlId: '' |
}, |
dialogVisible: false, |
dialogImageUrl: '' |
} |
}, |
watch: { |
state: function(val) { |
this.$refs.picture.stateChange(val) |
} |
}, |
created() { |
this.getInfo() |
}, |
methods: { |
getInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/fx', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
this.state = 'create' |
if (data.param !== null && data.param !== undefined) { |
// 有无损原始报告参数 |
this.state = 'update' |
this.param = data.param |
this.tableData = JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) === null ? JSON.parse('[]') : JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) |
this.fileList = JSON.parse(data.param.imagePath) === null ? JSON.parse('[]') : JSON.parse(data.param.imagePath) |
if (this.fileList.length > 0) { |
for (let i = 0; i < this.fileList.length; i++) { |
this.fileList[i].url = process.env.VUE_APP_IMG_URL + '8000/bhcd/' + this.fileList[i].name |
} |
} |
} else { |
// TODO |
} |
if (this.ysjl.flowstatus === 4) { |
this.state = 'finish' |
this.edit = true |
} |
this.$refs.btn.getParentInfo(this.ysjl, this.param, null, this.tableData, this.state, this.$route.query.jyxm) |
this.$refs.picture.getChange(this.ysjl.shebeizhongleidaima, this.state, this.fileList, 1) |
}) |
}, |
// 表格单击选中行 |
onRowClick(row) { |
this.$refs.tableData.toggleRowSelection(row) |
}, |
tableRowClassName({ row, rowIndex }) { |
row.index = rowIndex |
}, |
changed(item) { |
this.param.imagePath = item |
}, |
uploadTableData(file) { |
this.common.uploadTableData(file, this.tableData) |
return false |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
@ -1,228 +0,0 @@ |
<!--年度电阻报告--> |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<sticky style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<btn ref="btn" /> |
</sticky> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>基本信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道规格" prop="guandaoguige"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaoguige" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道材质" prop="guandaocaizhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaocaizhi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="测量仪器型号" prop="celiangyiqixinghao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.celiangyiqixinghao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="测量仪器精度" prop="celiangyiqijingdu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.celiangyiqijingdu" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="测量数量" prop="celiangshuliang"> |
<el-input v-model="param.celiangshuliang" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="测量比例" prop="celiangbili"> |
<el-input v-model="param.celiangbili" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>电阻值测量报告</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="10"> |
<el-col :span="2" style="width: 135px;"> |
<el-button type="success" icon="el-icon-download" title="下载导入模板" size="mini" @click="common.downloadTemplate('压力管道电阻值测量情况报告表.xlsx')"> |
下载导入模板 |
</el-button> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="10" style="width: 300px;"> |
<el-upload |
:show-file-list="false" |
:before-upload="uploadTableData" |
style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;" |
action="" |
> |
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导入数据 |
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添加 |
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删除 |
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<el-table-column type="index" width="50" label="序号" align="center" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C1" width="100px" label="管线号"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C1" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" label="法兰或螺纹接头"> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C2" width="100px" label="接头形式"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C2" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" width="100px" label="跨接导线"> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C3" width="100px" label="规格mm²"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C3" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C4" width="100px" label="材质"> |
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<el-input v-model="scope.row.C4" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" width="100px" label="电阻值(Ω)"> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C5" width="100px" label="允许值"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C5" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C6" width="100px" label="实测值"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C6" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" label="系统接地"> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C7" width="100px" label="接地线"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C7" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" width="100px" label="接地线"> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C8" width="100px" label="规格mm"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C8" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C9" width="100px" label="材质"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C9" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" width="100px" label="对地电阻(Ω)"> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C10" width="100px" label="允许值"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C10" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C11" width="100px" label="实测值"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C11" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>检验信息</legend> |
<el-row> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检验日期" prop="jianyanjieshuriqi"> |
<el-date-picker v-model="ysjl.jianyanjieshuriqi" type="date" placeholder="选择日期" style="width: 100%;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-form-item label="备注" prop="jiancejieguo"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancejieguo" :disabled="edit" type="textarea" rows="4" style="width: 800px;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import btn from '@/views/common/FxButton' |
export default { |
name: 'GdNdDz', |
components: { Sticky, btn }, |
data() { |
return { |
ysjl: {}, |
param: {}, |
tableData: [], |
state: '', |
edit: false, |
info: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
} |
}, |
created() { |
this.getInfo() |
}, |
methods: { |
getInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/fx', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
this.state = 'create' |
if (data.param !== null && data.param !== undefined) { |
// 有无损原始报告参数 |
this.state = 'update' |
this.param = data.param |
this.tableData = JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) === null ? JSON.parse('[]') : JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) |
} else { |
// TODO |
} |
if (this.ysjl.flowstatus === 4) { |
this.state = 'finish' |
this.edit = true |
} |
this.$refs.btn.getParentInfo(this.ysjl, this.param, null, this.tableData, this.state, this.$route.query.jyxm) |
}) |
}, |
// 上传数据 |
uploadTableData(file) { |
this.common.uploadTableData(file, this.tableData) |
return false |
}, |
// 表格单击选中行 |
onRowClick(row) { |
this.$refs.tableData.toggleRowSelection(row) |
}, |
tableRowClassName({ row, rowIndex }) { |
row.index = rowIndex |
}, |
changed(item) { |
this.param.imagePath = item |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
@ -1,169 +0,0 @@ |
<!--性能参数一览表--> |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<sticky style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<btn ref="btn" /> |
</sticky> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>检验信息</legend> |
<el-row> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检验日期" prop="jianyanjieshuriqi"> |
<el-date-picker v-model="ysjl.jianyanjieshuriqi" type="date" placeholder="选择日期" style="width: 100%;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>参数报告</legend> |
<el-button type="success" icon="el-icon-download" title="下载导入模板" size="mini" @click="common.downloadTemplate('压力管道明细表.xlsx')"> |
下载导入模板 |
</el-button> |
<el-upload |
:show-file-list="false" |
:before-upload="uploadTableData" |
style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;" |
action="" |
> |
<el-button type="primary" size="mini" icon="el-icon-upload"> |
导入数据 |
</el-button> |
</el-upload> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="success" size="mini" icon="el-icon-circle-plus-outline" @click="tableJs.addRow($refs.tableData, { C1: true })"> |
添加 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="danger" size="mini" icon="el-icon-remove-outline" @click="tableJs.delRow($refs.tableData)"> |
删除 |
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<el-table-column type="selection" width="40" /> |
<el-table-column type="index" prop="C1" width="50" label="序号" align="center" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C2" width="115px" label="管道名称"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C2" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C3" width="115px" label="管道编号"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C3" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C4" width="130px" label="起止点"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C4" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C5" width="115px" label="规格/(外径mm×壁厚mm)"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C5" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C6" width="80px" label="管道级别"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C6" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C7" width="90px" label="设计/工作压力MPa"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C7" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C8" width="90px" label="设计/工作温度℃"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C8" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C9" width="115px" label="工作介质"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C9" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C10" width="115px" label="管道材质"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C10" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C11" width="70px" label="长度m"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C11" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C12" width="105px" label="安全状况等级"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C12" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C13" width="130px" label="注册登记证书编号(或注册代码)"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
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</template> |
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</el-form> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import btn from '@/views/common/FxButton' |
export default { |
name: 'GdNdMxb', |
components: { Sticky, btn }, |
data() { |
return { |
ysjl: {}, |
param: {}, |
tableData: [], |
state: '', |
edit: false |
} |
}, |
created() { |
this.getInfo() |
}, |
methods: { |
getInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/fx', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
this.state = 'create' |
if (data.param !== null && data.param !== undefined) { |
// 有无损原始报告参数 |
this.state = 'update' |
this.param = data.param |
this.tableData = JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) === null ? JSON.parse('[]') : JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) |
} |
if (this.ysjl.flowstatus === 4) { |
this.state = 'finish' |
this.edit = true |
} |
this.$refs.btn.getParentInfo(this.ysjl, this.param, null, this.tableData, this.state, this.$route.query.jyxm) |
}) |
}, |
// 表格单击选中行 |
onRowClick(row) { |
this.$refs.tableData.toggleRowSelection(row) |
}, |
tableRowClassName({ row, rowIndex }) { |
row.index = rowIndex |
}, |
uploadTableData(file) { |
this.common.uploadTableData(file, this.tableData) |
return false |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style> |
#myTable .el-input__inner{ |
padding: 0px 5px; |
text-align: center; |
} |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,922 @@ |
<!--002压力管道监督检验报告--> |
<template> |
<div class="app-container" style="margin-top: -15px;"> |
<sticky style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<div class="sub-navbar"> |
<el-button v-if="state === 'create'" type="success" icon="el-icon-edit" size="medium" @click="saveYsjl('add')"> |
保存 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state === 'update'" type="primary" icon="el-icon-edit" size="medium" @click="saveYsjl('upd')"> |
更新 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state === 'update'" type="primary" icon="el-icon-circle-check-outline" size="medium" @click="toAddJyfa"> |
添加检验方案 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'create'" type="info" icon="el-icon-info" size="medium" @click="getJyfaInfo"> |
查看同类报告 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'create'" type="warning" icon="el-icon-view" size="medium" @click="common.viewYsjl(ysjl.id, 'JYBG')"> |
预览报告 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'create'" type="warning" icon="el-icon-view" size="medium" @click="common.viewYsjl(ysjl.id, 'ZS')"> |
预览证书 |
</el-button> |
</div> |
</sticky> |
<el-tabs v-model="checkedTab" type="card"> |
<el-tab-pane label="压力管道安装安全质量监督检验结论报告" name="first"> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>基本信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="25"> |
<el-col v-if="state === 'create'" :span="14"> |
<el-form-item label="报告编号"> |
<el-input v-model="jlbh1" style="width:80px" disabled /> |
<el-input v-model="jlbh2" style="width:80px" disabled /> |
<el-input v-model="jlbh3" style="width:80px" disabled />- |
<el-input v-model="jlbh4" style="width:85px" @blur="judgeRepeat(jlbh1 + jlbh2 + jlbh3 + '-' + jlbh4 + jlbh5 , ysjl.id)" /> |
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</el-col> |
<el-col v-if="state !== 'create'" :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="报告编号" prop="baogaobianhao"> |
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</el-col> |
<el-col v-if="isRepeat" :span="2" style="vertical-align: middle;padding-top: 3px;font-size: 15px;"> |
<span style="color:red">编号重复</span> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="监督检验单位" prop="gonghuodanwei"> |
<el-input v-model="param.gonghuodanwei" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="工程名称" prop="gongchengmingcheng"> |
<el-input v-model="param.gongchengmingcheng" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="规划许可证" prop="guihuaxukezheng"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guihuaxukezheng" type="text" /> |
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</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="工程地址" prop="gongchengdizhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.gongchengdizhi" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="建设单位" prop="shiyongdanwei"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shiyongdanwei" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="设计单位" prop="shejidanwei"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shejidanwei" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="设计证编号" prop="shejixukezhengbianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shejixukezhengbianhao" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="安装单位" prop="shigongdanwei"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shigongdanwei" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="安装许可证编号" prop="shigongxukezheng"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shigongxukezheng" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="防腐单位" prop="fangfushigongdanwei"> |
<el-input v-model="param.fangfushigongdanwei" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="防腐资质证编号" prop="fangfuzizhizhengshu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.fangfuzizhizhengshu" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="监理单位" prop="jianlidanwei"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jianlidanwei" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="监理资质证书号" prop="jianlizizhizhengshu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jianlizizhizhengshu" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检测单位" prop="jiancedanwei"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancedanwei" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检测资质证书号" prop="jiancezizhizhenghao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancezizhizhenghao" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="输送介质" prop="shusongjiezhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shusongjiezhi" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="设计压力" prop="shejiyali"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shejiyali" type="text"> |
<template slot="append"> |
MPa |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="工程规模" prop="gongchengguimo"> |
<el-input v-model="param.gongchengguimo" type="text"> |
<template slot="append"> |
米 |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道级别" prop="guandaojibie"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaojibie" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="开工时间" prop="kaigongshijian"> |
<el-date-picker v-model="param.kaigongshijian" type="date" placeholder="选择日期" style="width: 100%;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="竣工时间" prop="jungongshijian"> |
<el-date-picker v-model="param.jungongshijian" type="date" placeholder="选择日期" style="width: 100%;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="监检开始日期" prop="jianyankaishiriqi"> |
<el-date-picker v-model="ysjl.jianyankaishiriqi" type="date" style="width: 100%;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="监检结束日期" prop="jianyanjieshuriqi"> |
<el-date-picker v-model="ysjl.jianyanjieshuriqi" type="date" style="width: 100%;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>监督检验结论</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20" style="text-align:left;margin-left: 50px;font-size: 18px;color: #606266;line-height: 40px;font-weight: bolder;"> |
根据《中华人民共和国特种设备安全法》和《压力管道安装安全质量监督检验规则》的规定,依据 |
<el-select v-model="biaozhunyaoqiu" style="width: 550px; margin-bottom: 20px" @change="bzyqChange"> |
<el-option label="《中华人民共和国特种设备安全法》" value="《中华人民共和国特种设备安全法》" /> |
<el-option label="GB50235-2010《工业金属管道工程施工规范》" value="GB50235-2010《工业金属管道工程施工规范》" /> |
<el-option label="SBJ14-2007《氢氯氟烃、氢氟烃类制冷系统安装工程施工及验收规范》" value="SBJ14-2007《氢氯氟烃、氢氟烃类制冷系统安装工程施工及验收规范》" /> |
<el-option label="GB50184-2011《工业金属管道工程施工质量验收规范》" value="GB50184-2011《工业金属管道工程施工质量验收规范》" /> |
<el-option label="SBJ12-2011《氨制冷系统安装工程施工及验收规范》" value="SBJ12-2011《氨制冷系统安装工程施工及验收规范》" /> |
<el-option label="设计文件" value="设计文件" /> |
</el-select> |
<el-input |
v-model="param.biaozhunyaoqiu" |
:rows="5" |
style="width: 550px" |
type="textarea" |
/> 等标准要求,经过监督检验,该压力管道安全安装质量 |
<el-select v-model="ysjl.jianyanjielun" size="small" placeholder="请选择" style="width: 160px;"> |
<el-option label="符合规范要求" value="符合规范要求" /> |
<el-option label="不符合规范要求" value="不符合规范要求" /> |
</el-select>。 |
</el-row><br> |
<el-row :gutter="20" style="margin-left:5px"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="下次检验日期" prop="xiacijianyanriqi"> |
<el-date-picker v-model="ysjl.xiacijianyanriqi" type="date" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd" placeholder="选择日期" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="证书编号" prop="zhengshubianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.zhengshubianhao" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="10" style="margin-left:10px"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检验人员" prop="jianyanrenyuan"> |
<el-input v-model="jianyanrenyuan" disabled /> |
<el-input v-show="false" v-model="ysjl.jianyanrenyuan" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<sign-name :jianyanrenyuan="jianyanrenyuan" :ysjl="ysjl" @setSignValue="singNameValue" /> |
</el-col> |
</el-row><br><br> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
</el-tab-pane> |
<el-tab-pane label="监督检验的压力管道基本情况" name="second"> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset style="height: 560px"> |
<legend>基本情况</legend> |
<el-row style="text-align:left;margin-left: 50px;font-size: 18px;color: #606266;line-height: 40px;font-weight: bolder;"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="工程名称" prop="gongchengmingcheng"> |
<el-input v-model="param.gongchengmingcheng" :disabled="true" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row style="text-align:left;margin-left: 50px;font-size: 18px;color: #606266;line-height: 40px;font-weight: bolder;"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="工程简介" prop="gongchengjianjie"> |
<el-input v-model="param.gongchengjianjie" type="textarea" :rows="18" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
</el-tab-pane> |
<el-tab-pane label="监督检验工作内容及工作情况" name="third"> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>监督检验工作内容及工作情况</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="一、监督检验依据" prop=""> |
<el-select v-model="jianyanyiju" style="width: 550px;" @change="zlscChange"> |
<el-option label="1.《中华人民共和国特种设备安全法》" value="1.《中华人民共和国特种设备安全法》" /> |
<el-option label="2.《压力管道安装质量监督检验规则》" value="2.《压力管道安装质量监督检验规则》" /> |
<el-option label="3.GB50235-2010《工业金属管道工程施工规范》" value="3.GB50235-2010《工业金属管道工程施工规范》" /> |
<el-option label="4.GB/T20801-2006《压力管道规范 工业管道》" value="4.GB/T20801-2006《压力管道规范 工业管道》" /> |
<el-option label="5.TSG D0001-2009《压力管道安全技术监察规程-工业管道》" value="5.TSG D0001-2009《压力管道安全技术监察规程-工业管道》" /> |
<el-option label="6.SBJ14-2007《氢氯氟氟烃、氢氟烃类制冷系统安装工程施工及验收规范》" value="6.SBJ14-2007《氢氯氟氟烃、氢氟烃类制冷系统安装工程施工及验收规范》" /> |
<el-option label="7.GB50184-2011《工业金属管道工程施工质量验收规范》" value="7.GB50184-2011《工业金属管道工程施工质量验收规范》" /> |
<el-option label="8.SBJ12-2011《氨制冷系统安装工程施工及验收规范》" value="8.SBJ12-2011《氨制冷系统安装工程施工及验收规范》" /> |
<el-option label="9.设计文件" value="9.设计文件" /> |
</el-select> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20" style="height: 200px"> |
<el-col :span="22"> |
<el-form-item label="" prop="jianyanyiju"> |
<el-input |
v-model="ysjl.jianyanyiju" |
:rows="10" |
type="textarea" |
/> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row style="text-align:left;margin-left: 50px;margin-top: 150px;font-size: 18px;color: #606266;line-height: 40px;font-weight: bolder;"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="二、监督检验内容" prop="" /> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row style="text-align:left;margin-left: 85px;font-size: 14px;color: #606266;line-height: 40px;"> |
1、对 |
<el-select v-model="param.qita1" multiple filterable style="width: 500px;"> |
<el-option v-for="item in options" :key="item.value" :label="item.label" :value="item.value" /> |
</el-select> |
在本工程安装实施过程中的单位资质及应当履行的手续进行<br>核实;对安全质量管理行为及设计资料进行抽查、验证。 |
</el-row> |
<el-row style="text-align:left;margin-left: 85px;font-size: 14px;color: #606266;line-height: 40px;"> |
<el-col> |
<el-input v-model="param.qita2" :disabled="edit" type="text" /> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row style="text-align:left;margin-left: 85px;font-size: 14px;color: #606266;line-height: 40px;"> |
<el-col> |
<el-input v-model="param.jianyangongzuofanwei" :disabled="edit" type="text" /> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row style="text-align:left;margin-left: 85px;font-size: 14px;color: #606266;line-height: 40px;"> |
<el-col> |
<el-input v-model="param.shuoming" :disabled="edit" type="text" /> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
</el-tab-pane> |
<el-tab-pane label="压力管道安装监督检验证书" name="fourth"> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>基本信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="25"> |
<el-col v-if="state === 'create'" :span="14"> |
<el-form-item label="报告编号"> |
<el-input v-model="jlbh1" style="width:80px" disabled /> |
<el-input v-model="jlbh2" style="width:80px" disabled /> |
<el-input v-model="jlbh3" style="width:80px" disabled />- |
<el-input v-model="jlbh4" style="width:85px" @blur="judgeRepeat(jlbh1 + jlbh2 + jlbh3 + '-' + jlbh4 + jlbh5 , ysjl.id)" /> |
<el-input v-model="jlbh5" style="width:70px" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col v-if="state !== 'create'" :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="报告编号" prop="baogaobianhao"> |
<el-input v-if="state !== 'create'" v-model="ysjl.baogaobianhao" :disabled="true" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col v-if="isRepeat" :span="2" style="vertical-align: middle;padding-top: 3px;font-size: 15px;"> |
<span style="color:red">编号重复</span> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="安装单位" prop="shigongdanwei"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shigongdanwei" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="安装许可证编号" prop="shigongxukezheng"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shigongxukezheng" :disabled="true" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="工程规模" prop="gongchengguimo"> |
<el-input v-model="param.gongchengguimo" type="text" :disabled="true"> |
<template slot="append"> |
米 |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="压力管道级别" prop="guandaojibie"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaojibie" type="text" :disabled="true" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="使用单位" prop="shiyongdanwei"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shiyongdanwei" type="text" :disabled="true" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="使用单位代码" prop="shiyongdanweiCode"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shiyongdanweiCode" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="使用单位地址" prop="shiyongdanweiDizhi"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shiyongdanweiDizhi" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="邮政编码" prop="shiyongdanweiYoubian"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shiyongdanweiYoubian" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="工程名称" prop="gongchengmingcheng"> |
<el-input v-model="param.gongchengmingcheng" type="text" :disabled="true" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="工程地址" prop="gongchengdizhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.gongchengdizhi" type="text" :disabled="true" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="设计单位" prop="shejidanwei"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shejidanwei" type="text" :disabled="true" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="制造单位" prop="zhizaodanwei"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.zhizaodanwei" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="设计压力" prop="shejiyali"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shejiyali" type="text" :disabled="true"> |
<template slot="append"> |
MPa |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="输送介质" prop="shusongjiezhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shusongjiezhi" type="text" :disabled="true" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="开工时间" prop="kaigongshijian"> |
<el-date-picker v-model="param.kaigongshijian" disabled type="date" placeholder="选择日期" style="width: 100%;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="竣工时间" prop="jungongshijian"> |
<el-date-picker v-model="param.jungongshijian" disabled type="date" placeholder="选择日期" style="width: 100%;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="防腐施工单位" prop="fangfushigongdanwei"> |
<el-input v-model="param.fangfushigongdanwei" :disabled="true" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检测单位" prop="jiancedanwei"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancedanwei" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="强度试验压力" prop="qiangdushiyanyali"> |
<el-input v-model="param.qiangdushiyanyali" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
MPa |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="严密性试验压力" prop="yanmixingshiyanyali"> |
<el-input v-model="param.yanmixingshiyanyali" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
MPa |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道安装情况" prop="guandaoanzhuangqingkuang"> |
<el-select v-model="param.guandaoanzhuangqingkuang" type="text" placeholder="请选择" style="width:232px"> |
<el-option label="新建" value="新建" /> |
<el-option label="扩建" value="扩建" /> |
<el-option label="改建" value="改建" /> |
</el-select> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>检验信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20" style="text-align:left;margin-left: 50px;font-size: 18px;color: #606266;line-height: 40px;font-weight: bolder;"> |
按照《中华人民共和国特种设备安全法》、《压力管道安装质量监督检验规则》及有关安全技术规范的规定,经我机构监督检验,该压力管道安装安全质量监督检验 |
<el-select v-model="ysjl.jianyanjielun" size="small" :disabled="true" style="width: 150px;"> |
<el-option label="符合规范要求" value="符合规范要求" /> |
<el-option label="不符合规范要求" value="不符合规范要求" /> |
</el-select>,特发此证书。<br> |
安全状况等级为 |
<el-select v-model="ysjl.anquanzhuangkuangdengji" size="small" style="width:120px"> |
<el-option label="1级" value="1级" /> |
<el-option label="2级" value="2级" /> |
<el-option label="3级" value="3级" /> |
<el-option label="4级" value="4级" /> |
<el-option label="5级" value="5级" /> |
<el-option label="-" value="-" /> |
</el-select> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20" style="margin-top: 20px;"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="监检开始日期" prop="jianyankaishiriqi"> |
<el-date-picker v-model="ysjl.jianyankaishiriqi" :disabled="true" type="date" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd" style="width: 100%;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="监检结束日期" prop="jianyanjieshuriqi"> |
<el-date-picker v-model="ysjl.jianyanjieshuriqi" :disabled="true" type="date" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd" style="width: 100%;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="10"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检验人员" prop="jianyanrenyuan"> |
<el-input v-model="jianyanrenyuan" disabled /> |
<el-input v-show="false" v-model="ysjl.jianyanrenyuan" :disabled="true" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<sign-name :jianyanrenyuan="jianyanrenyuan" :ysjl="ysjl" :disabled="true" @setSignValue="singNameValue" /> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form><br> |
</el-tab-pane> |
</el-tabs> |
<el-dialog :visible.sync="jyfaDialogVisible" title="添加检验方案" width="600px" @close="closeJyfaDialog"> |
<jyfa ref="jyfa" :info="info" /> |
</el-dialog> |
<el-dialog :visible.sync="similarVisible" title="同类报告查看" width="800px" @close="closeJyfaDialog"> |
<el-table ref="similarTable" :data="similarTableData" border style="width: 100%;" height="350"> |
<el-table-column align="center" label="报告类型" prop="bglx" min-width="50" /> |
<el-table-column align="left" label="检验项目" prop="jyxmLabel" width="200"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<div style="text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;" @click="editChild(scope.row.id, scope.row.jianyanxiangmu, departmentId)"> |
{{ scope.row.jyxmLabel }} |
</div> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" label="处理人" prop="renlingren" min-width="40" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" label="检验人员" prop="jianyanrenyuan" min-width="40" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" label="办结状态" prop="flowstatus" min-width="30"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-tag v-if="scope.row.flowstatus==='未办结'" type="danger"> |
未办结 |
</el-tag> |
<el-tag v-if="scope.row.flowstatus==='已办结'" type="success"> |
已办结 |
</el-tag> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column property="" label="操作" align="center" width="95"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-button type="primary" size="mini" title="删除检验方案" circle icon="el-icon-delete" @click="delYsjl(scope.row.jyxmLabel, scope.row.bglx, scope.row.id)" /> |
<el-button v-if="scope.row.bglx ==='分项检测' && scope.row.flowstatus === '未办结'" type="primary" size="mini" title="办结" circle icon="el-icon-check" @click="bjYsjl(scope.row.id, '1')" /> |
<el-button v-if="scope.row.bglx ==='分项检测' && scope.row.flowstatus === '已办结'" type="primary" size="mini" title="取消办结" circle icon="el-icon-close" @click="bjYsjl(scope.row.id, '0')" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</el-dialog> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import SignName from '@/views/common/SignName' |
import Utils from '../../../../utils/contact.js' |
import jyfa from '@/views/ysjl/addJyfa' |
export default { |
name: 'YlgdAzjjReport', |
components: { SignName, Sticky, jyfa }, |
data() { |
return { |
jlbh1: 'WH', |
jlbh2: 'GYJ', |
jlbh3: new Date().getFullYear(), |
jlbh4: '', |
jlbh5: '', |
ysjl: this.$route.query.ysjl, |
defaultParam: { |
qita1: ['设计单位', '建设单位', '安装单位', '监理单位', '检测单位'] |
}, |
param: (this.$route.query.param === null || this.$route.query.param === undefined) ? Object.assign({}, this.defaultParam) : this.$route.query.param, |
state: this.$route.params.state, |
jianyanrenyuan: '', |
departmentId: this.$route.query.ysjl.departmentId, |
isRepeat: false, |
edit: false, |
// 检验方案 |
jyfaDialogVisible: false, |
checkedTab: 'first', |
value: '', |
jianyanyiju: '', |
info: { |
modelId: this.$route.query.ysjl.modelId, |
sbzldm: this.$route.query.ysjl.shebeizhongleidaima, |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.ysjl.id, |
departmentId: this.$route.query.ysjl.departmentId, |
jylb: this.$route.query.ysjl.jianyanleibie, |
nblb: this.$route.query.ysjl.neibuleibie, |
type: 'JYBG' |
}, |
options: [{ |
value: '设计单位', |
label: '设计单位' |
}, { |
value: '建设单位', |
label: '建设单位' |
}, { |
value: '安装单位', |
label: '安装单位' |
}, { |
value: '监理单位', |
label: '监理单位' |
}, { |
value: '检测单位', |
label: '检测单位' |
}], |
similarVisible: false, |
similarTableData: [], |
biaozhunyaoqiu: '' |
} |
}, |
computed: { |
baogaobianhao: function() { |
if (this.state !== 'create') { |
return this.ysjl.baogaobianhao |
} |
return this.jlbh1 + this.jlbh2 + this.jlbh3 + '-' + this.jlbh4 + this.jlbh5 |
} |
}, |
watch: { |
baogaobianhao: function(newValue) { |
this.judgeRepeat(newValue, this.ysjl.id) |
} |
}, |
created() { |
if (this.state === 'create') { |
const tempTime = new Date() |
this.ysjl.createTime = tempTime |
this.ysjl.createBy = this.$store.getters.nickname |
this.$set(this.ysjl, 'jianyankaishiriqi', this.dateFormat(new Date())) |
this.$set(this.ysjl, 'jianyanjieshuriqi', this.dateFormat(new Date())) |
this.$set(this.ysjl, 'source', 'web') |
this.$set(this.param, 'gonghuodanwei', '威海市特种设备检验研究院') |
this.$set(this.param, 'qita1', ['设计单位', '建设单位', '安装单位', '监理单位', '检测单位']) |
this.$set(this.param, 'qita2', '2、安装单位在本工程的施工过程中,按照《压力管道安装质量体系运行情况检查表》监督检查。') |
this.$set(this.param, 'jianyangongzuofanwei', '3、对压力管道安装过程中涉及压力管道安装质量的项目,按照《压力管道安装安全质量检查项目表》进行监督验证。') |
this.$set(this.param, 'shuoming', '4、监检过程中抽查了 个焊口的射线底片,共计 张。抽查比例为 。') |
this.getDepartmentCode() |
} else { |
this.judgeRepeat(this.ysjl.baogaobianhao, this.ysjl.id) |
// 把检验依据中的'\n\r'替换为'\n' |
if (this.ysjl.jianyanyiju !== null && this.ysjl.jianyanyiju !== '' && this.ysjl.jianyanyiju !== undefined) { |
this.ysjl.jianyanyiju = this.ysjl.jianyanyiju.replace(/\n\r/g, '\n') |
} |
} |
if (this.ysjl.id !== null && this.ysjl.id !== undefined) { |
// 根据原始记录id查询参数 |
this.api({ |
url: '/ysjl/getParamByYsjlId', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.ysjl.id, |
sbzldm: this.ysjl.shebeizhongleidaima |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.param = data |
if (this.param.qita1 !== null && this.param.qita1 !== undefined && this.param.qita1 !== '') { |
const qita1 = this.param.qita1.split('、') |
this.param.qita1 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(qita1)) |
} |
}) |
} |
this.$nextTick(() => { |
if (this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan !== null && this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan !== undefined && this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan.length > 0) { |
this.jianyanrenyuan = this.common.convertCnName(this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan) |
} |
}) |
}, |
methods: { |
// 签名方法 |
singNameValue(data) { |
this.jianyanrenyuan = data.name |
this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan = data.id |
if (this.state !== 'create') { |
this.common.signName(this.ysjl.id, this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan) |
} |
}, |
dateFormat() { |
const year = new Date().getFullYear() |
const month = new Date().getMonth() + 1 > 9 ? (new Date().getMonth() + 1).toString() : '0' + (new Date().getMonth() + 1) |
const day = new Date().getDate() > 9 ? new Date().getDate().toString() : '0' + new Date().getDate() |
return year + '-' + month + '-' + day |
}, |
// 查询部门代码 |
getDepartmentCode() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/department/gainCurrentDepartmentCode', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
depId: this.$store.getters.departmentId |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.jlbh5 = data |
this.getMaxBh() |
}) |
}, |
// 查询最大记录编号 |
getMaxBh() { |
const aheadPart = this.jlbh1 + '' + this.jlbh2 + '' + this.jlbh3 |
this.api({ |
url: '/ysjl/gainCurrentBh', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
aheadPart: aheadPart + '-', |
hinderPart: this.jlbh5 |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.jlbh4 = data |
}) |
}, |
saveYsjl: function(operation) { |
if (operation === 'add') { |
if (this.jlbh4.trim() === '') { |
this.$message({ message: '请先确认报告编号是否完整!', type: 'warning' }) |
return false |
} |
} |
let url = '' |
this.ysjl.bglx = 1 |
this.ysjl.cjState = 'bggl' |
this.ysjl.zfState = '0' |
this.ysjl.jianyanxiangmu = 'azjj' |
this.ysjl.jlprintState = 0 |
this.ysjl.flowstatus = 1 |
this.ysjl.jigouhezhunzhenghao = 'TS7110433-2024' |
// 检验依据添加'\n\r'来换行 |
if (this.ysjl.jianyanyiju !== null && this.ysjl.jianyanyiju !== '' && this.ysjl.jianyanyiju !== undefined) { |
this.ysjl.jianyanyiju = this.ysjl.jianyanyiju.replace(/\n/g, '\n\r') |
} |
let qita1 = '' |
for (let i = 0; i < this.param.qita1.length; i++) { |
qita1 += this.param.qita1[i] + '、' |
} |
this.param.qita1 = qita1.substring(0, qita1.length - 1) |
if (operation === 'add') { |
url = '/ysjl/saveYsjl' |
this.ysjl.baogaobianhao = this.jlbh1 + this.jlbh2 + this.jlbh3 + '-' + this.jlbh4 + this.jlbh5 |
} else if (operation === 'upd') { |
url = '/ysjl/updateYsjl' |
} |
if (this.isRepeat) { |
this.$message({ message: '报告编号重复,请先修改报告编号再保存', type: 'error' }) |
return false |
} else if (this.common.judgeBianhao(this.ysjl.baogaobianhao) === 0) { |
this.$message({ message: '报告编号中包含中文,不符合编号规则', type: 'error' }) |
return false |
} else { |
this.$refs['ysjl'].validate(valid => { |
if (valid) { |
this.api({ |
url: url, |
method: 'post', |
data: { |
ysjl: this.ysjl, |
param: this.param, |
flag: operation |
} |
}).then(data => { |
Utils.$emit('bggl-daiban-list') |
if (this.ysjl.jianyanyiju !== null && this.ysjl.jianyanyiju !== '' && this.ysjl.jianyanyiju !== undefined) { |
this.ysjl.jianyanyiju = this.ysjl.jianyanyiju.replace(/\n\r/g, '\n') |
} |
if (operation === 'add' && data !== '') { |
Utils.$emit('task-list') |
this.$message({ message: '保存成功', type: 'success' }) |
this.ysjl.id = data |
this.info.ysjlId = this.ysjl.id |
this.param.ysjlId = data |
if (this.param.qita1 !== null && this.param.qita1 !== undefined && this.param.qita1 !== '') { |
this.param.qita1 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.param.qita1.split('、'))) |
} |
} else if (operation === 'upd') { |
this.$message({ message: '更新成功', type: 'success' }) |
if (this.param.qita1 !== null && this.param.qita1 !== undefined && this.param.qita1 !== '') { |
this.param.qita1 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.param.qita1.split('、'))) |
} |
} |
this.state = 'update' |
}).catch(() => { |
if (this.param.qita1 !== null && this.param.qita1 !== undefined && this.param.qita1 !== '') { |
this.param.qita1 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.param.qita1.split('、'))) |
} |
}) |
} |
}) |
} |
}, |
zlscChange(val) { |
this.ysjl.jianyanyiju = (this.ysjl.jianyanyiju === undefined || this.ysjl.jianyanyiju === null || this.ysjl.jianyanyiju === '') ? val : this.ysjl.jianyanyiju + '\n' + ' ' + val |
}, |
bzyqChange(val) { |
this.param.biaozhunyaoqiu = (this.param.biaozhunyaoqiu === undefined || this.param.biaozhunyaoqiu === null || this.param.biaozhunyaoqiu === '') ? val : this.param.biaozhunyaoqiu + '、' + val |
}, |
judgeRepeat(bianhao, id) { |
this.api({ |
url: '/ysjl/judgeRepeat', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: id, |
bianhao: bianhao |
} |
}).then(data => { |
if (data > 0) { |
this.isRepeat = true |
} else { |
this.isRepeat = false |
} |
}) |
}, |
toAddJyfa() { |
this.jyfaDialogVisible = true |
}, |
// 查询同类报告 |
getJyfaInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/ysjl/getJyfaInfo', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.ysjl.id |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.similarTableData = data |
this.similarVisible = true |
}) |
}, |
closeJyfaDialog() { |
this.jyfaDialogVisible = false |
}, |
// 删除检验方案 |
delYsjl(jianyanxiangmu, bglx, ysjlId) { |
this.$confirm('原始记录删除后将无法恢复,是否确认删除?', '提示', { |
confirmButtonText: '确定', |
cancelButtonText: '取消', |
type: 'warning' |
}).then(() => { |
this.api({ |
url: '/ysjl/delJyfa', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: ysjlId, |
bglx: bglx, |
jianyanxiangmu: jianyanxiangmu |
} |
}).then(() => { |
Utils.$emit('modifyMajorInspectionItemBySub') |
this.$message({ message: '删除成功', type: 'success' }) |
this.getJyfaInfo() |
this.$refs.jyfa.getJyfaInfo() |
}) |
}).catch(e => { |
this.$message({ message: '删除失败:' + e, type: 'error' }) |
}) |
}, |
// 办结分项原始记录 status:0:取消办结,1:办结 |
bjYsjl(ysjlId, status) { |
this.api({ |
url: '/fenxiang/endFx', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: ysjlId, |
status: status |
} |
}).then(() => { |
this.getJyfaInfo() |
if (status === '0') { |
this.$message({ message: '取消办结成功', type: 'success' }) |
} else if (status === '1') { |
this.$message({ message: '办结成功', type: 'success' }) |
} |
}) |
}, |
editChild(id, jianyanxiangmu, departmentId) { |
this.$router.push({ path: '/bggl/' + this.ysjl.shebeizhongleidaima + '/jd/' + jianyanxiangmu, query: { id: id, jyxm: jianyanxiangmu, departmentId: departmentId }}) |
this.similarVisible = false |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
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.el-input.is-disabled .el-input__inner { |
color: #606266; |
} |
.el-textarea.is-disabled .el-textarea__inner { |
color: #606266; |
} |
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@ -0,0 +1,226 @@ |
<template> |
<div> |
<el-row :gutter="10"> |
<el-form :model="hzbYsjl" label-position="right" label-width="120px"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="工程名称" prop="gongchengmingcheng"> |
<el-input v-model="hzbYsjl.gongchengmingcheng" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-form> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="10"> |
<el-col :span="3" style="width: 158px;"> |
<el-button type="success" icon="el-icon-download" @click="downloadTemplate"> |
下载导入模板 |
</el-button> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="10"> |
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:show-file-list="false" |
:before-upload="beforeUpload" |
style="float: left; margin-right: 15px;" |
accept=".xlsx" |
action="" |
> |
<el-button type="primary" icon="el-icon-upload"> |
导入数据 |
</el-button> |
</el-upload> |
<el-button type="success" icon="el-icon-circle-plus-outline" @click="addRow"> |
添加 |
</el-button> |
<el-button type="danger" :disabled="multipleSelection.length === 0" icon="el-icon-remove-outline" @click="delRow"> |
删除 |
</el-button> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-table |
ref="hzbTable" |
:data="hzbTable" |
width="100%" |
border |
stripe |
style="margin-top: 5px;" |
@row-click="onRowClick" |
@selection-change="handleSelectionChange" |
> |
<el-table-column type="selection" align="center" width="40" /> |
<el-table-column prop="C1" width="80" align="center" label="序号"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C1" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column prop="C2" align="center" label="管道名称"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C2" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column prop="C3" align="center" label="管道编号"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C3" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column prop="C4" align="center" label="管道级别"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C4" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column prop="C5" align="center" label="材质"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C5" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column prop="C6" align="center" label="介质"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C6" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" label="管道规格"> |
<el-table-column prop="C7" align="center" label="公称直径(mm)"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C7" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column prop="C8" align="center" label="公称壁厚(mm)"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C8" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column prop="C9" align="center" label="管道长度(m)"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C9" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" label="起止点"> |
<el-table-column prop="C10" align="center" label="起点"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C10" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column prop="C11" align="center" label="终点"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C11" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" label="设计条件"> |
<el-table-column prop="C12" align="center" label="温度(℃)"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C12" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column prop="C13" align="center" label="压力(MPa)"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C13" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" label="工作条件"> |
<el-table-column prop="C14" align="center" label="温度(℃)"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C14" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column prop="C15" align="center" label="压力(MPa)"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C15" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column prop="C16" align="center" label="备注(图号)"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C16" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
export default { |
props: { |
hzbYsjl: { |
type: Object, |
required: true |
}, |
azhzTable: { |
type: Array, |
default: () => { return [] } |
} |
}, |
data() { |
return { |
multipleSelection: [], |
fileName: '压力管道安装汇总表.xlsx', |
hzbTable: this.azhzTable |
} |
}, |
methods: { |
getParentData(val) { |
this.hzbYsjl.gongchengmingcheng = val |
}, |
getTableData(val) { |
this.hzbTable = val |
}, |
onRowClick(row) { |
this.$refs.hzbTable.toggleRowSelection(row) |
}, |
handleSelectionChange(val) { |
this.multipleSelection = val |
}, |
addRow() { |
const length = this.hzbTable.length |
this.hzbTable.push({ C1: length + 1 }) |
this.$emit('syncHzbData', this.hzbTable) |
}, |
delRow() { |
for (let i = 0; i < this.multipleSelection.length; i++) { |
for (let y = 0; y < this.hzbTable.length; y++) { |
if (JSON.stringify(this.multipleSelection[i]) === JSON.stringify(this.hzbTable[y])) { |
this.hzbTable.splice(y, 1) |
} |
} |
} |
this.$emit('syncHzbData', this.hzbTable) |
}, |
downloadTemplate() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/upload/downloadTemplate', |
method: 'post', |
params: { |
templateName: '压力管道数据表模板.xlsx' |
} |
}).then(data => { |
window.open(data) |
}) |
}, |
// 上传数据 |
beforeUpload(file) { |
// 判断文件后缀名 |
var index = file.name.lastIndexOf('.') |
var ext = file.name.substr(index + 1).toLocaleLowerCase() |
if (ext !== 'xls' && ext !== 'xlsx') { |
this.$message.error('只能上传xls/xlsx格式的文件') |
return false |
} |
const fd = new FormData() |
fd.append('file', file) |
fd.append('paramData', JSON.stringify(this.hzbTable)) |
this.api({ |
url: '/upload/uploadSchedule', |
method: 'post', |
data: fd |
}).then(data => { |
this.hzbTable = data |
this.$emit('syncHzbData', this.hzbTable) |
this.$message({ message: '上传成功!', type: 'success' }) |
}) |
}, |
getHzbData() { |
this.$emit('syncHzbData', this.hzbTable) |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ |
<!--监检过程中发现问题的处理情况--> |
<template> |
<el-form ref="wtcl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset style="height: 560px"> |
<legend>基本情况</legend> |
<el-row> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="问题处理情况" prop="wentichuliqingkuang"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.wentichuliqingkuang" type="textarea" :rows="18" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
</template> |
<script> |
export default { |
props: { |
ysjl: { |
type: Object, |
required: true |
} |
}, |
data() { |
return { |
} |
}, |
watch: { |
ysjl(val) { |
this.ysjl = val |
} |
}, |
methods: { |
getWtclData() { |
this.$emit('syncWtclData', this.ysjl) |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ |
<template> |
<div> |
<el-table :data="tableData" border stripe style="width:60%"> |
<el-table-column type="index" align="center" width="50" label="序号" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C1" label="检验内容" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C2" label="检验结果"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-select v-model="scope.row.C2" :disabled="edit" type="text" placeholder="请选择" style="width: 100%;"> |
<el-option label="符合要求" value="☑符合要求 □不符合要求 □无此项" /> |
<el-option label="不符合要求" value="□符合要求 ☑不符合要求 □无此项" /> |
<el-option label="无此项" value="□符合要求 □不符合要求 ☑无此项" /> |
</el-select> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
export default { |
props: { |
ysjl: { |
type: Object, |
required: true |
}, |
jdjyjg: { |
type: Array, |
default: () => { return [] } |
}, |
edit: { |
type: Boolean, |
default: false |
} |
}, |
data() { |
return { |
tableData: [] |
} |
}, |
watch: { |
jdjyjg(val) { |
this.tableData = val |
} |
}, |
methods: { |
getJyjgData() { |
this.$emit('syncJyjgData', this.tableData) |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
@ -0,0 +1,348 @@ |
<template> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>基本信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20" style="height: 90px;"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="建设单位" prop="shiyongdanwei"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shiyongdanwei" type="textarea" :rows="3" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20" style="height: 90px;"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="设计单位" prop="shejidanwei"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shejidanwei" type="textarea" :rows="3" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20" style="height: 90px;"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="施工单位" prop="shigongdanwei"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shigongdanwei" type="textarea" :rows="3" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="无损检测单位" prop="jiancedanwei"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.jiancedanwei" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20" style="height: 100px;"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="备注" prop="beizhu"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.beizhu" type="textarea" :rows="3" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>现场施焊焊工一览表</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="10"> |
<el-col :span="3" style="width: 158px;"> |
<el-button type="success" size="medium" icon="el-icon-download" @click="downloadTemplate"> |
下载导入模板 |
</el-button> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="10"> |
<el-upload |
:show-file-list="false" |
:before-upload="beforeUpload" |
style="float: left; margin-right: 15px;" |
accept=".xlsx" |
action="" |
> |
<el-button type="primary" size="medium" icon="el-icon-upload"> |
导入数据 |
</el-button> |
</el-upload> |
<el-button type="success" size="medium" icon="el-icon-circle-plus-outline" @click="addRow"> |
添加 |
</el-button> |
<el-button type="danger" size="medium" :disabled="multipleSelection.length === 0" icon="el-icon-remove-outline" @click="delRow"> |
删除 |
</el-button> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-table ref="hgs" :data="hgs" border style="margin-bottom: 20px" @row-click="onRowClick" @selection-change="handleSelectionChange"> |
<el-table-column type="selection" /> |
<el-table-column prop="C1" label="焊工" align="center"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C1" :disabled="edit" align="center" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column label="焊工证号" align="center" width="180"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C2" :disabled="edit" align="center" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column prop="C3" label="合格项目" align="center"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C3" :disabled="edit" align="center" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column prop="C4" label="有效期" align="center"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C4" :disabled="edit" align="center" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>现场作业无损检测人员一览表</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="10"> |
<el-col :span="3" style="width: 158px;"> |
<el-button type="success" size="medium" icon="el-icon-download" @click="downloadTemplate2"> |
下载导入模板 |
</el-button> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="10"> |
<el-upload |
:show-file-list="false" |
:before-upload="beforeUpload2" |
style="float: left; margin-right: 15px;" |
accept=".xlsx" |
action="" |
> |
<el-button type="primary" size="medium" icon="el-icon-upload"> |
导入数据 |
</el-button> |
</el-upload> |
<el-button type="success" size="medium" icon="el-icon-circle-plus-outline" @click="addRow2"> |
添加 |
</el-button> |
<el-button type="danger" size="medium" :disabled="multipleSelection2.length === 0" icon="el-icon-remove-outline" @click="delRow2"> |
删除 |
</el-button> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-table ref="wsjcrys" :data="wsjcrys" border style="margin-bottom: 20px" @row-click="onRowClick2" @selection-change="handleSelectionChange2"> |
<el-table-column type="selection" width="50" /> |
<el-table-column prop="C1" label="无损检测人员" align="center"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C1" :disabled="edit" align="center" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column prop="C2" label="人员证号" align="center"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C2" :disabled="edit" align="center" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column prop="C3" label="合格项目" align="center"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C3" :disabled="edit" align="center" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column prop="C4" label="有效期" align="center"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C4" :disabled="edit" align="center" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column prop="C5" label="执业注册证" align="center"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C5" :disabled="edit" align="center" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
</template> |
<script> |
export default { |
props: { |
ysjl: { |
type: Object, |
required: true |
}, |
hgList: { |
type: Array, |
default: () => { return [] } |
}, |
wsjcryList: { |
type: Array, |
default: () => { return [] } |
} |
}, |
data() { |
return { |
edit: false, |
wsjcrys: this.hgList, |
hgs: this.wsjcryList, |
multipleSelection: [], |
multipleSelection2: [] |
} |
}, |
methods: { |
getTableData() { |
const data = { |
sjdwqk: this.ysjl, |
hgs: this.hgs, |
wsjcrys: this.wsjcrys |
} |
this.$emit('syncSjdwData', data) |
}, |
onRowClick(row) { |
this.$refs.hgs.toggleRowSelection(row) |
}, |
handleSelectionChange(val) { |
this.multipleSelection = val |
}, |
addRow() { |
this.hgs.push({}) |
const data = { |
sjdwqk: this.ysjl, |
hgs: this.hgs, |
wsjcrys: this.wsjcrys |
} |
this.$emit('syncSjdwData', data) |
}, |
delRow() { |
for (let i = 0; i < this.multipleSelection.length; i++) { |
for (let y = 0; y < this.hgs.length; y++) { |
if (JSON.stringify(this.multipleSelection[i]) === JSON.stringify(this.hgs[y])) { |
this.hgs.splice(y, 1) |
} |
} |
} |
const data = { |
sjdwqk: this.ysjl, |
hgs: this.hgs, |
wsjcrys: this.wsjcrys |
} |
this.$emit('syncSjdwData', data) |
}, |
downloadTemplate() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/upload/downloadTemplate', |
method: 'post', |
params: { |
templateName: '现场施焊焊工一览表.xlsx' |
} |
}).then(data => { |
window.open(data) |
}) |
}, |
// 上传数据 |
beforeUpload(file) { |
// 判断文件后缀名 |
var index = file.name.lastIndexOf('.') |
var ext = file.name.substr(index + 1).toLocaleLowerCase() |
if (ext !== 'xls' && ext !== 'xlsx') { |
this.$message.error('只能上传xls/xlsx格式的文件') |
return false |
} |
const fd = new FormData() |
fd.append('file', file) |
fd.append('paramData', JSON.stringify(this.hgs)) |
this.api({ |
url: '/upload/uploadSchedule', |
method: 'post', |
data: fd |
}).then(data => { |
this.hgs = data |
const transData = { |
sjdwqk: this.ysjl, |
hgs: this.hgs, |
wsjcrys: this.wsjcrys |
} |
this.$emit('syncSjdwData', transData) |
this.$message({ message: '上传成功!', type: 'success' }) |
}) |
}, |
onRowClick2(row) { |
this.$refs.wsjcrys.toggleRowSelection(row) |
}, |
handleSelectionChange2(val) { |
this.multipleSelection2 = val |
}, |
addRow2() { |
this.wsjcrys.push({}) |
const transData = { |
sjdwqk: this.ysjl, |
hgs: this.hgs, |
wsjcrys: this.wsjcrys |
} |
this.$emit('syncSjdwData', transData) |
}, |
delRow2() { |
for (let i = 0; i < this.multipleSelection2.length; i++) { |
for (let y = 0; y < this.wsjcrys.length; y++) { |
if (JSON.stringify(this.multipleSelection2[i]) === JSON.stringify(this.wsjcrys[y])) { |
this.wsjcrys.splice(y, 1) |
} |
} |
} |
const transData = { |
sjdwqk: this.ysjl, |
hgs: this.hgs, |
wsjcrys: this.wsjcrys |
} |
this.$emit('syncSjdwData', transData) |
}, |
downloadTemplate2() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/upload/downloadTemplate', |
method: 'post', |
params: { |
templateName: '现场作业无损检测人员一览表模板.xlsx' |
} |
}).then(data => { |
window.open(data) |
}) |
}, |
// 上传数据 |
beforeUpload2(file) { |
// 判断文件后缀名 |
var index = file.name.lastIndexOf('.') |
var ext = file.name.substr(index + 1).toLocaleLowerCase() |
if (ext !== 'xls' && ext !== 'xlsx') { |
this.$message.error('只能上传xls/xlsx格式的文件') |
return false |
} |
const fd = new FormData() |
fd.append('file', file) |
fd.append('paramData', JSON.stringify(this.wsjcrys)) |
this.api({ |
url: '/upload/uploadSchedule', |
method: 'post', |
data: fd |
}).then(data => { |
this.wsjcrys = data |
const transData = { |
sjdwqk: this.ysjl, |
hgs: this.hgs, |
wsjcrys: this.wsjcrys |
} |
this.$emit('syncSjdwData', transData) |
this.$message({ message: '上传成功!', type: 'success' }) |
}) |
}, |
getSjdwData() { |
const transData = { |
sjdwqk: this.ysjl, |
hgs: this.hgs, |
wsjcrys: this.wsjcrys |
} |
this.$emit('syncSjdwData', transData) |
}, |
getParentDataSy(val) { |
this.ysjl.shiyongdanwei = val |
}, |
getParentDataSj(val) { |
this.ysjl.shejidanwei = val |
}, |
getParentDataSg(val) { |
this.ysjl.shigongdanwei = val |
}, |
getHgList(val) { |
this.hgs = val |
}, |
getWsjcList(val) { |
this.wsjcrys = val |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
@ -0,0 +1,183 @@ |
<template> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>基本信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="无损检测单位" prop="jiancedanwei"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.jiancedanwei" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20" style="height: 100px;"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="备注" prop="beizhu"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.beizhu" type="textarea" :rows="3" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>现场作业无损检测人员一览表</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="10"> |
<el-col :span="3" style="width: 158px;"> |
<el-button type="success" size="medium" icon="el-icon-download" @click="downloadTemplate2"> |
下载导入模板 |
</el-button> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="10"> |
<el-upload |
:show-file-list="false" |
:before-upload="beforeUpload2" |
style="float: left; margin-right: 15px;" |
accept=".xlsx" |
action="" |
> |
<el-button type="primary" size="medium" icon="el-icon-upload"> |
导入数据 |
</el-button> |
</el-upload> |
<el-button type="success" size="medium" icon="el-icon-circle-plus-outline" @click="addRow2"> |
添加 |
</el-button> |
<el-button type="danger" size="medium" :disabled="multipleSelection2.length === 0" icon="el-icon-remove-outline" @click="delRow2"> |
删除 |
</el-button> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-table ref="wsjcrys" :data="wsjcrys" border style="margin-bottom: 20px" @row-click="onRowClick2" @selection-change="handleSelectionChange2"> |
<el-table-column type="selection" width="50" /> |
<el-table-column prop="C1" label="无损检测人员" align="center"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C1" :disabled="edit" align="center" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column prop="C2" label="人员证号" align="center"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C2" :disabled="edit" align="center" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column prop="C3" label="合格项目" align="center"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C3" :disabled="edit" align="center" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column prop="C4" label="有效期" align="center"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C4" :disabled="edit" align="center" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column prop="C5" label="执业注册证" align="center"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C5" :disabled="edit" align="center" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
</template> |
<script> |
export default { |
props: { |
ysjl: { |
type: Object, |
required: true |
}, |
wsjcrys: { |
type: Array, |
default: () => { return [] } |
} |
}, |
data() { |
return { |
edit: false, |
multipleSelection2: [] |
} |
}, |
methods: { |
getTableData() { |
const data = { |
wsjcYsjl: this.ysjl, |
wsjcrys: this.wsjcrys |
} |
this.$emit('syncWsjcData', data) |
}, |
onRowClick(row) { |
this.$refs.hgs.toggleRowSelection(row) |
}, |
onRowClick2(row) { |
this.$refs.wsjcrys.toggleRowSelection(row) |
}, |
handleSelectionChange2(val) { |
this.multipleSelection2 = val |
}, |
addRow2() { |
this.wsjcrys.push({}) |
const transData = { |
wsjcYsjl: this.ysjl, |
wsjcrys: this.wsjcrys |
} |
this.$emit('syncWsjcData', transData) |
}, |
delRow2() { |
for (let i = 0; i < this.multipleSelection2.length; i++) { |
for (let y = 0; y < this.wsjcrys.length; y++) { |
if (JSON.stringify(this.multipleSelection2[i]) === JSON.stringify(this.wsjcrys[y])) { |
this.wsjcrys.splice(y, 1) |
} |
} |
} |
const transData = { |
wsjcYsjl: this.ysjl, |
wsjcrys: this.wsjcrys |
} |
this.$emit('syncWsjcData', transData) |
}, |
downloadTemplate2() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/upload/downloadTemplate', |
method: 'post', |
params: { |
templateName: '现场作业无损检测人员一览表模板.xlsx' |
} |
}).then(data => { |
window.open(data) |
}) |
}, |
// 上传数据 |
beforeUpload2(file) { |
// 判断文件后缀名 |
var index = file.name.lastIndexOf('.') |
var ext = file.name.substr(index + 1).toLocaleLowerCase() |
if (ext !== 'xls' && ext !== 'xlsx') { |
this.$message.error('只能上传xls/xlsx格式的文件') |
return false |
} |
const fd = new FormData() |
fd.append('file', file) |
fd.append('paramData', JSON.stringify(this.wsjcrys)) |
this.api({ |
url: '/upload/uploadSchedule', |
method: 'post', |
data: fd |
}).then(data => { |
this.wsjcrys = data |
const transData = { |
wsjcYsjl: this.ysjl, |
wsjcrys: this.wsjcrys |
} |
this.$emit('syncWsjcData', transData) |
this.$message({ message: '上传成功!', type: 'success' }) |
}) |
}, |
getWsjcData() { |
const transData = { |
wsjcYsjl: this.ysjl, |
wsjcrys: this.wsjcrys |
} |
this.$emit('syncWsjcData', transData) |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
@ -1,758 +0,0 @@ |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<sticky style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<div class="sub-navbar"> |
<el-button v-if="state === 'create'" type="success" icon="el-icon-edit" size="medium" @click="saveYsjl('add')"> |
保存 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state === 'update'" type="primary" icon="el-icon-edit" size="medium" @click="saveYsjl('upd')"> |
更新 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state === 'update'" type="primary" icon="el-icon-circle-check-outline" size="medium" @click="toAddJyfa"> |
添加检验方案 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'create'" type="info" icon="el-icon-info" size="medium" @click="getJyfaInfo"> |
查看同类报告 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'create'" type="warning" icon="el-icon-view" size="medium" @click="common.viewYsjl(ysjl.id, 'JYBG')"> |
预览 |
</el-button> |
</div> |
</sticky> |
<el-tabs v-model="checkedTab" type="card"> |
<el-tab-pane label="工程概况" name="first"> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>基本信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col v-if="state === 'create'" :span="13"> |
<el-form-item label="记录编号"> |
<el-input v-model="bgbh1" style="width:80px" disabled /> |
<el-input v-model="bgbh2" style="width:80px" disabled />- |
<el-input v-model="bgbh3" style="width:80px" @blur="judgeRepeat(bgbh1 + bgbh2 + bgbh3 , ysjl.id)" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col v-if="state !== 'create'" :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="记录编号" prop="baogaobianhao"> |
<el-input v-if="state !== 'create'" v-model="ysjl.baogaobianhao" :disabled="edit" @blur="judgeRepeat(ysjl.baogaobianhao, ysjl.id)" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col v-if="isRepeat" :span="2"> |
<span style="color:red">编号重复</span> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="工程名称" prop="gongchengmingcheng"> |
<el-input v-model="param.gongchengmingcheng" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="工程地址" prop="gongchengdizhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.gongchengdizhi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="工程规模" prop="gongchengguimo"> |
<el-input v-model="param.gongchengguimo" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道级别" prop="guandaojibie"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaojibie" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="设计压力" prop="shejiyali"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shejiyali" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
(MPa) |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="输送介质" prop="shusongjiezhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shusongjiezhi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="开工时间" prop="kaigongshijian"> |
<el-date-picker v-model="param.kaigongshijian" :disabled="edit" type="date" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd" placeholder="选择日期" style="width: 100%;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="竣工时间" prop="jungongshijian"> |
<el-date-picker v-model="param.jungongshijian" :disabled="edit" type="date" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd" placeholder="选择日期" style="width: 100%;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="建设单位" prop="jianshedanwei"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jianshedanwei" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="管道设计单位" prop="shejidanwei"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shejidanwei" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="工程规划许可证号" prop="guihuaxukezheng"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guihuaxukezheng" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="设计证书编号" prop="shejiwenjianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shejiwenjianhao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="安装单位" prop="shigongdanwei"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shigongdanwei" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="防腐施工单位" prop="fangfushigongdanwei"> |
<el-input v-model="param.fangfushigongdanwei" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="安装许可证编号" prop="shigongxukezheng"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shigongxukezheng" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="防腐资质证书编号" prop="fangfuzizhizhengshu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.fangfuzizhizhengshu" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="监理单位" prop="jianlidanwei"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jianlidanwei" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="检测单位" prop="jiancedanwei"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancedanwei" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="监理资质证书号" prop="jianlizizhizhengshu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jianlizizhizhengshu" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="资格证书编号" prop="jiancezizhizhenghao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancezizhizhenghao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="授权书文号" prop="shouquanshuwenhao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shouquanshuwenhao" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="设计温度" prop="shejiwendu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shejiwendu" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
(℃) |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>检验信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="检验规范" prop="anzhuangguifan"> |
<el-input v-model="param.anzhuangguifan" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检验结论" prop="jianyanjielun"> |
<el-select v-model="ysjl.jianyanjielun" placeholder="请选择" style="width: 100%;"> |
<el-option label="合格" value="合格" /> |
<el-option label="不合格" value="不合格" /> |
</el-select> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="安全状况等级为" prop="anquanzhuangkuangdengji"> |
<el-select v-model="ysjl.anquanzhuangkuangdengji" type="text" placeholder="请选择" style="width: 100%;"> |
<el-option label="1级" value="1级" /> |
<el-option label="2级" value="2级" /> |
<el-option label="3级" value="3级" /> |
<el-option label="4级" value="4级" /> |
<el-option label="5级" value="5级" /> |
<el-option label="-" value="-" /> |
</el-select> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检验开始日期" prop="jianyankaishiriqi"> |
<el-date-picker v-model="ysjl.jianyankaishiriqi" :disabled="edit" type="date" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd" placeholder="选择日期" style="width: 100%;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检验结束日期" prop="jianyanjieshuriqi"> |
<el-date-picker v-model="ysjl.jianyanjieshuriqi" :disabled="edit" type="date" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd" placeholder="选择日期" style="width: 100%;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="下次定期检验日期" prop="xiacijianyanriqi"> |
<el-date-picker v-model="ysjl.xiacijianyanriqi" :disabled="edit" type="date" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd" placeholder="选择日期" style="width: 100%;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="证书编号" prop="zhengshubianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.zhengshubianhao" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="10"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检验人员" prop="jianyanrenyuan"> |
<el-input v-model="jianyanrenyuan" disabled /> |
<el-input v-show="false" v-model="ysjl.jianyanrenyuan" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col v-if="state !== 'bgView'" :span="9"> |
<sign-name :ysjl="ysjl" :jianyanrenyuan="jianyanrenyuan" @setSignValue="singNameValue" /> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
</el-tab-pane> |
<el-tab-pane label="压力管道基本情况" name="second"> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>基本信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20" style="height: 130px;"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="工程简介" prop="gongchengjianjie"> |
<el-input v-model="param.gongchengjianjie" :disabled="edit" :rows="5" type="textarea" placeholder="内容包括工程名称施工单位投资规模管道的基本属性相关情况的描述" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="工程地址" prop="gongchengdizhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.gongchengdizhi" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="工程规模" prop="gongchengguimo"> |
<el-input v-model="param.gongchengguimo" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="建设单位" prop="jianshedanwei"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jianshedanwei" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="设计单位" prop="shejidanwei"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shejidanwei" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="安装单位" prop="shigongdanwei"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shigongdanwei" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="监理单位" prop="jianlidanwei"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jianlidanwei" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="防腐单位" prop="fangfushigongdanwei"> |
<el-input v-model="param.fangfushigongdanwei" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="检测单位" prop="jiancedanwei"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancedanwei" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20" style="height: 110px;"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="主要元件供货单位" prop="gonghuodanwei"> |
<el-input v-model="param.gonghuodanwei" :disabled="edit" :rows="4" type="textarea" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="开工竣工时间" prop="kaigongjungongshijian"> |
<el-input :value="(param.kaigongshijian ? param.kaigongshijian : '') + '-' + (param.jungongshijian ? param.jungongshijian : '')" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="管道级别" prop="guandaojibie"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaojibie" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="设计参数" prop="shejicanshu"> |
<el-input :value="'设计压力:' + (param.shejiyali ? param.shejiyali : '') + 'Mpa、设计温度:' + (param.shejiwendu ? param.shejiwendu : '') + '℃'" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="主体材质" prop="zhuticaizhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.zhuticaizhi" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道规格" prop="guigexinghao"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.guigexinghao" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
</el-tab-pane> |
<el-tab-pane label="一览表" name="third"> |
<span v-if="state === 'create'" style="color: red;font-size: 26px;">请在保存后编辑一览表</span> |
<mxb v-show="state !== 'create'" ref="mxb" /> |
</el-tab-pane> |
</el-tabs> |
<el-dialog :visible.sync="jyfaDialogVisible" title="添加检验方案" width="600px" @close="closeJyfaDialog"> |
<jyfa ref="jyfa" :info="info" /> |
</el-dialog> |
<el-dialog :visible.sync="similarVisible" title="同类报告查看" width="800px" @close="closeJyfaDialog"> |
<el-table ref="similarTable" :data="similarTableData" border style="width: 100%;" height="350"> |
<el-table-column align="center" label="报告类型" prop="bglx" min-width="50" /> |
<el-table-column align="left" label="检验项目" prop="jyxmLabel" width="200"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<div style="text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;" @click="editChild(scope.row.id, scope.row.jianyanxiangmu, departmentId, scope.row.modelId)"> |
{{ scope.row.jyxmLabel }} |
</div> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" label="处理人" prop="renlingren" min-width="40" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" label="检验人员" prop="jianyanrenyuan" min-width="40" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" label="办结状态" prop="flowstatus" min-width="30"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-tag v-if="scope.row.flowstatus==='未办结'" type="danger"> |
未办结 |
</el-tag> |
<el-tag v-if="scope.row.flowstatus==='已办结'" type="success"> |
已办结 |
</el-tag> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column property="" label="操作" align="center" width="95"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-button type="primary" size="mini" title="删除检验方案" circle icon="el-icon-delete" @click="delYsjl(scope.row.jyxmLabel, scope.row.bglx, scope.row.id)" /> |
<el-button v-if="scope.row.bglx ==='分项检测' && scope.row.flowstatus === '未办结'" type="primary" size="mini" title="办结" circle icon="el-icon-check" @click="bjYsjl(scope.row.id, '1')" /> |
<el-button v-if="scope.row.bglx ==='分项检测' && scope.row.flowstatus === '已办结'" type="primary" size="mini" title="取消办结" circle icon="el-icon-close" @click="bjYsjl(scope.row.id, '0')" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</el-dialog> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import jyfa from '@/views/bggl/addJyfa' |
import SignName from '@/views/common/SignName' |
import Utils from '@/utils/contact.js' |
import mxb from './mxb' |
export default { |
name: 'GdJjReport', |
components: { SignName, Sticky, jyfa, mxb }, |
data() { |
return { |
// 预定义值 |
edit: false, // 页面编辑状态 |
bgbh1: 'GDA', |
bgbh2: '(' + (new Date().getFullYear()) + ')', |
bgbh3: '', |
// 检验人员 |
jianyanrenyuan: '', |
// 检验方案 |
jyfaDialogVisible: false, |
// 接收传入该页面的值 |
// 页面状态 {create=> 创建,update=> 更新} |
state: this.$route.query.state, |
ysjl: {}, |
departmentId: this.$route.query.departmentId, |
param: {}, |
checkedTab: 'first', |
info: { |
modelId: this.$route.query.templateId, |
sbzldm: this.$route.query.sbzldm, |
sblbdm: this.$route.query.sblbdm, |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
departmentId: this.$route.query.departmentId, |
jylb: this.$route.query.jylb, |
nblb: this.$route.query.neibuleibie, |
type: 'JYBG' |
}, |
similarVisible: false, |
similarTableData: [], |
isRepeat: false, |
tableData: [] |
} |
}, |
computed: { |
baogaobianhao: function() { |
if (this.state !== 'create') { |
return this.ysjl.baogaobianhao |
} |
return this.bgbh1 + this.bgbh2 + '-' + this.bgbh3 |
} |
}, |
created() { |
if (this.state === 'create') { |
this.initYsjl() |
} else { |
this.getYsjl() |
this.getParam() |
} |
}, |
methods: { |
initYsjl() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/ysjl/initYsjl', |
method: 'post', |
data: { |
templateId: this.$route.query.templateId, |
renwuId: this.$route.query.renwuId, |
neibuleibie: this.$route.query.neibuleibie, |
sblbdm: this.$route.query.sblbdm, |
sblbmc: this.$route.query.sblbmc, |
sbpzdm: this.$route.query.sbpzdm, |
sbpzmc: this.$route.query.sbpzmc |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
this.param = data.param ? data.param : {} |
this.ysjl.flowStatus = 1 |
this.ysjl.jianyanjielun = '符合要求' |
this.ysjl.xiacijianyanriqishuoming = '/' |
this.ysjl.shebeizhongleidaima = '8000' |
// 设置初始值 |
const tempTime = new Date() |
this.ysjl.jianyankaishiriqi = this.formatter.dateFormat('YYYY-MM-dd', tempTime) |
this.ysjl.jianyanjieshuriqi = this.formatter.dateFormat('YYYY-MM-dd', tempTime) |
// 下次检验日期 = 当前年份加两年,日份减一天 |
const xcjyrq = (tempTime.getFullYear() + 2) + '-' + (tempTime.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + (tempTime.getDate() - 1) |
this.ysjl.xiacijianyanriqi = xcjyrq |
this.ysjl.shejishiyongnianxian = '年' |
this.ysjl.jianyanjielun = '合格' |
this.ysjl.anquanzhuangkuangdengji = '1级' |
this.ysjl.shejiriqi = ' 年 月' |
this.param.yanshouriqi = ' 年 月' |
this.getMaxBh() |
}) |
}, |
getYsjl() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/ysjl/getYsjlById', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
if (this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan) { |
this.jianyanrenyuan = this.common.convertCnName(this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan) |
} |
if (this.ysjl.baogaobianhao.indexOf('COPY') !== -1) { |
// 如果时复制报告自动获取最大编号 |
this.getMaxBh() |
} else if (this.ysjl.baogaobianhao) { |
this.judgeRepeat(this.ysjl.baogaobianhao.substring(0, this.ysjl.baogaobianhao.lastIndexOf('-') + 1), this.ysjl.id) |
} |
this.$refs.mxb.getMxbInfo(this.$route.query.id) |
}) |
}, |
getParam() { |
// 根据原始报告id查询参数 |
this.api({ |
url: '/ysjl/getParamByYsjlId', |
method: 'get', |
params: { ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, sbzldm: this.$route.query.sbzldm } |
}).then(data => { |
this.param = data |
}) |
}, |
// 签名方法 |
singNameValue(data) { |
this.jianyanrenyuan = data.name |
this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan = data.id |
if (this.state !== 'create') { |
this.common.signName(this.ysjl.id, this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan) |
Utils.$emit('ysjl-list') |
} |
}, |
// 查询最大记录编号 |
getMaxBh() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/ysjl/gainCurrentBh', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
aheadPart: this.bgbh1 + this.bgbh2 + '-' + this.bgbh3, |
hinderPart: '' |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.bgbh3 = data |
}) |
}, |
saveYsjl: function(operation) { |
let type = '' |
if (operation === 'add') { |
type = 'post' |
this.ysjl.baogaobianhao = this.bgbh1 + this.bgbh2 + '-' + this.bgbh3 |
this.ysjl.bglx = 1 |
this.ysjl.cjState = 'bggl' |
this.ysjl.jigouhezhunzhenghao = process.env.VUE_APP_HZZBH |
this.save(operation, type) |
} else if (operation === 'build') { |
if (this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan === null || this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan === '') { |
this.$message({ |
type: 'error', |
message: '请先签名再生成报告!' |
}) |
return false |
} |
// 判断分项原始记录是否办结 |
this.api({ |
url: '/ysjl/judgeState', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlIds: this.ysjl.id, |
bglx: '2,3' |
} |
}).then(data => { |
if (data === 0) { |
this.$message.error('请先办结无损分项原始记录再生成报告!') |
return false |
} else { |
type = 'put' |
this.save(operation, type) |
} |
}) |
} else if (operation === 'upd') { |
type = 'put' |
this.save(operation, type) |
} |
}, |
save(operation, type) { |
// 判断报告编号是否重复 |
if (this.isRepeat) { |
this.$message({ message: '记录编号重复,请先修改记录编号再保存', type: 'error' }) |
return false |
} else { |
this.$refs['ysjl'].validate(valid => { |
if (valid) { |
this.api({ |
url: '/ysjl', |
method: type, |
data: { |
ysjl: this.ysjl, |
param: this.param, |
jyxm: '[]', |
flag: operation |
} |
}).then(data => { |
// 刷新任务列表,原始记录待办,原始记录已办,检验报告 |
Utils.$emit('task-list') |
Utils.$emit('bggl-daiban-list') |
if (operation === 'add' && data !== '') { |
this.info.ysjlId = data |
this.ysjl.id = data |
this.$refs.mxb.createMxb(this.ysjl.id, 12) |
this.$message({ message: '保存成功', type: 'success' }) |
} else if (operation === 'upd') { |
this.$refs.mxb.saveMxb() |
this.$message({ message: '更新成功', type: 'success' }) |
} |
this.$route.params.state = 'update' |
this.state = 'update' |
this.info.ysjlId = this.ysjl.id |
}) |
} |
}) |
} |
}, |
toAddJyfa() { |
this.jyfaDialogVisible = true |
}, |
// 查询同类报告 |
getJyfaInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/ysjl/getJyfaInfo', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.ysjl.id |
} |
}).then(data => { |
data.forEach((v, k) => { |
// 明细表是固定的 所以不需要展示 |
if (v.jianyanxiangmu === 'mxb') { |
data.splice(k, 1) |
} |
}) |
this.similarTableData = data |
this.similarVisible = true |
}) |
}, |
closeJyfaDialog() { |
this.jyfaDialogVisible = false |
}, |
// 删除检验方案 |
delYsjl(jianyanxiangmu, bglx, ysjlId) { |
this.$confirm('原始记录删除后将无法恢复,是否确认删除?', '提示', { |
confirmButtonText: '确定', |
cancelButtonText: '取消', |
type: 'warning' |
}).then(data => { |
this.api({ |
url: '/ysjl/delJyfa', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: ysjlId, |
bglx: bglx, |
jianyanxiangmu: jianyanxiangmu |
} |
}).then(data => { |
Utils.$emit('modifyMajorInspectionItemBySub') |
this.$message({ message: '删除成功', type: 'success' }) |
this.getJyfaInfo() |
this.$refs.jyfa.getJyfaInfo() |
}) |
}).catch(e => { |
this.$message({ message: '删除失败', type: 'error' }) |
}) |
}, |
// 办结分项原始记录 status:0:取消办结,1:办结 |
bjYsjl(ysjlId, status) { |
this.api({ |
url: '/fx/endFx', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: ysjlId, |
status: status |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.getJyfaInfo() |
if (status === '0') { |
this.$message({ message: '取消办结成功', type: 'success' }) |
} else if (status === '1') { |
this.$message({ message: '办结成功', type: 'success' }) |
} |
}) |
}, |
editChild(id, jianyanxiangmu, departmentId, modelId) { |
if (jianyanxiangmu !== 'mxb') { |
this.api({ |
url: '/template/getById', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
id: modelId |
} |
}).then(data => { |
const queryParam = { id: id, jyxm: jianyanxiangmu, departmentId: departmentId } |
this.$router.push({ path: data.tempPath, query: queryParam }) |
this.$parent.$parent.jyfaDialogVisible = false |
}) |
this.similarVisible = false |
} |
}, |
judgeRepeat(bianhao, id) { |
this.api({ |
url: '/ysjl/judgeRepeat', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: id, |
bianhao: bianhao |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.isRepeat = data > 0 |
}) |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style> |
.el-input__inner { |
border: 1px solid #00000075; |
border-radius: 4px; |
} |
.el-textarea__inner { |
border: 1px solid #91393975; |
border-radius: 4px; |
} |
.el-form-item__error { |
padding-top: 0px; |
position: absolute; |
} |
.el-input.is-disabled .el-input__inner { |
color: #606266; |
} |
.el-textarea.is-disabled .el-textarea__inner { |
color: #606266; |
} |
.el-dialog__body { |
padding-top: 10px; |
} |
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@ -1,166 +0,0 @@ |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<sticky style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<btn ref="btn" /> |
</sticky> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>基本信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="装置名称或管道编号" label-width="140px"> |
<el-input v-model="param.zhuangzhibianhao" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="监检结论" label-width="140px"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.jianyanjielun" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20" style="height: 100px"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="记事栏" label-width="140px"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jishilan" type="textarea" :autosize="{ minRows: 4, maxRows: 4}" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
<div style="margin-top: 10px;"> |
<el-button type="success" icon="el-icon-download" size="mini" style="margin-right: 10px;" @click="common.downloadTemplate('压力管道安全保护装置及其密封性试验专项监督检验报告记录表.xlsx')"> |
下载导入模板 |
</el-button> |
<el-upload |
:show-file-list="false" |
:before-upload="uploadTableData" |
style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;" |
action="" |
> |
<el-button type="primary" size="mini" icon="el-icon-upload" :disabled="edit"> |
导入数据 |
</el-button> |
</el-upload> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="success" size="mini" icon="el-icon-circle-plus-outline" :disabled="edit" @click="tableJs.addRow($refs.tableData)"> |
添加 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="danger" size="mini" icon="el-icon-remove-outline" :disabled="edit" @click="tableJs.delRow($refs.tableData)"> |
删除 |
</el-button> |
</div> |
<el-table ref="tableData" :data="tableData" border stripe style="margin-top: 10px" @row-click="onRowClick"> |
<el-table-column type="selection" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" type="index" :index="indexMethod" label="序号" width="60" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C1" label="安全保护装置名称"> |
<template slot-scope="{ row }"> |
<el-input v-model="row.C1" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" label="检验项目"> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C2" label="制造单位许可资格"> |
<template slot-scope="{ row }"> |
<el-input v-model="row.C2" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C3" label="规格、型号"> |
<template slot-scope="{ row }"> |
<el-input v-model="row.C3" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C4" label="外观质量"> |
<template slot-scope="{ row }"> |
<el-input v-model="row.C4" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C5" label="安装质量"> |
<template slot-scope="{ row }"> |
<el-input v-model="row.C5" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C6" label="密封性试验"> |
<template slot-scope="{ row }"> |
<el-input v-model="row.C6" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C7" label="是否校验及铅封"> |
<template slot-scope="{ row }"> |
<el-input v-model="row.C7" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import btn from '@/views/common/FxButton' |
export default { |
name: 'GdJjSsaz', |
components: { Sticky, btn }, |
data() { |
return { |
ysjl: {}, |
param: {}, |
tableData: [{ C1: '安全阀' }, { C1: '爆破片' }, { C1: '紧急切断阀' }, { C1: '阻火器' }], |
state: '', |
edit: false |
} |
}, |
created() { |
this.getInfo() |
}, |
methods: { |
getInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/fx', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
if (data.param) { |
// 有无损原始记录参数 |
this.state = 'update' |
this.param = data.param |
this.tableData = JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) === null ? this.tableData : JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) |
} else { |
this.state = 'create' |
// 默认值 |
} |
if (this.ysjl.flowstatus === 4) { |
this.state = 'finish' |
this.edit = true |
} |
this.$refs.btn.getParentInfo(this.ysjl, this.param, null, this.tableData, this.state, this.$route.query.jyxm, false, true) |
}) |
}, |
indexMethod(index) { |
this.tableData[index].index = index |
return (index + 1) |
}, |
uploadTableData(file) { |
this.common.uploadTableData(file, this.tableData) |
}, |
/** |
* 表格单击选中行 |
* @param row |
*/ |
onRowClick(row) { |
this.$refs.tableData.toggleRowSelection(row) |
}, |
beforeSaveBuildData() { |
// 保存前构建数据 |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style scoped> |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,118 @@ |
<!--对安装单位安全质量管理行为的评价--> |
<template> |
<div class="app-container" style="margin-top: -15px;height: 100%"> |
<sticky style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<btn ref="btn" /> |
</sticky> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-width="100px" style="height: max-content"> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="安装单位" prop="shigongdanwei"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shigongdanwei" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-table :data="tableData" border style="width: 100%;"> |
<el-table-column type="index" label="序号" width="50" align="center" :resizable="false" /> |
<el-table-column prop="jianyanneirong" label="监督检验内容" width="450" align="center" :resizable="false" /> |
<el-table-column prop="jianyanjieguo" label="监督检验结果" width="350" align="center" :resizable="false"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-select v-model="scope.row.jianyanjieguo" :disabled="edit"> |
<el-option label="是" value="是" /> |
<el-option label="否" value="否" /> |
</el-select> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column prop="beizhu" label="备注" width="350" align="center" :resizable="false"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.beizhu" :disabled="edit" placeholder="请输入备注" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
<el-row style="font-size: 18px;margin-top: 30px;color: #606266;line-height: 40px;font-weight: bolder;width: 75%"> |
<el-form-item label="综合评价:" prop="zonghepingjia"> |
<el-input v-model="param.zonghepingjia" type="textarea" :rows="6" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检验日期" prop="jianyanjieshuriqi"> |
<el-date-picker v-model="ysjl.jianyanjieshuriqi" :disabled="edit" type="date" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd" placeholder="选择日期" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</el-form> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import btn from '@/views/common/FxButton' |
export default { |
name: 'YlgdAzdwReport', |
components: { Sticky, btn }, |
data() { |
return { |
ysjl: {}, |
param: {}, |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
multipleSelection: [], |
selected: {}, |
defaultParam: {}, |
state: '', |
edit: false, |
tableData: [] |
} |
}, |
created() { |
this.getInfo() |
}, |
methods: { |
getInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/fenxiang/getFxByYsjlId', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
this.state = 'create' |
if (this.state === 'create') { |
const pingjia = '安装单位在本工程的施工过程中,能够遵守相关的法令、法规的要求,执行施工和验收规范,' + |
'建立了适宜的压力管道安装质量体系,并能有效的实施,施工安全质量符合设计文件及有关标准要求。' |
this.$set(this.param, 'zonghepingjia', pingjia) |
} |
if (data.param !== null && data.param !== undefined) { |
// 有无损原始记录参数 |
this.state = 'update' |
this.param = data.param |
this.tableData = JSON.parse(this.param.fubiao) |
} else { |
this.getJyxm() |
} |
if (this.ysjl.flowstatus === 4) { |
this.state = 'finish' |
this.edit = true |
} |
this.$refs.btn.getParentInfo(this.ysjl, this.param, null, this.tableData, this.state, this.$route.query.jyxm) |
}) |
}, |
getJyxm() { |
// 查询检验项目 |
this.api({ |
url: '/jyxm/getCyJyxm', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
templateId: this.ysjl.modelId, |
order: 1 |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.tableData = data |
this.$refs.btn.getParentInfo(this.ysjl, this.param, null, this.tableData, this.state, this.$route.query.jyxm) |
}) |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
@ -1,165 +0,0 @@ |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<sticky style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<btn ref="btn" /> |
</sticky> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="160px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>基本信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="装置名称或管道编号"> |
<el-input v-model="param.zhuangzhibianhao" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20" style="height: 100px"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="记事栏" label-width="140px"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jishilan" type="textarea" :autosize="{ minRows: 4, maxRows: 4}" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>穿跨越检验要求</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="穿跨越工程施工质量"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shigongzhiliang" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="穿跨越施工记录或报告"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiluorbaogao" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检验结论"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.jianyanjielun" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
<el-table ref="tableData" :data="tableData" border stripe style="margin-top: 10px" @row-click="onRowClick"> |
<el-table-column type="selection" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" type="index" :index="indexMethod" label="序号" width="60" /> |
<el-table-column :formatter="fmtJyx" align="center" prop="C1" label="项目" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C2" label="施工记录及报告"> |
<template slot-scope="{ row }"> |
<el-input v-model="row.C2" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C3" label="内容是否齐全、正确"> |
<template slot-scope="{ row }"> |
<el-input v-model="row.C3" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C4" label="检验结论"> |
<template slot-scope="{ row }"> |
<el-input v-model="row.C4" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import btn from '@/views/common/FxButton' |
export default { |
name: 'GdJjSsaz', |
components: { Sticky, btn }, |
data() { |
return { |
ysjl: {}, |
param: {}, |
tableData: [], |
state: '', |
edit: false |
} |
}, |
created() { |
this.getInfo() |
}, |
methods: { |
getInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/fx', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
if (data.param) { |
// 有无损原始记录参数 |
this.state = 'update' |
this.param = data.param |
this.tableData = JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) === null ? JSON.parse('[]') : JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) |
} else { |
this.state = 'create' |
// 默认值 |
} |
if (this.ysjl.flowstatus === 4) { |
this.state = 'finish' |
this.edit = true |
} |
if (this.state === 'create') { |
this.getJyxm(1) |
} else { |
this.$refs.btn.getParentInfo(this.ysjl, this.param, null, this.tableData, this.state, this.$route.query.jyxm, false, true) |
} |
}) |
}, |
// 查询检验项目 |
getJyxm(sort) { |
this.api({ |
url: '/jyxm/getCyJyxm', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
templateId: this.ysjl.modelId, |
order: sort |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.tableData = data |
this.$refs.btn.getParentInfo(this.ysjl, this.param, null, this.tableData, this.state, this.$route.query.jyxm, false, true) |
}) |
}, |
indexMethod(index) { |
this.tableData[index].index = index |
return (index + 1) |
}, |
fmtJyx(row) { |
if (this.state === 'create') { |
row.C1 = row.jianyanxiang |
} |
return row.C1 |
}, |
uploadTableData(file) { |
this.common.uploadTableData(file, this.tableData) |
}, |
/** |
* 表格单击选中行 |
* @param row |
*/ |
onRowClick(row) { |
this.$refs.tableData.toggleRowSelection(row) |
}, |
beforeSaveBuildData() { |
// 保存前构建数据 |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style scoped> |
</style> |
@ -1,162 +0,0 @@ |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<sticky style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<btn ref="btn" /> |
</sticky> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>附图</legend> |
<span v-if="state === 'create'" style="color: red;font-size: 26px;">请先保存再上传图片</span> |
<el-upload |
v-else |
ref="upload" |
:on-preview="handlePictureCardPreview" |
:file-list="fileList" |
:before-upload="beforeUpload" |
:before-remove="beforeRemove" |
:on-remove="handleRemove" |
action="" |
:disabled="state === 'finish'" |
accept="image/png,image/gif,image/jpg,image/jpeg" |
list-type="picture-card" |
> |
<i class="el-icon-plus" /> |
</el-upload> |
<el-dialog :visible.sync="dialogVisible"> |
<img :src="dialogImageUrl" width="100%" alt=""> |
</el-dialog> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import btn from '@/views/common/FxButton' |
export default { |
name: 'GdJjSsaz', |
components: { Sticky, btn }, |
data() { |
return { |
ysjl: {}, |
param: {}, |
state: '', |
edit: false, |
fileList: [], |
dialogVisible: false, |
dialogImageUrl: '', |
sort: 1 |
} |
}, |
created() { |
this.getInfo() |
}, |
methods: { |
getInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/fx', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
if (data.param) { |
// 有无损原始记录参数 |
this.state = 'update' |
this.param = data.param |
this.fileList = (data.param.imagePath === null || data.param.imagePath === '') ? JSON.parse('[]') : JSON.parse(data.param.imagePath) |
if (this.fileList.length > 0) { |
for (let i = 0; i < this.fileList.length; i++) { |
this.fileList[i].url = process.env.VUE_APP_IMG_URL + '8000/dtztsyx/' + this.fileList[i].name |
} |
} |
} else { |
this.state = 'create' |
// 默认值 |
} |
if (this.ysjl.flowstatus === 4) { |
this.state = 'finish' |
this.edit = true |
} |
this.$refs.btn.getParentInfo(this.ysjl, this.param, null, null, this.state, this.$route.query.jyxm, false, true) |
}) |
}, |
beforeRemove(file, fileList) { |
if (file.status === 'success') { |
return this.$confirm('图片删除后将不能恢复,是否确定删除该图片?', '提示', { |
confirmButtonText: '确定', |
cancelButtonText: '取消', |
type: 'warning' |
}).then(data => { |
return null |
}).catch(e => { |
e() |
}) |
} |
}, |
handleRemove(file, fileList) { |
if (fileList.length > 0) { |
const imgList = [] |
for (let i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++) { |
const img = {} |
this.$set(img, 'name', fileList[i].name) |
imgList.push(img) |
} |
fileList = imgList |
} else { |
fileList = '' |
} |
const imgPath = fileList === '' ? '' : JSON.stringify(fileList) |
if (file.status === 'success') { |
this.preview({ |
url: '/upload/delImg', |
method: 'post', |
data: { |
ysjlId: this.ysjl.id, |
delFileName: file.name, |
imgPath: imgPath, |
sort: this.sort |
} |
}) |
} |
this.param.imagePath = fileList |
}, |
beforeUpload(file) { |
const isJPG = file.type === 'image/jpeg' || file.type === 'image/png' |
if (!isJPG) { |
this.$message.error('只能上传jpg/png格式的图片') |
return false |
} |
const fd = new FormData() |
fd.append('file', file) |
fd.append('ysjlId', this.ysjl.id) |
fd.append('sort', this.sort) |
this.preview({ |
url: '/upload/uploadImg', |
method: 'post', |
data: fd |
}).then(data => { |
this.fileList = JSON.parse(data) |
this.param.imagePath = data |
for (let i = 0; i < this.fileList.length; i++) { |
this.fileList[i].url = process.env.VUE_APP_IMG_URL + '8000/dtztsyx/' + this.fileList[i].name |
} |
}) |
}, |
handlePictureCardPreview(file) { |
this.dialogImageUrl = file.url |
this.dialogVisible = true |
}, |
beforeSaveBuildData() { |
// 保存前构建数据 |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style scoped> |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,238 @@ |
<!--管道通球、扫线、干燥审查报告--> |
<template> |
<div class="app-container" style="margin-top: -15px;height: 100%"> |
<sticky style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<btn ref="btn" /> |
</sticky> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-width="100px" style="height: max-content"> |
<template style="height: auto"> |
<div v-if="state !== 'finish'"> |
<el-upload :show-file-list="false" :before-upload="beforeUpload" style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;" action="123"> |
<el-button type="primary" size="mini" icon="el-icon-upload"> |
导入数据 |
</el-button> |
</el-upload> |
<el-button type="success" icon="el-icon-download" title="下载导入模板" size="mini" @click="downloadTemplate"> |
下载导入模板 |
</el-button> |
<el-button type="success" size="mini" icon="el-icon-circle-plus-outline" @click="addRow()"> |
添加 |
</el-button> |
<el-button type="danger" size="mini" icon="el-icon-remove-outline" @click="delRow()"> |
删除 |
</el-button> |
</div> |
<el-table ref="fzscList" :data="tableData" border style="width: 100%;" :row-class-name="tableRowClassName" @row-click="onRowClick" @selection-change="handleSelectionChange"> |
<el-table-column type="selection" width="50" /> |
<el-table-column prop="C1" type="index" label="序号" width="50" align="center" :resizable="false" /> |
<el-table-column prop="C2" label="管线号" align="center" :resizable="false"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C2" :disabled="edit" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column label="吹扫、干燥参数" align="center"> |
<el-table-column prop="C3" label="介质" align="center" :resizable="false"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C3" :disabled="edit" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column prop="C4" label="压力(Mpa)" align="center" :resizable="false"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C4" :disabled="edit" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column prop="C5" label="流速(m/s)" align="center" :resizable="false"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C5" :disabled="edit" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column prop="C6" label="吹扫次数" align="center" :resizable="false"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C6" :disabled="edit" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column prop="C7" label="检查方法" align="center" :resizable="false"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C7" :disabled="edit" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column prop="C8" label="检查结果" align="center" :resizable="false"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C8" :disabled="edit" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table><br><br> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检验日期" prop="jianyanjieshuriqi"> |
<el-date-picker v-model="ysjl.jianyanjieshuriqi" :disabled="edit" type="date" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd" placeholder="选择日期" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</template> |
</el-form> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import btn from '@/views/common/FxButton' |
export default { |
name: 'YlgdGzscReport', |
components: { Sticky, btn }, |
data() { |
return { |
ysjl: {}, |
ysjlids: '', |
param: {}, |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
multipleSelection: [], |
selected: {}, |
defaultParam: {}, |
state: '', |
edit: false, |
delRowIndex: [], |
tableData: [] |
} |
}, |
created() { |
this.getInfo() |
}, |
methods: { |
getInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/fenxiang/getFxByYsjlId', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
this.state = 'create' |
if (data.param !== null && data.param !== undefined) { |
// 有无损原始记录参数 |
this.state = 'update' |
this.param = data.param |
this.tableData = JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) === null ? JSON.parse('[]') : JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) |
} else { |
this.getJyxm() |
} |
if (this.ysjl.flowstatus === 4) { |
this.state = 'finish' |
this.edit = true |
} |
this.$refs.btn.getParentInfo(this.ysjl, this.param, null, this.tableData, this.state, this.$route.query.jyxm) |
}) |
}, |
tableRowClassName({ row, rowIndex }) { |
row.C1 = rowIndex + 1 |
}, |
handleSelectionChange(val) { |
this.delRowIndex = [] |
for (let i = 0; i < val.length; i++) { |
this.delRowIndex.push(val[i].C1 - 1) |
} |
}, |
onRowClick(row) { // 表格单击选中行 |
this.$refs.fzscList.toggleRowSelection(row) |
}, |
getJyxm() { |
// 查询检验项目 |
this.api({ |
url: '/jyxm/getCyJyxm', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
templateId: this.ysjl.modelId, |
order: 1 |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.tableData = data |
this.$refs.btn.getParentInfo(this.ysjl, this.param, null, this.tableData, this.state, this.$route.query.jyxm) |
}) |
}, |
addRow: function() { |
const b = { |
C1: this.tableData.length + 1 |
} |
this.tableData.push(b) |
setTimeout(() => { |
this.$refs.fzscList.setCurrentRow(b) |
}, 10) // 用于延时渲染后选中这行 |
}, |
delRow: function() { |
if (this.delRowIndex.length === 0) { |
this.$message({ |
type: 'error', |
message: '请选中需要删除的数据!' |
}) |
return false |
} else { |
this.$confirm('该条数据删除后无法恢复,是否继续?', '提示', { |
confirmButtonText: '确定', |
cancelButtonText: '取消', |
type: 'warning' |
}) |
.then(() => { |
// 对delRowIndex进行排序,因为删除一个元素后index值会变 |
this.delRowIndex.sort(function(x, y) { |
if (x < y) { |
return 1 |
} |
if (x > y) { |
return -1 |
} |
return 0 |
}) |
for (let i = 0; i < this.delRowIndex.length; i++) { |
this.tableData.splice(this.delRowIndex[i], 1) |
} |
this.$refs.fzscList.clearSelection() |
this.delRowIndex = [] |
}) |
.catch(() => { |
this.$message({ |
type: 'info', |
message: '已取消删除' |
}) |
}) |
} |
}, |
// 下载导入模板 |
downloadTemplate() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/upload/downloadTemplate', |
method: 'post', |
params: { |
templateName: '管道通球、扫线、干燥审查报告.xlsx' |
} |
}).then(data => { |
window.open(data) |
}) |
}, |
// 上传数据 |
beforeUpload(file) { |
// 判断文件后缀名 |
var index = file.name.lastIndexOf('.') |
var ext = file.name.substr(index + 1).toLocaleLowerCase() |
if (ext !== 'xls' && ext !== 'xlsx') { |
this.$message.error('只能上传xls/xlsx格式的文件') |
return false |
} |
const fd = new FormData() |
fd.append('file', file) |
fd.append('paramData', JSON.stringify(this.tableData)) |
fd.append('added', 1) |
this.api({ |
url: '/upload/uploadSchedule', |
method: 'post', |
data: fd |
}).then(data => { |
this.tableData = data |
this.$refs.btn.getParentInfo(this.ysjl, this.param, null, this.tableData, this.state, this.$route.query.jyxm) |
this.$message({ message: '上传成功!', type: 'success' }) |
}) |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ |
<!--对检测单位安全质量管理行为的评价--> |
<template> |
<div class="app-container" style="margin-top: -15px;height: 100%"> |
<sticky style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<btn ref="btn" /> |
</sticky> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-width="100px" style="height: max-content"> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检测单位" prop="jiancedanwei"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjlParam.jiancedanwei" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-table :data="tableData" border style="width: 100%;"> |
<el-table-column type="index" label="序号" width="50" align="center" :resizable="false" /> |
<el-table-column prop="jianyanneirong" label="监督检验内容" width="450" align="center" :resizable="false" /> |
<el-table-column prop="jianyanjieguo" label="监督检验结果" width="350" align="center" :resizable="false"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-select v-model="scope.row.jianyanjieguo" :disabled="edit"> |
<el-option label="是" value="是" /> |
<el-option label="否" value="否" /> |
<el-option label="是;否" value="是;否" /> |
</el-select> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column prop="beizhu" label="备注" width="350" align="center" :resizable="false"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.beizhu" :disabled="edit" placeholder="请输入备注" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
<br> |
<el-row style="height: 120px;"> |
<el-col :span="15"> |
<el-form-item label="综合评价:" prop="zonghepingjia"> |
<el-input v-model="param.zonghepingjia" type="textarea" :rows="4" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检验日期" prop="jianyanjieshuriqi"> |
<el-date-picker v-model="ysjl.jianyanjieshuriqi" :disabled="edit" type="date" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd" placeholder="选择日期" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</el-form> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import btn from '@/views/common/FxButton' |
export default { |
name: 'YlgdJcdwReport', |
components: { Sticky, btn }, |
data() { |
return { |
ysjl: {}, |
param: {}, |
ysjlParam: {}, |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
multipleSelection: [], |
selected: {}, |
defaultParam: {}, |
state: '', |
edit: false, |
tableData: [] |
} |
}, |
created() { |
this.getInfo() |
}, |
methods: { |
getInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/fenxiang/getFxByYsjlId', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
console.log(data.ysjlParam) |
this.ysjlParam = data.ysjlParam |
this.state = 'create' |
if (this.state === 'create') { |
const pingjia = '检测单位在本工程的施工过程中,能够遵守相关的法令、法规的要求,执行施工和验收规范,' + |
'建立了适宜的压力管道安装质量体系,并能有效的实施,施工安全质量符合设计文件及有关标准要求。' |
this.$set(this.param, 'zonghepingjia', pingjia) |
} |
if (data.param !== null && data.param !== undefined) { |
// 有无损原始记录参数 |
this.state = 'update' |
this.param = data.param |
this.tableData = JSON.parse(this.param.fubiao) |
} else { |
this.getJyxm() |
} |
if (this.ysjl.flowstatus === 4) { |
this.state = 'finish' |
this.edit = true |
} |
this.$refs.btn.getParentInfo(this.ysjl, this.param, null, this.tableData, this.state, this.$route.query.jyxm) |
}) |
}, |
getJyxm() { |
// 查询检验项目 |
this.api({ |
url: '/jyxm/getCyJyxm', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
templateId: this.ysjl.modelId, |
order: 1 |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.tableData = data |
this.$refs.btn.getParentInfo(this.ysjl, this.param, null, this.tableData, this.state, this.$route.query.jyxm) |
}) |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
@ -1,172 +0,0 @@ |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<sticky style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<btn ref="btn" /> |
</sticky> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px" style="height: 100px"> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="备注"> |
<el-input v-model="param.beizhu" type="textarea" :autosize="{ minRows: 4, maxRows: 4}" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</el-form> |
<div style="margin-top: 10px;"> |
<el-button type="success" icon="el-icon-download" size="mini" style="margin-right: 10px;" @click="common.downloadTemplate('压力管道耐压试验、泄漏试验专用监督检验记录表.xlsx')"> |
下载导入模板 |
</el-button> |
<el-upload |
:show-file-list="false" |
:before-upload="uploadTableData" |
style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;" |
action="" |
> |
<el-button type="primary" size="mini" icon="el-icon-upload" :disabled="edit"> |
导入数据 |
</el-button> |
</el-upload> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="success" size="mini" icon="el-icon-circle-plus-outline" :disabled="edit" @click="tableJs.addRow($refs.tableData)"> |
添加 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="danger" size="mini" icon="el-icon-remove-outline" :disabled="edit" @click="tableJs.delRow($refs.tableData)"> |
删除 |
</el-button> |
</div> |
<el-table id="myTable" ref="tableData" :data="tableData" :row-class-name="tableRowClassName" border stripe style="width:100%;margin-top: 5px;" @row-click="onRowClick"> |
<el-table-column type="selection" width="40" /> |
<el-table-column type="index" prop="C1" :index="indexMethod" width="50" label="序号" align="center" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C2" width="115px" label="管线号"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C2" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C3" width="130px" label="设计压力MPa"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C3" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C4" width="130px" label="设计温度℃"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C4" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" width="130px" label="耐压试验"> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C5" width="130px" label="试验介质"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C5" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C6" width="130px" label="试验压力MPa"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C6" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C7" width="130px" label="保压时间min"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C7" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C8" width="130px" label="评定结果"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C8" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" width="130px" label="泄漏试验"> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C9" width="130px" label="试验介质"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C9" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C10" width="130px" label="试验压力MPa"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C10" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C11" width="130px" label="保压时间min"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C11" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C12" width="130px" label="评定结果"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C12" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import btn from '@/views/common/FxButton' |
export default { |
name: 'GdJjSsaz', |
components: { Sticky, btn }, |
data() { |
return { |
ysjl: {}, |
param: {}, |
tableData: [], |
state: '', |
edit: false |
} |
}, |
created() { |
this.getInfo() |
}, |
methods: { |
getInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/fx', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
if (data.param) { |
// 有无损原始记录参数 |
this.state = 'update' |
this.param = data.param |
this.tableData = JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) === null ? JSON.parse('[]') : JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) |
} else { |
this.state = 'create' |
// 默认值 |
} |
if (this.ysjl.flowstatus === 4) { |
this.state = 'finish' |
this.edit = true |
} |
this.$refs.btn.getParentInfo(this.ysjl, this.param, null, this.tableData, this.state, this.$route.query.jyxm, false, true) |
}) |
}, |
indexMethod(index) { |
this.tableData[index].index = index |
this.tableData[index].C1 = index + 1 |
return this.tableData[index].C1 |
}, |
uploadTableData(file) { |
this.common.uploadTableData(file, this.tableData) |
}, |
/** |
* 表格单击选中行 |
* @param row |
*/ |
onRowClick(row) { |
this.$refs.tableData.toggleRowSelection(row) |
}, |
beforeSaveBuildData() { |
// 保存前构建数据 |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style scoped> |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,275 @@ |
<!--压力管道强度试验、严密性试验报告--> |
<template> |
<div class="app-container" style="margin-top: -15px;height: 100%"> |
<sticky style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<btn ref="btn" /> |
</sticky> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-width="100px" style="height: max-content"> |
<template style="height: auto"> |
<div v-if="state !== 'finish'"> |
<el-upload :show-file-list="false" :before-upload="beforeUpload" style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;" action="123"> |
<el-button type="primary" size="mini" icon="el-icon-upload"> |
导入数据 |
</el-button> |
</el-upload> |
<el-button type="success" icon="el-icon-download" title="下载导入模板" size="mini" @click="downloadTemplate"> |
下载导入模板 |
</el-button> |
<el-button type="success" size="mini" icon="el-icon-circle-plus-outline" @click="addRow()"> |
添加 |
</el-button> |
<el-button type="danger" size="mini" icon="el-icon-remove-outline" @click="delRow()"> |
删除 |
</el-button> |
</div> |
<el-table ref="qsymxsyList" :data="tableData" border style="width: 100%;" :row-class-name="tableRowClassName" @row-click="onRowClick" @selection-change="handleSelectionChange"> |
<el-table-column type="selection" width="50" /> |
<el-table-column prop="C1" type="index" label="序号" width="50" align="center" :resizable="false" /> |
<el-table-column prop="C2" label="管线号" align="center" :resizable="false"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C2" :disabled="edit" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column prop="C3" label="规格" align="center" :resizable="false"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C3" :disabled="edit" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column prop="C4" label="设计压力MPa" align="center" :resizable="false"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C4" :disabled="edit" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column prop="C5" label="操作压力MPa" align="center" :resizable="false"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C5" :disabled="edit" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column label="强度试验" align="center"> |
<el-table-column prop="C6" label="试验介质" align="center" :resizable="false"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C6" :disabled="edit" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column prop="C7" label="试验压力MPa" align="center" :resizable="false"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C7" :disabled="edit" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column prop="C8" label="保压时间" align="center" :resizable="false"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C8" :disabled="edit" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column prop="C9" label="评定结果" align="center" :resizable="false"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C9" :disabled="edit" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column label="严密性试验" align="center"> |
<el-table-column prop="C10" label="试验介质" align="center" :resizable="false"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C10" :disabled="edit" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column prop="C11" label="试验压力MPa" align="center" :resizable="false"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C11" :disabled="edit" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column prop="C12" label="保压时间" align="center" :resizable="false"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C12" :disabled="edit" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column prop="C13" label="评定结果" align="center" :resizable="false"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C13" :disabled="edit" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column prop="C14" label="备注" align="center" :resizable="false"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C14" :disabled="edit" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
<el-row style="font-size: 18px;margin-top: 30px;color: #606266;line-height: 40px;font-weight: bolder;width: 75%"> |
<el-form-item label="备注:" prop="beizhu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.beizhu" :disabled="edit" type="textarea" :rows="6" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检验日期" prop="jianyanjieshuriqi"> |
<el-date-picker v-model="ysjl.jianyanjieshuriqi" :disabled="edit" type="date" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd" placeholder="选择日期" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</template> |
</el-form> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import btn from '@/views/common/FxButton' |
export default { |
name: 'YlgdQsymxsyReport', |
components: { Sticky, btn }, |
data() { |
return { |
ysjl: {}, |
ysjlids: '', |
param: {}, |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
multipleSelection: [], |
selected: {}, |
defaultParam: {}, |
state: '', |
edit: false, |
delRowIndex: [], |
tableData: [] |
} |
}, |
created() { |
this.getInfo() |
}, |
methods: { |
getInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/fenxiang/getFxByYsjlId', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
this.state = 'create' |
if (data.param !== null && data.param !== undefined) { |
// 有无损原始记录参数 |
this.state = 'update' |
this.param = data.param |
this.tableData = JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) === null ? JSON.parse('[]') : JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) |
} else { |
this.getJyxm() |
} |
if (this.ysjl.flowstatus === 4) { |
this.state = 'finish' |
this.edit = true |
} |
this.$refs.btn.getParentInfo(this.ysjl, this.param, null, this.tableData, this.state, this.$route.query.jyxm) |
}) |
}, |
tableRowClassName({ row, rowIndex }) { |
row.C1 = rowIndex + 1 |
}, |
handleSelectionChange(val) { |
this.delRowIndex = [] |
for (let i = 0; i < val.length; i++) { |
this.delRowIndex.push(val[i].C1 - 1) |
} |
}, |
onRowClick(row) { // 表格单击选中行 |
this.$refs.qsymxsyList.toggleRowSelection(row) |
}, |
getJyxm() { |
// 查询检验项目 |
this.api({ |
url: '/jyxm/getCyJyxm', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
templateId: this.ysjl.modelId, |
order: 1 |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.tableData = data |
this.$refs.btn.getParentInfo(this.ysjl, this.param, null, this.tableData, this.state, this.$route.query.jyxm) |
}) |
}, |
addRow: function() { |
const b = { |
C1: this.tableData.length + 1 |
} |
this.tableData.push(b) |
setTimeout(() => { |
this.$refs.qsymxsyList.setCurrentRow(b) |
}, 10) // 用于延时渲染后选中这行 |
}, |
delRow: function() { |
if (this.delRowIndex.length === 0) { |
this.$message({ |
type: 'error', |
message: '请选中需要删除的数据!' |
}) |
return false |
} else { |
this.$confirm('该条数据删除后无法恢复,是否继续?', '提示', { |
confirmButtonText: '确定', |
cancelButtonText: '取消', |
type: 'warning' |
}) |
.then(() => { |
// 对delRowIndex进行排序,因为删除一个元素后index值会变 |
this.delRowIndex.sort(function(x, y) { |
if (x < y) { |
return 1 |
} |
if (x > y) { |
return -1 |
} |
return 0 |
}) |
for (let i = 0; i < this.delRowIndex.length; i++) { |
this.tableData.splice(this.delRowIndex[i], 1) |
} |
this.$refs.qsymxsyList.clearSelection() |
this.delRowIndex = [] |
}) |
.catch(() => { |
this.$message({ |
type: 'info', |
message: '已取消删除' |
}) |
}) |
} |
}, |
// 下载导入模板 |
downloadTemplate() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/upload/downloadTemplate', |
method: 'post', |
params: { |
templateName: '压力管道强度试验、严密性试验报告.xlsx' |
} |
}).then(data => { |
window.open(data) |
}) |
}, |
// 上传数据 |
beforeUpload(file) { |
// 判断文件后缀名 |
var index = file.name.lastIndexOf('.') |
var ext = file.name.substr(index + 1).toLocaleLowerCase() |
if (ext !== 'xls' && ext !== 'xlsx') { |
this.$message.error('只能上传xls/xlsx格式的文件') |
return false |
} |
const fd = new FormData() |
fd.append('file', file) |
fd.append('paramData', JSON.stringify(this.tableData)) |
fd.append('added', 1) |
this.api({ |
url: '/upload/uploadSchedule', |
method: 'post', |
data: fd |
}).then(data => { |
this.tableData = data |
this.$refs.btn.getParentInfo(this.ysjl, this.param, null, this.tableData, this.state, this.$route.query.jyxm) |
this.$message({ message: '上传成功!', type: 'success' }) |
}) |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
@ -1,143 +0,0 @@ |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<sticky style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<btn ref="btn" /> |
</sticky> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>基本信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="装置名称或管道编号" label-width="140px"> |
<el-input v-model="param.zhuangzhibianhao" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20" style="height: 100px"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="记事栏" label-width="140px"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jishilan" type="textarea" :autosize="{ minRows: 4, maxRows: 4}" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
<div style="margin-top: 10px;"> |
<el-button type="success" icon="el-icon-download" size="mini" style="margin-right: 10px;" @click="common.downloadTemplate('压力管道通球、吹扫、清洗审查记录表.xlsx')"> |
下载导入模板 |
</el-button> |
<el-upload |
:show-file-list="false" |
:before-upload="uploadTableData" |
style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;" |
action="" |
> |
<el-button type="primary" size="mini" icon="el-icon-upload" :disabled="edit"> |
导入数据 |
</el-button> |
</el-upload> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="success" size="mini" icon="el-icon-circle-plus-outline" :disabled="edit" @click="tableJs.addRow($refs.tableData)"> |
添加 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="danger" size="mini" icon="el-icon-remove-outline" :disabled="edit" @click="tableJs.delRow($refs.tableData)"> |
删除 |
</el-button> |
</div> |
<el-table ref="tableData" :data="tableData" border stripe style="margin-top: 10px" @row-click="onRowClick"> |
<el-table-column type="selection" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C1" type="index" :index="indexMethod" label="序号" width="60" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C2" label="项目"> |
<template slot-scope="{ row }"> |
<el-input v-model="row.C2" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C3" label="操作方式"> |
<template slot-scope="{ row }"> |
<el-input v-model="row.C3" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C4" label="施工记录或报告"> |
<template slot-scope="{ row }"> |
<el-input v-model="row.C4" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C5" label="检验结论"> |
<template slot-scope="{ row }"> |
<el-input v-model="row.C5" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import btn from '@/views/common/FxButton' |
export default { |
name: 'GdJjSsaz', |
components: { Sticky, btn }, |
data() { |
return { |
ysjl: {}, |
param: {}, |
tableData: [{ C2: '通球' }, { C2: '吹扫' }, { C2: '清洗' }], |
state: '', |
edit: false |
} |
}, |
created() { |
this.getInfo() |
}, |
methods: { |
getInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/fx', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
if (data.param) { |
// 有无损原始记录参数 |
this.state = 'update' |
this.param = data.param |
this.tableData = JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) === null ? JSON.parse('[]') : JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) |
} else { |
this.state = 'create' |
// 默认值 |
} |
if (this.ysjl.flowstatus === 4) { |
this.state = 'finish' |
this.edit = true |
} |
this.$refs.btn.getParentInfo(this.ysjl, this.param, null, this.tableData, this.state, this.$route.query.jyxm, false, true) |
}) |
}, |
indexMethod(index) { |
this.tableData[index].index = index |
this.tableData[index].C1 = index + 1 |
return this.tableData[index].C1 |
}, |
uploadTableData(file) { |
this.common.uploadTableData(file, this.tableData) |
}, |
/** |
* 表格单击选中行 |
* @param row |
*/ |
onRowClick(row) { |
this.$refs.tableData.toggleRowSelection(row) |
}, |
beforeSaveBuildData() { |
// 保存前构建数据 |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style scoped> |
</style> |
@ -1,153 +0,0 @@ |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<sticky style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<btn ref="btn" /> |
</sticky> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>基本信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="装置名称或管道编号" label-width="140px"> |
<el-input v-model="param.zhuangzhibianhao" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="监检结论" label-width="140px"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.jianyanjielun" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20" style="height: 100px"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="记事栏" label-width="140px"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jishilan" type="textarea" :autosize="{ minRows: 4, maxRows: 4}" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
<div style="margin-top: 10px;"> |
<el-button type="success" icon="el-icon-download" size="mini" style="margin-right: 10px;" @click="common.downloadTemplate('压力管道附属设施和设备安装质量审查记录表.xlsx')"> |
下载导入模板 |
</el-button> |
<el-upload |
:show-file-list="false" |
:before-upload="uploadTableData" |
style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;" |
action="" |
> |
<el-button type="primary" size="mini" icon="el-icon-upload" :disabled="edit"> |
导入数据 |
</el-button> |
</el-upload> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="success" size="mini" icon="el-icon-circle-plus-outline" :disabled="edit" @click="tableJs.addRow($refs.tableData)"> |
添加 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="danger" size="mini" icon="el-icon-remove-outline" :disabled="edit" @click="tableJs.delRow($refs.tableData)"> |
删除 |
</el-button> |
</div> |
<el-table ref="tableData" :data="tableData" border stripe style="margin-top: 10px" @row-click="onRowClick"> |
<el-table-column type="selection" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" type="index" :index="indexMethod" label="序号" width="60" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C1" label="附属设施和设备名称"> |
<template slot-scope="{ row }"> |
<el-input v-model="row.C1" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" label="检验项目"> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C2" label="制造单位许可资格"> |
<template slot-scope="{ row }"> |
<el-input v-model="row.C2" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C3" label="随机资料"> |
<template slot-scope="{ row }"> |
<el-input v-model="row.C3" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C4" label="外观质量"> |
<template slot-scope="{ row }"> |
<el-input v-model="row.C4" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C5" label="安装质量"> |
<template slot-scope="{ row }"> |
<el-input v-model="row.C5" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import btn from '@/views/common/FxButton' |
export default { |
name: 'GdJjSsaz', |
components: { Sticky, btn }, |
data() { |
return { |
ysjl: {}, |
param: {}, |
tableData: [], |
state: '', |
edit: false |
} |
}, |
created() { |
this.getInfo() |
}, |
methods: { |
getInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/fx', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
if (data.param) { |
// 有无损原始记录参数 |
this.state = 'update' |
this.param = data.param |
this.tableData = JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) === null ? JSON.parse('[]') : JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) |
} else { |
this.state = 'create' |
// 默认值 |
} |
if (this.ysjl.flowstatus === 4) { |
this.state = 'finish' |
this.edit = true |
} |
this.$refs.btn.getParentInfo(this.ysjl, this.param, null, this.tableData, this.state, this.$route.query.jyxm, false, true) |
}) |
}, |
indexMethod(index) { |
this.tableData[index].index = index |
return (index + 1) |
}, |
uploadTableData(file) { |
this.common.uploadTableData(file, this.tableData) |
}, |
/** |
* 表格单击选中行 |
* @param row |
*/ |
onRowClick(row) { |
this.$refs.tableData.toggleRowSelection(row) |
}, |
beforeSaveBuildData() { |
// 保存前构建数据 |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
@ -1,199 +0,0 @@ |
<!--工业管道定期检验明细表--> |
<template> |
<div> |
<el-form style="height: 100px;" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="备注" prop="mxbBeizhu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.beizhu" type="textarea" :autosize="{ minRows: 2, maxRows: 2}" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</el-form> |
<el-button type="success" icon="el-icon-download" size="mini" style="margin-right: 10px;" @click="common.downloadTemplate('压力管道监督检验一览表.xlsx')"> |
下载导入模板 |
</el-button> |
<el-upload |
:show-file-list="false" |
:before-upload="uploadTableData" |
style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;" |
action="" |
> |
<el-button type="primary" size="mini" icon="el-icon-upload" :disabled="edit"> |
导入数据 |
</el-button> |
</el-upload> |
<el-button type="success" size="mini" icon="el-icon-circle-plus-outline" :disabled="edit" @click="tableJs.addRow($refs.tableData, { C1: true })"> |
添加 |
</el-button> |
<el-button type="danger" size="mini" icon="el-icon-remove-outline" :disabled="edit" @click="tableJs.delRow($refs.tableData)"> |
删除 |
</el-button> |
<el-table id="myTable" ref="tableData" v-adaptive="{bottomOffset: 50}" height="0" :data="tableData" :row-class-name="tableRowClassName" border stripe style="width:100%;margin-top: 5px;" @row-click="onRowClick"> |
<el-table-column type="selection" width="40" /> |
<el-table-column type="index" prop="C1" width="50" label="序号" align="center" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C2" width="115px" label="管道名称"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C2" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C3" width="115px" label="管道编号"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C3" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C4" width="130px" label="起止点"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C4" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C5" width="130px" label="管道级别"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C5" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C6" width="130px" label="公称直径mm"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C6" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C7" width="130px" label="公称壁厚mm"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C7" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C8" width="130px" label="管道长度m"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C8" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C9" width="130px" label="管内介质"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C9" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C10" width="130px" label="设计压力MPa"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C10" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C11" width="130px" label="设计温度℃"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C11" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C12" width="130px" label="管道材质"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C12" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C13" width="130px" label="焊口数量"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C13" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C14" width="130px" label="安全等级"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C14" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C15" width="130px" label="下次检验时间"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C15" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
export default { |
name: 'GdZbgMxb', |
data() { |
return { |
ysjl: {}, |
param: {}, |
tableData: [], |
edit: false |
} |
}, |
methods: { |
// 表格单击选中行 |
onRowClick(row) { |
this.$refs.tableData.toggleRowSelection(row) |
}, |
tableRowClassName({ row, rowIndex }) { |
row.index = rowIndex |
}, |
uploadTableData(file) { |
this.common.uploadTableData(file, this.tableData) |
return false |
}, |
/** |
* 获取明细表数据 |
* @param ysjlId 主原始记录Id |
*/ |
getMxbInfo(ysjlId) { |
this.api({ |
url: '/fx/getFxByParentId', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
parentId: ysjlId, |
jyxm: 'mxb' |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
this.ysjl.flowstatus = 4 |
if (data.param) { |
this.param = data.param |
// 有无损原始报告参数 |
this.tableData = this.param.fubiao ? JSON.parse(this.param.fubiao) : [] |
} else { |
this.param.ysjlId = this.ysjl.id |
} |
}) |
}, |
/** |
* 创建明细表 |
* @param ysjlId 主原始记录Id |
*/ |
createMxb(ysjlId, templateId) { |
this.api({ |
url: '/ysjl/addJyfa', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
bglx: '3', |
ysjlId: ysjlId, |
type: '工业管道明细表报告', |
jianyanxiangmu: 'mxb', |
userId: this.$store.getters.userId, |
templateId: templateId, |
defaultStatus: true |
} |
}).then(() => { |
this.getMxbInfo(ysjlId) |
}) |
}, |
/** |
* 保存明细表 |
*/ |
saveMxb() { |
this.param.fubiao = this.tableData |
this.api({ |
url: '/fx', |
method: 'put', |
data: { |
ysjl: this.ysjl, |
jyxm: 'mxb', |
fxObj: this.param |
} |
}) |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style> |
#myTable .el-input__inner{ |
padding: 0px 5px; |
text-align: center; |
} |
</style> |
File diff suppressed because it is too large
@ -1,166 +0,0 @@ |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<sticky style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<btn ref="btn" /> |
</sticky> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>基础信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="使用单位代表"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shiyongdanweidaibiao" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="日期"> |
<el-date-picker v-model="param.daibiaoriqi" value-format="yyyy年MM月dd日" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>工作安全确认表</legend> |
<el-table :data="tableData" border stripe style="width: 100%;"> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C1" width="100" label="项次" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C2" width="500" label="内容"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<span v-if="scope.row.C1 !== '其他'">{{ scope.row.C2 }}</span> |
<el-input v-else v-model="scope.row.C2" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C3" width="400" label="检查结果"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-checkbox-group v-model="scope.row.C3" @change="change"> |
<el-checkbox v-for="item in scope.row.C3" v-show="item.label" :key="item.key" :label="item.label" /> |
</el-checkbox-group> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import btn from '@/views/common/FxButton' |
export default { |
name: 'GdZbgGzaqqrb', |
components: { Sticky, btn }, |
data() { |
return { |
ysjl: {}, |
tableData: [], |
edit: false, |
state: '', |
param: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
} |
}, |
created() { |
this.getInfo() |
}, |
methods: { |
getInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/fx', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
this.state = 'create' |
if (data.param) { |
this.state = 'update' |
this.param = data.param |
this.tableData = JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) === null ? JSON.parse('[]') : JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) |
this.formatterJG() |
} else { |
this.getDicJyxm() |
} |
if (this.ysjl.flowstatus === 4) { |
this.state = 'finish' |
this.edit = true |
} |
this.$refs.btn.getParentInfo(this.ysjl, this.param, null, this.tableData, this.state, this.$route.query.jyxm) |
}) |
}, |
/** |
* 从字典中获取检验项目 |
*/ |
getDicJyxm() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/jyxm/getCyJyxm', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
templateId: this.ysjl.modelId, |
order: 1 |
} |
}).then(data => { |
data.forEach((v) => { |
this.tableData.push({ |
C1: v.jianyanxiang, |
C2: v.jianyanneirong, |
C3: v.jianyanjieguo |
}) |
}) |
this.formatterJG() |
}) |
}, |
/** |
* 将检验结果字符串转换成适应单选框的所需数据 |
* 最后一个变量为选中的label |
* [{label:'a', key: '0_0'},{label:'b', key: '0_1'},{label:'c', key: '0_2'},'d'] |
*/ |
formatterJG() { |
for (let i = 0; i < this.tableData.length; i++) { |
const temp = this.tableData[i].C3.split(';') |
const C3Array = this.tableData[i].C3.replace(/□/g, '').replace(/☑/g, '').split(';') |
let C3Check = '' |
for (let j = 0; j < temp.length; j++) { |
if (temp[j].indexOf('☑') !== -1) { |
C3Check = C3Array[j] |
} |
C3Array[j] = { |
label: C3Array[j], |
key: i + '_' + j |
} |
} |
C3Array.push(C3Check) |
this.tableData[i].C3 = C3Array |
} |
}, |
/** |
* 因为最后一个变量为被选中的变量,那么将删除最后一个变量的前一个变量 |
* 需要保证被删除的变量必须是上次选中的数据,因为每个选项都存在label,所以判断label是否存在 |
*/ |
change(row) { |
if (!row[row.length - 2].label) { |
row.splice(row.length - 2, 1) |
} |
}, |
beforeSaveBuildData() { |
for (let i = 0; i < this.param.fubiao.length; i++) { |
let tempC3 = '' |
for (let j = 0; j < this.param.fubiao[i].C3.length - 1; j++) { |
if (this.param.fubiao[i].C3[j].label === this.param.fubiao[i].C3[this.param.fubiao[i].C3.length - 1]) { |
tempC3 += this.param.fubiao[i].C3[j].label + '☑' |
} else { |
tempC3 += this.param.fubiao[i].C3[j].label + '□' |
} |
if (j !== this.param.fubiao[i].C3.length - 2) { |
tempC3 += ';' |
} |
} |
this.param.fubiao[i].C3 = tempC3 |
} |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
@ -1,158 +0,0 @@ |
<!--性能参数一览表--> |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<sticky style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<btn ref="btn" /> |
</sticky> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>参数记录</legend> |
<el-button type="success" icon="el-icon-download" size="mini" style="margin-right: 10px;" @click="common.downloadTemplate('压力管道明细检测记录表.xlsx')"> |
下载导入模板 |
</el-button> |
<el-upload |
:show-file-list="false" |
:before-upload="uploadTableData" |
style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;" |
action="123" |
> |
<el-button type="primary" size="mini" icon="el-icon-upload" :disabled="edit"> |
导入数据 |
</el-button> |
</el-upload> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="success" size="mini" icon="el-icon-circle-plus-outline" :disabled="edit" @click="tableJs.addRow($refs.tableData, { C1: true })"> |
添加 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="danger" size="mini" icon="el-icon-remove-outline" :disabled="edit" @click="tableJs.delRow($refs.tableData)"> |
删除 |
</el-button> |
<el-table id="myTable" ref="tableData" :data="tableData" :row-class-name="tableRowClassName" border stripe style="width:100%;margin-top: 5px;" @row-click="onRowClick"> |
<el-table-column type="selection" width="40" /> |
<el-table-column type="index" prop="C1" width="50" label="序号" align="center" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C2" width="115px" label="管道名称"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C2" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C3" width="115px" label="管道编号"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C3" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C4" width="130px" label="起止点"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C4" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C5" width="115px" label="规格/(外径mm×壁厚mm)"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C5" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C6" width="80px" label="管道级别"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C6" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C7" width="90px" label="设计/工作压力MPa"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C7" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C8" width="90px" label="设计/工作温度℃"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C8" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C9" width="115px" label="工作介质"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C9" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C10" width="115px" label="管道材质"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C10" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C11" width="70px" label="长度m"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C11" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C12" width="105px" label="安全状况等级"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C12" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C13" width="130px" label="注册登记证书编号(或注册代码)"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C13" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import btn from '@/views/common/FxButton' |
export default { |
name: 'GdZbgMxb', |
components: { Sticky, btn }, |
data() { |
return { |
ysjl: {}, |
param: {}, |
tableData: [], |
state: '', |
edit: false |
} |
}, |
created() { |
this.getInfo() |
}, |
methods: { |
getInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/fx', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
this.state = 'create' |
if (data.param !== null && data.param !== undefined) { |
// 有无损原始记录参数 |
this.state = 'update' |
this.param = data.param |
this.tableData = JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) === null ? JSON.parse('[]') : JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) |
} |
if (this.ysjl.flowstatus === 4) { |
this.state = 'finish' |
this.edit = true |
} |
this.$refs.btn.getParentInfo(this.ysjl, this.param, null, this.tableData, this.state, this.$route.query.jyxm) |
}) |
}, |
// 表格单击选中行 |
onRowClick(row) { |
this.$refs.tableData.toggleRowSelection(row) |
}, |
tableRowClassName({ row, rowIndex }) { |
row.index = rowIndex |
}, |
uploadTableData(file) { |
this.common.uploadTableData(file, this.tableData) |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style> |
#myTable .el-input__inner{ |
padding: 0px 5px; |
text-align: center; |
} |
</style> |
@ -1,935 +0,0 @@ |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<sticky style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<div class="sub-navbar"> |
<el-button v-if="state === 'create'" type="success" icon="el-icon-edit" size="medium" @click="saveYsjl('add')"> |
保存 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state === 'update'" type="primary" icon="el-icon-edit" size="medium" @click="saveYsjl('upd')"> |
更新 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state === 'update'" type="primary" icon="el-icon-circle-check-outline" size="medium" @click="toAddJyfa"> |
添加检验方案 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'create'" type="info" icon="el-icon-info" size="medium" @click="getJyfaInfo"> |
查看同类报告 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state === 'update'" type="success" icon="el-icon-upload2" size="medium" @click="saveYsjl('build')"> |
生成报告 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'create'" type="warning" icon="el-icon-view" size="medium" @click="common.viewYsjl(ysjl.id, 'YSJL')"> |
预览 |
</el-button> |
</div> |
</sticky> |
<el-tabs v-model="checkedTab" type="card"> |
<el-tab-pane label="基本信息" name="first"> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>基本信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col v-if="state === 'create'" :span="13"> |
<el-form-item label="记录编号"> |
<el-input v-model="jlbh1" style="width:80px" disabled /> |
<el-input v-model="jlbh2" style="width:80px" disabled />- |
<el-input v-model="jlbh3" style="width:80px" @blur="judgeRepeat(jlbh1 + jlbh2 + jlbh3 , ysjl.id)" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col v-if="state !== 'create'" :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="记录编号" prop="jilubianhao"> |
<el-input v-if="state !== 'create'" v-model="ysjl.jilubianhao" :disabled="edit" @blur="judgeRepeat(ysjl.jilubianhao, ysjl.id)" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col v-if="isRepeat" :span="2"> |
<span style="color:red">编号重复</span> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="工程名称" prop="gongchengmingcheng"> |
<el-input v-model="param.gongchengmingcheng" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道级别" prop="guandaojibie"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaojibie" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="工程地址" prop="gongchengdizhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.gongchengdizhi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="告知书编号" prop="gaozhibianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.gaozhibianhao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="工程规模" prop="gongchengguimo"> |
<el-input v-model="param.gongchengguimo" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="设计压力" prop="shejiyali"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shejiyali" :disabled="edit" @blur="modifySjcs"> |
<template slot="append"> |
(MPa) |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="设计温度" prop="shejiwendu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shejiwendu" :disabled="edit" @blur="modifySjcs"> |
<template slot="append"> |
(℃) |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="输送介质" prop="shusongjiezhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shusongjiezhi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="材料牌号" prop="cailiaopaihao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.cailiaopaihao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="开工时间" prop="kaigongshijian"> |
<el-date-picker v-model="param.kaigongshijian" :disabled="edit" type="date" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd" placeholder="选择日期" style="width: 100%;" @change="modifyKgjgDate" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="竣工时间" prop="jungongshijian"> |
<el-date-picker v-model="param.jungongshijian" :disabled="edit" type="date" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd" placeholder="选择日期" style="width: 100%;" @change="modifyKgjgDate" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="建设单位" prop="jianshedanwei"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jianshedanwei" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="管道设计单位" prop="shejidanwei"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shejidanwei" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="工程规划许可证号" prop="guihuaxukezheng"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guihuaxukezheng" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="设计证书编号" prop="shejiwenjianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shejiwenjianhao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="安装单位" prop="shigongdanwei"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shigongdanwei" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="防腐施工单位" prop="fangfushigongdanwei"> |
<el-input v-model="param.fangfushigongdanwei" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="安装许可证编号" prop="shigongxukezheng"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shigongxukezheng" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="防腐资质证书编号" prop="fangfuzizhizhengshu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.fangfuzizhizhengshu" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="监理单位" prop="jianlidanwei"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jianlidanwei" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="检测单位" prop="jiancedanwei"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancedanwei" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="监理资质证书号" prop="jianlizizhizhengshu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jianlizizhizhengshu" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="资格证书编号" prop="jiancezizhizhenghao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancezizhizhenghao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="验收规范" prop="yanshouguifan"> |
<el-input v-model="param.yanshouguifan" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="证书编号" prop="zhengshubianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.zhengshubianhao" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>检验信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检验结论" prop="jianyanjielun"> |
<el-select :value="ysjl.jianyanjielun" placeholder="请选择" style="width: 100%;"> |
<el-option label="合格" value="合格" /> |
<el-option label="不合格" value="不合格" /> |
</el-select> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="安全状况等级为" prop="jianyanjieshuriqi"> |
<el-select :value="ysjl.anquanzhuangkuangdengji" type="text" placeholder="请选择" style="width: 100%;"> |
<el-option label="1级" value="1级" /> |
<el-option label="2级" value="2级" /> |
<el-option label="3级" value="3级" /> |
<el-option label="4级" value="4级" /> |
<el-option label="5级" value="5级" /> |
<el-option label="-" value="-" /> |
</el-select> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检验开始日期" prop="jianyankaishiriqi"> |
<el-date-picker v-model="ysjl.jianyankaishiriqi" :disabled="edit" type="date" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd" placeholder="选择日期" style="width: 100%;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检验结束日期" prop="jianyanjieshuriqi"> |
<el-date-picker v-model="ysjl.jianyanjieshuriqi" :disabled="edit" type="date" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd" placeholder="选择日期" style="width: 100%;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="下次定期检验日期" prop="xiacijianyanriqi"> |
<el-date-picker v-model="ysjl.xiacijianyanriqi" :disabled="edit" type="date" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd" placeholder="选择日期" style="width: 100%;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="10"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检验人员" prop="jianyanrenyuan"> |
<el-input v-model="jianyanrenyuan" disabled /> |
<el-input v-show="false" v-model="ysjl.jianyanrenyuan" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col v-if="state !== 'bgView'" :span="9"> |
<sign-name :ysjl="ysjl" :jianyanrenyuan="jianyanrenyuan" @setSignValue="singNameValue" /> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
</el-tab-pane> |
<el-tab-pane label="监督检验的压力管道基本情况" name="second"> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>基本信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20" style="height: 130px;"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="工程简介" prop="gongchengjianjie"> |
<el-input v-model="param.gongchengjianjie" :disabled="edit" :rows="5" type="textarea" placeholder="内容包括工程名称施工单位投资规模管道的基本属性相关情况的描述" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="工程地址" prop="gongchengdizhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.gongchengdizhi" :disabled="true" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="工程规模" prop="gongchengguimo"> |
<el-input v-model="param.gongchengguimo" :disabled="true" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="建设单位" prop="jianshedanwei"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jianshedanwei" :disabled="true" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="设计单位" prop="shejidanwei"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shejidanwei" :disabled="true" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="安装单位" prop="shigongdanwei"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shigongdanwei" :disabled="true" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="监理单位" prop="jianlidanwei"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jianlidanwei" :disabled="true" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="防腐单位" prop="fangfushigongdanwei"> |
<el-input v-model="param.fangfushigongdanwei" :disabled="true" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="检测单位" prop="jiancedanwei"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancedanwei" :disabled="true" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20" style="height: 110px;"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="主要元件供货单位" prop="gonghuodanwei"> |
<el-input v-model="param.gonghuodanwei" :disabled="edit" :rows="4" type="textarea" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="开工竣工时间" prop="kaigongjungongshijian"> |
<el-input v-model="param.kaigongjungongshijian" :disabled="true" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="设计参数" prop="shejicanshu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shejicanshu" :disabled="true" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="主体材质" prop="zhuticaizhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.zhuticaizhi" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道规格" prop="guandaoguige"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.guandaoguige" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
</el-tab-pane> |
<el-tab-pane label="监督检验检验项目" name="third"> |
<el-form ref="param" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<el-row :gutter="20" style="height: 100px;"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="记事栏" prop="beizhu"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.beizhu" :rows="3" type="textarea" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</el-form> |
<el-table :data="jdjyxmData" :span-method="tableJs.mergeColRows" border stripe style="width:80%"> |
<el-table-column type="index" align="center" width="50" label="序号" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" label="评价项目"> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="jianyanxiang" label="检验项" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="jianyanneirong" label="检验内容" /> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="xiangmuleibie" label="监检类别"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-if="scope.$index >17 " v-model="scope.row.xiangmuleibie" placeholder="请输入内容" disabled /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="gongzuojianzheng" label="工作见证"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.gongzuojianzheng" :disabled="edit" placeholder="请输入内容" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="gongzuojishi" label="工作记事"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-if="scope.$index >17 " v-model="scope.row.gongzuojishi" :disabled="edit" placeholder="请输入内容" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="jianyanjieguo" label="检验结果"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-select v-if="scope.$index >17 " v-model="scope.row.jianyanjieguo" :disabled="edit" type="text" placeholder="请选择" style="width: 100%;"> |
<el-option label="√" value="√" /> |
<el-option label="×" value="×" /> |
<el-option label="无此项" value="无此项" /> |
<el-option label="—" value="-" /> |
</el-select> |
<el-select v-else v-model="scope.row.jianyanjieguo" :disabled="edit" type="text" placeholder="请选择" style="width: 100%;"> |
<el-option label="√" value="√" /> |
<el-option label="×" value="×" /> |
<el-option label="/" value="/" /> |
</el-select> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</el-tab-pane> |
</el-tabs> |
<el-dialog :visible.sync="jyfaDialogVisible" title="添加检验方案" width="600px" @close="closeJyfaDialog"> |
<jyfa ref="jyfa" :info="info" @childMethod="getJyxm" /> |
</el-dialog> |
<el-dialog :visible.sync="similarVisible" title="同类报告查看" width="800px" @close="closeJyfaDialog"> |
<el-table ref="similarTable" :data="similarTableData" border style="width: 100%;" height="350"> |
<el-table-column align="center" label="报告类型" prop="bglx" min-width="50" /> |
<el-table-column align="left" label="检验项目" prop="jyxmLabel" width="200"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<div style="text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;" @click="editChild(scope.row.id, scope.row.jianyanxiangmu, departmentId)"> |
{{ scope.row.jyxmLabel }} |
</div> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" label="处理人" prop="renlingren" min-width="40" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" label="检验人员" prop="jianyanrenyuan" min-width="40" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" label="办结状态" prop="flowstatus" min-width="50" /> |
<el-table-column property="" label="操作" align="center" width="95"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-button type="primary" size="mini" title="删除检验方案" circle icon="el-icon-delete" @click="delYsjl(scope.row.jyxmLabel, scope.row.bglx, scope.row.id)" /> |
<el-button v-if="scope.row.bglx ==='分项检测' && scope.row.flowstatus === '未办结'" type="primary" size="mini" title="办结" circle icon="el-icon-check" @click="bjYsjl(scope.row.id, '1')" /> |
<el-button v-if="scope.row.bglx ==='分项检测' && scope.row.flowstatus === '已办结'" type="primary" size="mini" title="取消办结" circle icon="el-icon-close" @click="bjYsjl(scope.row.id, '0')" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</el-dialog> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import jyfa from '../../addJyfa' |
import SignName from '@/views/common/SignName' |
import Utils from '../../../../utils/contact.js' |
export default { |
name: 'GdDjYsjl', |
components: { SignName, Sticky, jyfa }, |
data() { |
return { |
// 预定义值 |
edit: false, // 页面编辑状态 |
// 压力管道宏观检验记录 |
jdjyxmData: [], // 监督检验项目数据 |
jlbh1: 'GDA', |
jlbh2: '(' + (new Date().getFullYear()) + ')', |
jlbh3: '', |
// 检验人员 |
jianyanrenyuan: '', |
// 检验方案 |
jyfaDialogVisible: false, |
// 接收传入该页面的值 |
// 页面状态 {create=> 创建,update=> 更新} |
state: this.$route.query.state, |
ysjl: {}, |
departmentId: this.$route.query.departmentId, |
param: {}, |
checkedTab: 'first', |
// 表格合并相关 |
// 参与列合并的字段,在这里增加即可 |
cols: [ |
{ |
name: 'jianyanxiang', // 参与计算的列名,必须和el-table-column prop=''值一致 |
getValue(row) { // 该列用于比较的值的获取方法 |
return row.jianyanxiang |
} |
}, |
{ |
name: 'jianyanneirong', // 参与计算的列名,必须和el-table-column prop=''值一致 |
getValue(row) { // 该列用于比较的值的获取方法 |
return row.jianyanneirong |
} |
} |
], |
// 参与行内合并的字段 |
rows: [ |
{ |
name: 'jianyanxiang', |
getValue(row) { |
return row.jianyanxiang |
} |
}, |
{ |
name: 'jianyanneirong', // 参与计算的列名,必须和el-table-column prop=''值一致 |
getValue(row) { // 该列用于比较的值的获取方法 |
return row.jianyanneirong |
} |
} |
], |
info: { |
modelId: this.$route.query.templateId, |
sbzldm: this.$route.query.sbzldm, |
sblbdm: this.$route.query.sblbdm, |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
departmentId: this.$route.query.departmentId, |
jylb: this.$route.query.jylb, |
nblb: this.$route.query.neibuleibie, |
type: 'ysjl' |
}, |
similarVisible: false, |
similarTableData: [], |
isRepeat: false |
} |
}, |
computed: { |
jilubianhao: function() { |
if (this.state !== 'create') { |
return this.ysjl.jilubianhao |
} |
return this.jlbh1 + this.jlbh2 + '-' + this.jlbh3 |
} |
}, |
created() { |
if (this.state === 'create') { |
this.initYsjl() |
} else { |
this.getYsjl() |
this.getParam() |
} |
const jyxmtable = [1] |
for (let i = 0; i < jyxmtable.length; i++) { |
this.getJyxm(jyxmtable[i]) |
} |
}, |
mounted() { |
const that = this |
this.common.$on('modifyMajorInspectionItemBySub', function() { |
that.getJyxm(1) |
}) |
}, |
methods: { |
initYsjl() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/ysjl/initYsjl', |
method: 'post', |
data: { |
templateId: this.$route.query.templateId, |
renwuId: this.$route.query.renwuId, |
neibuleibie: this.$route.query.neibuleibie, |
sblbdm: this.$route.query.sblbdm, |
sblbmc: this.$route.query.sblbmc, |
sbpzdm: this.$route.query.sbpzdm, |
sbpzmc: this.$route.query.sbpzmc |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
this.param = data.param ? data.param : {} |
this.ysjl.flowStatus = 1 |
this.ysjl.jianyanjielun = '符合要求' |
this.ysjl.xiacijianyanriqishuoming = '/' |
this.ysjl.shebeizhongleidaima = '8000' |
// 设置初始值 |
const tempTime = new Date() |
this.ysjl.jianyankaishiriqi = this.formatter.dateFormat('YYYY-MM-dd', tempTime) |
this.ysjl.jianyanjieshuriqi = this.formatter.dateFormat('YYYY-MM-dd', tempTime) |
// 下次检验日期 = 当前年份加两年,日份减一天 |
const xcjyrq = (tempTime.getFullYear() + 2) + '-' + (tempTime.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + (tempTime.getDate() - 1) |
this.ysjl.xiacijianyanriqi = xcjyrq |
this.ysjl.shejishiyongnianxian = '年' |
this.ysjl.jianyanjielun = '合格' |
this.ysjl.anquanzhuangkuangdengji = '1级' |
this.ysjl.shejiriqi = ' 年 月' |
this.param.yanshouriqi = ' 年 月' |
this.param.biaozhunyaoqiu = '1、《压力管道安全技术监察规程-工业管道》\n' + |
'2、《压力管道安全管理与监察规定》\n' + |
'3、《压力管道安装安全质量监督检验规则》\n' + |
'4、设计文件' |
this.param.jianyanneirong = '1、对设计单位、建设单位、安装单位、监理单位、检测单位在本工程安装实施过程中的单位资质及应当履行的手续进行核实;对安全质量管理行为及设计资料进行抽查、验证。\n' + |
'2、安装单位在本工程的施工过程中,按照《压力管道安装质量体系运行情况检查表》监督检查。\n' + |
'3、对压力管道安装过程中涉及压力管道安装质量的项目,按照《压力管道安装安全质量检查项目表》进行监督验证。' |
this.getMaxBh() |
}) |
}, |
getYsjl() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/ysjl/getYsjlById', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
if (this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan) { |
this.jianyanrenyuan = this.common.convertCnName(this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan) |
} |
if (this.ysjl.baogaobianhao.indexOf('COPY') !== -1) { |
// 如果时复制报告自动获取最大编号 |
this.getMaxBh() |
} else if (this.ysjl.baogaobianhao) { |
this.judgeRepeat(this.ysjl.baogaobianhao.substring(0, this.ysjl.baogaobianhao.lastIndexOf('-') + 1), this.ysjl.id) |
} |
}) |
}, |
getParam() { |
// 根据原始报告id查询参数 |
this.api({ |
url: '/ysjl/getParamByYsjlId', |
method: 'get', |
params: { ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, sbzldm: this.$route.query.sbzldm } |
}).then(data => { |
this.param = data |
if (this.param.kaigongshijian !== null && this.param.kaigongshijian !== undefined) { |
this.param.kaigongshijian = this.formatter.dateFormat('YYYY-MM-dd', this.param.kaigongshijian) |
} |
if (this.param.jungongshijian !== null && this.param.jungongshijian !== undefined) { |
this.param.jungongshijian = this.formatter.dateFormat('YYYY-MM-dd', this.param.jungongshijian) |
} |
}) |
}, |
// 签名方法 |
singNameValue(data) { |
this.jianyanrenyuan = data.name |
this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan = data.id |
if (this.state !== 'create') { |
this.common.signName(this.ysjl.id, this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan) |
Utils.$emit('ysjl-list') |
} |
}, |
// 查询最大记录编号 |
getMaxBh() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/ysjl/gainCurrentBh', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
aheadPart: this.jlbh1 + this.jlbh2 + '-' + this.jlbh3, |
hinderPart: '' |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.jlbh3 = data |
}) |
}, |
// 查询检验项目 |
getJyxm(sort) { |
let url = '' |
let data = {} |
if (this.state === 'create') { |
url = '/jyxm/getCyJyxm' |
data = { |
templateId: this.$route.query.templateId, |
order: sort |
} |
} else { |
url = '/jyxm/getCyJyxmByYsjl' |
data = { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
isReport: false, |
order: sort |
} |
} |
this.api({ |
url: url, |
method: 'get', |
params: data |
}).then(data => { |
switch (sort) { |
case 1: |
this.jdjyxmData = data |
// const d = { |
// C1: '测点编号' |
// } |
// this.jdjyxmData.push(d) |
break |
} |
this.tableJs.getData(this.cols, this.rows, data) |
}) |
}, |
// 获取表格中的id, 不为空的检验结果和备注 |
getProp: function(data) { |
const retData = [] |
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { |
const retRow = {} |
retRow.id = data[i].id |
if (data[i].jianyanjieguo !== '' && data[i].jianyanjieguo !== null && data[i].jianyanjieguo !== undefined) { |
retRow.jianyanjieguo = data[i].jianyanjieguo |
} |
if (data[i].beizhu !== '' && data[i].beizhu !== null && data[i].beizhu !== undefined) { |
retRow.beizhu = data[i].beizhu |
} |
retData.push(retRow) |
} |
return retData |
}, |
saveYsjl: function(operation) { |
this.tableData = [] |
// 组装报告附页中的数据:第一项第二项默认选中,返回给后台id,jianyanxiang,checkType |
const retData = [] |
for (let i = 0; i < this.jdjyxmData.length; i++) { |
// 把检验项数组转换成字符串 |
const retRow = {} |
retRow.id = this.jdjyxmData[i].id |
if (this.jdjyxmData[i].jianyanxiang !== '' && this.jdjyxmData[i].jianyanxiang !== null && this.jdjyxmData[i].jianyanxiang !== undefined) { |
retRow.jianyanxiang = this.jdjyxmData[i].jianyanxiang |
} |
if (this.jdjyxmData[i].checkType !== '' && this.jdjyxmData[i].checkType !== null && this.jdjyxmData[i].checkType !== undefined) { |
retRow.checkType = this.jdjyxmData[i].checkType |
} |
if (this.jdjyxmData[i].jianyanjieguo !== '' && this.jdjyxmData[i].jianyanjieguo !== null && this.jdjyxmData[i].jianyanjieguo !== undefined) { |
retRow.jianyanjieguo = this.jdjyxmData[i].jianyanjieguo |
} |
if (this.jdjyxmData[i].gongzuojianzheng !== '' && this.jdjyxmData[i].gongzuojianzheng !== null && this.jdjyxmData[i].gongzuojianzheng !== undefined) { |
retRow.gongzuojianzheng = this.jdjyxmData[i].gongzuojianzheng |
} |
if (this.jdjyxmData[i].gongzuojishi !== '' && this.jdjyxmData[i].gongzuojishi !== null && this.jdjyxmData[i].gongzuojishi !== undefined) { |
retRow.gongzuojishi = this.jdjyxmData[i].gongzuojishi |
} |
retData.push(retRow) |
} |
this.tableData.push(retData) |
let type = '' |
if (operation === 'add') { |
type = 'post' |
this.ysjl.jilubianhao = this.jlbh1 + this.jlbh2 + '-' + this.jlbh3 |
this.ysjl.bglx = 1 |
this.ysjl.cjState = 'ysjl' |
this.ysjl.jigouhezhunzhenghao = process.env.VUE_APP_HZZBH |
this.save(operation, type) |
} else if (operation === 'build') { |
if (this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan === null || this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan === '') { |
this.$message({ |
type: 'error', |
message: '请先签名再生成报告!' |
}) |
return false |
} |
// 判断分项原始记录是否办结 |
this.api({ |
url: '/ysjl/judgeState', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlIds: this.ysjl.id, |
bglx: '2,3' |
} |
}).then(data => { |
if (data === 0) { |
this.$message.error('请先办结无损分项原始记录再生成报告!') |
return false |
} else { |
type = 'put' |
this.save(operation, type) |
} |
}) |
} else if (operation === 'upd') { |
type = 'put' |
this.save(operation, type) |
} |
}, |
save(operation, type) { |
// 判断报告编号是否重复 |
if (this.isRepeat) { |
this.$message({ message: '记录编号重复,请先修改记录编号再保存', type: 'error' }) |
return false |
} else { |
this.$refs['ysjl'].validate(valid => { |
if (valid) { |
this.api({ |
url: '/ysjl', |
method: type, |
data: { |
ysjl: this.ysjl, |
param: this.param, |
jyxm: JSON.stringify(this.tableData), |
flag: operation |
} |
}).then(data => { |
// 刷新任务列表,原始记录待办,原始记录已办,检验报告 |
Utils.$emit('task-list') |
Utils.$emit('ysjl-list') |
Utils.$emit('ysjl-yb-list') |
Utils.$emit('bggl-daiban-list') |
if (operation === 'add' && data !== '') { |
this.$message({ message: '保存成功', type: 'success' }) |
} else if (operation === 'upd') { |
this.$message({ message: '更新成功', type: 'success' }) |
} else { |
this.$message({ message: '生成报告成功', type: 'success' }) |
this.$store.dispatch('delCurrentViews', { |
view: this.$route, |
$router: this.$router |
}) |
} |
this.$route.params.state = 'update' |
this.state = 'update' |
this.info.ysjlId = this.ysjl.id |
}) |
} |
}) |
} |
}, |
toAddJyfa() { |
this.jyfaDialogVisible = true |
}, |
// 查询同类报告 |
getJyfaInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/ysjl/getJyfaInfo', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.ysjl.id |
} |
}).then(data => { |
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { |
if (data[i].jianyanrenyuan !== null && data[i].jianyanrenyuan !== undefined) { |
data[i].jianyanrenyuan = this.common.convertCnName(data[i].jianyanrenyuan) |
} |
if (data[i].renlingren !== null && data[i].renlingren !== undefined) { |
data[i].renlingren = this.common.convertCnName(data[i].renlingren) |
} |
if (data[i].bglx === 2) { |
data[i].bglx = '无损检测' |
} else if (data[i].bglx === 3) { |
data[i].bglx = '分项检测' |
} |
if ((data[i].bglx === '分项检测' && data[i].flowstatus === 4) || (data[i].bglx === '无损检测' && data[i].flowstatus === 4)) { |
data[i].flowstatus = '已办结' |
} else { |
data[i].flowstatus = '未办结' |
} |
} |
this.similarTableData = data |
this.similarVisible = true |
}) |
}, |
closeJyfaDialog() { |
this.jyfaDialogVisible = false |
}, |
// 删除检验方案 |
delYsjl(jianyanxiangmu, bglx, ysjlId) { |
this.$confirm('原始记录删除后将无法恢复,是否确认删除?', '提示', { |
confirmButtonText: '确定', |
cancelButtonText: '取消', |
type: 'warning' |
}).then(data => { |
this.api({ |
url: '/ysjl/delJyfa', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: ysjlId, |
bglx: bglx, |
jianyanxiangmu: jianyanxiangmu |
} |
}).then(data => { |
Utils.$emit('modifyMajorInspectionItemBySub') |
this.$message({ message: '删除成功', type: 'success' }) |
this.getJyfaInfo() |
this.$refs.jyfa.getJyfaInfo() |
}) |
}).catch(e => { |
this.$message({ message: '删除失败', type: 'error' }) |
}) |
}, |
// 办结分项原始记录 status:0:取消办结,1:办结 |
bjYsjl(ysjlId, status) { |
this.api({ |
url: '/fx/endFx', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: ysjlId, |
status: status |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.getJyfaInfo() |
if (status === '0') { |
this.$message({ message: '取消办结成功', type: 'success' }) |
} else if (status === '1') { |
this.$message({ message: '办结成功', type: 'success' }) |
} |
}) |
}, |
editChild(id, jianyanxiangmu, departmentId) { |
this.$router.push({ path: '/ysjl/' + this.ysjl.shebeizhongleidaima + '/' + jianyanxiangmu, query: { id: id, jyxm: jianyanxiangmu, departmentId: departmentId }}) |
this.similarVisible = false |
}, |
judgeRepeat(bianhao, id) { |
this.api({ |
url: '/ysjl/judgeRepeat', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: id, |
bianhao: bianhao |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.isRepeat = data > 0 |
}) |
}, |
modifySjcs() { |
this.param.shejicanshu = '设计压力:' + this.param.shejiyali + 'Mpa、设计温度:' + this.param.shejiwendu + '℃' |
}, |
modifyKgjgDate() { |
this.param.kaigongjungongshijian = this.kaigongshijian ? this.kaigongshijian : '' + '至' + this.jungongshijian ? this.jungongshijian : '' |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style> |
.el-input__inner { |
border: 1px solid #00000075; |
border-radius: 4px; |
} |
.el-textarea__inner { |
border: 1px solid #91393975; |
border-radius: 4px; |
} |
.el-form-item__error { |
padding-top: 0px; |
position: absolute; |
} |
.el-input.is-disabled .el-input__inner { |
color: #606266; |
} |
.el-textarea.is-disabled .el-textarea__inner { |
color: #606266; |
} |
.el-dialog__body { |
padding-top: 10px; |
} |
</style> |
@ -1,803 +0,0 @@ |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<sticky style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<div class="sub-navbar"> |
<el-button v-if="state === 'create'" type="success" icon="el-icon-edit" size="medium" @click="saveYsjl('add')"> |
保存 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state === 'update'" type="primary" icon="el-icon-edit" size="medium" @click="saveYsjl('upd')"> |
更新 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state === 'update'" type="primary" icon="el-icon-circle-check-outline" size="medium" @click="toAddJyfa"> |
添加检验方案 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'create'" type="info" icon="el-icon-info" size="medium" @click="getJyfaInfo"> |
查看同类报告 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state === 'update'" type="success" icon="el-icon-upload2" size="medium" @click="saveYsjl('build')"> |
生成报告 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'create'" type="warning" icon="el-icon-view" size="medium" @click="common.viewYsjl(ysjl.id, 'YSJL')"> |
预览 |
</el-button> |
<el-button type="success" size="medium" icon="el-icon-edit" @click="batchUpdDate"> |
批量修改日期 |
</el-button> |
</div> |
</sticky> |
<el-tabs v-model="checkedTab" type="card"> |
<el-tab-pane label="基本信息" name="first"> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>基本信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col v-if="state === 'create'" :span="13"> |
<el-form-item label="记录编号"> |
<el-input v-model="jlbh1" style="width:80px" disabled /> |
<el-input v-model="jlbh2" style="width:80px" disabled />- |
<el-input v-model="jlbh3" style="width:80px" @blur="judgeRepeat(jlbh1 + jlbh2 + '-' + jlbh3 , ysjl.id)" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col v-if="state !== 'create'" :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="记录编号" prop="jilubianhao"> |
<el-input v-if="state !== 'create'" v-model="ysjl.jilubianhao" :disabled="edit" @blur="judgeRepeat(ysjl.jilubianhao, ysjl.id)" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col v-if="isRepeat" :span="2"> |
<span style="color:red">编号重复</span> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="建设单位" prop="jianshedanwei"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jianshedanwei" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="项目名称" prop="gongchengmingcheng"> |
<el-input v-model="param.gongchengmingcheng" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="项目施工地址" prop="gongchengdizhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.gongchengdizhi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="监检管道数量(条)" label-width="140px" prop="chanpinshuliang"> |
<el-input v-model="param.chanpinshuliang" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道长度(m)" prop="guandaochangdu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaochangdu" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="主要材质" prop="zhuticaizhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.zhuticaizhi" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="主要规格(mm)" prop="guigexinghao"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.guigexinghao" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道级别" prop="guandaojibie"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaojibie" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="10"> |
<el-form-item label="设计参数(MPa/℃)" label-width="150px"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shejiyali" :disabled="edit" style="width: 100px" /> |
<el-input v-model="param.shejiwendu" :disabled="edit" style="width: 100px" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label-width="150px" label="工程总投资(万元)" prop="gongchengtouzi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.gongchengtouzi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="告知书编号" prop="gaozhibianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.gaozhibianhao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="输送介质" prop="shusongjiezhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shusongjiezhi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="开工时间" prop="kaigongshijian"> |
<el-date-picker v-model="param.kaigongshijian" :disabled="edit" type="date" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd" placeholder="选择日期" style="width: 100%;" @change="modifyKgjgDate" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="管道设计单位" prop="shejidanwei"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shejidanwei" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="许可证编号" prop="shejixukezhengbianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shejixukezhengbianhao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="许可项目" prop="shejixukexiangmu"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shejixukexiangmu" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="施工单位" prop="shigongdanwei"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shigongdanwei" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="许可证编号" prop="shigongxukezheng"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shigongxukezheng" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="许可项目" prop="shigongxukexiangmu"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shigongxukexiangmu" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="无损检测单位" prop="jiancedanwei"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancedanwei" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="核准证编号" prop="jiancehezhunzhengbianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancehezhunzhengbianhao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="许可项目" prop="jiancexukexiangmu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancexukexiangmu" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="验收规范" prop="yanshouguifan"> |
<el-input v-model="param.yanshouguifan" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="竣工时间" prop="jungongshijian"> |
<el-date-picker v-model="param.jungongshijian" :disabled="edit" type="date" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd" placeholder="选择日期" style="width: 100%;" @change="modifyKgjgDate" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="监督检验受理文号" prop="hezhunjianjianwenhao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.hezhunjianjianwenhao" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检验金额(元)" prop="jianyanheding"> |
<el-input-number v-model="ysjl.jianyanheding" :disabled="ysjl.retreatState === 2 && ysjl.jfState" :controls="false" style="width: 100%;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>检验信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="检验依据" prop="jianyanyiju"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.jianyanyiju" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检验开始日期" prop="jianyankaishiriqi"> |
<el-date-picker v-model="ysjl.jianyankaishiriqi" :disabled="edit" type="date" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd" placeholder="选择日期" style="width: 100%;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检验结束日期" prop="jianyanjieshuriqi"> |
<el-date-picker v-model="ysjl.jianyanjieshuriqi" :disabled="edit" type="date" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd" placeholder="选择日期" style="width: 100%;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="结论意见" prop="jianyanjielun"> |
<el-select v-model="ysjl.jianyanjielun" placeholder="请选择" style="width: 100%;"> |
<el-option label="符合要求" value="符合要求" /> |
<el-option label="不符合要求" value="不符合要求" /> |
</el-select> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="首次定期检验" prop="delayInspection"> |
<el-checkbox v-model="param.delayInspection" label="管道一般在投入使用后3年内进行首次定期检验。" true-label="☑管道一般在投入使用后3年内进行首次定期检验。" false-label="□管道一般在投入使用后3年内进行首次定期检验。" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20" style="height: 270px;"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="监检过程中发现的问题及处理情况" prop="wentijizai"> |
<el-input v-model="param.wentijizai" :rows="11" type="textarea" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="10"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检验人员" prop="jianyanrenyuan"> |
<el-input v-model="jianyanrenyuan" disabled /> |
<el-input v-show="false" v-model="ysjl.jianyanrenyuan" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col v-if="state !== 'bgView'" :span="9"> |
<sign-name :ysjl="ysjl" :jianyanrenyuan="jianyanrenyuan" @setSignValue="singNameValue" /> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
</el-tab-pane> |
<el-tab-pane label="压力管道施工质量控制项目表" name="second"> |
<el-form ref="param" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<el-row :gutter="20" style="height: 270px;"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="记事栏" prop="beizhu"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.beizhu" :rows="11" type="textarea" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</el-form> |
<el-table ref="jdjyxmData" :data="jdjyxmData" :span-method="tableJs.mergeColRows" border stripe @row-click="onRowClick"> |
<el-table-column type="selection" align="center" /> |
<el-table-column type="index" align="center" width="50" label="序号" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" label="监检项目"> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="jianyanxiang" width="140" label="检验项" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="jianyanmu" width="320" label="检验目"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-if="scope.$index > 50" v-model="scope.row.jianyanmu" :disabled="edit" placeholder="请输入内容" /> |
<span v-else>{{ scope.row.jianyanmu }}</span> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="xiangmuleibie" width="70" label="监检类别"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-if="scope.$index > 50" v-model="scope.row.xiangmuleibie" :disabled="edit" /> |
<span v-else>{{ scope.row.xiangmuleibie }}</span> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="gongzuojianzheng" label="工作见证"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.gongzuojianzheng" :disabled="edit" placeholder="请输入内容" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="jianyanjieguo" width="120" label="检验结果"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-select v-model="scope.row.jianyanjieguo" :disabled="edit" type="text" placeholder="请选择" style="width: 100%;"> |
<el-option label="符合" value="符合" /> |
<el-option label="不符合" value="不符合" /> |
<el-option label="无此项" value="无此项" /> |
</el-select> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="querenriqi" width="170" label="日期"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-date-picker v-model="scope.row.querenriqi" type="date" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd" placeholder="选择日期" style="width: 100%;" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</el-tab-pane> |
<el-tab-pane label="监督检验工作内容和结果" name="third"> |
<el-table :data="bgJyxm" border stripe> |
<el-table-column type="index" align="center" width="50" label="序号" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="jianyanxiang" label="监督检验项目" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="jianyanjieguo" label="检验结果"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-select v-model="scope.row.jianyanjieguo" :disabled="edit" type="text" placeholder="请选择" style="width: 100%;"> |
<el-option label="符合" value="符合" /> |
<el-option label="不符合" value="不符合" /> |
<el-option label="无此项" value="无此项" /> |
</el-select> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="beizhu" label="备注"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.beizhu" :disabled="edit" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</el-tab-pane> |
</el-tabs> |
<el-dialog :visible.sync="jyfaDialogVisible" title="添加检验方案" width="600px" @close="closeJyfaDialog"> |
<jyfa ref="jyfa" :info="info" @childMethod="getJyxm" /> |
</el-dialog> |
<el-dialog :visible.sync="similarVisible" title="同类报告查看" width="800px" @close="closeJyfaDialog"> |
<el-table ref="similarTable" :data="similarTableData" border style="width: 100%;" height="350"> |
<el-table-column align="center" label="报告类型" prop="bglx" min-width="50" /> |
<el-table-column align="left" label="检验项目" prop="jyxmLabel" width="200"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<div style="text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;" @click="editChild(scope.row.id, scope.row.jianyanxiangmu, scope.row.modelId)"> |
{{ scope.row.jyxmLabel }} |
</div> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" label="处理人" prop="renlingren" min-width="40" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" label="检验人员" prop="jianyanrenyuan" min-width="40" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" label="办结状态" prop="flowstatus" min-width="50" /> |
<el-table-column property="" label="操作" align="center" width="95"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-button type="primary" size="mini" title="删除检验方案" circle icon="el-icon-delete" @click="delYsjl(scope.row.jyxmLabel, scope.row.bglx, scope.row.id)" /> |
<el-button v-if="scope.row.bglx ==='分项检测' && scope.row.flowstatus === '未办结'" type="primary" size="mini" title="办结" circle icon="el-icon-check" @click="bjYsjl(scope.row.id, '1')" /> |
<el-button v-if="scope.row.bglx ==='分项检测' && scope.row.flowstatus === '已办结'" type="primary" size="mini" title="取消办结" circle icon="el-icon-close" @click="bjYsjl(scope.row.id, '0')" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</el-dialog> |
<el-dialog :visible.sync="jyxmrqShow" title="批量修改日期" width="500px" @close="closeJyxmrqDialog"> |
<template> |
<el-date-picker v-model="querenriqi" type="date" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd" placeholder="选择日期" style="width: 100%;" /> |
</template> |
<span slot="footer" class="dialog-footer"> |
<el-button @click="jyxmrqShow = false">取 消</el-button> |
<el-button type="primary" @click="batchUpd">确 定</el-button> |
</span> |
</el-dialog> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import jyfa from '../../addJyfa' |
import SignName from '@/views/common/SignName' |
import Utils from '../../../../utils/contact.js' |
export default { |
name: 'GdJjYsjl2', |
components: { SignName, Sticky, jyfa }, |
data() { |
return { |
// 预定义值 |
edit: false, // 页面编辑状态 |
// 压力管道宏观检验记录 |
jdjyxmData: [], // 监督检验项目数据, |
bgJyxm: [], // 报告检验项目 |
jlbh1: 'GDA', |
jlbh2: '(' + (new Date().getFullYear()) + ')', |
jlbh3: '', |
// 检验人员 |
jianyanrenyuan: '', |
// 检验方案 |
jyfaDialogVisible: false, |
// 接收传入该页面的值 |
// 页面状态 {create=> 创建,update=> 更新} |
state: this.$route.query.state, |
ysjl: {}, |
departmentId: this.$route.query.departmentId, |
param: {}, |
checkedTab: 'first', |
// 表格合并相关 |
// 参与列合并的字段,在这里增加即可 |
cols: [ |
{ |
name: 'jianyanxiang', // 参与计算的列名,必须和el-table-column prop=''值一致 |
getValue(row) { // 该列用于比较的值的获取方法 |
return row.jianyanxiang |
} |
} |
], |
// 参与行内合并的字段 |
rows: [ |
{ |
name: 'jianyanxiang', |
getValue(row) { |
return row.jianyanxiang |
} |
}, |
{ |
name: 'jianyanmu', // 参与计算的列名,必须和el-table-column prop=''值一致 |
getValue(row) { // 该列用于比较的值的获取方法 |
return row.jianyanmu |
} |
} |
], |
info: { |
modelId: this.$route.query.templateId, |
sbzldm: this.$route.query.sbzldm, |
sblbdm: this.$route.query.sblbdm, |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
departmentId: this.$route.query.departmentId, |
jylb: this.$route.query.jylb, |
nblb: this.$route.query.neibuleibie, |
type: 'ysjl' |
}, |
similarVisible: false, |
similarTableData: [], |
isRepeat: false, |
tableData: [], |
tableDataBg: [], |
jyxmrqShow: false, |
querenriqi: new Date() |
} |
}, |
computed: { |
jilubianhao: function() { |
if (this.state !== 'create') { |
return this.ysjl.jilubianhao |
} |
return this.jlbh1 + this.jlbh2 + '-' + this.jlbh3 |
} |
}, |
created() { |
if (this.state === 'create') { |
this.initYsjl() |
} else { |
this.getYsjl() |
this.getParam() |
} |
const jyxmtable = [1, 2] |
for (let i = 0; i < jyxmtable.length; i++) { |
this.getJyxm(jyxmtable[i]) |
} |
}, |
methods: { |
initYsjl() { |
this.ysjlService.init(this.$route.query).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
this.param = data.param ? data.param : {} |
this.ysjl.jianyanjielun = '符合要求' |
this.ysjl.shebeizhongleidaima = '8000' |
// 设置初始值 |
const tempTime = new Date() |
this.ysjl.jianyankaishiriqi = this.formatter.dateFormat('YYYY-MM-dd', tempTime) |
this.ysjl.jianyanjieshuriqi = this.formatter.dateFormat('YYYY-MM-dd', tempTime) |
this.ysjl.beizhu = '1.材料标志移植(B):抽查材料规格: ;材料移植标志: ;\n' + |
'2.施焊(B):抽查焊缝外观质量:GC1级管道抽查(不少于5%总焊口数/施工机组)的焊口号: ,其他管道抽查(不少于2%总焊口数/施工机组)的焊口号: ;公用管道抽查(不少于1%总焊口数/施工机组)的焊口号: ,聚乙烯热熔对接接头至少抽查1处进行卷边切除检验,焊口号: 。\n' + |
'3.现场制作(预制)与安装(C/B):施焊抽查(至少2个)管道编号: ① ② ; 热处理抽查(至少2个)焊口: ① ② 焊口。\n' + |
'抽查:□管道布置与连接方式;□穿跨越;□补偿装置;□支撑件。' |
this.getMaxBh() |
}) |
}, |
getYsjl() { |
this.ysjlService.getYsjl(this.$route.query.id).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
if (this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan) { |
this.jianyanrenyuan = this.common.convertCnName(this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan) |
} |
if (this.ysjl.baogaobianhao && this.ysjl.baogaobianhao.indexOf('COPY') !== -1) { |
// 如果时复制报告自动获取最大编号 |
this.getMaxBh() |
} else if (this.ysjl.baogaobianhao) { |
this.judgeRepeat(this.ysjl.baogaobianhao.substring(0, this.ysjl.baogaobianhao.lastIndexOf('-') + 1), this.ysjl.id) |
} |
}) |
}, |
getParam() { |
// 根据原始报告id查询参数 |
this.ysjlService.getParam(this.$route.query.id, this.$route.query.sbzldm).then(data => { |
this.param = data |
}) |
}, |
// 签名方法 |
singNameValue(data) { |
this.jianyanrenyuan = data.name |
this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan = data.id |
if (this.state !== 'create') { |
this.common.signName(this.ysjl.id, this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan) |
Utils.$emit('ysjl-list') |
} |
}, |
// 查询最大记录编号 |
getMaxBh() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/ysjl/gainCurrentBh', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
aheadPart: this.jlbh1 + this.jlbh2 + '-' + this.jlbh3, |
hinderPart: '' |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.jlbh3 = data |
}) |
}, |
// 查询检验项目 |
getJyxm(sort) { |
this.jyxmService.getJyxm(this.$route.query.templateId, this.$route.query.id, sort, this.state, false).then(data => { |
switch (sort) { |
case 1: |
this.jdjyxmData = data |
this.tableJs.getData(this.cols, this.rows, data) |
break |
case 2: |
this.bgJyxm = data |
break |
default: |
break |
} |
}) |
}, |
// 获取表格中的id, 不为空的检验结果和备注 |
getProp: function(data) { |
const retData = [] |
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { |
const retRow = {} |
retRow.id = data[i].id |
if (data[i].jianyanmu) { |
retRow.jianyanmu = data[i].jianyanmu |
} |
if (data[i].xiangmuleibie) { |
retRow.xiangmuleibie = data[i].xiangmuleibie |
} |
if (data[i].gongzuojianzheng) { |
retRow.gongzuojianzheng = data[i].gongzuojianzheng |
} |
if (data[i].jianyanjieguo) { |
retRow.jianyanjieguo = data[i].jianyanjieguo |
} |
if (data[i].querenriqi) { |
retRow.querenriqi = data[i].querenriqi |
} |
retData.push(retRow) |
} |
return retData |
}, |
saveYsjl: function(operation) { |
if (operation === 'build' && !this.ysjl.jianyanheding) { |
this.$message.warning('请填写检验金额!') |
return false |
} |
this.tableData = [] |
// 组装原始记录检验项目 |
this.tableData.push(this.getProp(this.jdjyxmData)) |
this.tableData.push(this.bgJyxm) |
// 组装报告检验项目 |
this.tableDataBg = [] |
this.tableDataBg.push(this.bgJyxm) |
let type = '' |
if (operation === 'add') { |
type = 'post' |
this.ysjl.jilubianhao = this.jlbh1 + this.jlbh2 + '-' + this.jlbh3 |
this.ysjl.bglx = 1 |
this.ysjl.cjState = 'ysjl' |
this.ysjl.jigouhezhunzhenghao = process.env.VUE_APP_HZZBH |
this.save(operation, type) |
} else if (operation === 'build') { |
if (this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan === null || this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan === '') { |
this.$message({ |
type: 'error', |
message: '请先签名再生成报告!' |
}) |
return false |
} |
// 判断分项原始记录是否办结 |
this.api({ |
url: '/ysjl/judgeState', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlIds: this.ysjl.id, |
bglx: '2,3' |
} |
}).then(data => { |
if (data === 0) { |
this.$message.error('请先办结无损分项原始记录再生成报告!') |
return false |
} else { |
type = 'put' |
this.save(operation, type) |
} |
}) |
} else if (operation === 'upd') { |
type = 'put' |
this.save(operation, type) |
} |
}, |
save(operation, type) { |
// 判断报告编号是否重复 |
if (this.isRepeat) { |
this.$message({ message: '记录编号重复,请先修改记录编号再保存', type: 'error' }) |
return false |
} else { |
this.$refs['ysjl'].validate(valid => { |
if (valid) { |
this.api({ |
url: '/ysjl', |
method: type, |
data: { |
ysjl: this.ysjl, |
param: this.param, |
jyxm: JSON.stringify(this.tableData), |
bgjyxm: JSON.stringify(this.tableDataBg), |
flag: operation |
} |
}).then(data => { |
// 刷新任务列表,原始记录待办,原始记录已办,检验报告 |
Utils.$emit('task-list') |
Utils.$emit('ysjl-list') |
Utils.$emit('ysjl-yb-list') |
Utils.$emit('bggl-daiban-list') |
if (operation === 'add' && data !== '') { |
this.$message({ message: '保存成功', type: 'success' }) |
this.ysjl.id = data |
this.param.ysjlId = data |
// 刷新路由网址 |
this.common.reloadViewToUpdateYsjl(this.ysjl) |
} else if (operation === 'upd') { |
this.$message({ message: '更新成功', type: 'success' }) |
} else { |
this.$message({ message: '生成报告成功', type: 'success' }) |
this.$store.dispatch('delCurrentViews', { |
view: this.$route, |
$router: this.$router |
}) |
} |
this.$route.params.state = 'update' |
this.state = 'update' |
this.info.ysjlId = this.ysjl.id |
}) |
} |
}) |
} |
}, |
toAddJyfa() { |
this.jyfaDialogVisible = true |
}, |
// 查询同类报告 |
getJyfaInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/ysjl/getJyfaInfo', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.ysjl.id |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.similarTableData = data |
this.similarVisible = true |
}) |
}, |
closeJyfaDialog() { |
this.jyfaDialogVisible = false |
}, |
// 删除检验方案 |
delYsjl(jianyanxiangmu, bglx, ysjlId) { |
this.$confirm('原始记录删除后将无法恢复,是否确认删除?', '提示', { |
confirmButtonText: '确定', |
cancelButtonText: '取消', |
type: 'warning' |
}).then(_ => { |
this.api({ |
url: '/ysjl/delJyfa', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: ysjlId, |
bglx: bglx, |
jianyanxiangmu: jianyanxiangmu |
} |
}).then(_ => { |
this.$message({ message: '删除成功', type: 'success' }) |
this.getJyfaInfo() |
this.$refs.jyfa.getJyfaInfo() |
}) |
}).catch(_ => { |
this.$message({ message: '删除失败', type: 'error' }) |
}) |
}, |
// 办结分项原始记录 status:0:取消办结,1:办结 |
bjYsjl(ysjlId, status) { |
this.api({ |
url: '/fx/endFx', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: ysjlId, |
status: status |
} |
}).then(_ => { |
this.getJyfaInfo() |
if (status === '0') { |
this.$message({ message: '取消办结成功', type: 'success' }) |
} else if (status === '1') { |
this.$message({ message: '办结成功', type: 'success' }) |
} |
}) |
}, |
editChild(id, jianyanxiangmu, modelId) { |
this.api({ |
url: '/template/getById', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
id: modelId |
} |
}).then(data => { |
const queryParam = { id: id, jyxm: jianyanxiangmu, departmentId: this.departmentId } |
this.$router.push({ |
path: data.tempPath, |
query: queryParam |
}) |
}) |
this.similarVisible = false |
}, |
judgeRepeat(bianhao, id) { |
this.ysjlService.judgeRepeat(id, bianhao).then(data => { |
this.isRepeat = data |
}) |
}, |
modifySjcs() { |
this.param.shejicanshu = '设计压力:' + this.param.shejiyali + 'Mpa、设计温度:' + this.param.shejiwendu + '℃' |
}, |
modifyKgjgDate() { |
this.param.kaigongjungongshijian = this.kaigongshijian ? this.kaigongshijian : '' + '至' + this.jungongshijian ? this.jungongshijian : '' |
}, |
batchUpdDate() { |
if (this.$refs.jdjyxmData.selection.length === 0) { |
this.$message('请在列表选择要修改日期的数据。') |
return false |
} |
this.jyxmrqShow = true |
}, |
closeJyxmrqDialog() { |
this.jyxmrqShow = false |
}, |
onRowClick(row) { |
this.$refs.jdjyxmData.toggleRowSelection(row) |
}, |
batchUpd() { |
for (let i = 0; i < this.$refs.jdjyxmData.selection.length; i++) { |
this.$refs.jdjyxmData.selection[i].querenriqi = this.querenriqi |
} |
this.jyxmrqShow = false |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style> |
.el-input__inner { |
border: 1px solid #00000075; |
border-radius: 4px; |
} |
.el-textarea__inner { |
border: 1px solid #91393975; |
border-radius: 4px; |
} |
.el-form-item__error { |
padding-top: 0px; |
position: absolute; |
} |
.el-input.is-disabled .el-input__inner { |
color: #606266; |
} |
.el-textarea.is-disabled .el-textarea__inner { |
color: #606266; |
} |
.el-dialog__body { |
padding-top: 10px; |
} |
</style> |
@ -1,211 +0,0 @@ |
<!--氨检漏试验记录--> |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<sticky style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<btn ref="btn" /> |
</sticky> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>基本信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="记录编号" prop="jilubianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.jilubianhao" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="试验压力" prop="shiyanyali"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shiyanyali" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
MPa |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="氨浓度" prop="annongdu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.annongdu" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="压力表量程" prop="yalibiaoliangcheng"> |
<el-input v-model="param.yalibiaoliangcheng" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
MPa |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="压力表精度" prop="yalibiaojingdu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.yalibiaojingdu" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
级 |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="环境温度" prop="huanjingwendu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.huanjingwendu" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
℃ |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="试纸(试剂)" prop="shizhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shizhi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="保压时间" prop="baoyashijian"> |
<el-input v-model="param.baoyashijian" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
min |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="试验部位" prop="shiyanbuwei"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shiyanbuwei" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>试验部位图</legend> |
<span v-if="state === 'create'" style="color: red;font-size: 26px;">请在原始记录保存后上传部位图</span> |
<pictureUpload v-else ref="picture" :info="info" @changed="changed" /> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>检验信息</legend> |
<el-form-item label="试验结果" prop="jiaohejieguo"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiaohejieguo" :disabled="edit" type="textarea" rows="4" style="width: 800px;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item label="备注" prop="beizhu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.beizhu" :disabled="edit" type="textarea" rows="2" style="width: 800px;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item label="" prop="jianyanrenyuan" style="display: none;"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.jianyanrenyuan" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import pictureUpload from '@/components/Upload' |
import btn from '@/views/common/FxButton' |
export default { |
name: 'GdZbgAjlsy', |
components: { Sticky, btn, pictureUpload }, |
data() { |
return { |
ysjl: {}, |
param: {}, |
chTableData: [], |
delRowIndex: [], |
dialogImageUrl: '', |
dialogVisible: false, |
fileList: [], |
upLoadData: { |
ysjlId: '' |
}, |
state: '', |
edit: false, |
info: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
} |
}, |
watch: { |
state: function(val) { |
this.$refs.picture.stateChange(val) |
} |
}, |
created() { |
this.getInfo() |
}, |
methods: { |
getInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/fx', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
this.state = 'create' |
if (data.param !== null && data.param !== undefined) { |
// 有无损原始记录参数 |
this.state = 'update' |
this.param = data.param |
this.upLoadData.ysjlId = data.ysjl.id |
this.fileList = JSON.parse(data.param.imagePath) === null ? JSON.parse('[]') : JSON.parse(data.param.imagePath) |
if (this.fileList.length > 0) { |
for (let i = 0; i < this.fileList.length; i++) { |
this.fileList[i].url = process.env.VUE_APP_IMG_URL + '8000/ajlsy/' + this.fileList[i].name |
} |
} |
} |
if (this.ysjl.flowstatus === 4) { |
this.state = 'finish' |
this.edit = true |
} |
this.$refs.btn.getParentInfo(this.ysjl, this.param, null, null, this.state, this.$route.query.jyxm) |
this.$refs.picture.getChange(this.ysjl.shebeizhongleidaima, this.state, this.fileList, 1) |
}) |
}, |
addChRow: function() { |
const d = { |
} |
this.chTableData.push(d) |
setTimeout(() => { |
this.$refs.chTableData.setCurrentRow(d) |
}, 10) // 用于延时渲染后选中这行 |
}, |
delChRow: function() { |
if (this.delRowIndex.length === 0) { |
this.$message({ |
type: 'error', |
message: '请选中需要删除的数据!' |
}) |
return false |
} else { |
// 对delRowIndex进行排序,因为删除一个元素后index值会变 |
this.delRowIndex.sort(function(x, y) { |
if (x < y) { |
return 1 |
} |
if (x > y) { |
return -1 |
} |
return 0 |
}) |
for (let i = 0; i < this.delRowIndex.length; i++) { |
this.chTableData.splice(this.delRowIndex[i], 1) |
} |
this.$refs.chTableData.clearSelection() |
this.delRowIndex = [] |
} |
}, |
changed(item) { |
this.param.imagePath = item |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
@ -1,597 +0,0 @@ |
<!-- 安全附件分项页面 --> |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<sticky style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<btn ref="btn" /> |
</sticky> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>基本信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="记录编号" prop="jilubianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.jilubianhao" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道名称" prop="shebeimingcheng"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shebeimingcheng" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道编号" prop="guandaobianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaobianhao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道级别" prop="guandaojibie"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaojibie" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
MPa |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道规格" prop="guandaoguige"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaoguige" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
MPa |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="设计压力" prop="shejiyali"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shejiyali" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="最高工作压力" prop="gongzuoyali"> |
<el-input v-model="param.gongzuoyali" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="设计温度" prop="shejiwendu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shejiwendu" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
℃ |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="工作温度" prop="gongzuowendu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.gongzuowendu" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
℃ |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="工作介质" prop="gongzuojiezhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.gongzuojiezhi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>压力表检查</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="设计规定数" prop="ylbshejiguidingshu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.ylbshejiguidingshu" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="实际安装数" prop="ylbshijianzhuangshu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.ylbshijianzhuangshu" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="安装位置" prop="ylbanzhuangweizhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.ylbanzhuangweizhi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="有效期" prop="ylbyouxiaoqi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.ylbyouxiaoqi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="量程" prop="ylbliangcheng"> |
<el-input v-model="param.ylbliangcheng" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="精度" prop="ylbjingdu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.ylbjingdu" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="表盘直径" prop="ylbbiaopanzhijing"> |
<el-input v-model="param.ylbbiaopanzhijing" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
mm |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="外观质量" prop="ylbwaiguanzhiliang"> |
<el-input v-model="param.ylbwaiguanzhiliang" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>测温仪表检查</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="设计规定数" prop="cwyshejiguidingshu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.cwyshejiguidingshu" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="实际安装数" prop="cwyshijianzhuangshu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.cwyshijianzhuangshu" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="安装位置" prop="cwyanzhuangweizhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.cwyanzhuangweizhi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="有效期" prop="cwybyouxiaoqi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.cwybyouxiaoqi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="量程" prop="cwyliangcheng"> |
<el-input v-model="param.cwyliangcheng" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="精度" prop="cwyjingdu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.cwyjingdu" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="外观质量" prop="cwybwaiguan"> |
<el-input v-model="param.cwybwaiguan" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>安全阀设计要求</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="数量" prop="aqfshuliang"> |
<el-input v-model="param.aqfshuliang" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="型号" prop="aqfxinghao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.aqfxinghao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="公称压力" prop="aqfgongchengyali"> |
<el-input v-model="param.aqfgongchengyali" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
mm |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="公称通径" prop="aqfgongchengtongjing"> |
<el-input v-model="param.aqfgongchengtongjing" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
mm |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>安全阀检查情况</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="数量" prop="aqfsjshuliang"> |
<el-input v-model="param.aqfsjshuliang" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="型号" prop="aqfsjxinghao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.aqfsjxinghao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="公称压力" prop="aqfsjgongchengyali"> |
<el-input v-model="param.aqfsjgongchengyali" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
mm |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="公称通径" prop="aqfsjgongchengtongjing"> |
<el-input v-model="param.aqfsjgongchengtongjing" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
mm |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="开启压力" prop="aqfkaiqiyali"> |
<el-input v-model="param.aqfkaiqiyali" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
MPa |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="工作温度" prop="aqfgongzuowendu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.aqfgongzuowendu" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
℃ |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="工作介质" prop="aqfgongzuojiezhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.aqfgongzuojiezhi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="外观质量" prop="aqfwaiguanzhiliang"> |
<el-input v-model="param.aqfwaiguanzhiliang" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
mm |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="有效期" prop="aqfyouxiaoqi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.aqfyouxiaoqi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="铅封" prop="aqfqianfeng"> |
<el-input v-model="param.aqfqianfeng" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="安装位置" prop="aqfanzhuangweizhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.aqfanzhuangweizhi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="合格证编号" prop="aqfhegezhengbianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.aqfhegezhengbianhao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="制造许可证" prop="aqfzhizaoxukezheng"> |
<el-input v-model="param.aqfzhizaoxukezheng" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>爆破片装置检查设计要求</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="数量" prop="bppshuliang"> |
<el-input v-model="param.bppshuliang" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="型号" prop="bppxinghao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.bppxinghao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="规格" prop="bppguige"> |
<el-input v-model="param.bppguige" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="爆破应力" prop="bppbaopoyingli"> |
<el-input v-model="param.bppbaopoyingli" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
MPa |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="公称直径" prop="bppgongchengzhijing"> |
<el-input v-model="param.bppgongchengzhijing" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
mm |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="材料" prop="bppsjcailiao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.bppsjcailiao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>爆破片装置检查情况</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="数量" prop="bppsjshuliang"> |
<el-input v-model="param.bppsjshuliang" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="型号" prop="bppsjxinghao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.bppsjxinghao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="规格" prop="bppsjguige"> |
<el-input v-model="param.bppsjguige" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="公称直径" prop="bppsjgongchengzhijing"> |
<el-input v-model="param.bppsjgongchengzhijing" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
mm |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="外观质量" prop="bppwaiguanzhiliang"> |
<el-input v-model="param.bppwaiguanzhiliang" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="有效期" prop="bppyouxiaoqi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.bppyouxiaoqi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="安装位置" prop="bppanzhuangweizhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.bppanzhuangweizhi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="合格证编号" prop="bpphegezhengbianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.bpphegezhengbianhao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="制造许可证" prop="bppzhizaoxukezheng"> |
<el-input v-model="param.bppzhizaoxukezheng" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>紧急切断装置</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="制造许可证号" prop="jjqdzzxukezhenghao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jjqdzzxukezhenghao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="合格证编号" prop="jjqdzzhegezhengbianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jjqdzzhegezhengbianhao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="型式及规格" prop="jjqdzzxingshiguige"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jjqdzzxingshiguige" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="切断时间" prop="jjqdzzqieduanshijian"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jjqdzzqieduanshijian" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
秒 |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="有效期" prop="jjqdzzyouxiaoqi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jjqdzzyouxiaoqi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="耐压试验" prop="jjqdzznaiyashiyanyali"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jjqdzznaiyashiyanyali" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="密封压力试验" prop="jjqdzzmibishiyanyali"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jjqdzzmibishiyanyali" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="铅封" prop="jjqdzzqianfeng"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jjqdzzqianfeng" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset style="display: none;"> |
<legend>检验信息</legend> |
<el-form-item label="" prop="jianyanrenyuan"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.jianyanrenyuan" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import btn from '@/views/common/FxButton' |
export default { |
name: 'GdZbgAqfj', |
components: { Sticky, btn }, |
data() { |
return { |
ysjl: {}, |
param: { |
bppxinghao: '—', |
bppshuliang: '—', |
bppguige: '—', |
bppgenghuanzhouqiyaoqiu: '—', |
bppgenghuariqi: '—', |
bppanzhuangweizhi: '—', |
jjqdzzxingshiguige: '—', |
jjqdzzshuliang: '—', |
jjqdzznaiyashiyanyali: '—', |
jjqdzzmibishiyanyali: '—', |
jjqdzzqieduanshijian: '—', |
jjqdzzjianxiujilu: '—', |
jjqdzzanzhuangweizhi: '—', |
jjqdzzwaiguan: '—', |
ywjxingshi: '—', |
ywjshuliang: '—', |
ywjrongqichongzhuangliang: '—', |
ywjanzhuangweizhi: '—', |
ywjwaiguan: '—', |
ywjwucha: '±', |
cwybxinghao: '—', |
cwybyouxiaoqi: '—', |
cwybwaiguan: '—', |
qxrgshiyanyali: '—', |
qxrgshiyanjiezhi: '—', |
qxrgbaoyashijian: '—', |
yxrgshiyanyali: '—', |
yxrgshiyanjiezhi: '—', |
yxrgbaoyashijian: '—', |
kuaikaimenjianyanjieguo: '合格' |
}, |
state: '', |
edit: false, |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
info: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
ysjl: this.ysjl, |
param: this.param, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm, |
state: this.state |
} |
} |
}, |
created() { |
this.getInfo() |
}, |
methods: { |
getInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/fx', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
this.state = 'create' |
if (data.param !== null && data.param !== undefined) { |
// 有无损原始记录参数 |
this.state = 'update' |
this.param = data.param |
} |
if (this.ysjl.flowstatus === 4) { |
this.state = 'finish' |
this.edit = true |
} |
this.$refs.btn.getParentInfo(this.ysjl, this.param, null, null, this.state, this.$route.query.jyxm) |
}) |
}, |
// 表格单击选中行 |
onRowClick(row) { |
this.$refs.tableData.toggleRowSelection(row) |
}, |
tableRowClassName({ row, rowIndex }) { |
row.index = rowIndex |
}, |
handleSelectionChange(val) { |
this.delRowIndex = [] |
for (let i = 0; i < val.length; i++) { |
this.delRowIndex.push(val[i].index) |
} |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
@ -1,296 +0,0 @@ |
<!--壁厚测定--> |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<sticky style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<btn ref="btn" /> |
</sticky> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>基本信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="记录编号" prop="jilubianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.jilubianhao" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道名称" prop="shebeimingcheng"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shebeimingcheng" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道规格" prop="guandaoguige"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaoguige" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
(mm) |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道编号" prop="guandaobianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaobianhao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道材质" prop="guandaocaizhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaocaizhi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道级别" prop="guandaojibie"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaojibie" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="表面状态" prop="biaomianzhuangkuang"> |
<el-input v-model="param.biaomianzhuangkuang" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="测量仪器型号" prop="celiangyiqixinghao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.celiangyiqixinghao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="测量仪器精度" prop="celiangyiqijingdu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.celiangyiqijingdu" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
(mm) |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="弯头测量比例" prop="guanjianceliangbili"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guanjianceliangbili" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管子测量比例" prop="guanziceliangbili"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guanziceliangbili" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="实测点数" prop="shicedianshu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shicedianshu" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="实测最小壁厚" prop="shicezuixiaobihou"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shicezuixiaobihou" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
(mm) |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>测厚点部位图</legend> |
<span v-if="state === 'create'" style="color: red;font-size: 26px;">请在原始记录保存后上传部位图</span> |
<pictureUpload v-else ref="picture" :info="info" @changed="changed" /> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>测厚记录</legend> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="success" size="mini" icon="el-icon-circle-plus-outline" @click="addChRow()"> |
添加 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="danger" size="mini" icon="el-icon-remove-outline" @click="delChRow()"> |
删除 |
</el-button> |
<el-table id="myTable" ref="tableData" :data="tableData" :row-class-name="tableRowClassName" border stripe style="width:100%;margin-top: 5px;" @row-click="onRowClick" @selection-change="handleSelectionChange"> |
<el-table-column type="selection" width="40" /> |
<el-table-column type="index" width="50" label="序号" align="center" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C1" label="测点编号"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C1" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C2" label="厚度(mm)"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C2" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C3" label="测点编号"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C3" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C4" label="厚度(mm)"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C4" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C5" label="测点编号"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C5" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C6" width="115px" label="厚度(mm)"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C6" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C7" width="115px" label="测点编号"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C7" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C8" width="115px" label="厚度(mm)"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C8" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>检验信息</legend> |
<el-form-item label="备注" prop="beizhu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.beizhu" :disabled="edit" type="textarea" rows="4" style="width: 800px;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item label="" prop="jianyanrenyuan" style="display: none;"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.jianyanrenyuan" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import pictureUpload from '@/components/Upload' |
import btn from '@/views/common/FxButton' |
export default { |
name: 'GdZbgBhcd', |
components: { Sticky, btn, pictureUpload }, |
data() { |
return { |
ysjl: {}, |
param: { |
guanjianceliangbili: ' % 个', |
guanziceliangbili: ' % 个', |
yijingguanceliangbili: ' % 个', |
qitaceliangbili: ' % 段', |
jiancejieguo: '符合设计规定/ 需强度校核' |
}, |
tableData: [], |
delRowIndex: [], |
fileList: [], |
state: '', |
edit: false, |
info: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
} |
}, |
watch: { |
state: function(val) { |
this.$refs.picture.stateChange(val) |
} |
}, |
created() { |
this.getInfo() |
}, |
methods: { |
getInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/fx', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
this.state = 'create' |
if (data.param !== null && data.param !== undefined) { |
// 有无损原始记录参数 |
this.state = 'update' |
this.param = data.param |
this.tableData = JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) === null ? JSON.parse('[]') : JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) |
this.fileList = JSON.parse(data.param.imagePath) === null ? JSON.parse('[]') : JSON.parse(data.param.imagePath) |
if (this.fileList.length > 0) { |
for (let i = 0; i < this.fileList.length; i++) { |
this.fileList[i].url = process.env.VUE_APP_IMG_URL + '8000/bhcd/' + this.fileList[i].name |
} |
} |
} |
if (this.ysjl.flowstatus === 4) { |
this.state = 'finish' |
this.edit = true |
} |
this.$refs.btn.getParentInfo(this.ysjl, this.param, null, this.tableData, this.state, this.$route.query.jyxm) |
this.$refs.picture.getChange(this.ysjl.shebeizhongleidaima, this.state, this.fileList, 1) |
}) |
}, |
addChRow: function() { |
const row = {} |
this.tableData.push(row) |
setTimeout(() => { |
this.$refs.tableData.setCurrentRow(row) |
}, 10) // 用于延时渲染后选中这行 |
}, |
delChRow: function() { |
if (this.delRowIndex.length === 0) { |
this.$message({ |
type: 'error', |
message: '请选中需要删除的数据!' |
}) |
return false |
} else { |
// 对delRowIndex进行排序,因为删除一个元素后index值会变 |
this.delRowIndex.sort(function(x, y) { |
if (x < y) { |
return 1 |
} |
if (x > y) { |
return -1 |
} |
return 0 |
}) |
for (let i = 0; i < this.delRowIndex.length; i++) { |
this.tableData.splice(this.delRowIndex[i], 1) |
} |
this.$refs.tableData.clearSelection() |
this.delRowIndex = [] |
} |
}, |
// 表格单击选中行 |
onRowClick(row) { |
this.$refs.tableData.toggleRowSelection(row) |
}, |
tableRowClassName({ row, rowIndex }) { |
row.index = rowIndex |
}, |
handleSelectionChange(val) { |
this.delRowIndex = [] |
for (let i = 0; i < val.length; i++) { |
this.delRowIndex.push(val[i].index) |
} |
}, |
changed(item) { |
this.param.imagePath = item |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style> |
#myTable .el-input__inner{ |
padding: 0px 5px; |
text-align: center; |
} |
</style> |
@ -1,207 +0,0 @@ |
<!--化学成分分析--> |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<sticky style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<btn ref="btn" /> |
</sticky> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<el-tabs v-model="checkedTab" type="card"> |
<el-tab-pane label="基本信息" name="first"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>基本信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="记录编号" prop="jilubianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.jilubianhao" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检验日期" prop="jianyanjieshuriqi"> |
<el-date-picker v-model="ysjl.jianyanjieshuriqi" :disabled="edit" type="date" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd" placeholder="选择日期" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
</el-tab-pane> |
<el-tab-pane label="焊接人员持证项目明细表" name="second"> |
<el-button type="success" icon="el-icon-download" size="mini" style="margin-right: 10px;" @click="common.downloadTemplate('焊接人员持证项目明细表.xlsx')"> |
下载导入模板 |
</el-button> |
<el-upload |
:show-file-list="false" |
:before-upload="uploadTableData" |
style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;" |
action="" |
> |
<el-button type="primary" size="mini" icon="el-icon-upload" :disabled="edit"> |
导入数据 |
</el-button> |
</el-upload> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="success" size="mini" icon="el-icon-circle-plus-outline" :disabled="edit" @click="tableJs.addRow($refs.tableData, {})"> |
添加 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="danger" size="mini" icon="el-icon-remove-outline" :disabled="edit" @click="tableJs.delRow($refs.tableData)"> |
删除 |
</el-button> |
<el-table id="myTable" ref="tableData" :data="tableData" :row-class-name="tableRowClassName" border stripe @row-click="onRowClick"> |
<el-table-column type="selection" align="center" width="40" /> |
<el-table-column type="index" align="center" width="50" label="序号" /> |
<el-table-column prop="C1" width="150" align="center" label="焊接人员姓名"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C1" :disabled="edit" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" width="150" prop="C2" label="代号"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C2" :disabled="edit" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C3" label="持证项目"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C3" type="textarea" autosize :disabled="edit" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" width="300" prop="C4" label="有效期"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C4" type="textarea" autosize :disabled="edit" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</el-tab-pane> |
<el-tab-pane label="无损检测人员持证项目明细表" name="third"> |
<el-button type="success" icon="el-icon-download" size="mini" style="margin-right: 10px;" @click="common.downloadTemplate('无损检测人员持证项目明细表.xlsx')"> |
下载导入模板 |
</el-button> |
<el-upload |
:show-file-list="false" |
:before-upload="uploadTableData2" |
style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;" |
action="" |
> |
<el-button type="primary" size="mini" icon="el-icon-upload" :disabled="edit"> |
导入数据 |
</el-button> |
</el-upload> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="success" size="mini" icon="el-icon-circle-plus-outline" :disabled="edit" @click="tableJs.addRow($refs.tableData2, {})"> |
添加 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="danger" size="mini" icon="el-icon-remove-outline" :disabled="edit" @click="tableJs.delRow($refs.tableData2)"> |
删除 |
</el-button> |
<el-table id="myTable2" ref="tableData2" :data="tableData2" :row-class-name="tableRowClassName" border stripe @row-click="onRowClick2"> |
<el-table-column type="selection" align="center" width="40" /> |
<el-table-column type="index" align="center" width="50" label="序号" /> |
<el-table-column prop="C1" width="150" align="center" label="无损检测人员姓名"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C1" :disabled="edit" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C2" label="持证项目"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C2" :disabled="edit" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" width="300" prop="C3" label="有效期"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C3" :disabled="edit" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</el-tab-pane> |
</el-tabs> |
</el-form> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import btn from '@/views/common/FxButton' |
export default { |
name: 'GdZbgCzmxb', |
components: { Sticky, btn }, |
data() { |
return { |
checkedTab: 'first', |
ysjl: {}, |
param: {}, |
tableData: [], |
tableData2: [], |
state: '', |
edit: false, |
info: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
} |
}, |
created() { |
this.getInfo() |
}, |
methods: { |
getInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/fx', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
this.state = 'create' |
if (data.param !== null && data.param !== undefined) { |
// 有无损原始记录参数 |
this.state = 'update' |
this.param = data.param |
if (data.param.fubiao) { |
this.tableData = JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) |
} |
if (data.param.fubiao2) { |
this.tableData2 = JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao2) |
} |
} |
if (this.ysjl.flowstatus === 4) { |
this.state = 'finish' |
this.edit = true |
} |
if (this.state === 'create') { |
this.ysjl.beizhu = '' |
} |
this.$refs.btn.getParentInfo(this.ysjl, this.param, null, this.tableData, this.state, this.$route.query.jyxm, undefined, undefined, this.tableData2) |
}) |
}, |
// 表格单击选中行 |
onRowClick(row) { |
this.$refs.tableData.toggleRowSelection(row) |
}, |
// 表格单击选中行 |
onRowClick2(row) { |
this.$refs.tableData2.toggleRowSelection(row) |
}, |
tableRowClassName({ row, rowIndex }) { |
row.index = rowIndex |
}, |
// 上传数据 |
uploadTableData(file) { |
this.common.uploadTableData(file, this.tableData) |
}, |
// 上传数据 |
uploadTableData2(file) { |
this.common.uploadTableData(file, this.tableData2) |
}, |
/** |
* 数据构建 |
*/ |
beforeSaveBuildData() { |
// TODO |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style> |
#myTable { |
width: 99%; |
} |
#myTable2 { |
width: 99%; |
} |
</style> |
@ -1,139 +0,0 @@ |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<sticky style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<btn ref="btn" /> |
</sticky> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>基础信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="使用单位代表"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shiyongdanweidaibiao" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="日期"> |
<el-date-picker v-model="param.shiyongdanweiquerenriqi" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>工作安全确认表</legend> |
<el-table :data="tableData" border stripe style="width: 100%;"> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C1" width="100" label="项次" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C2" width="600" label="内容"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<span v-if="scope.row.C1 !== '其他'">{{ scope.row.C2 }}</span> |
<el-input v-else v-model="scope.row.C2" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C3" width="300" label="检查结果"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-checkbox-group v-model="scope.row.C3" @change="change(scope.row.C3)"> |
<el-checkbox v-for="item in scope.row.C3" :key="item.key" :label="item.label" /> |
</el-checkbox-group> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import btn from '@/views/common/FxButton' |
export default { |
name: 'GdZbgGzaqqrb', |
components: { Sticky, btn }, |
data() { |
return { |
ysjl: {}, |
tableData: [], |
edit: false, |
state: '', |
param: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
} |
}, |
created() { |
this.getInfo() |
}, |
methods: { |
getInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/fx', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
this.state = 'create' |
if (data.param) { |
this.state = 'update' |
this.param = data.param |
this.tableData = JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) === null ? JSON.parse('[]') : JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) |
} |
this.buildTableData() |
if (this.ysjl.flowstatus === 4) { |
this.state = 'finish' |
this.edit = true |
} |
this.$refs.btn.getParentInfo(this.ysjl, this.param, null, this.tableData, this.state, this.$route.query.jyxm) |
}) |
}, |
buildTableData() { |
if (this.tableData.length === 0) { |
this.tableData = [ |
{ C1: '1', C2: '检验工作周围是否有易燃、易爆、有害介质', C3: '符合要求☑;不符合要求□;无此项□' }, |
{ C1: '2', C2: '扶梯及脚手架是否牢靠', C3: '符合要求☑;不符合要求□;无此项□' }, |
{ C1: '3', C2: '缺氧环境含氧量份析报告', C3: '符合要求☑;不符合要求□;无此项□' }, |
{ C1: '4', C2: '用电是否有漏电保护器,检验用灯具及工具是否符合要求', C3: '符合要求☑;不符合要求□;无此项□' }, |
{ C1: '5', C2: '所用仪器是否安全可靠,是否在校定周期内', C3: '符合要求☑;不符合要求□;无此项□' }, |
{ C1: '6', C2: '管道内部介质排除干净,用盲板隔断所有液体、气体或蒸汽的来源,设置明显的隔离标志', C3: '符合要求☑;不符合要求□;无此项□' }, |
{ C1: '7', C2: '对输送易燃、助燃、毒性或窒息性介质的管道,应进行置换、中和、消毒,清洗。对于输送易燃介质的管道,严禁用空气置换', C3: '符合要求☑;不符合要求□;无此项□' }, |
{ C1: '8', C2: '必须切断与管道或相邻设备有关的电源,拆除保险丝,并设置明显的安全标志', C3: '符合要求☑;不符合要求□;无此项□' }, |
{ C1: '9', C2: '现场射线检验时,应隔离出透照区,设置安全标志', C3: '符合要求☑;不符合要求□;无此项□' }, |
{ C1: '其他', C2: '', C3: '符合要求☑;不符合要求□;无此项□' } |
] |
} |
/** |
* 将检验结果字符串转换成适应单选框的所需数据 |
* 最后一个变量为选中的label |
* [{label:'a', key: '0_0'},{label:'b', key: '0_1'},{label:'c', key: '0_2'},'d'] |
*/ |
for (let i = 0; i < this.tableData.length; i++) { |
const temp = this.tableData[i].C3.split(';') |
const C3Array = this.tableData[i].C3.replace(/□/g, '').replace(/☑/g, '').split(';') |
let C3Check = '' |
for (let j = 0; j < temp.length; j++) { |
if (temp[j].indexOf('☑') !== -1) { |
C3Check = C3Array[j] |
} |
C3Array[j] = { label: C3Array[j], key: i + '_' + j } |
} |
if (C3Check) { |
C3Array.push(C3Check) |
} |
this.tableData[i].C3 = C3Array |
} |
}, |
/** |
* 因为最后一个变量为被选中的变量,那么将删除最后一个变量的前一个变量 |
* 需要保证被删除的变量必须是上次选中的数据,因为每个选项都存在label,所以判断label是否存在 |
*/ |
change(row) { |
if (!row[row.length - 2].label) { |
row.splice(row.length - 2, 1) |
} |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
@ -1,175 +0,0 @@ |
<!--氦、卤素检漏试验记录--> |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<sticky style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<btn ref="btn" /> |
</sticky> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>基本信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="记录编号" prop="jilubianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.jilubianhao" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="仪器型号" prop="yiqixinghao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.yiqixinghao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="仪器编号" prop="yiqibianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.yiqibianhao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="仪器精度量程" prop="yiqijingduliangcheng"> |
<el-input v-model="param.yiqijingduliangcheng" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检测方式" prop="jiancefangshi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancefangshi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="示漏气体" prop="shilouqiti"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shilouqiti" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="试验压力" prop="shiyanyali"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shiyanyali" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
MPa |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="保压时间" prop="naiyashijian"> |
<el-input v-model="param.naiyashijian" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
min |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="泄漏率" prop="xieloulv"> |
<el-input v-model="param.xieloulv" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
Paml/s |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="试验部位" prop="shiyanbuwei"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shiyanbuwei" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>试验部位图</legend> |
<span v-if="state === 'create'" style="color: red;font-size: 26px;">请在原始记录保存后上传部位图</span> |
<pictureUpload v-else ref="picture" :info="info" @changed="changed" /> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>检验信息</legend> |
<el-form-item label="试验结果" prop="shiyanjieguo"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shiyanjieguo" :disabled="edit" type="textarea" rows="4" style="width: 800px;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item label="备注" prop="beizhu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.beizhu" :disabled="edit" type="textarea" rows="4" style="width: 800px;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item label="" prop="jianyanrenyuan" style="display: none;"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.jianyanrenyuan" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import pictureUpload from '@/components/Upload' |
import btn from '@/views/common/FxButton' |
export default { |
name: 'GdZbgHlsjl', |
components: { Sticky, btn, pictureUpload }, |
data() { |
return { |
ysjl: {}, |
param: {}, |
dialogImageUrl: '', |
dialogVisible: false, |
fileList: [], |
upLoadData: { |
ysjlId: '' |
}, |
state: '', |
edit: false, |
info: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
} |
}, |
watch: { |
state: function(val) { |
this.$refs.picture.stateChange(val) |
} |
}, |
created() { |
this.getInfo() |
}, |
methods: { |
getInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/fx', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
this.state = 'create' |
if (data.param !== null && data.param !== undefined) { |
// 有无损原始记录参数 |
this.state = 'update' |
this.param = data.param |
this.upLoadData.ysjlId = data.ysjl.id |
this.fileList = JSON.parse(data.param.imagePath) === null ? JSON.parse('[]') : JSON.parse(data.param.imagePath) |
if (this.fileList.length > 0) { |
for (let i = 0; i < this.fileList.length; i++) { |
this.fileList[i].url = process.env.VUE_APP_IMG_URL + '8000/hlsjl/' + this.fileList[i].name |
} |
} |
} |
if (this.ysjl.flowstatus === 4) { |
this.state = 'finish' |
this.edit = true |
} |
this.$refs.btn.getParentInfo(this.ysjl, this.param, null, this.tableData, this.state, this.$route.query.jyxm) |
this.$refs.picture.getChange(this.ysjl.shebeizhongleidaima, this.state, this.fileList, 1) |
}) |
}, |
changed(item) { |
this.param.imagePath = item |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
@ -1,193 +0,0 @@ |
<!--化学成分分析--> |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<sticky style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<btn ref="btn" /> |
</sticky> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>基本信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="记录编号" prop="jilubianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.jilubianhao" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道编号" prop="guandaobianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaobianhao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道规格(外径mm×壁厚mm)" label-width="200px" prop="guandaoguige"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaoguige" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
(mm) |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道名称" prop="shebeimingcheng"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shebeimingcheng" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道材质" prop="guandaocaizhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaocaizhi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道级别" prop="guandaojibie"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaojibie" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="取样方法" prop="quyangfangfa"> |
<el-input v-model="param.quyangfangfa" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检测部位" prop="jiancebuwei"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancebuwei" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="试件编号" prop="shijianbianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shijianbianhao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="执行标准" prop="fangfabiaozhun"> |
<el-input v-model="param.fangfabiaozhun" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>化验结果记录</legend> |
<el-table id="myTable" ref="tableData" :data="tableData" :row-class-name="tableRowClassName" border stripe style="width:100%;margin-top: 5px;"> |
<el-table-column type="selection" width="40" /> |
<el-table-column type="index" width="50" label="序号" /> |
<el-table-column prop="C1" align="center" label="A"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C1" :disabled="edit" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C2" label="B"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C2" :disabled="edit" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C3" label="C"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C3" :disabled="edit" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C4" label="D"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C4" :disabled="edit" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C5" label="E"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C5" :disabled="edit" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C6" label="F"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C6" :disabled="edit" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>检验信息</legend> |
<el-form-item label="评定意见" prop="fenxijieguo"> |
<el-input v-model="param.fenxijieguo" :disabled="edit" type="textarea" rows="4" style="width: 800px;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item label="" prop="jianyanrenyuan" style="display: none;"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.jianyanrenyuan" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import btn from '@/views/common/FxButton' |
export default { |
name: 'GdZbgHxcf', |
components: { Sticky, btn }, |
data() { |
return { |
ysjl: {}, |
param: {}, |
tableData: [], |
state: '', |
edit: false, |
info: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
} |
}, |
created() { |
this.getInfo() |
}, |
methods: { |
getInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/fx', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
this.state = 'create' |
if (data.param !== null && data.param !== undefined) { |
// 有无损原始记录参数 |
this.state = 'update' |
this.param = data.param |
this.tableData = JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) |
} |
if (this.tableData.length === 0) { |
this.tableData = [{ C1: 'C', C2: '', C3: 'Mo', C4: '', C5: 'Ti', C6: '' }, { C1: 'Si', C2: '', C3: 'V', C4: '', C5: 'Nb', C6: '' }, |
{ C1: 'Mn', C2: '', C3: 'Al', C4: '', C5: 'Cu', C6: '' }, { C1: 'S', C2: '', C3: 'Cr', C4: '', C5: '', C6: '' }, |
{ C1: 'P', C2: '', C3: 'Ni', C4: '', C5: '', C6: '' }, { C1: '', C2: '', C3: '', C4: '', C5: '', C6: '' }, { C1: '', C2: '', C3: '', C4: '', C5: '', C6: '' }] |
} |
if (this.ysjl.flowstatus === 4) { |
this.state = 'finish' |
this.edit = true |
} |
this.$refs.btn.getParentInfo(this.ysjl, this.param, null, this.tableData, this.state, this.$route.query.jyxm) |
}) |
}, |
// 表格单击选中行 |
onRowClick(row) { |
this.$refs.tableData.toggleRowSelection(row) |
}, |
tableRowClassName({ row, rowIndex }) { |
row.index = rowIndex |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style> |
#myTable .el-input__inner{ |
padding: 0px 5px; |
text-align: center; |
} |
</style> |
@ -1,180 +0,0 @@ |
<!--金相分析--> |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<sticky style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<btn ref="btn" /> |
</sticky> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>基本信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="记录编号" prop="jilubianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.jilubianhao" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道名称" prop="shebeimingcheng"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shebeimingcheng" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道规格(外径mm×壁厚mm)" label-width="200px" prop="guandaoguige"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaoguige" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道编号" prop="guandaobianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaobianhao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道材质" prop="guandaocaizhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaocaizhi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道级别" prop="guandaojibie"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaojibie" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="热处理状态" prop="rechulizhuangtai"> |
<el-input v-model="param.rechulizhuangtai" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="取样部位" prop="quyangbuwei"> |
<el-input v-model="param.quyangbuwei" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="试样编号" prop="shiyangbianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shiyangbianhao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="仪器型号" prop="fenxiyiqixinghao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.fenxiyiqixinghao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="放大倍数" prop="fangdabeishu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.fangdabeishu" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="腐蚀方法" prop="fushifangfa"> |
<el-input v-model="param.fushifangfa" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="抛光方法" prop="paoguangfangfa"> |
<el-input v-model="param.paoguangfangfa" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="执行标准" prop="zhixingbiaozhun"> |
<el-input v-model="param.zhixingbiaozhun" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>金相照片或分析部位</legend> |
<span v-if="state === 'create'" style="color: red;font-size: 26px;">请在原始记录保存后上传部位图</span> |
<pictureUpload v-else ref="picture" :info="info" @changed="changed" /> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>检验信息</legend> |
<el-form-item label="分析结果" prop="jiancejieguo"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancejieguo" :disabled="edit" type="textarea" rows="4" style="width: 800px;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item label="" prop="jianyanrenyuan" style="display: none;"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.jianyanrenyuan" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import pictureUpload from '@/components/Upload' |
import btn from '@/views/common/FxButton' |
export default { |
name: 'GdZbgJxfx', |
components: { Sticky, btn, pictureUpload }, |
data() { |
return { |
ysjl: {}, |
param: {}, |
fileList: [], |
state: '', |
edit: false, |
info: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm, |
limit: 1, |
multiple: false |
} |
} |
}, |
watch: { |
state: function(val) { |
this.$refs.picture.stateChange(val) |
} |
}, |
created() { |
this.getInfo() |
}, |
methods: { |
getInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/fx', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
this.state = 'create' |
if (data.param !== null && data.param !== undefined) { |
// 有分项原始记录参数 |
this.state = 'update' |
this.param = data.param |
this.fileList = JSON.parse(data.param.imagePath) === null ? JSON.parse('[]') : JSON.parse(data.param.imagePath) |
if (this.fileList.length > 0) { |
for (let i = 0; i < this.fileList.length; i++) { |
this.fileList[i].url = process.env.VUE_APP_IMG_URL + '8000/jxfx/' + this.fileList[i].name |
} |
} |
} |
if (this.ysjl.flowstatus === 4) { |
this.state = 'finish' |
this.edit = true |
} |
this.$refs.btn.getParentInfo(this.ysjl, this.param, null, null, this.state, this.$route.query.jyxm) |
this.$refs.picture.getChange(this.ysjl.shebeizhongleidaima, this.state, this.fileList, 1) |
}) |
}, |
changed(item) { |
this.param.imagePath = item |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
@ -1,187 +0,0 @@ |
<!--性能参数一览表--> |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<sticky style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<btn ref="btn" /> |
</sticky> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<el-button type="success" icon="el-icon-download" size="mini" style="margin-right: 10px;" @click="common.downloadTemplate('压力管道数据表.xlsx')"> |
下载导入模板 |
</el-button> |
<el-upload |
:show-file-list="false" |
:before-upload="uploadTableData" |
style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;" |
action="" |
> |
<el-button type="primary" size="mini" icon="el-icon-upload" :disabled="edit"> |
导入数据 |
</el-button> |
</el-upload> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="success" size="mini" icon="el-icon-circle-plus-outline" @click="tableJs.addRow($refs.tableData, {})"> |
添加 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="danger" size="mini" icon="el-icon-remove-outline" @click="tableJs.delRow($refs.tableData)"> |
删除 |
</el-button> |
<el-table id="myTable" ref="tableData" :data="tableData" :row-class-name="tableRowClassName" border stripe style="width:100%;margin-top: 5px;" @row-click="onRowClick"> |
<el-table-column type="selection" width="40" /> |
<el-table-column type="index" prop="C1" width="50" label="序号" align="center" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C2" width="115px" label="管道名称"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C2" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C3" width="115px" label="管道编号"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C3" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C4" width="80px" label="管道级别"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C4" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C5" width="115px" label="材质"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C5" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C6" width="115px" label="介质"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C6" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" width="115px" label="管道规格"> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C7" width="115px" label="公称直径(mm)"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C7" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C8" width="115px" label="公称壁厚(mm)"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C8" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C9" width="115px" label="管道长度(m)"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C9" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" width="130px" label="起止点"> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C10" width="130px" label="起点"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C10" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C11" width="130px" label="终点"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C11" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" width="90px" label="设计条件"> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C12" width="90px" label="温度(℃)"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C12" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C13" width="90px" label="压力(MPa)"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C13" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" width="90px" label="工作条件"> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C14" width="90px" label="温度(℃)"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C14" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C15" width="90px" label="压力(MPa)"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C15" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C16" width="120px" label="备注(图号)"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C16" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</el-form> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import btn from '@/views/common/FxButton' |
export default { |
name: 'GdZbgMxb2', |
components: { Sticky, btn }, |
data() { |
return { |
ysjl: {}, |
param: {}, |
tableData: [], |
delRowIndex: [], |
state: '', |
edit: false |
} |
}, |
created() { |
this.getInfo() |
}, |
methods: { |
getInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/fx', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
this.state = 'create' |
if (data.param !== null && data.param !== undefined) { |
// 有无损原始记录参数 |
this.state = 'update' |
this.param = data.param |
this.tableData = JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) === null ? JSON.parse('[]') : JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) |
} |
if (this.ysjl.flowstatus === 4) { |
this.state = 'finish' |
this.edit = true |
} |
this.$refs.btn.getParentInfo(this.ysjl, this.param, null, this.tableData, this.state, this.$route.query.jyxm) |
}) |
}, |
// 表格单击选中行 |
onRowClick(row) { |
this.$refs.tableData.toggleRowSelection(row) |
}, |
tableRowClassName({ row, rowIndex }) { |
row.index = rowIndex |
}, |
// 上传数据 |
uploadTableData(file) { |
this.common.uploadTableData(file, this.tableData) |
}, |
/** |
* 数据构建 |
*/ |
beforeSaveBuildData() { |
this.tableData.forEach(row => { |
row.C1 = row.index + 1 |
}) |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style> |
#myTable { |
width: 99%; |
} |
</style> |
@ -1,272 +0,0 @@ |
<!--耐压校核--> |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<sticky style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<btn ref="btn" /> |
</sticky> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>基本信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="记录编号" prop="jilubianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.jilubianhao" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="校核管道编号" prop="guandaobianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaobianhao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="校核部位" prop="bihoujiaohebuwei"> |
<el-input v-model="param.bihoujiaohebuwei" :disabled="edit" /> |
<!--<el-select v-model="param.bihoujiaohebuwei" :disabled="edit" style="width:230px" @change="jhbwChange"> |
<el-option label="直管壁厚计算" value="直管壁厚计算"/> |
</el-select>--> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="实测最小壁厚" prop="shicezuixiaobihou"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shicezuixiaobihou" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
mm |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="允许/监控使用压力" prop="yunxushiyongyali"> |
<el-input v-model="param.yunxushiyongyali" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
MPa |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="允许/监控使用温度" prop="yunxushiyongwendu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.yunxushiyongwendu" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
℃ |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="材料许用应力" prop="cailiaoxuyongyingli"> |
<el-input v-model="param.cailiaoxuyongyingli" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
MPa |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="焊接接头系数" prop="hanjiejietouxishu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.hanjiejietouxishu" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="温差应力影响系数Y" label-width="150px" prop="wenchayinglixishu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.wenchayinglixishu" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="腐蚀裕量C" prop="fushiyuliang"> |
<el-input v-model="param.fushiyuliang" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
mm |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管子实测外径" prop="shicewaijing"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shicewaijing" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
mm |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="弯头弯曲半径" prop="wantouwanqubanjing"> |
<el-input v-model="param.wantouwanqubanjing" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
mm |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="焊制三通强度削弱系数" label-width="160px" prop="qiangduxueruoxishu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.qiangduxueruoxishu" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="校核标准" prop="jiaohexuanyongbiaozhun"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiaohexuanyongbiaozhun" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20" style="height: 100px;"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="校核参数取值说明" prop="quzhishuoming"> |
<el-input v-model="param.quzhishuoming" :disabled="edit" type="textarea" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend> |
壁厚校核计算 |
</legend> |
<div v-show="ttShow"> |
<span>直管壁厚计算:</span> |
<pre>ts = <el-input v-model="param.jiaohegongshi" style="width: 500px;" disabled /></pre> |
<pre> = <el-input v-model="param.yunxushiyongyali" style="width: 70px;" disabled /> * <el-input v-model="param.shicewaijing" style="width: 70px" disabled /> / 2 * [<el-input v-model="param.cailiaoxuyongyingli" style="width: 70px" disabled /> * <el-input v-model="param.hanjiejietouxishu" style="width: 70px" disabled /> + <el-input v-model="param.yunxushiyongyali" style="width: 70px" disabled /> * <el-input v-model="param.wenchayinglixishu" style="width: 70px" disabled @change="jisuan" />]</pre> |
<pre> = <el-input v-model="param.jiaohejisuan" disabled style="width: 150px" /> mm</pre> |
</div> |
<div v-show="qxftShow"> |
<span>球形封头:</span> |
<pre>ts = <el-input v-model="param.jiaohegongshi" style="width: 500px;" disabled /></pre> |
<pre> = <el-input v-model="param.yunxushiyongyali" style="width: 70px;" disabled /> * <el-input v-model="param.shiceneijing" style="width: 70px" disabled /> / [ 4 * <el-input v-model="param.cailiaoxuyongyingli" style="width: 70px" disabled /> * <el-input v-model="param.hanjiejietouxishu" style="width: 70px" disabled /> - <el-input v-model="param.yunxushiyongyali" style="width: 100px" disabled /> ] </pre> |
<pre> = <el-input v-model="param.jiaohejisuan" style="width: 150px" disabled /> mm</pre> |
</div> |
<div v-show="tyqxShow"> |
<span>椭圆形形封头:</span> |
<pre>ts = <el-input v-model="param.jiaohegongshi" style="width: 500px;" disabled /></pre> |
<pre> = <el-input v-model="param.fengtouxingzhuangxishu" style="width: 70px;" disabled /> * <el-input v-model="param.yunxushiyongyali" style="width: 70px;" disabled /> * <el-input v-model="param.shiceneijing" style="width: 70px" disabled /> / [ 2 * <el-input v-model="param.cailiaoxuyongyingli" style="width: 70px" disabled /> * <el-input v-model="param.hanjiejietouxishu" style="width: 70px" disabled /> - 0.5 * <el-input v-model="param.yunxushiyongyali" style="width: 70px" disabled /> ] + <el-input v-model="param.jiaoheczhi" :disabled="edit" style="width: 100px" @change="jisuan" /></pre> |
<pre> = <el-input v-model="param.jiaohejisuan" disabled style="width: 150px" /> mm</pre> |
</div> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>检验信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="校核结果" prop="jiaohejieguo"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiaohejieguo" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item label="" prop="jianyanrenyuan" style="display: none;"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.jianyanrenyuan" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import btn from '@/views/common/FxButton' |
export default { |
name: 'GdZbgNyjh', |
components: { Sticky, btn }, |
data() { |
return { |
ysjl: {}, |
param: { |
bihoujiaohebuwei: '直管壁厚计算', |
jiaohegongshi: 'PD0 / 2([σ]tEj+ PY)', |
jiaoheguocheng: '', |
jiaohejieguo: '按 ---标准校核通过 。' |
}, |
state: 'create', |
edit: false, |
ttShow: true, |
qxftShow: false, |
tyqxShow: false |
} |
}, |
computed: { |
jiaoheczhi: function() { |
this.jisuan() |
return this.param.jiaohejisuan |
} |
}, |
watch: { |
jiaoheczhi: function(val) { |
} |
}, |
created() { |
this.getInfo() |
}, |
methods: { |
getInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/fx', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
this.state = 'create' |
if (data.param !== null && data.param !== undefined) { |
// 有无损原始记录参数 |
this.state = 'update' |
this.param = data.param |
} |
if (this.ysjl.flowstatus === 4) { |
this.state = 'finish' |
this.edit = true |
} |
this.$refs.btn.getParentInfo(this.ysjl, this.param, null, null, this.state, this.$route.query.jyxm) |
}) |
}, |
jhbwChange(val) { |
if (val === '直管壁厚计算') { |
this.ttShow = true |
this.qxftShow = false |
this.tyqxShow = false |
this.param.jiaohegongshi = 'PD0 / 2([σ]tEj+ PY)' |
} else if (val === '椭圆形封头') { |
this.ttShow = false |
this.qxftShow = false |
this.tyqxShow = true |
this.param.jiaohegongshi = 'Ρ * Di /[4 * (σ)t * φ - P ]' |
} else if (val === '球形封头') { |
this.ttShow = false |
this.qxftShow = true |
this.tyqxShow = false |
this.param.jiaohegongshi = 'K * Ρ * Di /[2 * (σ)t * φ- 0.5 * P ] + C' |
} |
this.jisuan() |
}, |
jisuan() { |
let result = 0 |
if (this.param.bihoujiaohebuwei === '直管壁厚计算') { |
result = this.param.yunxushiyongyali * this.param.shicewaijing / (2 * (this.param.cailiaoxuyongyingli * this.param.hanjiejietouxishu + this.param.yunxushiyongyali * this.param.wenchayinglixishu)) |
this.param.jiaoheguocheng = this.param.yunxushiyongyali + ' * ' + this.param.shicewaijing + ' / 2 * [ ' + this.param.cailiaoxuyongyingli + ' * ' + this.param.hanjiejietouxishu + ' + ' + this.param.yunxushiyongyali + ' * ' + this.param.wenchayinglixishu + ']' |
} else if (this.param.bihoujiaohebuwei === '椭圆形封头') { |
result = this.param.fengtouxingzhuangxishu * this.param.yunxushiyongyali * this.param.shiceneijing / (2 * this.param.cailiaoxuyongyingli * this.param.hanjiejietouxishu - (0.5 * this.param.yunxushiyongyali)) * 1000 + parseInt(this.param.jiaoheczhi * 1000) |
this.param.jiaoheguocheng = this.param.fengtouxingzhuangxishu + ' * ' + this.param.yunxushiyongyali + ' * ' + this.param.shiceneijing + ' / [ 2 * ' + this.param.cailiaoxuyongyingli + ' * ' + this.param.hanjiejietouxishu + ' - 0.5 ' + ' * ' + this.param.yunxushiyongyali + ' ] + ' + this.param.jiaoheczhi |
} else if (this.param.bihoujiaohebuwei === '球形封头') { |
result = this.param.yunxushiyongyali * this.param.shiceneijing / (4 * this.param.cailiaoxuyongyingli * this.param.hanjiejietouxishu - this.param.yunxushiyongyali) * 1000 |
this.param.jiaoheguocheng = this.param.yunxushiyongyali + ' * ' + this.param.shiceneijing + ' / [ 4 * ' + this.param.cailiaoxuyongyingli + ' * ' + this.param.hanjiejietouxishu + ' - ' + this.param.yunxushiyongyali + ' ] ' |
} else { |
// 如果检测位置匹配不上使用直管壁厚计算的 |
result = this.param.yunxushiyongyali * this.param.shicewaijing / (2 * (this.param.cailiaoxuyongyingli * this.param.hanjiejietouxishu + this.param.yunxushiyongyali * this.param.wenchayinglixishu)) |
this.param.jiaoheguocheng = this.param.yunxushiyongyali + ' * ' + this.param.shicewaijing + ' / 2 * [ ' + this.param.cailiaoxuyongyingli + ' * ' + this.param.hanjiejietouxishu + ' + ' + this.param.yunxushiyongyali + ' * ' + this.param.wenchayinglixishu + ']' |
} |
this.param.jiaohejisuan = isNaN(result) ? null : result |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
@ -1,262 +0,0 @@ |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<sticky style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<btn ref="btn" /> |
</sticky> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>基本信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="记录编号" prop="jilubianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.jilubianhao" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道名称" prop="shebeimingcheng"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shebeimingcheng" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道规格" prop="guandaoguige"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaoguige" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
(mm) |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道编号" prop="guandaobianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaobianhao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道材质" prop="guandaocaizhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaocaizhi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道级别" prop="guandaojibie"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaojibie" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="最高工作压力" prop="shiyongyali"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shiyongyali" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
MPa |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="试验介质" prop="shiyanjiezhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shiyanjiezhi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="试验压力" prop="shiyanyali"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shiyanyali" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
MPa |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="介质温度" prop="jiezhiwendu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiezhiwendu" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
℃ |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="环境温度" prop="huanjingwendu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.huanjingwendu" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
℃ |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row v-if="ysjl.jianyanxiangmu === 'nysy'" :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="机泵出口压力表规格" label-width="160px" prop="yalibiaoguige"> |
<el-input v-model="param.yalibiaoguige" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
MPa |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="机泵出口压力表精度" label-width="160px" prop="yalibiaojingdu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.yalibiaojingdu" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
级 |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row v-if="ysjl.jianyanxiangmu === 'xlsy'" :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="压气设备出口压力表规格" label-width="160px" prop="yalibiaoguige"> |
<el-input v-model="param.yalibiaoguige" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
MPa |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="压气设备出口压力表精度" label-width="160px" prop="yalibiaojingdu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.yalibiaojingdu" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
级 |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管线压力表规格" prop="guanxianyalibiaoguige"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guanxianyalibiaoguige" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
MPa |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管线压力表精度" prop="guanxianyalibiaojingdu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guanxianyalibiaojingdu" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
级 |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col v-if="ysjl.jianyanxiangmu === 'nysy'" :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="机泵型号" prop="jibengxinghao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jibengxinghao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col v-if="ysjl.jianyanxiangmu === 'xlsy'" :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="压气设备型号" prop="yaqishebeixinghao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.yaqishebeixinghao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="执行标准" prop="zhixingbiaozhun"> |
<el-input v-model="param.zhixingbiaozhun" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>实际试验曲线</legend> |
<span v-if="state === 'create'" style="color: red;font-size: 26px;">请在原始记录保存后上传检测部位图</span> |
<pictureUpload v-else ref="picture" :info="info" @changed="changed" /> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>检验信息</legend> |
<el-form-item v-if="ysjl.jianyanxiangmu === 'nysy'" label="压力试验结论" prop="shiyanjielun"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shiyanjielun" :disabled="edit" type="textarea" rows="4" style="width: 800px;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item v-if="ysjl.jianyanxiangmu === 'xlsy'" label="泄漏性试验结论" prop="shiyanjielun"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shiyanjielun" :disabled="edit" type="textarea" rows="4" style="width: 800px;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item label="" prop="jianyanrenyuan" style="display: none;"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.jianyanrenyuan" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import btn from '@/views/common/FxButton' |
import pictureUpload from '@/components/Upload' |
export default { |
name: 'GdZbgNysy', |
components: { Sticky, btn, pictureUpload }, |
data() { |
return { |
ysjl: {}, |
param: {}, |
dialogVisible: false, |
edit: false, |
fileList: [], |
state: '', |
info: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm, |
limit: 1, |
multiple: false |
} |
} |
}, |
watch: { |
state: function(val) { |
this.$refs.picture.stateChange(val) |
} |
}, |
created() { |
this.getInfo() |
}, |
methods: { |
getInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/fx', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
this.state = 'create' |
if (data.param !== null && data.param !== undefined) { |
// 有无损原始记录参数 |
this.state = 'update' |
this.param = data.param |
this.fileList = JSON.parse(data.param.imagePath) === null ? JSON.parse('[]') : JSON.parse(data.param.imagePath) |
if (this.fileList.length > 0) { |
for (let i = 0; i < this.fileList.length; i++) { |
this.fileList[i].url = process.env.VUE_APP_IMG_URL + '8000/nysy/' + this.fileList[i].name |
} |
} |
} |
if (this.ysjl.flowstatus === 4) { |
this.state = 'finish' |
this.edit = true |
} |
this.$refs.btn.getParentInfo(this.ysjl, this.param, null, null, this.state, this.$route.query.jyxm) |
this.$refs.picture.getChange(this.ysjl.shebeizhongleidaima, this.state, this.fileList, 1) |
}) |
}, |
changed(item) { |
this.param.imagePath = item |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
@ -1,215 +0,0 @@ |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<sticky style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<btn ref="btn" /> |
</sticky> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>基本信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="记录编号" prop="jilubianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.jilubianhao" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="设计压力" prop="shejiyali"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shejiyali" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
MPa |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="允许/监控使用压力" prop="shiyongyali"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shiyongyali" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
MPa |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="气密性试验压力" prop="qimishiyanyali"> |
<el-input v-model="param.qimishiyanyali" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
MPa |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="试验介质" prop="shiyanjiezhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shiyanjiezhi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="介质温度" prop="jiezhiwendu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiezhiwendu" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
℃ |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="环境温度" prop="huanjingwendu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.huanjingwendu" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
℃ |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="压力源" prop="yaliyuan"> |
<el-input v-model="param.yaliyuan" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="试验部位" prop="shiyanbuwei"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shiyanbuwei" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="压力表量程" prop="yalibiaoliangcheng"> |
<el-input v-model="param.yalibiaoliangcheng" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
MPa |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="压力表精度" prop="yalibiaojingdu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.yalibiaojingdu" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
级 |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="" prop="jianyanrenyuan" style="display: none;"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.jianyanrenyuan" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>试验程序记录</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="2" style="font-size: 18px;font-weight: bolder;padding-left: 25px;"> |
缓慢升至试验压力: <el-input v-model="param.huanshengyali" :disabled="edit" class="underlines" /> MPa, |
保压 <el-input v-model="param.baoyashijian" :disabled="edit" class="underlines" /> min; |
检查容器及连接部位:<el-input v-model="param.jyrqxielou" :disabled="edit" class="underlines" /> 泄漏。 |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>人员固定图</legend> |
<span v-if="state === 'create'" style="color: red;font-size: 26px;">请在原始记录保存后上传检测部位图</span> |
<pictureUpload v-else ref="picture" :info="info" @changed="changed" /> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>检验信息</legend> |
<el-form-item label="试验结果" prop="shiyanjieguo"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shiyanjieguo" :disabled="edit" type="textarea" rows="4" style="width: 800px;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item label="备注" prop="beizhu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.beizhu" :disabled="edit" type="textarea" rows="2" style="width: 800px;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import btn from '@/views/common/FxButton' |
import pictureUpload from '@/components/Upload' |
export default { |
name: 'GdZbgQmxsy', |
components: { Sticky, btn, pictureUpload }, |
data() { |
return { |
ysjl: {}, |
param: {}, |
dialogVisible: false, |
dialogImageUrl: '', |
edit: false, |
state: '', |
info: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
} |
}, |
watch: { |
state: function(val) { |
this.$refs.picture.stateChange(val) |
} |
}, |
created() { |
this.getInfo() |
}, |
methods: { |
getInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/fx', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
this.state = 'create' |
if (data.param !== null && data.param !== undefined) { |
// 有无损原始记录参数 |
this.state = 'update' |
this.param = data.param |
this.fileList = JSON.parse(data.param.imagePath) === null ? JSON.parse('[]') : JSON.parse(data.param.imagePath) |
if (this.fileList.length > 0) { |
for (let i = 0; i < this.fileList.length; i++) { |
this.fileList[i].url = process.env.VUE_APP_IMG_URL + '8000/qmxsy/' + this.fileList[i].name |
} |
} |
} |
if (this.ysjl.flowstatus === 4) { |
this.state = 'finish' |
this.edit = true |
} |
this.$refs.btn.getParentInfo(this.ysjl, this.param, null, null, this.state, this.$route.query.jyxm) |
this.$refs.picture.getChange(this.ysjl.shebeizhongleidaima, this.state, this.fileList, 1) |
}) |
}, |
changed(item) { |
this.param.imagePath = item |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
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width:100px; |
height: 40px; |
} |
.underlines .el-input__inner{ |
border-top-style: none; |
border-left-style: none; |
border-right-style: none; |
border-radius: 0px; |
text-align: center; |
} |
</style> |
@ -1,251 +0,0 @@ |
<!--射线检测分包--> |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<sticky style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<btn ref="btn" /> |
</sticky> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>基本信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="记录编号" prop="jilubianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.jilubianhao" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="设备名称" prop="shebeimingcheng"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shebeimingcheng" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道规格(外径×壁厚)" label-width="150px" prop="shebeiguige"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shebeiguige" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
(mm) |
</template> |
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</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="产品编号" prop="chanpinbianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.chanpinbianhao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="主体材质" prop="zhuticaizhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.zhuticaizhi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检测技术等级" prop="jishudengji"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jishudengji" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检测部位" prop="jiancebuwei"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancebuwei" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检测比例" prop="jiancebili"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancebili" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检测数量(焊口/底片)" label-width="160px" prop="jianceshuliang"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jianceshuliang" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="检测标准" prop="jiancebiaozhun"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancebiaozhun" :disabled="edit" :rowspan="2" type="textarea" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>化验结果记录</legend> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="success" size="mini" icon="el-icon-circle-plus-outline" @click="addRow()"> |
添加 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="danger" size="mini" icon="el-icon-remove-outline" @click="delRow()"> |
删除 |
</el-button> |
<el-table id="myTable" ref="tableData" :data="tableData" :row-class-name="tableRowClassName" border stripe style="width:100%;margin-top: 5px;" @row-click="onRowClick" @selection-change="handleSelectionChange"> |
<el-table-column type="selection" width="40" /> |
<el-table-column width="120px" prop="C1" label="序号" align="center"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C1" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C2" width="120px" label="焊口编号"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C2" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C3" width="120px" label="底片编号"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C3" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="right" prop="C4" width="120px" label="安全状况等级"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C4" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C5" width="120px" label="序号"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C5" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C6" width="120px" label="焊口编号"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C6" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C7" width="120px" label="底片编号"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C7" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C8" width="120px" label="安全状况等级"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C8" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>检验信息</legend> |
<el-form-item label="备注" prop="beizhu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.beizhu" :disabled="edit" type="textarea" rows="2" style="width: 800px;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item label="" prop="jianyanrenyuan" style="display: none;"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.jianyanrenyuan" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import btn from '@/views/common/FxButton' |
export default { |
name: 'GdZbgSxjcfb', |
components: { Sticky, btn }, |
data() { |
return { |
ysjl: {}, |
param: { |
jiancebili: '抽查 100%', |
jianceshuliang: '个 / 张', |
jiancebiaozhun: 'NB/T47013.2-2015、《压力管道安全技术监察规程—工业管道》(TSG D0001)\n' + |
'《压力管道定期检验规则—工业管道》(TSG D7005)质检特函[2013]61号', |
beizhu: '(分包单位: 分包记录编号: )' |
}, |
tableData: [], |
delRowIndex: [], |
state: '', |
edit: false, |
info: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
} |
}, |
created() { |
this.getInfo() |
}, |
methods: { |
getInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/fx', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
this.state = 'create' |
if (data.param !== null && data.param !== undefined) { |
// 有无损原始记录参数 |
this.state = 'update' |
this.param = data.param |
this.tableData = JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) |
} |
if (this.ysjl.flowstatus === 4) { |
this.state = 'finish' |
this.edit = true |
} |
this.$refs.btn.getParentInfo(this.ysjl, this.param, null, this.tableData, this.state, this.$route.query.jyxm) |
}) |
}, |
addRow: function() { |
const d = { |
C1: (this.tableData.length * 2) + 1, |
C5: (this.tableData.length * 2) + 2 |
} |
this.tableData.push(d) |
setTimeout(() => { |
this.$refs.tableData.setCurrentRow(d) |
}, 10) // 用于延时渲染后选中这行 |
}, |
delRow: function() { |
if (this.delRowIndex.length === 0) { |
this.$message({ |
type: 'error', |
message: '请选中需要删除的数据!' |
}) |
return false |
} else { |
// 对delRowIndex进行排序,因为删除一个元素后index值会变 |
this.delRowIndex.sort(function(x, y) { |
if (x < y) { |
return 1 |
} |
if (x > y) { |
return -1 |
} |
return 0 |
}) |
for (let i = 0; i < this.delRowIndex.length; i++) { |
this.tableData.splice(this.delRowIndex[i], 1) |
} |
this.$refs.tableData.clearSelection() |
this.delRowIndex = [] |
} |
}, |
// 表格单击选中行 |
onRowClick(row) { |
this.$refs.tableData.toggleRowSelection(row) |
}, |
tableRowClassName({ row, rowIndex }) { |
row.index = rowIndex |
}, |
handleSelectionChange(val) { |
this.delRowIndex = [] |
for (let i = 0; i < val.length; i++) { |
this.delRowIndex.push(val[i].index) |
} |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style> |
#myTable .el-input__inner{ |
padding: 0px 5px; |
text-align: center; |
} |
</style> |
@ -1,351 +0,0 @@ |
<!--化学成分分析--> |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<sticky style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<btn ref="btn" /> |
</sticky> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>无损检测机构射线底片抽查基本情况</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="记录编号" prop="jilubianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.jilubianhao" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="执行标准" prop="zhixingbiaozhun"> |
<el-input v-model="param.zhixingbiaozhun" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<!--<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="项目名称" prop="gongchengmingcheng"> |
<el-input v-model="param.gongchengmingcheng" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道级别" prop="guandaojibie"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaojibie" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="主体材质" prop="zhuticaizhi"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.zhuticaizhi" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="执行标准" prop="zhixingbiaozhun"> |
<el-input v-model="param.zhixingbiaozhun" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row>--> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="探伤比例" prop="tanshangbili"> |
<el-input v-model="param.tanshangbili" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检测人员" prop="jiancerenyuan"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancerenyuan" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="拍片总数" prop="paipianzongshu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.paipianzongshu" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="抽查片数" prop="chouchapianshu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.chouchapianshu" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="GC类" prop="wsCcblGc"> |
<!--<el-input v-model="param.wsCcblGc" :disabled="edit" />--> |
<el-checkbox v-model="param.wsCcblGc" label="≥5%" :disabled="edit" true-label="☑≥5%" false-label="□≥5%" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="GB类" prop="wsCcblGb"> |
<!--<el-input v-model="param.wsCcblGb" :disabled="edit" />--> |
<el-checkbox v-model="param.wsCcblGb" label="≥20%" :disabled="edit" true-label="☑≥20%" false-label="□≥20%" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="替代性试验" prop="wsCcblTdxsy"> |
<!--<el-input v-model="param.wsCcblTdxsy" :disabled="edit" />--> |
<el-checkbox v-model="param.wsCcblTdxsy" label="≥50%" :disabled="edit" true-label="☑≥50%" false-label="□≥50%" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="穿越段及返修部位" prop="wsCcblCydjfxbw"> |
<!--<el-input v-model="param.wsCcblCydjfxbw" :disabled="edit" />--> |
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</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>抽查底片记录</legend> |
<el-button type="success" icon="el-icon-download" size="mini" style="margin-right: 10px;" @click="common.downloadTemplate('抽查底片记录.xlsx')"> |
下载导入模板 |
</el-button> |
<el-upload |
:show-file-list="false" |
:before-upload="uploadTableData" |
style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;" |
action="" |
> |
<el-button type="primary" size="mini" icon="el-icon-upload" :disabled="edit"> |
导入数据 |
</el-button> |
</el-upload> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="success" size="mini" icon="el-icon-circle-plus-outline" :disabled="edit" @click="tableJs.addRow($refs.tableData, { C2: '☑', C4: '☑', C6: '☑' })"> |
添加 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="danger" size="mini" icon="el-icon-remove-outline" :disabled="edit" @click="tableJs.delRow($refs.tableData)"> |
删除 |
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<el-table-column type="selection" width="40" /> |
<el-table-column type="index" width="50" label="序号" /> |
<el-table-column prop="C1" width="150" align="center" label="抽查底片编号"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C1" :disabled="edit" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" width="150" prop="C2" label="抽查结果"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-checkbox v-model="scope.row.C2" true-label="☑" false-label="" :disabled="edit" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" width="150" prop="C3" label="抽查底片编号"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C3" :disabled="edit" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" width="150" prop="C4" label="抽查结果"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-checkbox v-model="scope.row.C4" true-label="☑" false-label="" :disabled="edit" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" width="150" prop="C5" label="抽查底片编号"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C5" :disabled="edit" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" width="150" prop="C6" label="抽查结果"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-checkbox v-model="scope.row.C6" true-label="☑" false-label="" :disabled="edit" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>射线检测现场抽查</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="总焊口数" prop="zonghankoushu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.zonghankoushu" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="抽查比例" prop="sxCcbl"> |
<el-radio v-model="param.sxCcbl" :disabled="edit" label="1‰"> |
1‰ |
</el-radio> |
<el-radio v-model="param.sxCcbl" :disabled="edit" label="2‰,且不少于2个"> |
2‰,且不少于2个 |
</el-radio> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="抽查数量" prop="chouchashu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.chouchashu" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="实际比例" prop="shijibili"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shijibili" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
‰ |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-button type="success" icon="el-icon-download" size="mini" style="margin-right: 10px;" @click="common.downloadTemplate('抽查底片记录.xlsx')"> |
下载导入模板 |
</el-button> |
<el-upload |
:show-file-list="false" |
:before-upload="uploadTableData2" |
style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;" |
action="" |
> |
<el-button type="primary" size="mini" icon="el-icon-upload" :disabled="edit"> |
导入数据 |
</el-button> |
</el-upload> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="success" size="mini" icon="el-icon-circle-plus-outline" :disabled="edit" @click="tableJs.addRow($refs.tableData2, { C2: '☑', C4: '☑', C6: '☑' })"> |
添加 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="danger" size="mini" icon="el-icon-remove-outline" :disabled="edit" @click="tableJs.delRow($refs.tableData2)"> |
删除 |
</el-button> |
<el-table id="myTable2" ref="tableData2" :data="tableData2" :row-class-name="tableRowClassName" border stripe @row-click="onRowClick2"> |
<el-table-column type="selection" width="40" /> |
<el-table-column type="index" width="50" label="序号" /> |
<el-table-column prop="C1" width="150" align="center" label="抽查底片编号"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C1" :disabled="edit" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" width="150" prop="C2" label="抽查结果"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-checkbox v-model="scope.row.C2" true-label="☑" false-label="" :disabled="edit" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" width="150" prop="C3" label="抽查底片编号"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C3" :disabled="edit" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" width="150" prop="C4" label="抽查结果"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-checkbox v-model="scope.row.C4" true-label="☑" false-label="" :disabled="edit" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" width="150" prop="C5" label="抽查底片编号"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C5" :disabled="edit" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" width="150" prop="C6" label="抽查结果"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-checkbox v-model="scope.row.C6" true-label="☑" false-label="" :disabled="edit" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>检验信息</legend> |
<el-form-item label="备注" prop="beizhu"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.beizhu" :disabled="edit" type="textarea" rows="4" style="width: 800px;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item label="检验日期" prop="jianyanjieshuriqi"> |
<el-date-picker v-model="ysjl.jianyanjieshuriqi" :disabled="edit" type="date" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd" placeholder="选择日期" /> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item label="" prop="jianyanrenyuan" style="display: none;"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.jianyanrenyuan" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import btn from '@/views/common/FxButton' |
export default { |
name: 'GdZbgSxzlcc', |
components: { Sticky, btn }, |
data() { |
return { |
ysjl: {}, |
param: {}, |
tableData: [], |
tableData2: [], |
state: '', |
edit: false, |
info: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
} |
}, |
created() { |
this.getInfo() |
}, |
methods: { |
getInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/fx', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
this.state = 'create' |
if (data.param) { |
// 有无损原始记录参数 |
this.state = 'update' |
this.param = data.param |
if (data.param.fubiao) { |
this.tableData = JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) |
} |
if (data.param.fubiao2) { |
this.tableData2 = JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao2) |
} |
} else { |
this.$set(this.param, 'jiancerenyuan', '符合') |
this.$set(this.param, 'zhixingbiaozhun', 'NB/T47013.2') |
} |
if (this.ysjl.flowstatus === 4) { |
this.state = 'finish' |
this.edit = true |
} |
if (this.state === 'create') { |
this.ysjl.beizhu = '' |
} |
this.$refs.btn.getParentInfo(this.ysjl, this.param, null, this.tableData, this.state, this.$route.query.jyxm, undefined, undefined, this.tableData2) |
}) |
}, |
// 表格单击选中行 |
onRowClick(row) { |
this.$refs.tableData.toggleRowSelection(row) |
}, |
// 表格单击选中行 |
onRowClick2(row) { |
this.$refs.tableData2.toggleRowSelection(row) |
}, |
tableRowClassName({ row, rowIndex }) { |
row.index = rowIndex |
}, |
// 上传数据 |
uploadTableData(file) { |
this.common.uploadTableData(file, this.tableData) |
}, |
// 上传数据 |
uploadTableData2(file) { |
this.common.uploadTableData(file, this.tableData2) |
}, |
/** |
* 数据构建 |
*/ |
beforeSaveBuildData() { |
// TODO |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style> |
#myTable .el-input__inner{ |
padding: 0px 5px; |
text-align: center; |
} |
</style> |
@ -1,208 +0,0 @@ |
<!--硬度检测--> |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<sticky style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<btn ref="btn" /> |
</sticky> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>基本信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="记录编号" prop="jilubianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.jilubianhao" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道名称" prop="shebeimingcheng"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shebeimingcheng" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道规格(外径mm×壁厚mm)" label-width="200px" prop="guandaoguige"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaoguige" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
(mm) |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道编号" prop="guandaobianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaobianhao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道材质" prop="guandaocaizhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaocaizhi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道级别" prop="guandaojibie"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaojibie" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="热处理状态" prop="rechulizhuangtai"> |
<el-input v-model="param.rechulizhuangtai" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="仪器型号" prop="celiangyiqixinghao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.celiangyiqixinghao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="测定部位" prop="jiancebuwei"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancebuwei" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="评定标准" prop="jiancebiaozhun"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancebiaozhun" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>测点记录</legend> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="success" size="mini" icon="el-icon-circle-plus-outline" @click="addChRow()"> |
添加 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="danger" size="mini" icon="el-icon-remove-outline" @click="delChRow()"> |
删除 |
</el-button> |
<el-table id="myTable" ref="tableData" :data="tableData" :row-class-name="tableRowClassName" border stripe style="width:100%;margin-top: 5px;" @row-click="onRowClick" @selection-change="handleSelectionChange"> |
<el-table-column type="selection" width="40" /> |
<el-table-column type="index" prop="C1" width="80px" label="序号" align="center"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C1" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C2" label="硬 度 值(HB)"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C2" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C3" label="硬度测定部位"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C3" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>检验信息</legend> |
<el-form-item label="评定意见" prop="pingdingyijian"> |
<el-input v-model="param.pingdingyijian" :disabled="edit" type="textarea" rows="4" style="width: 800px;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-form-item label="" prop="jianyanrenyuan" style="display: none;"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.jianyanrenyuan" type="text" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import btn from '@/views/common/FxButton' |
export default { |
name: 'GdZbgYdjc', |
components: { Sticky, btn }, |
data() { |
return { |
checkedTab: 'first', |
ysjl: {}, |
param: {}, |
tableData: [], |
delRowIndex: [], |
state: '', |
edit: false, |
info: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
} |
}, |
created() { |
this.getInfo() |
}, |
methods: { |
getInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/fx', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
this.state = 'create' |
if (data.param) { |
// 有无损原始记录参数 |
this.state = 'update' |
this.param = data.param |
this.tableData = JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) ? JSON.parse('[]') : JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) |
} |
if (this.ysjl.flowstatus === 4) { |
this.state = 'finish' |
this.edit = true |
} |
this.$refs.btn.getParentInfo(this.ysjl, this.param, null, this.tableData, this.state, this.$route.query.jyxm) |
}) |
}, |
addChRow: function() { |
const d = { C1: this.tableData.length + 1 } |
this.tableData.push(d) |
setTimeout(() => { |
this.$refs.tableData.setCurrentRow(d) |
}, 10) // 用于延时渲染后选中这行 |
}, |
delChRow: function() { |
if (this.delRowIndex.length === 0) { |
this.$message({ |
type: 'error', |
message: '请选中需要删除的数据!' |
}) |
return false |
} else { |
for (let i = 0; i < this.delRowIndex.length; i++) { |
this.tableData.splice(this.delRowIndex[i], 1) |
} |
this.$refs.tableData.clearSelection() |
this.delRowIndex = [] |
} |
}, |
// 表格单击选中行 |
onRowClick(row) { |
this.$refs.tableData.toggleRowSelection(row) |
}, |
tableRowClassName({ row, rowIndex }) { |
row.index = rowIndex |
}, |
handleSelectionChange(val) { |
this.delRowIndex = [] |
for (let i = 0; i < val.length; i++) { |
this.delRowIndex.push(val[i].index) |
} |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style> |
#myTable .el-input__inner{ |
padding: 0px 5px; |
text-align: center; |
} |
</style> |
@ -1,161 +0,0 @@ |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<sticky style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<btn ref="btn" /> |
</sticky> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>基础信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="编号"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.jilubianhao" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<!--<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="项目名称" prop="gongchengmingcheng"> |
<el-input v-model="param.gongchengmingcheng" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col>--> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检验结论"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.jianyanjielun" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检验日期" prop="jianyanjieshuriqi"> |
<el-date-picker v-model="ysjl.jianyanjieshuriqi" :disabled="edit" type="date" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd" placeholder="选择日期" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="存在问题"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.beizhu" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>评价表</legend> |
<el-table :data="jyxm" border stripe> |
<el-table-column align="center" type="index" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="jianyanxiang" width="200" label="评价项目" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="jianyanmu" width="250" label="要求" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="D2" label="工作见证"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.D2" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="D1" width="120" label="检查结果"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-select v-model="scope.row.D1"> |
<el-option v-for="item in jyjgs" :key="item" :label="item" :value="item" /> |
</el-select> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import btn from '@/views/common/FxButton' |
export default { |
name: 'GdZbgZlsspj', |
components: { Sticky, btn }, |
data() { |
return { |
ysjl: {}, |
jyxm: [], |
tableData: [], |
edit: false, |
state: '', |
param: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
}, |
jyjgs: ['符合', '不符合', '无此项'], |
cols: [ |
{ |
name: 'jianyanxiang', // 参与计算的列名,必须和el-table-column prop=''值一致 |
getValue(row) { // 该列用于比较的值的获取方法 |
return row.jianyanxiang |
} |
} |
] |
} |
}, |
created() { |
this.getInfo() |
}, |
methods: { |
getInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/fx', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
this.state = 'create' |
if (data.param) { |
this.state = 'update' |
this.param = data.param |
this.jyxm = JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) === null ? JSON.parse('[]') : JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) |
} |
if (this.ysjl.flowstatus === 4) { |
this.state = 'finish' |
this.edit = true |
} |
if (this.state === 'create') { |
this.ysjl.beizhu = '' |
} |
this.$refs.btn.getParentInfo(this.ysjl, this.param, null, this.tableData, this.state, this.$route.query.jyxm) |
this.getJyxm(1) |
}) |
}, |
/** |
* 查询检验项目 |
*/ |
getJyxm(sort) { |
this.api({ |
url: '/jyxm/getCyJyxm', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
templateId: this.ysjl.modelId, |
order: sort |
} |
}).then(data => { |
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { |
if (this.state === 'create') { |
data[i].D2 = data[i].gongzuojianzheng |
data[i].D1 = data[i].jianyanjieguo |
} else { |
data[i].D2 = this.jyxm[i].D2 |
data[i].D1 = this.jyxm[i].D1 |
} |
} |
this.jyxm = data |
this.tableJs.getData(this.cols, null, data) |
this.$refs.btn.getParentInfo(this.ysjl, this.param, null, this.tableData, this.state, this.$route.query.jyxm, true, false) |
}) |
}, |
beforeSaveBuildData() { |
this.jyxm.forEach(row => { |
this.tableData.push({ |
'D1': row.D1, |
'D2': row.D2 |
}) |
}) |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
@ -1,362 +0,0 @@ |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<sticky style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<div class="sub-navbar"> |
<el-button v-if="state === 'create'" type="success" icon="el-icon-edit" size="medium" @click="saveYsjl('create')"> |
保存 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state === 'update'" type="success" icon="el-icon-edit" size="medium" @click="saveYsjl('update')"> |
更新 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state === 'update'" type="success" icon="el-icon-upload2" size="medium" @click="saveYsjl('build')"> |
生成报告 |
</el-button> |
</div> |
</sticky> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>基本信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="记录编号" prop="jilubianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.jilubianhao" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道名称" prop="shebeimingcheng"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shebeimingcheng" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道规格(外径mm×壁厚mm)" label-width="200px" prop="guandaoguige"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaoguige" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道编号" prop="guandaobianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaobianhao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道材质" prop="guandaocaizhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaocaizhi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道级别" prop="guandaojibie"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaojibie" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="表面状况" prop="biaomianzhuangkuang"> |
<el-input v-model="param.biaomianzhuangkuang" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="使用仪器" prop="shiyongyiqi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shiyongyiqi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检测部位" prop="jiancebuwei"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancebuwei" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检测比例" prop="jiancebili"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancebili" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="prepend"> |
% |
</template> |
<template slot="append"> |
mm |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="标准试块" prop="biaozhunshikuai"> |
<el-input v-model="param.biaozhunshikuai" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="磁粉类型" prop="cifenleixing"> |
<el-input v-model="param.cifenleixing" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="安匝数" prop="anzashu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.anzashu" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="磁粉时间" prop="cihuashijian"> |
<el-input v-model="param.cihuashijian" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="磁粉方法" prop="cihuafangfa"> |
<el-input v-model="param.cihuafangfa" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="磁粉电流" prop="cihuadianliu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.cihuadianliu" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="喷洒方式" prop="pensafangfa"> |
<el-input v-model="param.pensafangfa" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="执行标准" prop="jiancebiaozhun"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancebiaozhun" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>检测记录</legend> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="success" size="mini" icon="el-icon-circle-plus-outline" @click="addRow()"> |
添加 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="danger" size="mini" icon="el-icon-remove-outline" @click="delRow()"> |
删除 |
</el-button> |
<el-table id="myTable" ref="tableData" :data="tableData" :row-class-name="tableRowClassName" border stripe style="width:100%;margin-top: 5px;" @row-click="onRowClick" @selection-change="handleSelectionChange"> |
<el-table-column type="selection" width="40" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C1" width="80px" label="序号"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C1" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C2" width="150px" label="缺陷位置"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C2" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C3" width="120px" label="缺陷长度(mm)"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C3" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C4" width="120px" label="备注"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C4" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C5" width="80px" label="序号"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C5" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C6" width="150px" label="缺陷位置"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C6" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C7" width="120px" label="缺陷长度(mm)"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C7" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C8" width="120px" label="备注"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C8" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>检验信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检验人员" prop="jianyanrenyuan"> |
<el-input v-model="jianyanrenyuan" disabled /> |
<el-input v-show="false" v-model="ysjl.jianyanrenyuan" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col v-if="state !== 'bgView'" :span="9"> |
<sign-name :ysjl="ysjl" :jianyanrenyuan="jianyanrenyuan" @setSignValue="singNameValue" /> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="检验日期" prop="jianyankaishiriqi"> |
<el-date-picker v-model="ysjl.jianyankaishiriqi" disabled type="date" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd" placeholder="选择日期" /> |
至 |
<el-date-picker v-model="ysjl.jianyanjieshuriqi" disabled type="date" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd" placeholder="选择日期" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import SignName from '@/views/common/SignName' |
import Utils from '../../../../../utils/contact.js' |
export default { |
name: 'GdZbgCfjc', |
components: { SignName, Sticky }, |
data() { |
return { |
ysjl: {}, |
param: {}, |
tableData: [], |
delRowIndex: [], |
state: '', |
edit: false, |
departmentId: this.$route.query.departmentId, |
jianyanrenyuan: '', |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
info: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
} |
}, |
created() { |
this.getInfo() |
}, |
methods: { |
// 签名方法 |
singNameValue(data) { |
this.jianyanrenyuan = data.name |
this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan = data.id |
if (this.state !== 'create') { |
this.common.signName(this.ysjl.id, this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan) |
Utils.$emit('ysjl-list') |
} |
}, |
getInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/wusun', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
this.state = 'create' |
if (this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan !== null && this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan.length > 0) { |
this.jianyanrenyuan = this.common.convertCnName(this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan) |
} |
if (data.param !== null && data.param !== undefined) { |
// 有无损原始记录参数 |
this.state = 'update' |
this.param = data.param |
this.tableData = data.param.fubiao ? JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) : [] |
} |
if (this.ysjl.flowstatus !== null) { |
this.state = 'finish' |
this.edit = true |
} |
}) |
}, |
addRow: function() { |
const d = {} |
this.tableData.push(d) |
setTimeout(() => { |
this.$refs.tableData.setCurrentRow(d) |
}, 10) // 用于延时渲染后选中这行 |
}, |
delRow: function() { |
if (this.delRowIndex.length === 0) { |
this.$message({ |
type: 'error', |
message: '请选中需要删除的数据!' |
}) |
return false |
} else { |
for (let i = 0; i < this.delRowIndex.length; i++) { |
this.tableData.splice(this.delRowIndex[i], 1) |
} |
this.$refs.tableData.clearSelection() |
this.delRowIndex = [] |
} |
}, |
// 表格单击选中行 |
onRowClick(row) { |
this.$refs.tableData.toggleRowSelection(row) |
}, |
tableRowClassName({ row, rowIndex }) { |
row.index = rowIndex |
}, |
handleSelectionChange(val) { |
this.delRowIndex = [] |
for (let i = 0; i < val.length; i++) { |
this.delRowIndex.push(val[i].index) |
} |
}, |
saveYsjl(state) { |
let url = '' |
if (state === 'build' && (this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan === null || this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan === '')) { |
this.$message({ message: '请先签名再生成报告!', type: 'error' }) |
return false |
} |
url = '/wusun' |
this.$refs['ysjl'].validate(valid => { |
const ysjl = { id: this.$route.query.id } |
this.param.ysjlId = this.$route.query.id |
this.param.fubiao = this.tableData |
if (valid) { |
this.api({ |
url: url, |
method: 'put', |
data: { |
ysjl: ysjl, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm, |
wsObj: this.param, |
state: state |
} |
}).then(data => { |
Utils.$emit('ysjl-list') |
Utils.$emit('modifyMajorInspectionItemBySub') |
this.state = 'update' |
if (state === 'create') { |
this.$message({ message: '保存成功', type: 'success' }) |
} else if (state === 'update') { |
this.$message({ message: '更新成功', type: 'success' }) |
} else { |
Utils.$emit('bggl-daiban-list') |
this.$message({ message: '生成报告成功', type: 'success' }) |
this.$store.dispatch('delCurrentViews', { |
view: this.$route, |
$router: this.$router |
}) |
} |
}) |
} |
}) |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style> |
#myTable .el-input__inner{ |
padding: 0px 5px; |
text-align: center; |
} |
</style> |
@ -1,373 +0,0 @@ |
<!--超声检测--> |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<sticky v-if="state !== 'finish'" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<div class="sub-navbar"> |
<el-button v-if="state === 'create'" type="success" icon="el-icon-edit" size="medium" @click="saveYsjl('create')"> |
保存 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state === 'update'" type="success" icon="el-icon-edit" size="medium" @click="saveYsjl('update')"> |
更新 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state === 'update'" type="success" icon="el-icon-upload2" size="medium" @click="saveYsjl('build')"> |
生成报告 |
</el-button> |
</div> |
</sticky> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>基本信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="记录编号" prop="jilubianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.jilubianhao" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道名称" prop="shebeimingcheng"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shebeimingcheng" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道规格(外径mm×壁厚mm)" label-width="200px" prop="guandaoguige"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaoguige" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道编号" prop="guandaobianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaobianhao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道材质" prop="guandaocaizhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaocaizhi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道级别" prop="guandaojibie"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaojibie" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="表面状态" prop="biaomianzhuangtai"> |
<el-input v-model="param.biaomianzhuangtai" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="坡口型式" prop="pokouxingshi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.pokouxingshi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检测部位" prop="jiancebuwei"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancebuwei" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="测试仪器型号" prop="jianceyiqixinghao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jianceyiqixinghao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="探头类型" prop="tantouxinghao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.tantouxinghao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="标准试块" prop="shikuaixinghao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shikuaixinghao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="灵敏度" prop="pingdinglingmindu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.pingdinglingmindu" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="耦合剂" prop="ouheji"> |
<el-input v-model="param.ouheji" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="耦合补偿" prop="buchang"> |
<el-input v-model="param.buchang" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
DB |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检测比例" prop="jiancebili"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancebili" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="prepend"> |
% |
</template> |
<template slot="append"> |
mm |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="执行标准" prop="jiancebiaozhun"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancebiaozhun" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>超声波检测结果评定表</legend> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="success" size="mini" icon="el-icon-circle-plus-outline" @click="addRow()"> |
添加 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="danger" size="mini" icon="el-icon-remove-outline" @click="delRow()"> |
删除 |
</el-button> |
<el-table id="myTable" ref="tableData" :data="tableData" :row-class-name="tableRowClassName" border stripe style="width:100%;margin-top: 5px;" @row-click="onRowClick" @selection-change="handleSelectionChange"> |
<el-table-column type="selection" width="40" /> |
<el-table-column type="index" width="50" label="序号" align="center" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C2" width="120px" label="缺陷位置"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C2" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C3" width="170px" label="缺陷埋藏深度(mm)"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C3" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C4" width="120px" label="缺陷长度(mm)"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C4" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C5" width="120px" label="缺陷高度(mm)"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C5" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C6" width="120px" label="缺陷波反射区域"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C6" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C7" width="120px" label="评定级别"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C7" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C8" width="120px" label="备注"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C8" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>检验信息</legend> |
<el-form-item label="说明" prop="beizhu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.beizhu" :disabled="edit" type="textarea" rows="3" /> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检测人员" prop="jianyanrenyuan"> |
<el-input v-model="jianyanrenyuan" disabled /> |
<el-input v-show="false" v-model="ysjl.jianyanrenyuan" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col v-if="state !== 'bgView'" :span="9"> |
<sign-name :ysjl="ysjl" :jianyanrenyuan="jianyanrenyuan" @setSignValue="singNameValue" /> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检验日期" prop="jianyanjieshuriqi"> |
<el-date-picker v-model="ysjl.jianyanjieshuriqi" :disabled="edit" type="date" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd" placeholder="选择日期" style="width: 100%;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import SignName from '@/views/common/SignName' |
import Utils from '../../../../../utils/contact.js' |
export default { |
name: 'GdZbgCsjc', |
components: { SignName, Sticky }, |
data() { |
return { |
checkedTab: 'first', |
ysjl: {}, |
param: {}, |
tableData: [], |
delRowIndex: [], |
edit: false, |
dialogImageUrl: '', |
fileList: [], |
dialogVisible: false, |
departmentId: this.$route.query.departmentId, |
jianyanrenyuan: '', |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
state: '', |
info: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
} |
}, |
watch: { |
}, |
created() { |
this.getInfo() |
}, |
methods: { |
// 签名方法 |
singNameValue(data) { |
this.jianyanrenyuan = data.name |
this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan = data.id |
if (this.state !== 'create') { |
this.common.signName(this.ysjl.id, this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan) |
Utils.$emit('ysjl-list') |
} |
}, |
getInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/wusun', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
this.state = 'create' |
if (this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan !== null && this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan.length > 0) { |
this.jianyanrenyuan = this.common.convertCnName(this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan) |
} |
if (data.param !== null && data.param !== undefined) { |
// 有无损原始记录参数 |
this.state = 'update' |
this.param = data.param |
this.tableData = data.param.fubiao === null || data.param.fubiao === undefined ? [] : JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) |
this.fileList = JSON.parse(data.param.imagePath) === null ? JSON.parse('[]') : JSON.parse(data.param.imagePath) |
if (this.fileList.length > 0) { |
for (let i = 0; i < this.fileList.length; i++) { |
this.fileList[i].url = process.env.VUE_APP_IMG_URL + '8000/csjc/' + this.fileList[i].name |
} |
} |
} |
if (this.ysjl.flowstatus !== null) { |
this.state = 'finish' |
this.edit = true |
} |
}) |
}, |
addRow: function() { |
const d = {} |
this.tableData.push(d) |
setTimeout(() => { |
this.$refs.tableData.setCurrentRow(d) |
}, 10) // 用于延时渲染后选中这行 |
}, |
delRow: function() { |
if (this.delRowIndex.length === 0) { |
this.$message({ |
type: 'error', |
message: '请选中需要删除的数据!' |
}) |
return false |
} else { |
// 对delRowIndex进行排序,因为删除一个元素后index值会变 |
for (let i = 0; i < this.delRowIndex.length; i++) { |
this.tableData.splice(this.delRowIndex[i], 1) |
} |
this.$refs.tableData.clearSelection() |
this.delRowIndex = [] |
} |
}, |
// 表格单击选中行 |
onRowClick(row) { |
this.$refs.tableData.toggleRowSelection(row) |
}, |
tableRowClassName({ row, rowIndex }) { |
row.index = rowIndex |
}, |
handleSelectionChange(val) { |
this.delRowIndex = [] |
for (let i = 0; i < val.length; i++) { |
this.delRowIndex.push(val[i].index) |
} |
}, |
saveYsjl(state) { |
let url = '' |
if (state === 'build' && (this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan === null || this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan === '')) { |
this.$message({ message: '请先签名再生成报告!', type: 'error' }) |
return false |
} |
url = '/wusun' |
this.$refs['ysjl'].validate(valid => { |
const ysjl = { id: this.$route.query.id } |
this.param.ysjlId = this.$route.query.id |
for (let i = 0; i < this.tableData.length; i++) { |
this.tableData[i].C1 = this.tableData[i].index + 1 |
} |
this.param.fubiao = this.tableData |
if (valid) { |
this.api({ |
url: url, |
method: 'put', |
data: { |
ysjl: ysjl, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm, |
wsObj: this.param, |
state: state |
} |
}).then(data => { |
Utils.$emit('ysjl-list') |
Utils.$emit('modifyMajorInspectionItemBySub') |
this.state = 'update' |
if (state === 'create') { |
this.$message({ message: '保存成功', type: 'success' }) |
} else if (state === 'update') { |
this.$message({ message: '更新成功', type: 'success' }) |
} else { |
Utils.$emit('bggl-daiban-list') |
this.$message({ message: '生成报告成功', type: 'success' }) |
this.$store.dispatch('delCurrentViews', { |
view: this.$route, |
$router: this.$router |
}) |
} |
}) |
} |
}) |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style> |
#myTable .el-input__inner{ |
padding: 0px 5px; |
text-align: center; |
} |
</style> |
@ -1,362 +0,0 @@ |
<!--渗透检测--> |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<sticky v-if="state !== 'finish'" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<div class="sub-navbar"> |
<el-button v-if="state === 'create'" type="success" icon="el-icon-edit" size="medium" @click="saveYsjl('create')"> |
保存 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state === 'update'" type="success" icon="el-icon-edit" size="medium" @click="saveYsjl('update')"> |
更新 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state === 'update'" type="success" icon="el-icon-upload2" size="medium" @click="saveYsjl('build')"> |
生成报告 |
</el-button> |
</div> |
</sticky> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>基本信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="记录编号" prop="jilubianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.jilubianhao" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道名称" prop="shebeimingcheng"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shebeimingcheng" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道规格(外径mm×壁厚mm)" label-width="200px" prop="guandaoguige"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaoguige" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道编号" prop="guandaobianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaobianhao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道材质" prop="guandaocaizhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaocaizhi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道级别" prop="guandaojibie"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaojibie" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="表面状况" prop="biaomianzhuangkuang"> |
<el-input v-model="param.biaomianzhuangkuang" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检测方法" prop="jiancefangfa"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancefangfa" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检测部位" prop="jiancebuwei"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancebuwei" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="环境温度" prop="huanjingwendu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.huanjingwendu" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="append"> |
℃ |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检测比例" prop="jiancebili"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancebili" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="prepend"> |
% |
</template><template slot="append"> |
mm |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="观察方式" prop="guanchafangshi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guanchafangshi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="对比试块" prop="duibishikuai"> |
<el-input v-model="param.duibishikuai" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="清洗剂型号" prop="qingxijixinghao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.qingxijixinghao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="渗透剂型号" prop="shentoujixinghao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shentoujixinghao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="显像剂型号" prop="xianxiangjixinghao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.xianxiangjixinghao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="执行标准" prop="jiancebiaozhun"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancebiaozhun" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>检测结果评定表</legend> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="success" size="mini" icon="el-icon-circle-plus-outline" @click="addRow()"> |
添加 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="danger" size="mini" icon="el-icon-remove-outline" @click="delRow()"> |
删除 |
</el-button> |
<el-table id="myTable" ref="tableData" :data="tableData" :row-class-name="tableRowClassName" border stripe style="width:100%;margin-top: 5px;" @row-click="onRowClick" @selection-change="handleSelectionChange"> |
<el-table-column type="selection" width="40" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C1" width="80px" label="序号"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C1" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C2" width="200px" label="缺陷位置"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C2" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C3" width="200px" label="缺陷长度(mm)"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C3" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C4" width="80px" label="序号"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C4" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C5" width="200px" label="缺陷位置"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C5" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C6" width="200px" label="缺陷长度(mm)"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C6" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>检验信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20" style="height: 90px;"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="说明" prop="beizhu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.beizhu" :disabled="edit" type="textarea" rows="3" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检验人员" prop="jianyanrenyuan"> |
<el-input v-model="jianyanrenyuan" disabled /> |
<el-input v-show="false" v-model="ysjl.jianyanrenyuan" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<sign-name :ysjl="ysjl" :jianyanrenyuan="jianyanrenyuan" @setSignValue="singNameValue" /> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="检验日期" prop="jianyankaishiriqi"> |
<el-date-picker v-model="ysjl.jianyankaishiriqi" disabled type="date" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd" placeholder="选择日期" /> |
至 |
<el-date-picker v-model="ysjl.jianyanjieshuriqi" disabled type="date" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd" placeholder="选择日期" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import SignName from '@/views/common/SignName' |
import Utils from '../../../../../utils/contact.js' |
export default { |
name: 'GdZbgStjc', |
components: { SignName, Sticky }, |
data() { |
return { |
checkedTab: 'first', |
ysjl: {}, |
param: {}, |
tableData: [], |
delRowIndex: [], |
state: '', |
edit: false, |
fileList: [], |
departmentId: this.$route.query.departmentId, |
jianyanrenyuan: '', |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
info: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
} |
}, |
watch: { |
}, |
created() { |
this.getInfo() |
}, |
methods: { |
// 签名方法 |
singNameValue(data) { |
this.jianyanrenyuan = data.name |
this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan = data.id |
if (this.state !== 'create') { |
this.common.signName(this.ysjl.id, this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan) |
Utils.$emit('ysjl-list') |
} |
}, |
getInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/wusun', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
this.state = 'create' |
if (this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan !== null && this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan.length > 0) { |
this.jianyanrenyuan = this.common.convertCnName(this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan) |
} |
if (data.param !== null && data.param !== undefined) { |
// 有无损原始记录参数 |
this.state = 'update' |
this.param = data.param |
this.tableData = this.param.fubiao ? JSON.parse(this.param.fubiao) : [] |
} |
if (this.ysjl.flowstatus !== null) { |
this.state = 'finish' |
this.edit = true |
} |
}) |
}, |
addRow: function() { |
const d = {} |
this.tableData.push(d) |
setTimeout(() => { |
this.$refs.tableData.setCurrentRow(d) |
}, 10) // 用于延时渲染后选中这行 |
}, |
delRow: function() { |
if (this.delRowIndex.length === 0) { |
this.$message({ |
type: 'error', |
message: '请选中需要删除的数据!' |
}) |
return false |
} else { |
for (let i = 0; i < this.delRowIndex.length; i++) { |
this.tableData.splice(this.delRowIndex[i], 1) |
} |
this.$refs.tableData.clearSelection() |
this.delRowIndex = [] |
} |
}, |
// 表格单击选中行 |
onRowClick(row) { |
this.$refs.tableData.toggleRowSelection(row) |
}, |
tableRowClassName({ row, rowIndex }) { |
row.index = rowIndex |
}, |
handleSelectionChange(val) { |
this.delRowIndex = [] |
for (let i = 0; i < val.length; i++) { |
this.delRowIndex.push(val[i].index) |
} |
}, |
saveYsjl(state) { |
let url = '' |
if (state === 'build' && (this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan === null || this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan === '')) { |
this.$message({ message: '请先签名再生成报告!', type: 'error' }) |
return false |
} |
url = '/wusun' |
this.$refs['ysjl'].validate(valid => { |
const ysjl = { id: this.$route.query.id } |
this.param.ysjlId = this.$route.query.id |
this.param.fubiao = this.tableData |
if (valid) { |
this.api({ |
url: url, |
method: 'put', |
data: { |
ysjl: ysjl, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm, |
wsObj: this.param, |
state: state |
} |
}).then(data => { |
Utils.$emit('ysjl-list') |
Utils.$emit('modifyMajorInspectionItemBySub') |
this.state = 'update' |
if (state === 'create') { |
this.$message({ message: '保存成功', type: 'success' }) |
} else if (state === 'update') { |
this.$message({ message: '更新成功', type: 'success' }) |
} else { |
Utils.$emit('bggl-daiban-list') |
this.$message({ message: '生成报告成功', type: 'success' }) |
this.$store.dispatch('delCurrentViews', { |
view: this.$route, |
$router: this.$router |
}) |
} |
}) |
} |
}) |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style> |
#myTable .el-input__inner{ |
padding: 0px 5px; |
text-align: center; |
} |
</style> |
@ -1,453 +0,0 @@ |
<!--射线检测--> |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<sticky v-if="state !== 'finish'" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<div class="sub-navbar"> |
<el-button v-if="state === 'create'" type="success" icon="el-icon-edit" size="medium" @click="saveYsjl('create')"> |
保存 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state === 'update'" type="success" icon="el-icon-edit" size="medium" @click="saveYsjl('update')"> |
更新 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state === 'update'" type="success" icon="el-icon-upload2" size="medium" @click="saveYsjl('build')"> |
生成报告 |
</el-button> |
</div> |
</sticky> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>基本信息</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="10"> |
<el-form-item label="记录编号" prop="jilubianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.jilubianhao" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道名称" prop="shebeimingcheng"> |
<el-input v-model="ysjl.shebeimingcheng" disabled /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道规格(外径mm×壁厚mm)" label-width="200px" prop="shebeiguige"> |
<el-input v-model="param.shebeiguige" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道编号" prop="guandaobianhao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaobianhao" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道材质" prop="guandaocaizhi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaocaizhi" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="管道级别" prop="guandaojibie"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandaojibie" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="源种类" prop="yuanzhonglei"> |
<el-input v-model="param.yuanzhonglei" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检测部位" prop="jiancebuwei"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancebuwei" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检测比例" prop="jiancebili"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancebili" :disabled="edit"> |
<template slot="prepend"> |
% |
</template><template slot="append"> |
mm |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="18"> |
<el-form-item label="执行标准" prop="jiancebiaozhun"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiancebiaozhun" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>检测条件</legend> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="6"> |
<el-form-item label="仪器型号" prop="yiqixinghao"> |
<el-input v-model="param.yiqixinghao" :disabled="edit" class="jiancetiaojian" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="6"> |
<el-form-item label="增感法" prop="zengganfangshi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.zengganfangshi" :disabled="edit" class="jiancetiaojian" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="6"> |
<el-form-item label="透度计类型" prop="toudujileixing"> |
<el-input v-model="param.toudujileixing" :disabled="edit" class="jiancetiaojian" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="6"> |
<el-form-item label="仪器规格" prop="yiqiguige"> |
<el-input v-model="param.yiqiguige" :disabled="edit" class="jiancetiaojian" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="6"> |
<el-form-item label="管电压" prop="guandianya"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandianya" :disabled="edit" class="jiancetiaojian"> |
<template slot="append"> |
KV |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="6"> |
<el-form-item label="管电流" prop="guandianliu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.guandianliu" :disabled="edit" class="jiancetiaojian"> |
<template slot="append"> |
mA |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="6"> |
<el-form-item label="象质计指数" prop="xiangzhijizhishu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.xiangzhijizhishu" :disabled="edit" class="jiancetiaojian" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="6"> |
<el-form-item label="透照方式" prop="touzhaofangshi"> |
<el-input v-model="param.touzhaofangshi" :disabled="edit" class="jiancetiaojian" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="6"> |
<el-form-item label="曝光时间" prop="baoguangshijian"> |
<el-input v-model="param.baoguangshijian" :disabled="edit" class="jiancetiaojian"> |
<template slot="append"> |
min |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="6"> |
<el-form-item label="底片类型" prop="dipianleixing"> |
<el-input v-model="param.dipianleixing" :disabled="edit" class="jiancetiaojian" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="6"> |
<el-form-item label="焦距" prop="jiaoju"> |
<el-input v-model="param.jiaoju" :disabled="edit" class="jiancetiaojian"> |
<template slot="append"> |
mm |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="6"> |
<el-form-item label="黑度" prop="dipianheidu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.dipianheidu" :disabled="edit" class="jiancetiaojian" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="6"> |
<el-form-item label="底片长度" prop="dipianchangdu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.dipianchangdu" :disabled="edit" class="jiancetiaojian"> |
<template slot="append"> |
mm |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="6"> |
<el-form-item label="有效长度" prop="youxiaochangdu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.youxiaochangdu" :disabled="edit" class="jiancetiaojian"> |
<template slot="append"> |
mm |
</template> |
</el-input> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>检测记录</legend> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="success" size="mini" icon="el-icon-circle-plus-outline" @click="addRow()"> |
添加 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="danger" size="mini" icon="el-icon-remove-outline" @click="delRow()"> |
删除 |
</el-button> |
<el-table id="myTable" ref="tableData" :data="tableData" :row-class-name="tableRowClassName" border stripe style="width:100%;margin-top: 5px;" @row-click="onRowClick" @selection-change="handleSelectionChange"> |
<el-table-column type="selection" width="40" /> |
<el-table-column type="index" align="center" width="70px" label="序号" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C2" width="100px" label="底片编号"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C2" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C3" width="140px" label="缺陷位置"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C3" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C4" width="140px" label="缺陷性质"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C4" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C5" width="120px" label="缺陷长度(mm)"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C5" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C6" width="120px" label="缺陷高度(mm)"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C6" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C7" width="120px" label="评定级别"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C7" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C8" width="150px" label="备注"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C8" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table>- |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>检验信息</legend> |
<el-form-item label="说明" prop="beizhu"> |
<el-input v-model="param.beizhu" :disabled="edit" type="textarea" rows="3" /> |
</el-form-item> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检验人员" prop="jianyanrenyuan"> |
<el-input v-model="jianyanrenyuan" disabled /> |
<el-input v-show="false" v-model="ysjl.jianyanrenyuan" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<sign-name :ysjl="ysjl" :jianyanrenyuan="jianyanrenyuan" @setSignValue="singNameValue" /> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检验日期" prop="jianyanjieshuriqi"> |
<el-date-picker v-model="ysjl.jianyanjieshuriqi" :disabled="edit" type="date" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd" placeholder="选择日期" style="width: 100%;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="初评人" prop="chupingren"> |
<el-input v-model="param.chupingren" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="初评日期" prop="chupingriqi"> |
<el-date-picker v-model="param.chupingriqi" :disabled="edit" type="date" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd" placeholder="选择日期" style="width: 100%;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
<el-row :gutter="20"> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="复评人" prop="fupingren"> |
<el-input v-model="param.fupingren" :disabled="edit" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="复评日期" prop="fupingriqi"> |
<el-date-picker v-model="param.fupingriqi" :disabled="edit" type="date" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd" placeholder="选择日期" style="width: 100%;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import SignName from '@/views/common/SignName' |
import Utils from '../../../../../utils/contact.js' |
export default { |
name: 'GdZbgSxjc', |
components: { SignName, Sticky }, |
data() { |
return { |
checkedTab: 'first', |
ysjl: {}, |
param: {}, |
tableData: [], |
delRowIndex: [], |
state: '', |
edit: false, |
fileList: [], |
departmentId: this.$route.query.departmentId, |
jianyanrenyuan: '', |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
info: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
} |
}, |
watch: { |
}, |
created() { |
this.getInfo() |
}, |
methods: { |
// 签名方法 |
singNameValue(data) { |
this.jianyanrenyuan = data.name |
this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan = data.id |
if (this.state !== 'create') { |
this.common.signName(this.ysjl.id, this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan) |
Utils.$emit('ysjl-list') |
} |
}, |
getInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/wusun', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
this.state = 'create' |
if (this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan !== null && this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan.length > 0) { |
this.jianyanrenyuan = this.common.convertCnName(this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan) |
} |
if (data.param !== null && data.param !== undefined) { |
// 有无损原始记录参数 |
this.state = 'update' |
this.param = data.param |
this.tableData = data.param.fubiao ? JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) : [] |
} |
if (this.ysjl.flowstatus !== null) { |
this.state = 'finish' |
this.edit = true |
} |
}) |
}, |
addRow: function() { |
const d = {} |
this.tableData.push(d) |
setTimeout(() => { |
this.$refs.tableData.setCurrentRow(d) |
}, 10) // 用于延时渲染后选中这行 |
}, |
delRow: function() { |
if (this.delRowIndex.length === 0) { |
this.$message({ |
type: 'error', |
message: '请选中需要删除的数据!' |
}) |
return false |
} else { |
// 对delRowIndex进行排序,因为删除一个元素后index值会变 |
for (let i = 0; i < this.delRowIndex.length; i++) { |
this.tableData.splice(this.delRowIndex[i], 1) |
} |
this.$refs.tableData.clearSelection() |
this.delRowIndex = [] |
} |
}, |
// 表格单击选中行 |
onRowClick(row) { |
this.$refs.tableData.toggleRowSelection(row) |
}, |
tableRowClassName({ row, rowIndex }) { |
row.index = rowIndex |
}, |
handleSelectionChange(val) { |
this.delRowIndex = [] |
for (let i = 0; i < val.length; i++) { |
this.delRowIndex.push(val[i].index) |
} |
}, |
saveYsjl(state) { |
let url = '' |
if (state === 'build' && (this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan === null || this.ysjl.jianyanrenyuan === '')) { |
this.$message({ message: '请先签名再生成报告!', type: 'error' }) |
return false |
} |
url = '/wusun' |
this.$refs['ysjl'].validate(valid => { |
const ysjl = { id: this.$route.query.id } |
this.param.ysjlId = this.$route.query.id |
for (let i = 0; i < this.tableData.length; i++) { |
this.tableData[i].C1 = this.tableData[i].index + 1 |
} |
this.param.fubiao = this.tableData |
if (valid) { |
this.api({ |
url: url, |
method: 'post', |
data: { |
ysjl: ysjl, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm, |
wsObj: this.param, |
state: state |
} |
}).then(data => { |
Utils.$emit('ysjl-list') |
Utils.$emit('modifyMajorInspectionItemBySub') |
this.state = 'update' |
if (state === 'create') { |
this.$message({ message: '保存成功', type: 'success' }) |
} else if (state === 'update') { |
this.$message({ message: '更新成功', type: 'success' }) |
} else { |
Utils.$emit('bggl-daiban-list') |
this.$message({ message: '生成报告成功', type: 'success' }) |
this.$store.dispatch('delCurrentViews', { |
view: this.$route, |
$router: this.$router |
}) |
} |
}) |
} |
}) |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style> |
#myTable .el-input__inner{ |
padding: 0px 5px; |
text-align: center; |
} |
.jiancetiaojian { |
width: 150px; |
} |
</style> |
@ -1,168 +0,0 @@ |
<!--性能参数一览表--> |
<template> |
<div class="app-container"> |
<sticky style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> |
<btn ref="btn" /> |
</sticky> |
<el-form ref="ysjl" :model="ysjl" class="el-form" label-position="right" label-width="130px"> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>检验信息</legend> |
<el-row> |
<el-col :span="9"> |
<el-form-item label="检验日期" prop="jianyanjieshuriqi"> |
<el-date-picker v-model="ysjl.jianyanjieshuriqi" type="date" placeholder="选择日期" style="width: 100%;" /> |
</el-form-item> |
</el-col> |
</el-row> |
</fieldset> |
<fieldset> |
<legend>参数记录</legend> |
<el-button type="success" icon="el-icon-download" title="下载导入模板" size="mini" @click="common.downloadTemplate('压力管道明细表.xlsx')"> |
下载导入模板 |
</el-button> |
<el-upload |
:show-file-list="false" |
:before-upload="uploadTableData" |
style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;" |
action="123" |
> |
<el-button type="primary" size="mini" icon="el-icon-upload"> |
导入数据 |
</el-button> |
</el-upload> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="success" size="mini" icon="el-icon-circle-plus-outline" @click="tableJs.addRow($refs.tableData, { C1: true })"> |
添加 |
</el-button> |
<el-button v-if="state !== 'bgView'" type="danger" size="mini" icon="el-icon-remove-outline" @click="tableJs.delRow($refs.tableData)"> |
删除 |
</el-button> |
<el-table id="myTable" ref="tableData" :data="tableData" :row-class-name="tableRowClassName" border stripe style="width:100%;margin-top: 5px;" @row-click="onRowClick"> |
<el-table-column type="selection" width="40" /> |
<el-table-column type="index" prop="C1" width="50" label="序号" align="center" /> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C2" width="115px" label="管道名称"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C2" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C3" width="115px" label="管道编号"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C3" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C4" width="130px" label="起止点"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C4" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C5" width="115px" label="规格/(外径mm×壁厚mm)"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C5" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C6" width="80px" label="管道级别"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C6" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C7" width="90px" label="设计/工作压力MPa"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C7" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C8" width="90px" label="设计/工作温度℃"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C8" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C9" width="115px" label="工作介质"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C9" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C10" width="115px" label="管道材质"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C10" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C11" width="70px" label="长度m"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C11" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C12" width="105px" label="安全状况等级"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C12" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
<el-table-column align="center" prop="C13" width="130px" label="注册登记证书编号(或注册代码)"> |
<template slot-scope="scope"> |
<el-input v-model="scope.row.C13" :disabled="edit" size="mini" /> |
</template> |
</el-table-column> |
</el-table> |
</fieldset> |
</el-form> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Sticky from '@/components/Sticky' |
import btn from '@/views/common/FxButton' |
export default { |
name: 'GdNdMxb', |
components: { Sticky, btn }, |
data() { |
return { |
ysjl: {}, |
param: {}, |
tableData: [], |
state: '', |
edit: false |
} |
}, |
created() { |
this.getInfo() |
}, |
methods: { |
getInfo() { |
this.api({ |
url: '/fx', |
method: 'get', |
params: { |
ysjlId: this.$route.query.id, |
jyxm: this.$route.query.jyxm |
} |
}).then(data => { |
this.ysjl = data.ysjl |
this.state = 'create' |
if (data.param !== null && data.param !== undefined) { |
// 有无损原始记录参数 |
this.state = 'update' |
this.param = data.param |
this.tableData = JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) === null ? JSON.parse('[]') : JSON.parse(data.param.fubiao) |
} |
if (this.ysjl.flowstatus === 4) { |
this.state = 'finish' |
this.edit = true |
} |
this.$refs.btn.getParentInfo(this.ysjl, this.param, null, this.tableData, this.state, this.$route.query.jyxm) |
}) |
}, |
// 表格单击选中行 |
onRowClick(row) { |
this.$refs.tableData.toggleRowSelection(row) |
}, |
tableRowClassName({ row, rowIndex }) { |
row.index = rowIndex |
}, |
uploadTableData(file) { |
this.common.uploadTableData(file, this.tableData) |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style> |
#myTable .el-input__inner{ |
padding: 0px 5px; |
text-align: center; |
} |
</style> |
Reference in new issue